By Elias Munshya wa Munshya
This article seeks to respond to Henry Kyambalesa’s article “Zambia: the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation” published on your website which I had accessed on January 20 2010. I will respond to several salient points from his article.
First, Kyambalesa’s assertion that the Declaration was an imposition of religion on the Zambian society is not quite right. Zambians have always been a religious people. And in our ethos the dualism between religion and politics that is a new western innovation does not exist at all. For Zambians, religion and politics co-exist. Specifically with regard to Christianity, it was not Chiluba who made Christianity the religion for Zambia. From the time that the missionaries set foot in Zambia, the Zambian people enmasse adopted the Christian religion as their religion. This fact was recognized by Kaunda as well as other independence leaders before and after independence. Christianity played a huge role in Kaunda’s government and he would refer on several occasions, to Zambia being a Christian nation. On the other hand, Kaunda’s downfall within the Zambian political spectrum in 1990 could be partly attributed to his abandonment of the Christian faith. Kaunda’s embracing of Dr. M.A. Ranganathan’s religion was unacceptable among many Zambians who felt that Zambia’s leader should be a Christian.
Secondly, Kyambalesa alleges that the Declaration is unconstitutional and as such is likely to lead to religious intolerance. In asserting this he quotes Dr. Seshamani. But Dr. Seshamani himself supports declaration and asserts that, Hinduism has no problem with the Declaration since Hinduism is polytheistic. The Islamic Council of Zambia has, while being cautious, as well supported the Declaration. Zambia’s constitution as it stands now does guarantee freedom of conscience for all. The Declaration that we are a Christian nation does not automatically lead to intolerance at all. All religions and a citizen’s entitlement to practice that religion are guaranteed to all. In fact, the courts of law have on a number of occasions asserted this important constitutional principle. In the cases of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, Zambia’s High Court and even the Supreme Court have protected this church from closure. So far there have been no religious riots in Zambia. When Zambians rioted against the UCKG or against the Hindu Temples in Livingstone, it was not because of religion per se, but it was due to false rumors that had circulated that these institutions were participating in ritual killings—a very sensitive matter for witchcraft conscious Zambians.
Thirdly, Kyambalesa feels that the Declaration dragged religion into politics. Again as I have mentioned above, Kyambalesa wants to create a dualism that does not exist among Zambians. We are a religious people, and we cannot abandon religion regardless of what we are doing. We have used our religious convictions to support leadership, and at the same time we have used our religious convictions to rebel against leadership. Kaunda used the Bible to fight against colonialism, and once in power he relied, for a period, on the Bible to guide the nation. Even without the declaration, religion would always play a part in Zambian politics—it is who we are!
Fourthly, on a secular society, it would be necessary to find out what Kyambalesa actually means by that. Secularism requires serious definition so that we all know what we are dealing with. A secular state is never a guarantee of freedom of conscience. England has an established church, but still guarantees freedom of religion. The USA has a lot of religious symbols in its politics, but still guarantees religious freedom. Secularism has the potential to drive out religion from society. And in fact, secularism cannot take root in Zambia, because Zambians are by nature very religious people. Both Hindus and Muslims would greatly disagree with the establishment of secular society. Secularism is a western innovation and does not conform to the pattern of African people!
Fifthly, Kyambalesa cannot have it both ways. You cannot keep the church out of politics, and keep politics out of the church but still expect the church to continue providing moral and spiritual guidance to the nation. The activity of providing “spiritual and moral guidance” to the nation as you have written is very political in nature. If you choose secularism, then you cannot expect religious institutions to play those roles you have said the church should play. You cannot have it both ways!
