Tuesday, October 8, 2024

PF has an archaic constitution plagiarized from the UNIP Government-Kunda


Vice President George Kunda
Vice President George Kunda

Vice President George Kunda has  alleged that the opposition  Patriotic Front (PF) has got an archaic constitution that would subject public service officers to appear before the party functionaries to answer charges.

Mr Kunda  said the PF constitution which he got from the Registrar of Societies requires Judges to appear before PF’s members of the Central Committee to answer charges if need arises.

The Vice President said a constitution that would subject public service officers  before party functionaries are archaic and should not be allowed in Zambia.

“The PF constitution is plagiarized constitution of the UNIP government. In this constitution, High Court Judges will be subjected to appear before the party functionaries to answer charges,” he said.

He added, “This is not good because it us getting back to One Party State.”

He said on the other hand, that the UPND has got a constitution that promotes multi-party democracy which he said it is totally different from the PF one.

Mr Kunda  doubted the feasibility of the UPND-PF pact saying the two parties that make up the Pact have different party constitutions and manifestos.

Mr. Kunda argued that it will be very difficult for the two parties and their presidents to harmonise their party constitutions and manifestos because there are very different.

He wondered how the Pact will harmonise the two different constitutions especially that the leaders of the two parties in the Pact have different characteristics.

He said the PF leader Michael Sata was inconsistent and has no clear vision hence not suitable to lead the country.

Mr. Kunda urged the people of Mumbwa district in particular and Zambians in general to support the MMD government which he said has a clear party manifesto and reliable vision for the country.

And Mr. Kunda has disclosed that government has this year set aside K152.3 billion for the construction of seven high and boarding schools in Central Province.

Mr Kunda said the seven schools will be built in various districts in the province to increase accessibility in the education sector through the high schools to the people in the province.

The Vice President said government will also construct a high school at Kasalu Basic School where he addressed the rally and said an additional K400 million has already been put aside for the same project.

He further told the gathering that attended the rally that plans are under-way to build a clinic in Kasalu area to ensure people in Mumbwa district access more quality health care services near their homes.

Mr Kunda said K5 billion has been set aside for the rehabilitation of feeder roads in Mumbwa district to ease transport of agriculture products in the area.

Mr. Kunda also said government has various empowerment programmes that includes cattle restocking, goat pass-on-programme, livestock eradicating programmes for different diseases in the area among others.

The Vice President said because of this and many other economic achievements which the MMD government has scored, the opposition political parties have nothing to talk about except to panic.

He further disclosed that a number of Members of Parliament (MPs) in the PF and UPND will before the 2011 elections defect to the ruling party: MMD because it is a progressive party with a clear vision for the people of Zambia.

“The PF and UPND MPs are confiding in us. They are just waiting for time and there will be mass resignations from the two parties joining our party the ruling MMD,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kunda has commended the Central Province MMD Executive for working hard to ensure that President Rupiah Banda wins the 2011 presidential tripartite elections.

He said Zambians should therefore continue supporting the MMD which he said is the only party that will guarantee them a better future.

And Central Province MMD Chairman Boyd Mutonka said the ruling party is strong in the province and will win all the constituencies in the next elections.

He claimed that the strength of the Pact will not threaten the MMD in the province come 2011 polls.

And Central Province Minister Ackimson Banda said Mumbwa is expected to harvest a bumper harvest this year because of the good rains the district is experiencing.

Earlier, Mr. Kunda met chiefs at Mumbwa Council Guest House before addressing a rally at Mumbwa Boma Grounds.

While in Central province, the Vice President will also visit hospitals and other public institutions and projects in various districts.

The Vice President is in Central Province to hold rallies and meet chiefs in the province.

Mr. Kunda is expected to return to Lusaka on Monday. He is accompanied by Provincial Minister Ackimson Banda, Science Minister and Mumbwa Central MP Dr. Brian Chituwo and MMD Deputy National Secretary Chembe Nyangu.



  1. Ba Kunda, why is the pact so much of your concern? Under pressure!!!!!!!
    Please sort out your own MMD and let the pact sort itself out. Since when did you become genuinely concerned for UPND? Even a small child can see u are trying your best to destroy the PACT.
    Mwandini, panick now to save your necks ” for your time in jail draweth nigh”.=))=))=))

  2. Is this guy fine? I highly doubt! What was he doing with an archaic piece of statute from another party plucked out the UNIP days where RB was recently an active member. Is he confirming something

  3. i like the way Kunda is refering to the future. his statements clearly indicate conceding that THE PACT is definitely making the next govt.

