By Elias Munshya wa Munshya
This article explores factors that have contributed to the rehabilitation of former president Chiluba’s image. First, by rewriting the script of Chiluba’s prosecution, after his acquittal, the Rupiah government has helped repair Chiluba’s image. Rupiah’s government has managed to claim that Chiluba was a victim of excessive prosecution. Barely months after the passing of Mwanawasa, had Tetamashimba proclaimed Chiluba’s innocence. The government media have also chronicled Chiluba’s prosecution as a persecution. Speaking in Luapula very recently Rupiah refused to be drawn into politics of hating Chiluba.[quote]
Secondly, there is one daily Zambian tabloid, whose incessant attacks on Chiluba have actually helped prop him up as well. Instead of finishing him, these attacks have actually helped Chiluba garner some sympathy that has led some to conclude that the tabloid’s attacks are inspired by personal hatred more than anything else. For example their continued insults of Chiluba, calling him thief, a lazo, and so on and so forth, while effectively demonstrating their hatred of him, have the potential to achieve exactly the opposite—compassion for a man who is perceived to be a victim. Persistent personal insults of a person we deem to be a criminal actually becomes very superfluous in the end and makes people question the very motive behind those insults.
Thirdly, PF and Sata helped begin the process of restoring Chiluba’s image. Just during the 2006 elections, Sata exuded in Chiluba, using him extensively to campaign for PF in Lusaka, Copperbelt and Luapula. To date, Sata admits that most PF MPs in Luapula were Chiluba’s. Sata contributed to raising Chiluba’s image in spite of Mwanawasa’s sentiments that Chiluba was a thief. The PF leaders and cadres would welcome Chiluba at the airport and would also accompany him to court. It is therefore, surprising that the PF is a bitter enemy of FJT because he has now switched his support back to the MMD. If FJT still has some legitimacy and clout, the PF should blame themselves as important architects of FJT’s restored image, which may have all started in 2006.
Fourthly, as an ardent Christian, Chiluba has mentioned that he has had to rely on his faith to counter most of the accusations and embarrassment he has faced. In spite of the fact that some clergy such as Father Bwalya have lambasted Chiluba and called him names, EFZ Executive Director Paul Mususu came to Chiluba’s defense immediately after his acquittal. Several church groups such as the BIGOCA have come to Chiluba’s support as well. Before his acquittal, a group of Pentecostal leaders gathered at Mulungushi to pray for him and honor him. They, quite amusingly, dressed him in Jewish religious garb during the event.
Fifthly, Chiluba’s personal assistant, Emmanuel Mwamba has worked hard for the boss’s image too. Mwamba radiates youthful confidence and innocence that are critical to hoisting Chiluba. An articulate speaker, Mwamba has courageously defended Chiluba irking many and pleasing some. His vigor and his lack of a political past, brought freshness to the image of a former president. At one time, during Mwanawasa’s era, he manhandled two intelligence officers who were indiscreetly trailing him and took them to Woodlands Police Station, embarrassing them.
It still remains to be seen however, the actual political impact that Chiluba’s rehabilitated image will translate into, going forward. It should be noted however, that he remains a great force to reckon with politically and it will matter who he supports for presidency. In the meantime, organizations and individuals are condescending around him for endorsements and patronage. As Mwanawasa had mentioned Zambians are quite forgetful. In our collective memory we tend to forgive and forget all the wrongs past, and instead rehabilitate the images of our fallen leaders. Kaunda was later restored, Chiluba is being restored and not many days hence, Mwanawasa will also be eulogized. Chiluba is still regarded as criminal to some, but dearly loved by many others—so much for a man just trying to restore his battered image.
LT reporters have very strange names, I’m not sure if they are real name.
Chiluba is a freeman, they should free all those innocent pipo that are being held in prison for no reason. There is no justice for the poor, its a shame that lawyers and the jury failed to find this man guilt. He is a professional thief no wonder they will never send him behind bars….He is teaching Banda how to do it and get away with it.
no comments coz this article is KAK.am tired of KAFUPI stories give me a break.
