Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Weekend in Pictures



Two Zimbabwean tankers loaded with petrol and diesel bound for the Copperbelt overturned 41 kilometers before Kabwe after they lost control, prompting villagers to took advantage and siphon the fuel that spilled from the vehicles before police officers from Kabwe arrived at the scene. Above, one of the vehicles lies on its side after the accident in which both tankers remained intact and the drivers escaped without injuries
Two Zimbabwean tankers loaded with petrol and diesel bound for the Copperbelt overturned 41 kilometers before Kabwe after they lost control. Villagers took advantage and siphon the fuel that spilled from the vehicles before police officers from Kabwe arrived at the scene. Above, one of the vehicles lies on its side after the accident in which both tankers remained intact and the drivers escaped without injuries


Deputy Minister in the Vice President's office Gunston Sichilima checking on one of the classroom blocks at Muchindushi basic school in Lukanga North resettlement scheme during his tour of government developmental projects in Mpongwe
Deputy Minister in the Vice President's office Gunston Sichilima checking on one of the classroom blocks at Muchindushi basic school in Lukanga North resettlement scheme during his tour of government developmental projects in Mpongwe


A flooded Muchindushi river bridge in Lukanga North resettlement scheme in Mpongwe district. Deputy Minister in the Vice President's office Gunston Sichilima was on the site to check on how the bridge can be reconstructed.
A flooded Muchindushi river bridge in Lukanga North resettlement scheme in Mpongwe district. Deputy Minister in the Vice President's office Gunston Sichilima was on the site to check on how the bridge can be reconstructed.


Some of the affected Solwezi residents at Provincial Agriculture Veterinary Office in Solwezi logging complaints over the rampant increasing number of suspected rabies dogs in Solwezi. The mother with the child bitten by a suspected rabied dog at North Western Provincial Veterinary Office in Solwezi
Some of the affected Solwezi residents at Provincial Agriculture Veterinary Office in Solwezi logging complaints over the rampant increasing number of suspected rabies dogs in Solwezi. The mother with the child bitten by a suspected rabied dog at North Western Provincial Veterinary Office in Solwezi


The child bitten by a suspeccted rabid dog in Solwezi


PATRIOTIC Front Nkana MP Mwenya Musenge in a suit arriving at the Kitwe Magistrate Courts yesterday from Kamfinsa Remand prison were he had been detained in connection with the Chisokone riots last week
PATRIOTIC Front Nkana MP Mwenya Musenge in a suit arriving at the Kitwe Magistrate Courts yesterday from Kamfinsa Remand prison were he had been detained in connection with the Chisokone riots last week


The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has enlisted the support of the private sector to put streetlights on the Great East Road near Manda Hill and Arcades shopping centers. Above, LCC engineers use hired Laser Digital equipment during the exercise.
The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has enlisted the support of the private sector to put streetlights on the Great East Road near Manda Hill and Arcades shopping centers. Above, LCC engineers use hired Laser Digital equipment during the exercise.


Journalists assigned to cover the departure of president Rupiah Banda to Angola at Lusaka International Airport were yesterday blocked by police officers who claimed that they were instructed to keep away the media because the departure was private. Above, police officers unlock a gate to let the journalists in after senior State House officials intervened
Journalists assigned to cover the departure of president Rupiah Banda to Angola at Lusaka International Airport were yesterday blocked by police officers who claimed that they were instructed to keep away the media because the departure was private. Above, police officers unlock a gate to let the journalists in after senior State House officials intervened


President Rupiah Banda bids farewell to presidential affairs Minister Ronald Mukuma before he left for Angola at Lusaka International Airport
President Rupiah Banda bids farewell to presidential affairs Minister Ronald Mukuma before he left for Angola at Lusaka International Airport


POLICE in riot gear seal the courts entrance completely to block overzealous PF cadres (Not in picture) from going in to the court to cause confusion Jan 11th
POLICE in riot gear seal the courts entrance completely to block overzealous PF cadres (Not in picture) from going in to the court to cause confusion Jan 11th


OPPOSITION Patriotic Front Nkana MP Mwenya Museng in a suit with some papers emerging from the courtroom at Kitwe Magistrate Courts after being granted bail.
OPPOSITION Patriotic Front Nkana MP Mwenya Museng in a suit with some papers emerging from the courtroom at Kitwe Magistrate Courts after being granted bail.


  1. LT correct the caption in pic #1; prompting villagers to took advantage and siphon the fuel that spilled from the vehicles,,,surely whoever updates this site should proof read before submitting

  2. pic#2,my first impression was it was his house,kanshi niba minister,he would probably fit in just fine,with those looks,natuma tucky lol,,,so impoverished

  3. The fuel that was siphoned is sold just nearby and police are watching. Poverty levels are too high to do anything. Mr. Minister is really on duty-Kwati Headman. PF is doing fine on C/belt it will take MMD another scheme to remove PF support. MMD should start by tarring the Sabina-Mufulira Road and then campaign heavily.What’s wrong with Zambian Ministers kashi-Look at Mukuma!