  4. I just did get it, how can MMD be the party for the future development and it has been in power for 20 years. Kunda and them don’t take people for granted, you was surpose to do that for the past 20years and don’t panic it’s time for you people to go.

  5. People from Mumbwa, do you need feeder roads now, where was GK all this time, what kind of health infrastructures were u using. You needed these things a long time ago. Beware this is the time of elections, they will build schools for you but you will have not teachers because the money is being used Ku NCC.
    Basankwa, ba ku Mumbwa the time has come for change plead with your area member of Parlie, Dr Chituwo to come to the Pact is in a wrong path. Ba GK lekeni ukulanda pali Pact, why waste time on something which is not working tell the people your development. Single digit inflation does not make sense to me when am still buying the bag of mealie meal @ K70,000 and am still buying fuel at K8500.00 per liter. Your inflation is just on paper.

  6. People I do not understand why intelligent human beings cannot see the nonsense that is called pact. Facts and symptoms are there for all to see, surely can one be so blind and dull that he cannot see that the pact is some unworkable hallucination? Even HH can’t see that he is incompatible with the serpent but he wants to lead this nation?

  7. 6, Manje imwe ba Nemwine, in your opinion what do you think would be the price of fuel under pact. Of course this is a hypothetical question as pact simply cannot form government because it does not make sense. But anyway answer my question.

  8. MMD Party cadre number one Kunda, I can imagine what the future holds for him. This guy is gona go in history as the most bootlicker VP Zambia has ever produced. He doesn’t add up senseless to sense. Paraphrasing what he said about an exodus of defections from oppositions, the opposite is inevitable because MMD MP will leave and join the pact. Among them, Magande, Mphombo, Katele just to mention but a few. Watch out Kunda.

  9. number 8
    Ba Kunda
    It does not take someone (toddler) who is at kindergarten to see that your Man Made Destruction (MMD) is no more, you should feel ashemed that after 45+ years of independence we are still talking about poverty, the time has come for change VIVA PACT VIVA HH VIVA SATA. Wachamo ba professor Ba Chirwa is part of the pact. We aregoing to be paying attention to this nonsense you are talking about, while you remain at the airport to wave to your presideso day in day out. Ba Kunda wake up dont remain behind ”rememebr the story of Noah in the Bible, I will feel very bad if you dont even have time read the bible because of being at the airport all the time.

  10. Good Evening

    Any substance in these allegations? I have a feeling that we are now witnessing the second round of PhD (Put him Down) politics from the Veep. So far MMD – 2, PF/UPND – 0

  11. Ba Kunda
    You know that is the only country in the sub region with the highest price of fuel, needless to mention the price of mealie meal as if we buy from outside n yet it is local grown. Reason very simple hgh levels of corruption has lead to escaleting poverty levels. There are useless taxes on fuel we pay tax for Roads, Reserves, Customs, ERB, Vat and we dont see the money being put in good use. The pact will scrap all this and our fuel prices will relatively low. This will boost aviation industry and tourism in turn. we forming the next government Ba Kunda, “nalikwebele tabulwapo”

  12. I would rather have an archaic constitution than the one in MMD were every position is by appointment from top to bottom. MMD should tell the nation when the election part in their constitution was taken out. Kunda himself speaks for himself and has no legitimacy to discuss anything but his appetite to get all he can from the government. May be I have forgotten, when was Kunda ever elected to any position?

  13. Plagiarism is a very serious offence. PF should try to be original. Anyway, what do you expect from a vocal and semi-illiterate bus conductor who claims to have a political science degree, probably manufactured from “Matero University”.

  14. Ba Plagiarizer
    You are mistaken Chiluba was the Bus conductor check the archieves, are you also in posession of the Degree from Matero, I dont know any university in Matero


    MMD Chief Whip Vernon Mwaanga says it is daydreaming for United Party for National Development spokesperson Charles Kakoma to state that the MMD will be defeated in the 2011 elections.

    Mr Kakoma is quoted as saying that the failure by the ruling party to set a strong record in the fight against graft will cost the party in next year’s elections.

  16. But Mr. Mwaanga says Mr. Kakoma knows very well that the MMD is very committed to the fight against corruption.

    He has since advised the UPND spokesperson to face reality and tell the nation the truth on the position of the MMD on corruption.

    Mr Mwaanga says had the MMD government not been committed to the fight against graft, the Anti-Corruption Commission will not be prosecuting people.