Great Article. It is great for our prayers have been answered. When we are moved we react patiently and effectively by listening first and speaking later. This brings joy to my soul for it shows that we have become observant and sharp.
religion is supposed to to a personal choice………under no circumstance must it be imposed on anyone…later on, a nation.
zambia has many problems and people who drag religion as a topic of discussion only do so to deviate people from real issues that affect the nation…….so, to the writer of this atticle, if you feel you have enough energy writting about religion, you might as well write about how we can create a zambia were no one goes to bed hungry………..and yes i agree with the first atticle
Kelvin’s writing here may be too prose, and therefore uninteresting, with a bunch of autographical and grammatical errors but when one reads him carefully, one finds that he gives a useful point to Zambians that is often too delicate to see to many. Read him again. One thing is that Zambian educated people should try to focus on helpful facts on issues rather than want to appear learned and knowing by complicating their presentations which often are only based not on their own facts but are confused repeats of what they read or heard. And since they read and hear from many sources, transcribing these to their own writings often ends up in ones that are flowery and bombastic and, above all, misleading. Good readers like Kelvin should stay with only the facts when they read from learnied…
Great article, Muslim nations are proud of their countries being muslim and nobody questions that, what is wrong with Zambia being a Christian nation. The only encouragement to christians is to show forth the fruit of the Spirit and walk in love and to respect other Zambians who may not believe what the christians believe in but through love and Christ like behaviour win them over to Christ.
#2. You have your facts wrong Mr Kelvin.I applaud the author of this article, its very well researched. Unless you are not a Christian, you will hate other religions. In Christianity our moral codes are very high, we love our enemies and do not entertain evil thoughts. The secret to not going to bed hungry Mr Kelvin, is to put to practice Matthew 6:33. Seek God`s kingdom and his righteousness all the things will just be added unto your life. May God bless you.
Totally agree with the author. Very well written and researched response. Thanks for taking time to read, research and write. You have really help make the picture clear about this declaration. I think it tends to be clouded and associated with Chiluba and not many people actually know what a secular state looks like. You can’t take religion out of the Zambian people’s lives. Just visit their weddings ceremonies, their funerals, their nursery schools, primary schools and secondary schools and you will see that christianity has always been in Zambia. I went to a boarding school-Hillcrest Secondary School during Kaunda’s era, we always said a prayer at assembly and during meals in the DINGO. So I agree Chiluba did not bring Christianity into Zambia or the mere declaration.
I do not worry about people who oppose the declaration… such people will always be there. We just thank God and pray for them. And ba Kelvin, being christian does not mean one will not go hungry. Even Jesus said the poor will always be among you… Even in a church… some come to worship God hungry and others come to worship on a full stomach.
Thank God for this article, we refuse to be like western countries who are anti Christ and have removed God from their countries and therefore embrace things that are not morally acceptable, homosexuality, abortions etc. Where even speaking against such vices is seen as being haters and there is no freedom of expression for Christians to worship God freely in Public places. Thank God for Zambia where christians are free to worship God freely in public places, in buses, in market places, in schools, in offices, in hospitals etc. We thank God that we can discipline our children freely (not abusing them) without having to fear that we will be taken to task by the state. We thank you Lord for this freedom and for us being Zambians. We thank God for this freedom and no one shall take it away
We have a christian duty to feed the hungry, it’s unacceptable for Christians to enjoy food while the poor are crying of hunger, Matthew 25
In a secular state prominent issues are homosexuallity, abortion, children taking legal action against parents when corrected, prostitution, pornography,etc. Our own conscience helps us not to even imagin a nation like that, more so because the bible teaches against such vices. We still need to hold the bible in the courts of law, we still need our children to learn the bible in schools, we still need to wake up and be happy because no one forces us to follow this religion or that – try carrying a bible in an Islamic state
#2. In Zambia Christianity is not imposed on anyone, you are free to follow whoever you want, but remember Hell is real and you have a choice to accept Jesus Christ. The other issues are there even in secular states, the poorest countries are in the 10-40 window
Extract from the bible, Jesus Christ explains the Kingdom of God – Matthew 13: 24 -29 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared. 27″The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’ 28” ‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’ 29” ‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. 30Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the…
At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’ ”
So it is just a matter of time before the weeds are bundled and burnt. All the signs are visible that we are close to the end of the age. Wars in Middle East, Tsunami in Asia, Poverty in Africa and parts of Asia, Pestilences i.e AIDS all over the globe and earthquakes in Haiti
wars have been always been part of human history. current wars in middle east and north africa have a geopolitical explanations.
