Sunday, September 8, 2024

Zuma arrives in the Country


President Rupiah Banda at the airport today with Jacob Zuma greeting defence force personnel
President Rupiah Banda at the airport today with Jacob Zuma greeting defence force personnel

South African President Jacob Zuma has arrived in the country for a three-day state visit.
President Zuma who arrived aboard a South African Air Force plane touched down at the Lusaka international airport at 17:55 Zambian time.

President Zuma, is accompanied by First Lady Nompumelelo and South African government officials.
He was met on arrival by president Banda, First lady Thandiwe, Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa Leslie Mbula and South Africa’s Ambassador to Zambia Moses Chikani.

Others include Cabinet and Deputy Ministers, MMD party officials among others.
President Banda later introduced his cabinet ministers, Permanent Secretaries and other senior government and party officials.

And speaking to journalists on arrival, visiting South African president Jacob Zuma said South Africa and Zambia have for a long time now, continued to enjoy cordial bilateral relations.

President Zuma said this is because of the long historical ties between the two countries.

He told journalists that he is in the country to explore how best the existing bilateral relations between the two countries could be strengthened further.

Mr. Zuma who described Zambia as his second home said he is happy to be in the country.

He commended President Banda and the Zambian people for the warm reception accorded to him and his delegation.

President Zuma, earlier inspected a guard of honour mounted for him by the 2nd Regiment of the Zambia Army.
Meanwhile, President Zuma and his Zambian counterpart are tomorrow expected to lay their wreaths at the freedom Statues before the official talks at State House.

The two Heads of State and Government will then proceed to Mulungushi International Conference Center where Mr. Zuma is expected to give a memorial lecture on Oliver Thambo and later proceed to Leopard’s Hill Cemetery where they will lay wreaths on the graves of late South African Freedom fighters.

They are later in the evenings expected to attend a business dinner at the Taj Pamodzi Hotel.


  1. President Zuma a nationalist and liberation worrier enjoys deeper personal relations with his brother and fellow Veteran Nationalist leader President Rupia Banda.With regional countries headed yet again by Nationalists that fought for liberation,Sub-Sahara Africa in this region has again a historic opportunity to harness, harmonize and realize her generational dream of a free regional and prosperous block.

  2. With both hands we cordially welcome our dear brother and his entourage to his second home with pride and honor.May the high profile meeting between the two brothers be the Golden opportunity to deliberate the best for the two countries and SADC region member countries.

  3. Ok, i was not so keen to see JZ become SA president but so far he is pleasantly surprising me. Kudos to the son of a ZULU!!

  4. Admin,

    Kindly make collection.President Zuma used the South African Airforce jet dedicated to Presidential services.He did not use the South African Airways.No doubt it was a typo or oversight we can all make.

  5. A leader who despite this & that, the south africans said we want a leader!! Not the man of silent diplomacy. Hope he will grab the world cup which we missed!! Welcome to your home. KK must be the happiest former pres. in Zed, the only one with immunity, to see his comrade.

  6. South African Airforce. Zambian Airforce should thus be the ones flying our president everywhere. Airforce one flies Obama! Or marine one if he uses the helicopters. And yes only in Africa can a Rapist become president.

  7. 11,

    Tayali rape. It was a well arranged deal, there was full consent. Infact JZ said “afterwards I took a shower” to avoid the virus. Clinton set precedency in the USA. Kwashala pa Zed.

  8. Welcome President Zuma Sir. We hope you will enjoy your state visit to Zambia and we also hope the relationship which Zambia and South Africa share will be strengthened.

  9. guys, in zed things like militery transport(helicpters,buffulo planes,govt vehicles etc) only come in handy when we are having elections or state funerals,otherwise our leaders are so luxiurios to use those during state vists or business related trips.just look at the latest merc RB got for himself imagine if its a change of the whole presidential motorcade.

  10. I am surprised the Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa Leslie Mbula is in Zambia to receive the South African President. I thought ambassador duties are representative so how does he represent Zambia in Zambia? mmmm, conundrum!

  11. I am amazed that almost everyone on here seems to be in support of Zuma’s visit.. open your eyes and look at a broader picture. RB IS befriending Zuma and greed B..ST Mugabe, so he can have support when he rigs the 2011 elections.. these two will actually be the first culprits who will offer congrats to this guy in 2011.. NO MORE RIGGING ..! WE ARE GOING TO WAR THIS TIME AROUND..