There is nothing new in this so called article. At least its not from ZANIS for the first time
“Zambians are quite forgetful. In our collective memory we tend to forgive and forget all the wrongs past,”
Indeed, we have even forgotten that Dr Mwanawasa was dragged kicking to ask parliament to lift Chiluba’s presidential immunity. We have forgatten that Dr Mwanawasa said that Chiluba was his friend and he prayed that he would be found innocent of all charges. We have forgotten that Dr Mwanawasa said he would forgive Chiluba if he returned 80% of what he stole. It was when Chiluba turned to PF that Dr Mwanawasa became openly hostile to Dr Chiluba. We forget too that The Post was against Dr Mwanawasa until he handed over Dr Chiluba to them to persecute on a silver plater. “A week is a very long time in politics,”
Well no comment but i just like the kapenga attire chiluba is putting on in the picture.:-?
Typical Chiluba koolaid drinkers. There is more coverage on Chiluba than the floods etc Does this man own Zambia? I wonder…maybe this is his 3rd term? there is so much effort to repair this man’s image than the economic problems facing Zambia. Chilubalites, Chilubanism etc what abat 99% of the other population are they not important? I wonder what jail sentence a man stealing 3 cows will get…best they change their name to Chiluba they will be free.
# 4 THE SAINT, PHEEEeeWWWw. well Spoken mwana. Time in politics is a very very time even if it’s 5 minutes. But Chiluba’s battered image wont be restored. he hasnt returned the millions he stole. The london Judgement must be speeded up or Rupiah after hisrein is over shall be persued for delaying justice. mark my words. Levy passed on thats what has made Kafupi-Chiluba to become stubborn. I blame all the Zambians for being passive. How do you bestore that dressing on an adulterer, wife snatcher. We forget very easily. yes very easily.
Iyee abantu ukupunama!
I miss ubwali na kapenta nangu fried fish na räpe mwe!
LT heading should change from how Zambia reformed Chiluba’s image … to how Chilubalite and Chilubanism koolaid drinkers in MMD work day in and day out to uplift him. They do not represent Zambia’s opinion. There is more repairing of his agenda as policy number 1 instead of the Zambian economy. What about the floods chlorea , nurses wage increase etc.? As long as their names do not end with Chiluba they are second class citizens.
Your comment is awaiting moderationiiiiii Efinshi ba LT. what have I done in No.7 above. When I said RB will be persued it’s backed by law, If it is found as it will be that he has shielding Chiluba the wife snatcher, he will be persued by law. Chiluba has serious civil cases pending for him to defend, his defence weak already. Wife found wiht stolen item and spent days at Kamwala prison. It’s also true that Chiluba’s heart ailment healed after Levy Died. lol. what lies have I told. Dickson jere interfering with this site and ba shushushu. I will re-born t with another nice name. Be warned.
Is this paper a tool of the MMD Please some one tell me who owns Lusaka times i have been going wondero?
Looks like a bar mitzvah!
These Lusaka pastors should be careful why give Chiluba a jewish attire lol don’t forgot that jews are known to use nails on human beings as punishment
Only God knows the truth and only he can Vindicate this man. God help my beloved country.
Chiluba disgusts me.What is this thing he is wearing.Does he know that in so far as Jews and Judaism are concrned an African is an inferior being?Am sure they would not take kindly to a thief African for that matter and wife thief if i may add donning their attire.
A well written article. The Post have greatly contributed to his restored image. The other day in their editorial they demeaned him by stating that Chiluba needs to break his small back to ensure that RB is re-elected. Why de-mean the man as if he choose to be small in stature. Thats how the Post has shown their greatest weakness. You cannot blame them because now free money for their friends Mutembos has dried up.