Great article! Well written. Our point still stands though…There was no need to include that declaration in the constitution! Remember that, that declaration was made by a thief.:-w
this responce is biased because the author could not keep his own religious inclinations out of it. our faiths are personal and can not be nationalised even if the majority belong to one faith. the fact that the minority hindus and moslems did not oppose the declaration is no sign that they accepted it but in fact due to fear of a backlash caused by the very intolarance exhibited by the declaration. whether they have reason to fear or not is neither here nor there but the fact that they do is an unaceptable show of the illegallity of the declaration.the bottomline is that chiluba wanted to use the declaration to dup the majority christians to keep him in power despite his cheating, killing, thieving, scheming, and udlterous ways. i am a christain but i dont need the declaration to worship.
Are there people in Moslem countries that oppose Islam as the religion of those countries? I think those opposing Christianity in Zambia need to go and live in the Moslem countries and learn some few things from those countries. Lord we thank you for Zambia being a christian nation and no man should take credit for it, the Glory belongs to Christ alone.
Anyway this battle is a spiritual one that’s why every God fearing person needs top travail for Zambia in the spiritual realm and get a breakthrough there so that it will manifest in the physical, let us learn from the christians in western countries who having started strong in Christ for their countries slumbered and slept and now evil seems to be prevailing in those countries, but one day they shall overcome if they don’t lose hope. God bless Zambia.
Elias Munshya wa Munshya: I appreciate your observations on the content of my article on “The Declaration of Zambia As a Christian Nation.” However, I regret that you have completely misunderstood the content and gist of the article. Let me directly reflect on the four points you have presented:
1) “Kyambalesa’s assertion that the Declaration was an imposition of religion on the Zambian society is not quite right.” The following is what I wrote: “It is important for national leaders to guard against the imposition of any religion on the entire society.”
2) “Kyambalesa alleges that the Declaration is unconstitutional and as such is likely to lead to religious intolerance.” No, I did not allege that the Declaration was unconstitutional. Read the article again.
3) “Kyambalesa feels that the Declaration dragged religion into politics.” I wrote the following: “Clearly, the Declaration was made without consideraring the dangers of dragging religion into politics.”
4) “On a secular society, it would be necessary to find out what Kyambalesa actually means by that.” Well, I have provided a tentative definition of what constitutes a “secular state” in the article: a secular state is one that “recognizes and safeguards each and every individual’s freedom of worship and the freedom to choose one’s religion.”
5) [I am sorry, the “four points” in my first statement should have been “five points.”] “Kyambalesa cannot have it both ways. You cannot keep the church out of politics, and keep politics out of the church but still expect the church to continue providing moral and spiritual guidance to the nation.” The catch phrase in this statement is “to the nation.” Your accusation would have been okay if the catch phrase was “to the government.”
I will, however, not comment on your personal and subjective opinions in your rebuttal. I guess everyone has a right to his or her own opinions on almost any topic. Don’t get me wrong, though, about my having written the article you have commented on; I have been a Christian from the time I was born to date. If you read the content of the article again, you will most probably understand my thinking on the Declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation. Blessings.
Politics should be seperate from religion. When Christ Jesus lived on this earth, he went on to say ” his kingdom was not part of THIS world”. I believe that religious leaders should focus on trying to save souls from the impending crushing of wordly governments and the begining of Christ Jesus’ rulership… Do you ever ask yourself what the bible about YOUR future (Life after death)… Take time to study the bible… By accepting that politics can go hand in hand with religion is suggesting that MANKIND will sort out his mess. NO he wont. ONLY the second coming of Christ will!