  12. # 16,

    Cannot believe you have voluntarily opted to embarrass yourself without elicitation from anyone here.You should have asked instead of shoving your ignorance blatantly. I have always said, sata has picked typical clueless kaponyas, loaded you chaps with insults only but denied from knowledge you need to make a difference in this age.I have been vindicated through your post.Please get some education or make yourself money where you are instead signing up for futureless insulting jobs.FYI, heads of mission go ahead of their host country heads of state.If Obama is visiting China, the Chinese Ambassador to the USA is ahead of him.On arrival, they prepare for the meeting.

  13. Mr. p. Tembo

    No one has ever proved anyone has rigged elections. Just stop making noise and accept defeat. If you have evidence, take it to the proper authorities.

  14. We have a visitor (an important one) in the house, good and civilised mannerisms demand that you please mind your foul mouths.

  15. No. 18,
    You are really furious with the post and PF, to extend that you think all the pipo who vocated 4 Sata in urban areas are kaponyas. Mind u villages are now watching digitalised Muvi TV!! The problem pa Zed is you follow & justify anything as long as it’s from the States. Don’t u see that their eccomomies are dev.

  16. Mr captalist,

    it seems to me you ve never voted in zed before(kubwelako ku nyumba during the time of elections and you will learn alot about the vj`s danny kalale`s, op,compromised judiciary,legal fratenity to mention but a few)olo maybe you are just another mmd cadre tryng to justfy your foolish masters corrupt and evil practices.keep ya small mouth shut.

    viva PF & PACT one day kakabalika.

  17. chi veteran,
    wake up from your fanatsies of wishing to be an MMD cadre/ and that ka captalist.
    ba kontwe.

  18. #17 Mr. P.Tembo, I totally agree with you. These dinosaurs have tested power and will do anything within their powers to keep it. Look, the nyamasoya is not renewing young people’s contracts but the OAPs in govt because they cannot oppose anything. Chief justice is now telling you to provie evidence of corruption, is he now working the ACC? How does he expect a private citizen to investigate corruption in govt? Look at the circus of Nyamasoya’s appointments, every cadre who dances gets a post or a brown envelope. Viva Mpomboa and watch the space, wina azalila in 2011. Never turst Chiluba, he changes like a chameleon ka!!

  19. What does he have to say about Zambians facing violence in his country? And the case of the young student who was brutally murdered recently at Independence Day? Is he not aware, or just pretending that these things have not been happening when he talks of “cordial bilateral relations?”

  20. #17 no war in Jesus name. There are a lot of things Patriotic Zambians can do to ensure that there is no rigging.

    1. Ensure the Pact registers more voters than the ruling party.
    2) pray that the Lord exposses every plan of wickedness before it takes place which steals people’s God given destiny and purpose through rigging.
    3) Sensitize Zambians on how to detect the evils of rigging.
    Others can brainstorm how rigging can be exposed and put to an end. God bless Zambia.

  21. Veteran the MMD Disc Jockey. “Thank you Mr DJ for playing my song”. You’ve got nothing but “ama lumbo” for MMD. Anyway I don’t blame you, a brutha gotta eat right?

  22. Banda has refused to renew the contract of Arttoney General Malila. I am as yet to meet such a vindictive man and I honestly wonder who he thinks will vote for him when all he is doing is creating enermies, everyday.

  23. #27, Nane Chile, For your own information its not only Zambians being attacked in South Africa, actually its mainly Zims.

  24. he should find time and leacture sata to stop politics of populism.he should tell him that it becomes tough when you cheat people and fail to deliver when you are in office.he shouldn’t even hide from him that he is in real shit from the poor souls he promised better things.

  25. Zuma you spent time in Zambia when you were in exile now your people in SA are not nice to us.Please tell that man at HPSCA I need my licence pronto.Why should I be harrassed when my country gave you a place of refuge.I know you people don’t think much of UNZA but if you can make it through UNZA you can make it anywhere!

  26. The best is to let the two heads of state talk then judge the outcome,say in whose interest thus individual or nation at large.Do not judge them yet.

  27. Zambia is still being short changed by RSA…. Firstly, the trade is in favor of RSA… common Zambians are treated unfairly, we are given one month to stay in RSA while Zim, Botswan, lesotho & Swazi are given three months to do what ever they cna in RSA. they can even start work….GRZ must be more aggresive to protecting our interest.

  28. #22, Ba Zeddy, & #16 Just want to assist you by saying that the practice of having the Ambassador of the host country proceeding ahead of a visiting President from the country to which the Ambassador is accredited is standard diplomatic protocol. When the visiting President arrives, his own Ambassador and the host’s Ambassador are supposed to be at the bottom of the stairs of the Presidential plane so that the visiting Chief of Protocol can see them and inform his President that the receiving party is ready to receve them. This has nothing to do with RB or Mbula or saving money. Let us only criticise when we are well informed about a subject.