Am i missing somethging here…please God help my mother Zambia,what kind of nonsense is this…the same govnt media,same journalists and probably same editor not along ago were battering chiluba in their editorial comments,same Mulongoti,Shikapwasha and George Kunda who said nasty stuff to chiluba are today singing praises,what a load of bollocks,this man is a thief simple,,,ardent christian,my arzs! let him first take back the woman he grabbed,humble himself before God and seek forgiveness, i dont know what God you people serve,but i know for sure that the God i serve is a just God and he cannot be decieved,one day,just one day this man will see the wrath of the ALMIGHTY YAWEH,he is a thief,anyone who thinks otherwise needs to be examined
I Do not understand this:((:((:((:((:((:((:((
Looking at the way Dora Siliya reacted when Kansundila was touching her in Luapula last week, there can be no doubt that he is roping her! Akulu mphuno chakondwela eve kusuka munkondo!
Has Sata ever apologised to the nation for suporting the third-term? Has he apologised to the nation for cavorting with him and promising to free if elected in 2006? It is indeed true that Zambians are very forgetful.
Av always said that LT is MMD & anti-PACT.Chiluba does not command any respect and whoever he supports will surely lose as evidenced in Kasama & Solwezi.
:-?:ot his man anidabwitsa maningi everyday!! ala mwandi katwishi mwee..:o3:-oonly kapoli’s like him are so 3:-o3:-o3:-o:@):@)dare devils8-x8-x*-:)
There goes yet another image builder. Elias Munshya wa Munshya emmerges as yet another FTJ sympasizer. a few things you have written can be considered true. But I disagree with you on a large scale. People don’t just hate FTJ just for the sake of hating. I for one gives chiluba some respect as a human being and for having held that top job.
Chiluba has messed up Zambia politically and morally. When FTJ gets on the political platform he receives so much controversy just as much as KK does. Former presidents needs to trade carefully politically. They must just not meddle in politics unwisely.
Lately FTJ has misbehaved by not playing the role of an ex President. He still has some diginity to preserve though if he learns to keep quiet. Exs are advisors not Punkas:-?
For your own information writter. Both former presidents KK and late LPM SC disliked FTJ because of his manners, his criminal nature. They hated his manners not the ka man himself. Chiluba turned out to be the only odd out. Iam sure you did your special paper one and two if did your ECZ education pa Zed.
FTJ must know that he can no longer take citizens of this country for granted again.
Should we be wishing that his heart problem emmerges again to keep him queit again?
Matter of facts give him a break so he can learn to keep ZZZZzzzz himself.
I advised chilu on this blog to keep a low profile.
Good Afternoon
This article is only an eye-openner or at least trying to explain the “mystique” surrounding the man FTJ. History is full of examples of men who have suffered humiliation and defeat just to rise up from the ashes at the last momment and be crowned top ranking player.
It was Willi Ritschard, a Swiss politician who once remarked: “out of a hundred know-it-alls, there is only one do-it-all.”
LT is pretending to be imparial but i think they are a government mouth piece. Just see all these articles which both appear in government papers and duplicated in LT. You guys are shushushus. When the PACT comes to power we will see how long you shall survive. TRAITORS.!:^o
It is apparent that the MMD is playing its cards right. Its seems people don’t understand the game of numbers in politics. Whether you like it or not, MMD is really fighting to retain its position and continue governing the country no matter what ill you say about them. Same applies for the PACT, their desire is to govern the country.
The Chiluba factor helps the MMD on number basis. How many people will leave the MMD because Chiluba has switched his support back MMD? Very few. From the grass root to beneficiaries of the home ownership scheme and other Chiluba sympathisers that left MMD when Mwanawasa was President and shifted their support PF, many would flock back to the MMD than those that would leave. MMD is benefitting a lot from this. Luapula PF MPs is one indicator.
Number 7,I feel for you.That’s what I had for Lunch.Isabi Lyakusalula na rape.
