Former President Frederick Chiluba says he stopped being in active politics immediately he left State House in 2001.
Dr. Chiluba told ZANIS through his spokesperson Emmanuel Mwamba that he should not be perceived as an active politician simply because he is supporting President Rupiah Banda’s government.
He explained that by virtue of vacating State House and the presidency nine years ago, he ceased to be in active politics.
He dismissed assertions that he was slowly getting back into active politics as alleged by opposition Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Wynter Kabimba, who also threaten to seek court intervention on the matter.
Mr. Kabimba recently claimed that Dr. Chiluba was engaged in active politics and said the PF would seek the courts intervention to stop the former President from accessing his terminal benefits.
Dr. Chiluba described Mr. Kabimba’s claims as baseless and unfounded.
He said he had the right to rallying behind President Banda or any candidate of his choice in the country.
Dr. Chiluba was also accused of campaigning for the ruling MMD in the Copperbelt province last week.
Chiluba, please stop fooling around with the people of Zambia. Wait, we are coming.
FTJ … If you want to campaign for RB please do so….. but not at the expense of the tax payer who you raped for 10 years.
Dismal effort in Mufulira
Is this short man beyond assasination sure! Why can’t some one get rid of this mess.
we cant trust you any more you little devil…>:)
Nazo nkhani mchinyanja. Kansi uyu munthu afuna chiani???
:-t:-t:-h:-h[-x[-x:-@:-@ the problem is… that he yaps too much……
Number 3, Abwenzi, Which person? Sata?
Iwe FTJ! Thats what you said about Regina years ago when you stated, ” I stopped admiring women the day i left Vera!” So what are you talking about?
u sure u a saint?
# 11, Nope, he ain’t no saint, he is ‘sent’ to speak crap!!
The little thief thinks we are fools. Hes got another thing coming. Let him wait till we get Rb out of power next year then they will be escorting each other to court pamakasa!
The Saint are you one of the Kafupi’s hench man why are you yapping like a mad dog.Im sure you had benefited from ka Chiluba when he plundered Zambian resources what a fool are you?
Pliz shut the H.E.L.L up you midget go on and support your bwezani who cares,your time is coming
This short diagram is now becoming nauseating
I love the name name Bamba! Current crop of MMD politicians are a joke. Let’s make sure we don’t have a civil war. That’s what these guys are enticing.
Good Luck Zambia in the football. Chipolopolo Iye!!!
So Sata did not say that he would drop all charges against Chiluba in 2006? Maybe I was hallucinating at the time or maybe the dear PF leader was misquoted?
Can somebody help me,where did chiluba get his doctrate?In which field?Is it in women or what?
I we kachiluba, please shut up,you left politicts with someones wife and ,please we shalll f*************k yu this time around
#8 & 10 The Saint, What is your problem, this Chiluba has offended Zambians in many ways and yet because of his arrogance and pride he will not apologise to anyone. It won’t be long before he is caged and humbled.
There is nothing new which president Chiluba (Rtd) is doing today which he didn’t do for PF in 2004-2007.He visited many copperbelt towns amongst them being Chingola, Mufulira, Ndola and kitwe.He visited Luapula and enjoyed all the endless clouds his natural life pulls.PF danced for him on every trip. So what is it that has changed today when the man of the people is merely revisiting his people? President Chiluba has registered no interest in a political office but merely reconnecting with the common man where he is coming from.Wasn’t he using his GRZ2 number plated vehicle in visiting his people around the country in 2004-2007? What is wrong if he keeps using the same ones too.And if what PF cadres in Kabimba are saying that he is inconsequential, why the hyperventilation on a free…
This nincompoop should just shut the hell up. Every time we forget he was around, he comes up with some c#%p.
If there is any legal grounds to alienate President Chiluba from the common man as it were in 2004-2007 and is today, let Kabimba and his legion of sadistic desperadoes take him to our independent courts of justice.The world will hear them if they are not people of failed judgment with a myriad contradictions.Chiluba has not appended his name to any political office ballot nor has he mentioned that he declared intent to rerun.What he is doing is exercising his constitutional right of free speech association a universal clause which inn the US is the most important 1st amendment.Take him before the courts of jurisprudence.I challenge all PF Kaponyas here to show us where and how FTJ’s constitutional right of association is a illegal?
# 3-Abwenzi,
You wrote “Is this short man beyond assasination sure? Why can’t some one get rid of this mess” end quote.
I don’t see your terrorism taking very far. Zambia is a Christian nation and a signatory to the international anti-terrorism treaty. Terrorists like you have no safe haven but victims to the finish line of their own evil. Chiluba is sanctified and in ten thousands his enemies like you and your boss will fall to his right hand side. You will be swept by your hatred and spell. If anything the same terrorism you are evoking on the man of God Chiluba may just happen to rest on your demi-god and then you cry the loudest. Zambians have no heart for terrorists like you and LT is no fora for overt communication of terrorism among terrorists.