Politics should be seperate from religion. When Christ Jesus lived on this earth, he went on to say ” his kingdom was not part of THIS world”. Another of his famous saying is that “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” I believe that religious leaders should focus on trying to save souls from the impending crushing of wordly governments and the begining of Christ Jesus’ rulership… Do you ever ask yourself what the bible about YOUR future (Life after death)… Take time to study the bible… By accepting that politics can go hand in hand with religion is suggesting that MANKIND will sort out his mess. NO he wont. ONLY the second coming of Christ will!
Jesus can be interpreted[who?] to be saying that his religious teachings were separate from earthly political activity. This reading finds support in John 18:36, where Jesus responds to Pontius Pilate about the nature of his kingdom, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” This reflects a traditional division in Christian thought by which state and church have separate spheres of influence.
what is happening now is that the state is trying to use the church in its quest to continue existing.
#20 Abantu, I don’t quite agree with your point of view. Leaders make laws most of which border on morality and so religion is vital in guiding such. Biblically, what was king Saul’s, David’s, Solomon’s (and many other kings who ruled Israel) responsiblities? It was that of leadership, yet God had His prophets who spoke to kings on governance. Can the same bible say that today’s governments are worldly and us Christinians are just waiting for Christ’s return? Yes we need the salvation (and desperately so) but we can’t leave rulership to the heathens (they also need salvation so who will rule?). We go to school, get jobs or do businesses because we need them before Christ comes back
man, he is not coming back! even paul advised his followers not to marry because jesus was coming back and until today he hasn’t showed up!
The declaration is in the Preamble and not in the constitution. For example, the declaration that ‘all men are created equal before God’ is in the preamble of the US constitution but it took almost 400 years for the white people of the US to put this into practice. There are many who still think the black man is not an equal. So, waste no breath or time on this matter. It is neither here nor there. It may please many Zambians, but it makes no one a Christian. Christianity is not declared by imposition, it is ‘by grace are ye saved through faith, and that is not your doing, it is the gift of God.’
The question that the article fails to address is; why was the declaration -Christian Nation made in the first place? Was it necessary? The same person (Chiluba) who epitomized the declaration, stole from the people and grabbed somebody`s wife.
Christianity (following Christ) is a personal decision. That is why God gives two ways- life & death. And that is why the bible says, knock and the door shall open and seek– you shall find.
God is interested in our hearts and not declarations or carrying bibles around, and yet the same leaders are busy stealing from the poor.
One doesn’t need to live in a christian nation to be a christian. I once lived in a moslem country and still remained a practicing christian. What is it that the inclusion of the declaration in a nation’s constitution will add to my faith? This is just interference. The constitution has always guaranteed freedom of worship. That is all I need as a christian.
I agree with you Dawa… The state can never practice what it preaches… All they are interested in is numbers- which delivers power to them. Therefore it should drug Christianity (a well meaning means of salvation) and dent it. The examples are too many to mentioned including segreative laws agains the the UN Educated. My Jesus never went to a formal school, but he will always be best man that set standars for me.
christianity is just one of the many religions around the globe, just because zambia was introduced to it first does not make it better than all the other religons that were not preached of in “northern rhodesia”
LT are you scared of the truth in my comments?
Good Morning
I think that the majority of Zambians have no problem with this declaration. What is surprising to me is that people never bothered to protest when the declaration was adopted and all of a sudden they are questioning it. What harm has it done to anyone for Zambia to be a Christaian nation?
I wish we could leave peaceful matters as they are instead of perpetuating conflicts for the sake of “freedom of speech/opinion”.
not all of us belive that a man called jesus died for the sins we never commited even before we were born. I’m a product of a rape case.. am i made by God too?
