Monday, March 10, 2025

Intercity Bus Terminus to be expanded


Government is planning to expand and transform the Intercity Bus Terminus in Lusaka and other major stations around the country into modern standard stations.

Local Government Deputy Minister, Moses Muteteka said the expansion of the bus stations will also decongest them, which will in turn provide good services to the traveling public.

Mr. Muteteka said the public were currently facing difficulties when traveling mainly owimg o inadequate spaces at bus stations.

He said this today when he met management and some bus operators at Lusaka’s Intercity Bus Terminus after touring the bus station.

He also asked Intercity Bus Terminus management and some bus operators to sensitize their drivers at the station to adhere to the high way code so as to reduce on the number of accidents which the country was experiencing.

And Intercity Bus Terminus Manager, John Walubita said the station was facing problems of inadequate spaces for buses because of an increase in the number of bus operators.



  1. One way to decongest is to have a system where buses travel according to time. They they will not need to park at the bus station for a long time waiting for paasengers. They would only go to the station to load.

    Otherwise, continous improvement of our facilities is welcome.

  2. this minister did have things to say. Where will be the expansion when that place has no space at all. Will they build an up story building.

  3. no.2 what is up story? a 3 to 4 story complex would do. something bigger than park station in jhb.definitely timed buses will do.otherwise buses need to park at company garages until it is time to load.let a developer come in. grz will just steal the money. lastly there are too many people trying to live off the transport sector. in the end it becomes too expensive for the commuter. creat jobs for those kaponyas and ngwangwazis elsewhere. the are the biggest cause of congestion and isecurity at bus stations countrywide.let professionalism set in into the travelling industry.

  4. Expansion of the Intercity Bus Terminus is welcome, but that means more buses and more delays looking at the situation prevailing at the moment where those bus conductors load fake passengers especially on the copperbelt routes. I at one time got on a bus to CB around 08hrs guess what time the bus filled up – 18hrs, this was after giving me an impression that only 4 people were remaining for the bus to fill up and go. Authorities should look into this issue before expansion of the bus terminus.

  5. #2, I agree with you. This Muteteka chap is just another cadre from that same bus station. All the areas around the station have been given corruptly to Indians sponsoring the MMD. That area is prime and should have seen more modern structures put up there but look at the structures indians are building around that area, its all because of corruption by the MMD and LCC. And really one wonders what our city planners are employed for.

  6. Cadres for ministers, where is intercity bus terminus going to expand to? Going to demolish railway systems of zambia offices? Or have you bought the private land north of intercity and west of ZCAS? Are you going to build “storey” intercity terminus? The guy was even struggling to just say bus terminus, he kept on saying intercity market. Lets be factual, bring out facts, bring out plans as a minister, not illusions.

  7. To begin with Intercity needs to improve in customer care service!
    ntercity Bus Station is an international Centre which speaks volumes about Zambeziland.
    Therefore, ‘expansion’ has to be of international standards, please, not Ng’wang’wazi structures. Lsk City Council, the town is in mess already with shoddy structures in the town centre!!!

    ‘Expanding the Station may not be the other the Bus operators could be given the freedom to run private stations. Competition in efficiency, punctuality, courtesy and neatness is healthy for their business.

  8. Just let operators run their private stations.where will you get that land to expand must be a joker of a guys with a few disgruntled chaps from the council are milking that place to the bone no wonder you are just yapping to paint a rosy picture about the situation

  9. Na kmb ilefwaika ukupanga bwino.After all it is one of the oldest and most popular. And instead of expandind the Inter city terminus maybe you can biuld another one at onother location.

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