  17. Kunda is right. You cannot trust PF constitution. It’s a same UNIP document for one party state. HH should not trust SATA with anything. VIVA MMD VIVA RB

  18. UNIP was saying the same things GK is talking about in it’s last days of being in power.Please accept that people are now fed up of mmd lies and want Change.Nothing will stop this change, just start packing your bags.your time is up.20 yrs is alot of time, Zambian infrastructure looks dilapidated like a country that has been in civil war.Are you not ashamed yourself to talk about mmd?Enough is enough go in peace let other people lead this Great Nations with it’s humble people who have been so patient to see change but all has been in vain.What a waste of time with mmd.God help us, usher in PF/UPND government and redeem your wonderfull people from this plundering party of national resources amen.

  19. Ba Mwata, ngachili mwata
    This time God is on our side, he is not with those people who where declaring Zambia a Christian nation, with somebody’s else wife.
    If God is with us who can be against us. Yehwah promised Isreal that “I will deliver you from the hands of wicked men,” when Isreal was in Babylon as a captive. Therefore God is saying unto us “my children am coming to deliver my people who have been in captive for 2 decades. God will never forseek his own.

  20. He expresses confidence that the ruling party will bounce back into power in 2011 considering the successes it has recorded in various sectors of the economy.

    He was speaking in an interview with QFM.

  21. Ba PACT ukulota… No matter how much you insult, Sata cannot rule this country. He can be popular, yes, he can win the election, yes, but that’s it. Beyond this is misery.
    Be ready.. muzakakamba.. You will tell us on this forum. Anyway, its easy to change from ‘Nine Chale’ to ‘9 Chale’ or something similar and be in the opposition once the pain starts biting.
    There is no economic, political or diplomatic future in PF. This is unarguable. You all know the fact. You are only burying your heads in the sands of insults and self-pity. Reality will hit when it’s all too late.

  22. Kunda your allegations are aimed at destroying the pact thats for sure pull him down( PHD) mentality you are exibiting with your MMD fellows. Anyway Sata has a Godly purpose of living and that purpose is to lead and save the poor people of Zambia one day, just like Zuma. With Relactant attitude of many Zambians, we need a leader like Sata with swift authoritative actions, to control things for development sake, he mighty not have all the skills needed but with his proven proactiveness to address problems and solving skills, he is the Man at this point to help fight corruption and laziness in the country and make all public officers in offices to work for the marginalized zambians. Kunda bring politics of issues and not politics character assination.

  23. Ba Nemwine, don’t mis-quote God. Chiluba might have been sinful. Sata is sinful too. Remember, he has several girl-friends we know about and two wives. So don’t be cheated my dear. It’s a case of ‘see no evil hear no evil’ when it comes to Sata. A leader is a person people choose and God endorses.
    God chose leaders of Israel by prophesy, not leaders of these man-made boundaries we call countries. Dear, pray that we get a good leader.. to pray that your chosen leader is God’s choice is not true and correct. Blive what u want but I have a different choice from yours, that does not make me less of a Christian than u. Sata is as good as, or as bad as Chiluba, Rupiah, Late Levy (MHSRIP), and even KK. They r just human wth like passion as you.

  24. For those who don’t know, the VP is an attack dog – to pinpoint the shortcomings of the opposition. That is what it is supposed to be as strategy. The President is supposed to articulate policy – not insults all the time. The MMD seem to be doing this very well. For the Pact it is Sata or HH this and that. We do not hear anything from their deputies – if they exist.

  25. 😕 Ba Kunda chacine balwele, Honestly tatuli baice how can a Judge appear before a cadre. Awe namulwala shiki mumutwe yama just work hard and prove yourself and people will vote for you mulecita sana panic hopefully tamwalwale umutima. lol VIVA PACT!

  26. Breaking news

    Experts have just proven that PF was registered and has been campaign under a plagiarized constitution it lifted from UNIP illegally. Now the former ruling party UNIP is preparing to sue Mr.Sata and his PF.Professional political Scientists,Policy analysts, Technical writters and scholars have just finished the foresinsic exams and are in evidence that line upon line and precept upon precept PF illegally lifted a legally protected Document from UNIP against the copyright laws of the laws of Zambia.The investigations were launched follows the public revelation by the republican Vice President GK yesterday.It will be very interesting to learn how Mr.Sata will belabor to plead for integrity against this evidence of intellectual property crime in his presidential fold.