  29. This is an execellent website for information and knowledge, information needs to be dug deeper!!!just went through other websites regarding Mr. Zuma’s visist to Zambia, More quality data coluld be brought to our attention……

  30. # 37 Dont blame the RSA government. Our government does not utilize its position with RSA in all areas. Someone should push the RSA government on VISAs but l dont think anyone has got balls to do that. On trade , we are very corrupt hence avoiding SA connections. We can benefit alot from SA if our leaders did their homework. When Zuma went to Angola, he went with a huge delegation of serious business people because Angola had requested that as part of the visit programme. They showed SA all there potential investment opportunities and its happening in Angola. Go to their websites inviting foreigners to invest in Angola and compare it with your ZDA website. Only God knows,you wonder if the site for ZDA was created by a primary school pupil as a project. Lets move with time and work hard!

  31. why should we copy how other countries transport their presidents let the **** travel by challenger all he wants @!#^&%&^*$$

  32. welcome mr zuma,
    Rupiah check the delegation you friend has come with, shame on you who carry the entire mmd bootlickers on the tour to swaziland, check what happened with your friend in malawi

  33. This is Nice…JZ…actually there are some Zulus in Zambia if your turn your head to the East..! This is indeed your second home!

  34. #41, pls check my last setence, we have a Govment which is not setting the pace…only copy-cats. While I agree with RSA boers coming to Zed to ‘help’ us develop, GRZ must ensure that these Boers have local partnership as a way of empowering the Zambians. Overall I do agree with you boet.

  35. # 46…relax my bro.. HIV testing is voluntary… The bottomline is like him or not, JZ is the presido of the most powerful country on the african soli.

  36. Just observation fellow Zambians, have you noticed that RB honors everyone visiting Zambia with our highest honours lately, Does he understands the significance of such a gesture or he is as usual run out courtesy. Look at the people honoured by Levy and KK, I’m might be just cynical, but look back, what has Zuma done for Zambia? Yes, Oliver Tambo inspired alot of courage and leadership, Mbeki the same, but what has Zuma done? Remind people I might have caught some amnesia, what? Six months in power and we are all sucking up.

  37. Af far as I know Zuma was aquitted of the charge of rape so the South African electorate did not vote for a rapist as some have alluded.

  38. #49 Zuma was instrumental in the liberation struggle. He spent some time with the likes of Mandela on Robben Island and rose above his rural upbringing to get to where he is today. He was also an integral part of the ANC team that tried to broker peace between IFP and the ANC. Whether you like it or not he is the democratically elected president of the most powerful country in our region and in Africa as a whole and therefore can not be treated as if he is irrelevant.

  39. # 45 PanAfriacanist. Cheers Bro, missed that one. I very much agree with you, all investors must somehow be compelled to partner with the locals. Thats empowerment. But in our country so long they are given cuts,they dont care about what happens afterwards.

  40. I kind agree with #49…RB wants to do anything to impress his peers..Castro..JZ…come-on RB grow some B***Ls and you will be respected. Sorry guys for bad languege but I cant help it!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. # 51

    I’m in SA and i’m not disputing the fact that JZ is SA president, but you have just awarded him Zambia’s most respected acolade by the state, for what? Negotiating with IFP and ANC, its Zambia that spent money and resources for these guys to achieve this, of what benefit did Zambia have from this, JZ was not in Lusaka like Oliver Tambo and Thabo Mbeki, he was visiting Lusaka, he was based in Harare and Maputo. And yes everytime a powerful president arrives more medals, then makes me doubt your pride for your country.They (SA) should be thanking you guys in every breath they make, you are poor becoz of funding the ANC and the lot, when you are going to stop be apologetic and be proud for a change.

  42. All PF trolls can hang and roll in insults they rehearse every day,patriotic Zambians and sons of the African soil in one accord will not dishonor a nationalist and truly distinguished and tenacious brother in the struggle for a free Africa and humanity.With both hands the bestowed honors are collectively Zambian and out of our national spirit.

  43. UNZA bestows Zuma with Honorary Doctorate Degree

    The University of Zambia (UNZA) has bestowed an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree on South African president Jacob Zuma.

    University of Zambia Vice-Chancellor Professor Stephen Simukanga bestowed the degree on Zuma Tuesday afternoon just before Zuma delivered the Inaugural Oliver Reginald Tambo Memorial Lecture at UNZA.

  44. Welcome Zuma. I was not in support of the man as presidential candidate but now am warming up to the man. He has managed well. Perhaps he would be the one to thank us for the effort we put in liberating South Africa.

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