Saturday, September 7, 2024

KK saddened by hostile political environment in the country


KK (R)
KK (R)

First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda says he is not happy with the political situation currently prevailing in the Country.

Dr Kaunda told ZANIS in an interview in Kitwe today that if Zambians did not check the political hostilities existing among the various political parties the country would be thrown into chaos.

He said he was saddened by the culture of violence and insults that has characterized Zambian politics and that there was urgent need to correct the situation.

“If you obey Gods word, preach love and unity all the time you can not begin to beat some body,” he said.
He added that peace and unity could only come if people learnt to follow God’s commandments especially loving your neighbor as you love yourself.

He further said there was no other way to correct the political hostility prevailing in the country other than following God’s orders and commandments.

Dr Kaunda, who was in Kitwe to attend a tree planting exercise for the Rotary club of Kitwe North, said Zambians must begin to follow the spirit of brotherhood to enhance economic development and peace.


  1. I think KK should just shut up. He was always so quick to critisize Levy even when it was completely not necessary but since this I.D.I.O.T took over and driven us from one blunder to another while spending half the time on useless trips overseas and gerrymandering the judiciary and MMD constitution, KK has remained mute. We also are aware that he is the sole source of the problems arising out of Western province. I would honestly rather he just kept his big mouth zipped otherwise we will be forced to make some damning revelations about some of the evils things he did when he was still in power. Musiyaleni 4!

  2. Good advice. I hail him for these timeyt and important words. I dont think the timimg matters, the message is absolutely cardinal. As for his other weaknesses , I know he has some but I dont feel that should take way the wisdom of his words or deny him a right to comment. I would also want FTJ to comment

  3. The man is right. The only problem is that he avoids pointng the finger at the source of the troubles. He knows, as everybody does, that it is that ugly beast in plot one who is behind the violence. The least one expects from a president is to at least condemn violence. Instead, he and his minions have just kept quiet. In fact everytime he comes back from those pointless trips, he is met by throngs of MMD thugs at the airport. Kaunda needs to choose the side of the people for once and stop sitting on the fence.

  4. Good advice but we won. If you havent seen anything yet wait for 2011. If MMD tries to rig then you´ll see whant is going to happen. This time no stealing of votes or tukocha umushi for real!

  5. What KK must know is that Zambia belongs to every Zambian;; there fore any one who aspires to be president must be very carefull how he runs the country. because it is not his farm the same is true with RB zambians cannot just sit down watch this misrule by RB,, at all cost we want our zambia to be properly managed

  6. #1. You right KK must just shut up. Why has he got eyes to see violence today when UNIP cadres terribly beat up innocent citizens for just not going to airport to see him embark/diembark from aircraft. This was pepertrated with KK’s full knowledge and there’s nothing he used to do about it. Has he gorgotten how he used to insult (stupid *****s) the Zambian citizens which rb is doing,too. I wonder why he never saw his own cruelty? A lot of oppression/suppression, beating, detention without trial happened during your days Biggie. The only difference between today and yesterday is that today people are tired of these injustices and they react against them…

  7. …While in your days people were stiff-scared for fear of mysteriously disappearing or just imprisonment without trial, entire clan victimization, etc. By the way I can see LT has sensored your insults. I will repeat. You used to call Zambians, “s.t.u.p.i.d, i.d.i.o.t.s”.

  8. A year ago during general election campaigns you opened your big mouth to support RB, saying SATA is only fit as a minister. What chicky??!!!*** Don’t start cutting your cake to just end up eating it yourself. So, KK in your senses you wouldn’t promote a hard worker but a lazy one. Anyway even this is typical of you. Coz you wouldn’t have been silver-plate handing positions to a f.u.c.k.i.n.g up RB as you repeatedly used to do. Iwe mudala we respect you as humble Zambians who forget quickly and easily. But, I would advise you to take a leaf from Nelson Mandela, by just keeping quiet.

  9. Ba KK, why don’t you just sit back and enjoy your retirement and your massive wealth instead of engaging in baseless talk. Is it because this corrupt Rupiah is your mulamu. The violence taking place in Zambia today is very identical to that perpetrated by UNIP thugs with your support during your presidency and Rupiah has reintroduced it. Each time you talk you remind us of those dark UNIP days and please do us a favour and stop yapping.

  10. what does tree planting have to do with what K.k. said? all our leaders seem to suffer from selective amnesia (as in all of them)

  11. Well spoken # 1. The old man knows what and who the problem is. Why is dancing around in circles? The problem is RB and KK knows it, so please mzee, direct your advice towards state house.

  12. A rational person will see sense in the old mans words. I keep saying this continue with this attitude of violence, and after 2011, you will be the same people calling for international aid in Zambia due to chaotic violence that could erapt during that election year. Take the old mans words, and remove your personal and emotional inclinations, and seriously consider this violence…..ask Zimbabwe, ask Kenya, ask SA, ask…the worst of them Rwanda… all starts with little rumblings which end up into big international headlines….keep on like this and you will face the music…everything has its time. This is a serious warning… for thought.