LT i have been with you since day one, now you have grown horns like religion in Zed
Ever heard of the saying if you really have to say it loud then you are far from it? If you are something your actions will speak volumes about it but when you profess what you loudly then all you are looking for a veneer coating of what you claim. It’s no coincidence that the person that declared such represents everything completely opposite to what he claims. A true believer doesn’t need to goon announcing what they are , most of the time the way they live their life shows it. It’s the wolves in sheep’s clothing that need to announce what they are because most of the time they do it out of guilt and self delusion to cover their misdeeds
Well , well, well……so many things being attributed to christ.
May i firstly point out that christianity , as we know it , is also a western innovation ?
The bible is a book about western christian theology.
Christian theology (although dominant in the western world ) is just another theology , just like there are many other theologies and philosophies about god.
Just because it is dominant in the west and parts of Africa does not mean that christianity and the bible represent the absolute, universal truth about creation. It is just an interpretation of universal , absolute truth . It is important that we see the distinction here
Now , it is an open secret that if you go over the bible with a fine toothcomb (an intellectual microscope if you like) …then it all falls apart..!
…..30 (cont)…So with these facts in mind religion , ideally , should not be intertwined with governing the people because not everyone practises the same religion.
I’m sorry, but I don’t agree. Freedom of religion is essential for a well functioning economy. Diversity is key. Let us embrace other religions.
well, 45 years after independence, the “christians” in zambia do not contribute meaningfully to the world’s development. instead they go around with a begging bowl for hand-outs.
let’s just freaking sell zambia to taiwan!! 45 years of poverty is just too sinful!!
#29 Slumdog I get your point. In other words you’re saying a Lion does not need to roar in order to prove to itself that it’s a Lion.
Nevertheless, I think this phenomenon applies to individuals. As a nation, I strongly feel that there is need to have laws which define the religion of the country. Ever since it was a nation, Israel, which is the paradigm for the Christian Faith all over the world has always stated in it’s statutes:
“Schema Yisrael…Hear, O Isreal – The Lord our God is one Lord, and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy might.”
Once we begin to understand how positive this declaration is in terms of upholding ethics and morals in our country, we shall not give the protagonists any chance to destroy it.
kyambalesa just shut up. you have been hit by a very good article better than the rubbish you spew
Declaring zambia as a christian nation has been a chronicle of ancient times.According to the little knowledge i’ve gathered about the bible i know the fact the bible was not invented by a blackman like me.In the effort to know more about the origin of the bible in africa i came across stupid articles on the internet suggesting that a whiteman came with copies of bible and gave them to our ancestotrs to read and ponder on it.Meanwhile as our ancestors were busy reading and meditating the bible,the whiteman was busy stealing our assets and transporting them to europe.Hence,we are poorer than the other side of the world.Hypothetically,this resulted in the trend that the bible is more common in african countries than in western countries.So this shows zambia’s been christian nation long…
#19 Kyambalesa
You seem to write articles about anything and everything. You should accept that you may be quite ignorant about some topics. I observe that you are not a Christian, ie you are not a child of God. If this is the case, you do not qualify to understand things of God because you do not have what it takes. Unless you are saved and have received the Holy Spirit in you as guarantee that you are a child of God, you will always be perplexed by things of teh kingdom of God for you are an outsider looking in. Things of God are spiritually discerned. You need God himself to grant you understanding. But you do not qualify because you are an enemy of God, being an outsider.
You can write or argue all you want but you will never understand because you have no capacity.
#34 Nine Chile….and yet Israelis are not christians!
# 37 contd
Lastly, Mr Kyambalesa, if you died today, would you go to heaven or hell?
This is a well written article. Thank God we have people with insight, knowledge and wisdom to correct error and put facts so clearly that even a blind man can see.
Wa dosola dosola wadosola doliso:oChristian nation my foot
#25 Dawa, I am pleased that Zambia has open-minded pipo like you. You are spot on with your contribution. Exactly my thoughts. Great day bro or sis.