  27. Breaking news

    Experts have just proven that PF was registered and has been campaigning under a plagiarized constitution it lifted from UNIP illegally. Now the former ruling party UNIP is preparing to sue Mr.Sata and his PF.Professional political Scientists,Policy analysts, Technical writters and scholars have just finished the foresinsic exams and are in evidence that line upon line and precept upon precept PF illegally lifted a legally protected Document from UNIP against the copyright laws of the Republic of Zambia.The investigations were launched follows the public revelation by the republican Vice President GK yesterday.It will be very interesting to learn how Mr.Sata will belabor to plead for integrity against this evidence of intellectual property crime in his presidential fold.

  28. Senior Citizen whatever you call yourself – what are you talking about? Who determines whether someone is guilty or not, is it George Kunda or the Shushu with no forensic science expertise or the courts. How much did yoy get as tax refund for you to be exited about the VPs panic statements – mwafwa bamambala PACT ili bad and everyday you’re asking the young man HH to leave the PACT why if you’re still popular. All the best guys a great test awaits you in less than 23 months.


  30. What a shame to have GK as VP,he never seizes to amaze me.he is one hell of a guy who is bent down to see to it that the pact does not work. I have some bad news for you, the leaders of the pact have vowed to work together and no amount of trickery will make them loose there focus,you know what the unity in the pact is not been is not been driven by HH and SATA it is the general membership the ordinarly people on the ground the voters if you may want met be precise who have felt cheated maginalised and abused by the MMD.So you may be rest assured that your hallucinations can only go as far as impressing your boss,for one good reason he chooses to listen to what best suits is hears.

  31. Mwiponta mukabwela. All of you condemning VP to be sick, what about your sick relatives whom you have neglacted in Zambia, some of whom can not even afford ARVs. Kunda is enjoying himself, while you are busy working in nursing homes in the US or UK. Ba double standard imwe.

  32. The impression I am getting is that the Vice President is getting hysterical and frantic in his attempts to break up the PF/UPND pact. If the pact is not a threat to the MMD why is he so concerned about it? Why shouldn’t he target the FDD and the Heritage Party with the same venom as well?

  33. What is the moral of the story here? Nothing to be learned. Politicians as usual using the media as a platform for them to bicker trivial matters. So Mr. Kunda are you saying your MMD constitution is flawless?

  34. #16. JEALOUS PERSON .king cobra has shwn u wat u demanded, u bring sholw thinking and say its fake degree.do u av the gats tell him wat u claiming in court.
    s t u p i d MMD.The beauti abt pipo suportn the pact is that thr never bought or paid to say n thning.

  35. George Kunda is the unofficial spokeperson for the Pact, although he speaks about it in negative terms. What he does not know is that the more he vomits about the pact, the more people get attracted to it.

  36. It is the duty of the VP to punch holes in the opposition. That is why you see him day in and day out on the same lines of debate – and for the most part he has stayed away from insults. GK should continue showing Zambians that the Pact is a charade. Not that MMD is the ideal, but considering what we have, you can’t blame Zambians if they bring back MMD. Max #36 your line of argument does not have strategy; why would he waste his time on FDD and the Heritage Party when these parties basically exist on paper?

  37. Senior Citizen (#s 29 & 30)… do you really have to paste the same nonsense on all the blogs you visit? give us a break!

  38. George Kunda is axiously waiting for a huge payment from the NCC coffers payment to facilitate his movement from a govt house in Lusaka to Mulungushi International Conference centre where he attends deliberations when he will be doing Govt., job he is paid to do. Aaah Zambia sucks. This man will never break the PACT. he has annointed self to the our spokesman and our spie in MMD. So he should continue destroying the MMD. It’s OK.

  39. What is strange is Kunda’s boss is a UNIPist with UNIP archaic behavior. Is Kunda actually telling his boss he is archaic indirectly? Paper (so called PF constitution) vs Person (RB the UNIPist?). Ba president you have just been insulted by your vice! Fire him!

  40. Mr. Kunda, it is not for u to worry how the PACT will harmoniese their constitiotions, let them be. Off the topic NCC is now saying councillors shud be grade 12, wat abt MPS, Cabinet Ministers wat qualifications shud they possess?

  41. No. 27 spot on MMD has started its campaign by high lighting its achievements and its intentions by going to the electorate. President RB in Luapula, VP Kunda in Central Province, Former President Chiluba in CB, VJ and Maureen on radio programmes. Whilst this is happening the pact with the Post are hell bent on insults and nothing comes good from the MMD, according to them. The Pact will soon be licking their wounds. For any reasonable and sober minded person the pact does not make sense. It is true it is popular and this the MMD is aware of and has done its home work, by the time the elections are held MMD will gain back the popularity and win the elections.

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