  4. The first picture involving the overturning of the tankers makes some sad hearing.I remember a similar incidence in petauke where a tanker overturned and as usual the local villagers took advantage by syphoning out the fuel from the tanker.Among the villagers who came to the apatebeta lesa tapafuka chushi scene of accident was a Ngulube who heard of the scene while taking his afternoon roll of marijuana and the Ngulube guy rushed to the scene with his joint still on.His friends upon seeing him asked for a pull but the ngulube guy refused forcing the friends to fight him to get it.It was at this moment that ngulube was tackled down sending the roll of marijuana flying into the air and landing on the tanker….well the rest is history.

  5. Pic #2. The honourable minister doesn’t look like one. That ‘classroom’ block is a shame.
    Pic # 3. How does a minister check how a bridge can be constructed – that’s the work for engineers!
    Pic #4. If you’re bitten by a dog, rabid or not, surely the place to go to is a hospital – not a vet clinic.
    Pics #s 7 & 8. If this was a private visit to Angola, why then was he seen off at the airport by the minister?
    Pic # 9. How does LT know that the PF supporters were gonna cause confusion in court?

  6. Pic # 2 the building is really a shame…honestly pipo in this location derve better than that building that can kill innocent students at any time.
    #5 Ricky I agree with you on pic # 2

  7. Good morning all.
    Pic #2 Tewakukonkelesha Guston, pantu ena kuti atampa ukuoposa amakofi palyapene ka! Looks like the affected tenant, yangu!
    Pic #7 RB went for ‘talks’ with his Angolan counterpart, and we are being told the depature was private! Kwaliba? Unless the talks concerned soccer.
    Pic #9 Yangu. Ba police! Hands in the pocket and expecting a riot? They look as if they were waiting for their monthly rations of mealie meal and kapenta!

  8. Good to see that ba LT heard bloggers cries of too many photos of one event only…..nice pics. I love pic # 3, Land Rover the best 4 x 4 by far.

  9. Picture no 2 – is this the sort of classroom that Government builds? Is this where taxpayers’ money and donor aid goes? On such a structure? Is this what can be termed a ‘development project’? Shame!

  10. Pic 1 These people never learn, Some time back in Kabwe people where burnt to death trying to get free fuel from an overturned truck. Pic 7 Do we have to keep reminding Banda that he is a public figure. If the trip is private then I hope he used private funds for the trip

  11. Sichilima na bananankwe MUST get serious, that building does not fit to be called a ‘classroom’ He should be ashamed of himself to even inspect it as a serving minister ! RB, para mother mother, dogs what a week ! thanx LT. Ba Zambia lelo babe serious bamambala !

  12. Pic #2 – What a classroom! He should not even be entering that shack to inspect, the whole thing should be demolished!

  13. Picture #2 should be demolished. Shame on GRZ for allowing innocent kids to learn in such kind of a building. If there was a flood, all the kids in that building would die. Picture #4, the young lady should have been in school instead of being a mother at her age. Wonder what kind of a future she’ll have. Picture #7, if the crane was to fall as has sometimes happened even in Western countries, most of the chaps standing would die. In Zambia, we have not taken safety seriously.

  14. Pict 1: I hope the driver is prosecuted for driving without due care and attention.
    Pict 2: Disaster. The deputy minister looks as shabby as the ‘chicken run’ in which children are ‘stored.’
    Pict 3: All the water going to waste! Come August, there will be shortage of water!
    Pict 6: Why PF signs? The man is in court for a criminal offence and not a political case. Next time we will see rapists also claiming to be politically prosecuted. No violence should be condoned.

    BUT the good news is that the deputy minister at least IS LOOKING instead of all those before who pretended that there was no problem, like Sata in Chiluba’s govt!

  15. let me still continue to believe that the building in pic 2 is not a classroom and that the guy on it is not a minister! otherwise c’est vraiment la honte, and a very big insult to zambian people! If the guy is a minister, let him show it by immediately demolishing that building and give way to something we can call a classroom! don’t play with education, zambia of tommorrow starts today!

  16. Pic 9: But banasheko ba President kuyenda yenda! If this is a private trip why the escort? These senior service chiefs and government and MMD cadres should just book in at the airport because they spend too much time there. I have no problem with the President travelling but I sure have a quarel with officials leaving their desks to see him off every time! I once called to speak to someone, and I could not because they were at the airport to escort the President!!! May I suggest construction of a helipad at State House so that he can come go without disturbing the nation?

  17. #2 & 3 are a common sight around the country particularly in the rural areas and this shows how badly the country has been governed since independence. There is nothing one can proudly talk about in services and infrastructures in Health, Education, Roads, etc… Where are our leaders’ priorities, plunder and making themselves and their families rich? Now that the election campaigns have started they will be out making promises and promises just to get your vote. That minister in #2 is said to be inspecting development projects and what next, he goes back to Lusaka and that’s it.