What shoe size does Chiluba put on? Could it be size 13 or size 1> i lat put on such in grade 4, and by then I was Kafupi’s height. Do you think Chiluba will have brains bigger than his Height. Chiluba namano yepi.
chiluba,support RB just as you supported satanic. And no tomba nyina should point a finger at you when the same stanyinas were rejoicing when you were supporting the buffoon who hasn’t got a degree.
mmm that lady regina is finished..ha ++
Does this midget command any respect? I don’t think he is even worth talking about. Just let the damn midget wag his ugly small body like a soaked rat.
Senior citizen, it’s always interesting to hear breach…contempt? Ha ha! At the end of this story, you will have violated yourself….http://www.lusakatimes.com/smilies/yahoo_bigsmile.gif
Oh cu the crap ba Chiluba , ikaleni fye, Zambians rallied behind you but you went and ended up getting another mans wife, what a shame.. what kind of a leader are you? Total gross misconduct in the face of the entire nation. You brought shame on the Zambians and you and your family had no respect for the opportunity you got but abused publicly. This is a lesson Zambia should learn, don’t just elect people who are good at speech, too much talk time mukanwa..we need people we can admire, normal family with normal children, a respectable wife who will be an example to the girls in the Zambian society. Mwaya leta abena Catrol, ba Vera na Jaribu and as if that was not enough
b-u-l-l-s-h-i-t ; you also brought started womanising, running around with another mans wife. Regina Mwanza is…
disgusting, clearly showing that money rules and can lure some woment to leave their husbands. You are an embarassment to the easterners. Ba CHiluba mwalitusebanya, your administration was full of ministers who spent time having fun and womanising. You are lucky Zambians don’t take you to task, you would have been on the news everyday, breakfast, lunch and supper but seeing that Zambian media is kind of controlled they spared you. Anyway, to say the least ba Chiluba as much as you tried to do some work, you let the people who trusted you down by showing such behavior. Please stay away from politics as you say, and spend time to reflect on yourself, and if you cna apologize to Mr Mwanza (Regina’s former husband) and the Zambians.
Mr. Fredrick Titus Chiluba could not practice politics, because each time he tried, Levy threatened him with incaceration. He never quit but was only stopped by threats.
Senior Citizen – Iwe makaka why havent you condemed Chalwe over his gang rape threats? Use your head man.
Ladies and gentlemen, I hav read most of your comments and especially20,21,23,26,29,30-32.You are showing disrespect to your elders. Most of you are just working on mob psychology. You are one sided. You cant even go back 15 years ago to se what Zambia became before Chiluba came on the scene. You dont know what people appreciate in Chiluba because you are short sighted. Yes he is human and can error. But also remember the good things he did. Now he is a former president and deserves respect.BE WISE AND ACT WISELY.
The Short little devil is upsetting us. This is a man that stole from the Zambian people. Why cant Bwezani register the London Judgement to enforce the criminal judgement? Do we have Lawyers in Zambia sure???
What planet am I in? God help me wake up if this is a dream.
What is wrong with you pipo? Chiluba has NEVER been found guilty of anything. He was LIABLE (not guilty) in a CIVIL (Not criminal) matter by a FOREIGN (not Zambian) judge. U fools can yap all you want but that will not change the fact that Chiluba was a damn good president of Zambia for 10 years. Most of you are abroad right now because of Chiluba (how many of your fathers saw even Malawi under Kaunda?) You lot are the proverbial puppies that bite that hand feeding them.
#36 mpangula mputyu: There is NO criminal judgment against FTJ. Only a Civil liability that is VERY DIFFERENT from a criminal conviction. If you don’t know the difference i can educate you. or better still, why not enroll into NIGHT SCHOOL which is free in Zambia because of FTJ’s policies!!!!!
Ba Fee Color who are supporting Chiluba benefited from his theiveing activities.
#35, i get what you are saying about looking back and whatever, of course he helped empower Zambians especially with home ownership, but that doesn’t make him any less guilty of other things, such as the drama that we saw of their marriage; in my opinion and this is my opinion you have a right to have your own too, i think that conduct was unacceptable, he is a human being but he was a leader, it could have been done differently and in a mature and respectable manner than the obvious that was exhibited. However, as a growing nation we shall continue to call out any leader who`s behaviour becomes questionable, whether you have been a good leader or not, we will not be afraid to call out the weakneses, they are in public offices and the public deserves to comment, with no insults of…
comment 41 is meant for #36
Chiluba just enjoy the stolen wife period. Enjoy her and leave the people of Zmbia alone.:-?:-?:-?:-?
It’s only people that have never been close to Kafupi who can support him. That should be the case with # 36, and your likes. He will ROT in JAIL come what may. He thinks the only confort he has is in RB continuing in 2011. In his dreams!