#34 The nation of Israel cannot be compared to Zambia because Zambia borders were drawn by imperialist ink, secondly The declaration is Shema yisrael elhim YHWH Echad( the declaration containing adonai is incomplete and zionist). Besides what good has come from declaring Zambia a christian nation? zambian has gone downhil morally and decadence seems to be the order of the day now. Was there a single mother epidemic before the declaration? were there as many homosexuals before the declaration? What you need to understand is that being a believer is not about words but about action because in the last 1000 years the greatest atrocities were committed by so called vociferous christians. Am sure from your flag I don’t need to remind you of how the third reich were majority christians.
Brother Kyambalesa-the Declaration did not impose religion on anybody. It only recognized that which was factual in empirical terms. Zambia is a black nation, even on the flag the color black signifies Zambia’s people. But you still have white and yellow people who are as Zambian as black Africans. As such to say Zambia is a black nation does not discriminate against non-black Zambia just like saying Zambia is Christian nation does not discriminate against non-Christians. The Declaration has also not forced anybody to become a Christian. While the Declaration is in the preamble to our constitution, it has not been legislated as law, and as such it cannot be used as a tool of force. I know you are a Christian, and this has been a good conversation to have with you! Christ be with you.
our deeds will judges us whether we are worthy to be called christians.Declarations will not make us Christians nor moslems. Remember Jesus said that not all that calls his name will enter his kingdom but only those that does his will will enter his Kingdom.
our deeds will judge us whether we are worthy to be called christians.Declarations will not make us Christians nor moslems. Remember Jesus said that not all that calls his name will enter his kingdom but only those that does his will will enter his Kingdom.
our deeds will judge us whether we are worthy to be called christians.Declarations will not make us Christians nor moslems. Remember Jesus said that not all that calls his name will enter his kingdom but only those that does his will will enter his Kingdom.
Nine Chale: Europe is quickly realizing that their rejection of Christianity for secularism is now haunting them. Some scholars estimate that Europeans will go back to Christianity en-mass, especially that they are faced by the Muslim threat who do not tolerate secularism at all. And besides, while some Europeans are adamant about secularism and reason as supreme over religion, Muslims are busy asserting themselves in the area of faith. It is time for Europe to wake up and go back to their faith. And I know that your presence in Europe will help re-Christianize it!
I wonder what sort of Christians your are some of you. Suppose the declaration was removed from the preamble of the constitution, how will that affect your relationship with God?
Right now Zambia is like that man who went in the corner of the church and proclaimed how righteous he was compared to the other man in the other corner as taught by Jesus.
Let’s avoid making declarations just because it suits us. Supposed some Muslim, Buddhist or Hindi became head of state and decides to change that declaration? From what I know, Jesus distinguished between the Kingdom of Heaven and that of the Earth in all his teachings. Take a look at your faith and your facts from the Bible once more imwe!
I do believe very faithfully and very religiously in the freedom of religion, and that each individual has the right to choose his own religion. But my argument is that the Declaration did not choose the christian religion for any individual in Zambia. It only recognized the religion that most Zambians claim to belong to, and it also recognized the role that Christianity has played in our young nation before independence under the colonialists, after independence under KK, and in the third republic. We may have our misgivings over the Declaration and we have reason to, but at the same time we cannot do so ignoring the rich contribution that Christianity has made to us as a people. No Zambian can say today that faith or religion has been imposed on them! But a Christian Nation we are!
The Zambian constitution has become a weapon that politicians use for their personal immediate gains. This so called declaration was one such thing and the other being the current issue about presidential qualifications. From my understanding the constitution is supposed to guarantee the human rights of all the citizens in the country. Human rights is not the focus in our approach such matters. How does promoting one religion over others promote human rights. The state and church must always be separate. India, in spite of having billions of Hindus is a secular state. Our politicians hide behind religion and forget to deliver campaign promises. They distract our attention and divide us with declarations such as these. Wake up Zambians. Religion is a personal choice.
