MMD deputy national secretary, Jeff Kaande has described former Gender in Development minister, Patricia Mulasikwanda as a frustrated politician after failing to get a job under President Rupiah Banda’s administration.
Reacting to Ms Mulasikwanda’s statement in yesterday’s Post newspaper that President Banda would lose in 2011 because he was being ill-advised by people like Mr Kaande, among others, Mr Kaande said Ms Mulasikwanda was a chancer and a frustrated politician who was now bitter because she could not lie her way through to any Government position like she lied before being given a position by the late president Levy Mwanawasa.
Mr Kaande said it was unreasonable for Ms Mulasikwanda to say he was ill-advising President Banda when the former minister knew too well that he (Kaande) was not a presidential advisor.
He said it was unrealistic for Ms Mulasikwanda to allege that he was ill-advising President Banda when there were advisors for the president at State House.
He said Ms Mulasikwanda used to tell lies to get a ministerial position from the late president and should not pretend to be concerned about President Banda because she was one of the first persons to issue statements against the president even before the MMD national executive committee (NEC) could sit to recommend him as candidate in 2008 presidential by-election.
He said it was Ms Mulasikwanda who was supposed to be grateful for having been welcomed in the MMD from UNIP.
Mr Kaande said he was not a defector like Ms Mulasikwanda and advised her to leave the MMD because she was more of a liability than a factor in the ruling party.[quote]
“Let her go and join the PF/UPND Pact and she should not even think she will be missed. If anything, she is just a liability and not even a factor in the party,” Mr Kaande said.
He said Ms Mulasikwanda was bitter because she could now not get a job on a silver platter like she did during the late president Mwanawasa’s reign.
Mr Kaande said the late president saw the knowledge and ability in him, hence appointing him deputy national secretary of the MMD
[Times of Zambia]
OK then give all Zambians jobs for you to enjoy peace.
Deputy National Secretary for MMD are these jobs just appointable or you get voted to be one?
Well, Jeff, you have become a political megaphone (George Mpombo’s vocabulary). Call Patricia all sorts of names, she is smarter than you as she can “read the writing on the wall”, Rupiah and his minions like you, kuuya bebele.
RB left her out without giving her a top position in last year’s erections so she wants to try Sata if he can let her take up a top position after the next presidential erections.Anyway,she can try her luck since there’re seems to be many presidents who will stand but I’d advise her not to stand too but instead be on the ground with the grassroots.
# 4 edit ur postings man. erections means something else.goodday
Good morning
These are the usual “bashment politics” that will take our nation nowhere. Today its Kaande vs. Patricia, tomorrow it will be Sata vs. Shikapwasha…
I would recommend a New Year’s resolution for all these folks:
“In 2010 I will stop being talkative…I will get active and progressive!”
#5 thank u for collecting my postings.
Its sad that MMD is now under visionless characters like jeff kaande, mulongoti and RB. A state no one thought this party could find itself when it was founded by people with brains and vision such as Baldwin Nkumbula, Roanald Penza, Dean Mungomba just to mention a few.Anyway of these problems we are having its because of chiluba’s selfishness.
When will this circus come to an end…Even LT is this really news? He said, she said sure??? No wonder our country is where it is right now we have all contributed to this mess.
It’s like nowadays every dreamer and political failure that MMD denies favors and the many appointments automatically become a tabloid availed electoral fortune telling expert in their own world of illusions. Here is Patricia Mulasikwanda who struggled to win her own parliamentary seat until MMD strategists moved in to rescue her to get a seat in parliament; she is suddenly posturing as an electoral fortune telling expert. The question is why didn’t see that Levy could not have pulled up any election without selfless MMD strategists in his historic 2001 29% win and 2006 until served by RB unparalleled political sway that delivered a landslide Eastern vote to MMD against the Hichilema led UDA PACT?