The day chiluba wil grab Munshya wa munshya’s wife is the day he is going to know what sort of a thief he is. Any way RB could have corrupted Lusaka Times cause this article is full of nonsense.
Well done ba Mwamba alias Munshya wa Munshya, people now know what FTJ did they will never forget. It`s hard to build a name than it is to destroy, so mukose.they are still many issues pending that FTJ has to answer to by the time the law is done with him awe chingelengele fye.
It looks like we have more cadres than realists on this blog. One fact pipo should admit is that Chiluba is very popular and this is regardles your party affiliation. Therefore, whoever, scoops Chiluba, betters their chances of winning an election.
However, Chiluba’s being popular does not make him innocent. That he stepped on many pipo’s toes is certain, but what is also true is that many pipo, though fraudulently owe their happiness to Chiluba for his mass appeasement policies, which as we came to realise later were very destructive.
However, Chiluba’s inequities can only be attributed to Levy’s determination to expose him. Fortunately, no one has yet tried to expose Mwanawasa, wonder how clean he would come out. What of all these roumours arround!!!!!
#28 Bang
Why don’t you submit an article to LT to say the things you want us to know? I am certain that LT, which always publishes Kyambalesa’s anti-MMD theses, will no doubt publish yours as well.
What does Sata say about his behaviour regarding FTJ in the rup up to elections. Has Sata explained why he was FTJ’s buddy, supporting him for a 3rd Term for 2001elections, and then openly portray FTJ innocent at 2006 elections. Why is he now an enemy of FTJ.
Such behaviour for an aspiring presidential candidate reveal something terrible about his character.
In developed countries, Sata will be questioned by the media and the electorate about these things. In the USA, journalists dig the past of an aspiring presidential candidate. Do Zambian journalists do that? Presidential candidates should demonstrate that they have a sound and steady mind.
Ftj has imparted in RB that you dont have to have vulgar language to outwit your rivals in politics and the chi man has grasped the lessons sharply and his diplomacy is winning him province after another.Whilst sata and HH are busy grabing headlines in the tabloids chi mudala is busy luring provinces
Chiluba look so funny and out of place in that attire. Come to think of it how many different religious attires has he worn in his life time? The term “religious grashopper” comes to mind.
God forgive this man!!
what a ka handsome little boy ka chiluba is. sweet tiny thing. i would just carry him in my pocket everywhere i went. mwaaah deuces bane:)>-
Yep! Very forgetful and forgiving. Munshya, you got that one right.
The post were overzealous in trying to get the man to hell, to be honest, i share their view kafupi is a pathological liar and thief, but they over did it and made him look more credible than them.
Senior Citizen, please remember that Progressive Leaders like Ben Mkapa, Chisano, Madiba,Mwinyi are more respected at home and abroad.They are invited to Forums to deliver speeches and are paid for doing that.They are not actively involved in their local politics.Can FTJ’s image equal the images of these progressive leaders I have mentioned? Who in his right frame of mind would invite FTJ to Davos and what will he speak about? Eloping with other people’s wives may be.We had a lot of hope in 1991 and a lot of people locally and internationally are disappointed.20 years in power and the Multi Million Dollar gangsters can’t even fix the drainages in Lusaka and you have Brown Envelope Seekers(Clergies) asking for more time.Zambia is a joke, maybe there should be a civil war for people to…
FTJ is blessed and he has so much to contribute to Zambia’s development. This is a man who was demonised by the Post and the so called International community, yet today he is a free man and things are only getting better for him. Just wait until the pay him back his £40 Million pounds.
Dr. Chiluba is still a political don within MMD and Zambian politics in general. All politicians today onced worked for him, why should he not be enjoying his status. The Post thought the would destroy him but what the forgot was that Zambia’s literacy level is very low, therefore their articles on Chiluba have only made him even more popular and Dr Mwanawasa is not here any more to give them the state protection the enjoyed for a while.
Viva FTJ.