How dangerous is it when misinformation is the order of a concious person. God’s name is only used in vain because those that are called by his name do not practice their faith. Read the Bible Christians to show that you are self approved study the Word it is not that hard. If and when in doubt pray and seek God’s divine enlightenment. Politicians, religious mongers and evil people have abused alot of us due to our not following the simple key fundamental principles. Love thy neighbour as you love yourself. Love God with every once of your heart. Work hard and earn respect. Christians works too are required not words alone. Fear God alone and No body else.
Munshya wa Munshya you miss the point. Address the question; Was it necessary to declare Zambian a Christian nation? What problems was the declaration addressing that have been sorted out as a result of the declaration. To me the declaration was based on spiritual emotions.
#46 KCC thanks man!
Munshya wa Munshya, I understand where you are coming from, however, as Dawa has ably noted, we have to address the question, was the Declaration necessary? Weren’t Zambians still practising Christianity before FTJ’s declaration. What value or lack thereof has his declaration added or subtracted from the God-fearing people of our country. In my opinion, FTJ declared Zambia a Christian nation to hoodwink us and create an environment for plunder. We did not even have to include it in our preamble of the Constitution. As a matter of fact, Christianity or any religion is not a public show of morality, it is the inner conviction that each individual possesses or lacks. I am not taking anything away from you, but merely stating a point of view. You have a good article though.
I find this reasoning fundamentally flawed:
“…in our ethos the dualism between religion and politics that is a new western innovation does not exist at all. For Zambians, religion and politics co-exist.”
This does not address Mr Kyambalesa’s argument at all. The dualism in question is a real phenomenon and cannot be overidden by any perception or mentality. We have to address real issues. The real issue being that religion and politics should not be intertwined. Christians are free to practice freely but this should not be prescribed in a Constitution as doing so is detrimental to society, not to mention it facilitates abuse of the masses by political hypocrytes and dribblers.
Dear Vision:
My statement here is a historical fact more than it is philosophical or epistemological. What I noted is that religion and politics have always co-existed among the peoples we have now called the Zambians, even before the colonialists or even before the formation of modern nation-states. This unified view of politics and religion have nevertheless continued under Christianity. It was a factor in Kaunda’s regime and still remains a reality in the third republic. You may have problems with it, but unfortunately that is what it is historically! I am simply being descriptive of the situation. What we do with the situation may vary from one person to another.
Munshya wa Munshya … you wrote: “What I noted is that religion and politics have always co-existed among the peoples we have now called the Zambians, even before the colonialists or even before the formation of modern nation-states.” Before Western Christians brought Christianity to our country, natives had their own traditional beliefs; and our forefathers lived in tribal enclaves without engaging in “politics” as we know it today. You need to learn our country’s history before you blog on issues you do not understand. I am often troubled by people who wear religion on their sleeves like Frederick Chiluba. He probably had a glass of Black Label when he made the declaration at State House! To me, he is one of Zambia’s false prophets …
Slumdog shalaz you write good but you dont understand logic and truth. religion is a guideance to wellbeing. You re alive and about now because of the pricinciples cultivated into you by your , I assume , your christian parents.The fact that now you are educated does not make you special from those who worked hard for you.In other worlds people are brainwashed by their parents to die for a cause even them dont understand ,but nay in christianity its never the case. In Zambia its even better because we are a better Christian country than tthe people who introduced the religion. Take time and read the word of christ and you will see the lovethat is endowed in it and why somebody decided to declare Zambia a christian nation.