This whole story emanates from the Post newspaper’s headline story of yesterday. Anyone who says anything against RB is given prominence in this nefarious biased tabloid on a mission to destroy the nation with its yellow journalism. Kaande is just reacting to Mulasikwanda’s story and he has got every right to do so since she singled him out in that story. Kaande’s advice is spot on: Mulasikwanda, if you are not happy with the happenings in the MMD, please go and join the PF/UPND pact, and I must add, where Sata is the self-annointed president for life who has never been elected by his own party.
If I was Sata, I would be scared to be surrounded by frustrated people looking for jobs. That is scary. Rupiah is not leaving office until he has transitioned Zambia properly and to the right person. He appears to understand economic principles that can lift a country out of underdevelopment.
Jeff Kaande belongs to the sebana ulye species. He is no different to Ronald Shikashiki, Michael Mulongoti and Michael Mabwenge.
#4 and #5. HERB and everyone in the gravy train is just enjoying after erections.Nothing wrong with the wording. Mulasikwanda is just following one, I suppose.
Mulasikwannda, as to which democratic party are you joining, you know you cannot just join the pact, the pact is not a party, you have to be specific as to which democractic party in the pact you are joining. I dont know if this is just my observation, it seems all defectors are joining PF and not UPND. All headlines splashed in a certain tabloid carry the headline that the defectors are joining PF. It seems one party in this union is growing by the day at the expense of the other, if the headlines are a true depiction of the current happenings, then those analysts who have predicted a solo move by 2011 of one of the partner parties could indeed be accurate.
A Zambian medical doctor based in UK says he tried to discourage African countries from participating in the ill-fated microbicide vaccine trial which left volunteers with HIV.
In Mazabuka Zambia, sources maintain that almost half of the women who took part ended up contracting the virus that causes AIDS.
But officials of the
Microbicides Development Programme (MDP) in Zambia have now issued a statement saying only 48 women were infected.
Meanwhile, Zambian health minister Kapembwa Simbao has cautiously said that ‘it is good that the issue of microbicide trials is now being questioned.’ Simbao told journalists in Lusaka that government is still waiting for a full report on the Mazabuka infections.
But Doctor Edwin Mapara says:
“The Scientific World, WHO, UNAIDS, FHI and…
“The Scientific World, WHO, UNAIDS, FHI and all the others that allowed this RESEARCH to be conducted or to happen, should hold their names in shame.”
He says “It is criminal, unethical, amoral (not immoral, as they have no morals at all), barbaric for such irresponsible scientific (An insult to proper science!) research.
“These trials in Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa and Zambia were doomed to fail from the first day in 2005.
I said it then. I have always said it and sadly, “animal hosts (Zambia HIV Negative women have become HIV infected = HIV Positive)”.
Dr. Mapara says ‘this is simply sanctioned murder (Grevious Bodily Harm) from the west, in the name of scientific research, by the Medical Research Council and DFID at a cost of £40 million to infect ONLY one…
DFID at a cost of £40 million to infect ONLY one hundred and twenty-three (123) simple, cheap, black, AFRICAN women’s lives in Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa and Zambia. The lead researcher says, “IT IS DISHEARTENING!” No it is MURDER!”
Dr. Mapara diswclosed that five years ago he talked to people in Cameroon, Botswana and Malawi to make sure that they did not allow their governments to act as accomplices in these ‘planned murders.’
LT why aren’t you reporting on this serious news.
#18 read the topic at hand!
Good luck – Kaande is on top of each. Please let him enjoy and while his days are numbered to be in office. You will go by 2011. Does this mean being MMD is an assurance of a job? Guys help me, I want to join MMD so that Kaande can give me a job. Kindly advise me if its worth it.
kaande wait watch and learn
In essence, Kaande is saying LPM was a fo-l to have appointed this lady. He says she used to get Ministrial positions on a silver platter. What an insult to Levy. This is all a gang of chancers. The guys is an imbecile, in his same fo-lish mouth mouth he says she is a defector forgetting that Banda is the same thing. MMD, full of imbeciles.