  13. Number #1 , #9 and, # 15 you’re the ones that need to shut up. The poor old man has a point. The timing does not matter at all…. if anything its the opportune time. This culture of violence we’re cultivating is in no way good for our democracy! Even wen we came in power come 2011, our victory should not be associated with maiming and attacking innocent people. That is not the way we want to effect the wind of change in 2011. Everyone knows KK is not a saint, but apa pena, give the old man a break, he’s got a point.

  14. #16 you are right but we wont tolarate rigging. To achieve a goal as a nation blood must be shed. America is where they are coz of bleeding they fought for their freedom. People lets die a little for mother zambia. Enough is Enough. Ati Chiluba acquitted…??? If you cant see or read what is happening this Chiluba issue has brought about all this to MMD (big losers everyday till 2011). RB miscalculated big time.

  15. #18…bwana freedom fight has passed already, now its economic freedom we are looking for, Abena KK, Nkumbula, Kapwepwe did that for us, you dont need to shed blood for economic freedom. All you need are economic engineers to foster your cause……such thoughts were left behind in 1964, this is 2009 bwana. Abash blood shed, its unecessary its just makes a country hostile to foreign investments. Make sure you leave that Hitler type of reasoning behind in Germany when you come back home……Viva a peaceful and democratic change in government.

  16. #18 Operation: Owl. You can’t honestly be thinking rationally! Why should innocent people be hurt for absolutely nothing…? just so that some individual can spend five years sleeping on nice bed in plot one? This is not the kind of struggle that should warrant shedding of blood. If people like you that have been exposed to the world, educated and are supposed to be the elite of Zambia start uttering such nonsense, what more the poor uneducated chap in the slums of Zambia? What a shame.

  17. KK is right.. Zambia is herding to nowhere. These things of a Zambian beating another Zambia weren’t seen in the One party rule. Let people in every constituency vote freely without anyone campaigning for the candidate just bcos he belong to his party.

    Only merit is required.

  18. Not a democrat but a product of his time and is Zambia’s best President ever, he put food on the table and maintained a middle class in the country. Not now were it is extreme welth and extreme poverty!

  19. No# 21 Kanjimaano you are right on the money we do not need violence, but no# 1, 9 and 15. This is education for everyone born after 86 and 87, plus those that had a veil over their eyes. Kaunda was worse than bad at violence, he tortured miyanda and others that wanted Zambia to take the path Botswana did; some were tortured on their privates to confusion. We could not question authority, nepotism was birthed, and dependency or communism in Zambia was born. Let his relative lose the 2011 election and Zambian mindsets shall be rid of UNIP for good. All things work for the good for those that love the lord. Thus with this second unip torture we shall learn while democratic how not to, choose dictators ever again. Does that nit sound good, church tomorrow my Zambians. Love Jesus.

  20. Thank you KK but sorry to say that you are partly to blame coz you kept people under a very tight strong hold for so long and people like your breed Satana do not know whats democracy,they are still in cha cha days even when there is no cause to fight they always find something to fight about.The only solution to this problem is wait upon the good Lord to take some of these people to rest so that we can ever lasting peace.

  21. All of you need to realize that people’s lives have been disturbed in recent pre and post election incidents. I personally witnessed an innocent by-stander hit by a stray stone from an election conflict. If any of your relatives were to be found in such political clashes, you would be of a different view.
    No one should support violence, even when you are celebrating the loss of your virginities. These elections were designed to be bloodless and civilized. Regardless of the victor, no one has the right to beat up his colleague because of a difference of opinion. The mark of civilization is based on less contact with your rival, but fruit conviction to the masses. This is not about KK or RB, it’s an issue that should not take us back in stone age days, when resolving a dis-unity of…

  22. I don’t understand why people have gone to the extent of insulting KK. In Zambia we respect our elders more so our founding father.he ruled the country as best he could and did a good job at least in uniting zambians.We loved the One Zambia One Nation slogan, we were entertained by his press conferences,we loved to line up and wave at him when he visited our towns.We respected our leaders in those days, now these days all we do is attack, insult, diss and call our leaders names(after we vote for them).What are we teaching our children.Your sons will be calling you KA WISO and KA MAYO.

  23. If only KK would stop being partisan maybe then I would give him the respect he deserves. But for now I think he does not deserve it. This Violence we r seeing has been brought by the MMD and the Police( who do nothing if the MMD is involved). The fact is all Heads of Departments in provinces are MMD. They will not do any thing against MMD. If it is others they rush to arrest. This has made other learn that you can do the same but make sure those that do it are not known. How do you do this? Bring in thugs from outside. Talk will not stop this. Let the MMD and its Gvt act . This should not be selective. The MMD thought they could not be beaten since they r in gvt. No way. People are awake and know their rights. So KK advise Nyama soya to do the right things. Walk the talk.

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