Wednesday, March 12, 2025

US$ 1.2 billion budgeted for Lumwana Multi-Facility Economic Zone.


Vice President George Kunda says government will spend about US$ 1.2 billion on the Lumwana Multi-Facility Economic Zone (MFEZ).

Mr Kunda said the certificate has already been approved for the project and preliminary works have started, adding13,000 jobs will be created for the people.

The Vice President said this during a Solwezi Radio special interview programme prior to his tour of markets in Solwezi today.

Mr Kunda said the Lumwana MFEZ will have manufacturing and Agro-processing companies among others and 90 companies will invest in the project.

He said government is committed to attracting foreign direct investment in the country so as to grow the economy and create employment for its citizens.

Mr Kunda said the MMD government is the only one which has viable, formidable and predictable policies that can improve the lives of the people and take the country to greater heights.

He said government has a lot of developmental programs going on aimed at wealth creation adding that this can be seen from the economic stability in the country.

Mr Kunda encouraged people in Northwestern province and Solwezi district in particular to take advantage of the Lumwana MFEZ project and form companies that can be supplying into the investment and accomplish development in the area.

He stated that government has a systematic way of planning and is already preparing the Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP) and other national developmental programs.



  1. Zambians can be silly at times. They talk with so much negativity at such developments and yet make the biggest noise when the Chinese come in to take advantage of such opportunities.

    Instead of the negative comments posted, One would expect Zambians to be asking how they can get touch with whoever is in charge so they can start businesses. Businesses create jobs, there is a direct relationship between business creation and job creation.

  2. Come up with another campaign strategy mr kunda. That won’t work. Why not name the 90 companies or at least give us 5. Where did you get the 13,000 from?

  3. i hope they have put up roofs on the teachers houses in kasama as they said it must be done before the rains. they shud not have an excuse that becoz the people voted for GBM so they cant access the govt funds. bapumbafu imwe

  4. Why wait until the by-election? Last time we were told a lie about a presence of oil in N/W province during a by-election. Up to now nothing tangible has come up. Most countries are doing well because of crude oil but why should we wait for ages to exploit this venture?

  5. Ma politics akutwamba diyi munakufuntishila itun’ga munyima. Chilekenu kutwamba nakushindamena kuleta kutona kumalun’ga ejima mwahita Zambia, bayi kwimakena hohu hakutwamba nakuhosha jakubula maanaku. Antu akakushimuna jakutwamba maana awu hohamu nawa ampombu mumasan’ga.

  6. a good lie is one based on the truth, he could have come up with a more believable figure. this story is just too good to be true. the 13000 jobs will they be Zambian, chinese or indian, will the govt fund the 1.2 billion if so from where will they get the money, are we getting another loan from the chinese, why do we always have to hear about grand plans at by-elections

  7. THe US$1.2Billion GK is talking about is blue lie. Its not viable to create another MFEZ when the ones in Chambeshi and Lusaka have not become operational. Moreover the copper concetrates from Lumwana are being processed on Copperbelt. May be talking about Njanji from Chingola and dual carriage way would have been a better lie. The MMD is really under pressure from the Pact.

  8. #4 Iwe chi capitalist wabe to…………………………lo…………………………..shi. How dare you insult all Zambian. Dont you know that that is political statement . We have heard such statement during campaigns before. You think if zambia had such money why didnt our govt own lumwana mine, because to open this mine it cost them less than this amount of money george is wapping about. Be sensibe and positive not positive without thinking sensibly. Kwata amano muchimutwe.

  9. If what his saying is true than that is a good development lets give praise where we aslo have to see it in reality not mere lip service. The question is when are those Jobs being created we need to see reslts not just talking. His saying there is economic stability in the country hope their is but looks to me there isnt so much. I belive eceonomic progress also means that our currency shouls increase in value against other major foreign currencies. As that happens it means more money for people in there pockets. But if our currency continues to weaken then it means there is no real progress and the economy is not economically stable. It means peoples money reduces in there pockets. Because when the kwacha is loosing value they dont increase the salary of the people in relation to forex.

  10. I say it again Zambians are sadists and very negative people. You strive on negativity and question without cause. The best thing that you informed bloggers could do is go and do research digg deeper like the post and come give you half truth, which will be cuntered by Kunda. If there is truth in in this thumbs up Kunda, we need development not empty campaign promises of money in the pocket in 90 days, how??????

  11. Instead of just criticising,why cant you give Kunda enough rope to hang himself if he is lying.The plans he outlined sounds good to me and at the same time gives him and his govt a challenge to implement them since they have made them public

  12. #14 SHARP SHOOTER- Remember the promises this same Kunda left in Serenje and Kasama/ Remember the instructions RB gave to the minister of Finance to release funds for “instant” projects in these two areas during the by elections. Has any of those materialised? No. therefore no rope is left to hang George with. In any case why wasnt this project announced before. It is not like Lumwana has just emerged from now some how?

  13. I forgot one thing is this not the same George Kunda who went to Sourthern Province to indirectly tell my Tonga brothers how dangerous we Bembas are and there fore should not enter into any pact with each other? What a desperate man this VP is. He can do any thing for 30pieces of silver.

  14. Where is the money going to come from? This is all election rhetoric, and I hope that our Kaonde brothers and sisters won’t fall for this ploy.

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