What is this Jeff Kaande by profession? He is so uncooth and primitive, typical of a cadre.
jeff kaande has been trying to suck from the political teat since MMD’s inception. I guess he is just great full to finally have a position of significance. He will do and say anything to keep within the MMD hierarchy.Even when it end s him up looking like and *****. I know this, because man is my uncle!
#20 dear friend forget about the MMD, you are worth it as you are now. I advice you strait from my heart. If my english is not good, forgive me, it is because I am hulf converted in Norwagian language which is a,e,i,o,u.But I tell you, try to have an Eagle`s eye, see at a distance.
Mulasikwanda read my post, today she has joined UPND, a more democratic party of the two, and has resuscitated UPND, I was sure that the party of choice for all defectors is PF. She has proved critics wrong.So far 1or UPND, 4 for PF.And we still counting…..is Mulasikwanda an MP by the way????
Can Jeff Kaande win a parliamentary election? Is he known anywhere? He is just a fun chap i guess!
One has to wonder just how the MMD zealots cannot see that this boat is sinking! It will have to take a miracle of biblical proportions to save Banda from defeat and swift prosecution. Any person worthy of fice senses would realise the time to bail out is now, Banda is doomed.
Cheap politics without substance. How can a former minister bringout issues like a grade 7 pupil. It is time for change, we will only vote for educated, well informed people in 2011. I hope people like Dambiso Moyo can stand as MP.
jeff has neither the intellect nor the temperament to hold any position in mmd nor anywhere else he was fired from lusaka golf club from being a captain because of misuse of public property.Can a leopald get rid of its spots?.he may think people have short memories but the logos will always look on and pounce when the time is correct
I think we will never see a day of true prosperity in our lifetime in Zambia and here is one good reason.We are an illiterate country electing the illiterates among us.Now breath slowly, was that an insult?
Am sure some people here will think likewise, now take a moment and read the definition of an illeterate on one side..”ignorance resulting from not reading, uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning; lacking knowledge of a specific field; “she is ignorant of quantum mechanics”; “he is musically illiterate”
well now apply that to our understanding of Economics, Governance, and even writing a constitution, havent we failed in all those areas as a people and as a nation? sure, so are illiterates? most of us are and those that are not, are not any better!
some typos but i hope you get what am talking about
if you want the pact to succeed by any chance, then you should embrace numbers, whether one was looking for a job or not is besides the point! question is? can she make a valuable contribution to the pact vis-a-vis 2011? VIVA THE EXIT
THis mulasikwana whatever woman is a chancer!!! She is very bitter that Rb has not given her a job. Shes starving at the moment!!!
#16 these women you have mentioned should have continued with their old way for them to have contracted AIDS while on the study. You should know that one must practice safe sex to achieve better results.
How come I never knew Mulasikwanda until after her resignation, maybe it means she is a nobody or I was missing something. Whatever her moves , I dont think she can influence any decisions during the 2011 elections.
Mind you Zambians, none of the currrent crop of leaderscan rescue Zambia from its current problems.What we need is to put proper institutions in place to tackle many areas of need.
The problem Zambia is facing is not political rather we are hiding our failures in politics.
“ Without Guidance do a People fall and deliverance is in a multitude of Counselors”
Proverbs XI / 14.
By Oliver Mupila.
Zambian Think-Tank
Failure to adhere to democratic principles‘, the past and present MMD leadership has failed to govern Zambia………. Democracy can’t be built with hands of broken souls of hungry people……..
Over the years about over four decades now. In today’s Zambia poor leadership and mismanagement of the nation’s worthy , the MMD till now uses opportunistic agents , to destroy and terrorize those who expose the MMD’S political mismanagement and their ruthless commitment to evil against the people who voted them in power.
We the People have called in questions that the past and present MMD…
The two who are speaking are just on the same level and nothing positive has come out from them, that’s so I can say!! sorry!!