  18. Pic #9 Ba Presido pachipuna palibe imyunga thats why he keeps on travelling like a headless chicken. Our Presido is the worst a country can ever have. He has adopted the MTN slogan everewhere you go he is there kano uko tabamutile. By the way he is ex FAZ Presido and loves football.

  19. A pleasant good afternoon bloggers.

    Very informative pictures – thanks to LT. Poor little child in pic#4, I wish her a quick recovery.

    The locking up of journalists is not only a danger to democracy but also detrimental to the reputation of the country worldwide.

  20. Photo Journalists get zoom lenses instead of needing to go close up to take a picture. Those kit lenses are no good for distance shots , you can get a good lens where you don’t even need to be with 100Metres to get a good picture

  21. pic #2 and #3 That is in Mpongwe constituence for area Member of parliament and former cabinet minister Honourable Namulambe. My question is what has he really done for the people of that area for all this time he has been MP for that area? Sure with all the constituency development fund he could have built better classroom block and bridge better than what we see in pictures. He Namulambe spent time give tribal setiments to RB over Mwanawasa legacy. Sure where is Mwanawansa’s legacy in those two pictures Namulambe was boosting about?

  22. Pic #2 is actually telling us that that classroom was built by government.Who was the constructor?Another Tomorrow Investments?Do u need to enter that harzadous building to inspect it.Last time ma kofi yaka chenene next time the litle fool will die on inspection

  23. That classroom is a clear result of a governance system that is not productive at all. You don’t need FOREX to make mud bricks, burn them and then build a proper structure. Malata are already there. This is a failure to organize our people towards a common good. Surely the parents of school children in that area could be mobilized to undertake these basic chores. Let the call for help/funds be on acquiring desks & intellectual input. But then, our government is clueless on such. They’re happy to mobilize people to beat up opposition figures & call it development project.

  24. Pic 1: Zambians who siphoned fuel from this truck are thieves. Theft is legally defined as taking something that does not belong to you without authorised permission in order to deprive permanently.
    It is sad that theft is condoned and our children are brought up to believe that there is nothing wrong with this behaviour.

  25. Pic 7 shows a typical Zambian attitude, we need to change this if we are to develop as a nation. Only a handful are really working, the rest [over 10 able boded men] are simply watching and waiting for pay day. Whats the point of employing 20 people when you only need 5 or less to do the actaul work… it only happens in the Zambian council. Anywho! Thanx for the pic LT.

  26. picture 4 and 5 those are serious dog bites! poor kid.So what is the govt going to do since that kid probably has rabies.Please when disease like rabies start becoming rampart it means there is a breakdown in the leadership structure.someone isn’t doing their job. stray dogs must be “impounded” and the rest vacinated.Please those are my relatives being bitten.

    Pic2 – you call that a developement project? Even my neighbours stables look better

  27. #27 Yes Ba Moze, ndifye bwino. Just reading comments more than participating today… and I still can’t phathom that despite the milions of Euros that the EU pump into the governement for Education, there are still structures like that where our future leaders are expected to obtain their education.

  28. LT these pictures are late …u normally show us weekend pics on Monday now we are seeing them on Wednesday? Is there a reason for that? Good pics though….

  29. when i looked at picture number 2 i felt pitty for the poor villager then i read that he is a minister i’m still in shock, Zambia has better men and women than that .

  30. #1 Very suspicious, i believe the Zim drivers flipped their tankers after selling most of the product they were transporting.

  31. Picture #2. Kwena pa Zed na tu bongoloka, shuwa! Infact, as ‘bongoloka’d as the ‘classroom block’ that the so-called minister is ‘inspecting’! Finshi ba le chita ‘inspect’ anyway? Is he also a structural engineer pa side? That ramshackle is is a disaster waiting to happen, and should be demolished asap! Poor kids. Kwena cha bu landa sana. 🙁

  32. Five concrete blocks for each comment could build a better classroom dont you think? Is only 4pin for an 8 inch block…

  33. Pic #2 : Dressing does not define a minister ! I bet same people expected the man to be in a 3 piece suit and over weight. The classroom is pathetic by some standards, for some kid who’s house is in the some condition who not mind going to a class like that.

  34. @ 18 (Zikombe) – the skylift has a weight limit and the operators are very careful not to exceed the same. anyone in the basket is required to wear free-fall safety belts before the basket is raised.

    @ 36 & 44 – too true. only one person is needed to operate the controls, and the two up in the basket. the other 12 people are just watching the show. to be fair, though, they were at work before we came along, and one of them is the head of engineering (i.e. he has to be there as per policy), so not so terrible.

    @28 – the council actually has TWO skylifts, but they are constantly broken. We needed to buy our own, because the ones at the council were much too unreliable for infrastructure projects. Buying things is not the issue. Maintenance (or lack thereof) is the problem


  35. one more.
    to all y’all detractors and nay-sayers:
    Until YOU, yourself, get rid of your consumer culture and come back and make something of the country, y’all have no right to complain from your armchairs.


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