Busakile I think you need to recheck your own logic because to me it sounds flawed. I find it strange that someone that clams to know logic and truth cannot differentiate between religion and scripture. Religion is just nothing but power hungry burecrates that hijacked scripture to empower themselves to profit from sheeple like you . If you really knew anything about christ or scripture you would know that christ was NEVER a christian he was a Rabbi from a judaic sect of Natsarim who went to jewish synagogues and kept the torah. In fact the only reason why you misguided sheeple call him christ is because of a GREEK mistranslation of original hebrew scriptures called Codex sinaiticus. No man was ever called jesus christ in fact everyone in the heavens and earth called Him Yahushuah
IF you so claim to know scripture tell me where a command is given to declare nations as christian?? I unlike you have read the word diligently and abide by it. I don’t abide by popular opinions which are simply man made laws useless to anyone’s salvation . If you care so much about scripture why not proclaim it instead or use the hoily name of YHWH but of course you run to crying about declaring a nation christian as if thats even a command. If you declare such then all you are doing is obeying Chiluba not scripture
slumdog shalaz, Thanks for your smart contribution! short and insightful. Stay well.
This article has revealed how ignorant most Christians are.
Tell-the-Truth: The fact that commerce as we know it today never existed among ancient Zambians does not preclude us from the use of this term to refer to their primitive and simple way of doing business. The same applies to politics, the fact that politics as we know it today never existed among them does not mean that ancient Zambians never practiced politics. It was a different kind of politics but it was politics nevertheless. Their kind of politics was so powerful that it created a world view through which most modern Zambians perceive and experience their politics, i.e the relationship between Church and State. All I have done in the article is not to justify the Declaration but rather to answer Kyambalesa’s criticism of the same!
Dawa…thanks for your criticism too.
Munshya wa Munshya … commerce (in the form of barter trade among members of different families and across tribal chieftains) was commonplace before the arrival of the muzungus. Politics involves elections, and chieftains or their retainers were not subjected to elections. Kyambalesa has claimed that you have completely misunderstood the content and gist of his article. That is your response?
Tell-The-Truth, you are entitled to make your own assessment of my article. And you are also entitled to your own opinion about it. I want you to know I respect your perspectives and do wish you very well, as we together endeavor to build a nation that will guarantee prosperity for all. I look forward to our continued dialogue on matters of national importance such this one. Take heart my friend and God’s grace upon you! I have already answered Kyambalesa. He writes very well though, and I do enjoy reading his articles. But of course we could not let this one pass without comment.
Halleluyah Amen, let ZED be a christian nation, no one should change this becos of his own interest it wont be accepted or else he /she will all the burden, we dont to share blood, God bless ba KK(This fact was recognized by Kaunda as well as other independence leaders before and after independence. Christianity played a huge role in Kaunda’s government and he would refer on several occasions, to Zambia being a Christian nation. On the other hand, Kaunda’s downfall within the Zambian political spectrum in 1990 could be partly attributed to his abandonment of the Christian faith. Kaunda’s embracing of Dr. M.A. Ranganathan’s religion was unacceptable among many Zambians who felt that Zambia’s leader should be a Christian.
UK-Zed Observer (#41): You wrote: “Kayambalesa … you seem to write articles about anything and everything. You should accept that you may be quite ignorant about some topics.” Elo lyanya pa Zed nomba! Does anyone really need some specialization on any of the issues Kayambalesa has covered in articles which have appeared on LT website? With respect to the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation, did Chiluba himself have any academic qualifications in Religious Knowledge to aid him in declaring the country as such? Or did anyone in Parliament who voted for the declaration have such qualifications? Let us be realistic, the declaration is a case which I may refer to as “religious chauvinism.” There is no discernible difference between this and Islamic fundamentalism.
The following is the kind of news which Zambia would do well to prevent (“Nigeria religious riot bodies found in village wells,” BBC, January 25, 2010): More victims of deadly religious clashes in central Nigeria have been found, with scores of bodies stuffed in wells and sewage pits. Up to 150 bodies have been found in Kuru Karama village, 30km (18 miles) from the city of Jos, where the violence erupted last Sunday. An exact death toll is not known but overall 300 or more are …
let us live as christians – declarations wont make us christians. we should learn from what is happening in islamic nations were terrorist have found solace. the koran does not support violence but the so called politician have been using the declarations to foster there personal political agenda at the expense of development;)
Awesome writing, ze big, this is good, i believe the writer of the previous article has been enlightened ka!