Friday, September 20, 2024

FRA commences sell of grain sells to the general public


The Food Reserve Agency ( FRA ) spokesperson Mwamba Siame says the agency has begun conducting Community sales of grain in rural communities in the Country.

Mrs. Siame in an interview with ZANIS, today, said the FRA was selling maize and rice to the general public including millers in the country.

She stated that consumers especially in rural areas will be able to easily access the commodity through their Districts commisioners’ offices.

Mrs Mwamba noted that the DC office will scrutinize requests for approval and dispatching the maize and rice will be done by FRA respectively in the rural Communities.

She said that the FRA management had put the price of the commodities at a market price of K 70,000 and k 85, 000 for a 50 kg bag of maize and 40 Kg bag of Rice, respectively.

Mrs Siame stressed that sales the two commodities are part of the Agency’s Core business aimed at stabilizing Mealie meal prices and meeting local shortfalls, during this period prior to the harvest in May.

She said that FRA has projected that the millers will service the urban Consumers and the agency estimates to sell 50,000 to 80,000 metric Tonnes of maize and 900 metric tonnes of paddy rice.



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