The Saint, Zambians have very short memories.They have forgotten that the Big Clown who occupies Plot 1 gave Land to his friend Mswati, Insulted their intelligence by saying Mswati has contacts therefore will help us attract FDI, went to Nigeria asking the Nigerians to develope Zambia by investing in Zambia.What is this clown smoking or what does he drink? He surely reminds me of the Late Boris Yeltsin of Russia except that Boris Yeltsin was more intelligent.The Kremlin was packed with ass lickers just as is the case now under RBB(Reality Bites Back).
Yes Civil war is an option, the conditions are right.The magnitude should be so big that it should make the French Revolution look like a sunday picnic.68% living on $1 or less per day, what have they got to lose? Then start afresh after tha
You useless person #41 Civil War with who? If you have nothing to write, just leave that internet cafe you are using. How can you be preaching Civil War when you are in the UK. You are not experiencing any of the things you claim Zambians are going through. Zambia is developing like it or not thanks to KK, FJT, LPM and RBB.
We are a peaceful nation and no one is big enough to bring civil war to Zambia. We are a blessed nation that is why you see the number of foreigners increasing in the country. It is because the nation is blessed. It is not perfect and it is better than war that you are wishing for. If you want war then join the Brishit (oops) British Army so that the send you to afganistan for the talaban to work on on. Change your citizenship, Zambia doesn’t need people like you.
I am not a politician… I only suffer the consequence bakabwalala
I am not a politician… I only suffer the consequences.
Peter Tosh
POST should learn a lesson from this. They are now making the same mistake by ‘over insulting’ RB and if you observe he is becoming more popular the more they ratchet up the insults. In 2006, when they wanted Mr SATA to loose, they did not dwell on him too much and he lost. Conclusion: if they leave RB alone, sound as though they are neutral, their wish can be granted and RB can loose next. As things stand its a staright win for RB in 2011.
#16, Smoothcriminal, If Chiluba is athief, what do you think of Michael Sata who was his agent for ten long years and was his emissary to the Mr. Mwanza, husband of Regina Mwanza. Mr. Sata was also the main campaign tool for Chiluba’s Third Term. What have you got to say about Michael Sata. I would rather go with Chiluba than go with Chiluba’s chola boy, Michael Sata.
kawalalala..chabe ..zoona!
#41, Neutral, I do not think after what Africa has gone through you would be talking about a civil war in your country. I am sure that you are not Zambian. If you are, you should be ashamed of yourself. I do not know what type of crappy family spawned you. But you should know that Zambia grew by over 6% in 2009 and it shows in the number of structures going up every where. Do not insult the intelligence of Zambians. We may differ and use robust criticism, but that is not enough for us to kill each other. Keep away from Zambia. You are just a worm in the London woodwork.
#39 Neutral,
don’t ride on people’s ignorance to lie.Whom do you want to cheat about mkapa?This man has done more evil to tanzania than chiluba did to zambia.To assist you find out who fraudulent purchased kiwira coal mine,who registered a company called ANBEN using state house address plus other filth.Had kikwete being like levy mkapa would have been in a pond of feaces.Otherwise tzs are on him
#25, John, What if the PACT wins, are you going to introduce a dictatorship and end freedom of speech and the free media in Zambia? You must be barking up the wrong tree. Freedom of speech is not a gift from UPND, PF or MMD. It is our right as free men and women. And by the way stop the habit of calling every one who doesn’t agree with you as Shushushu. In Zambia people are free to support any one they like including RB. Get used to this fact.
LT star in the adventure crap movie, “LT and the raiders of the lost kafupi” :d :d :d :d :d
The article highlights a lot of issues but fails to give an in depth analysis of the issue at hand. It is just on the peripheral and lacks deep thinking. In shot its misleading. It does not leave room for independent and great minds to have thier own opinion. Hence, The article is useless.
‘Stop Complaining and start gaining…’ Philipians 2:14
If we as Zambians are forgetful as well as forgiving, then indeed this is a brilliant aspect, as we badly need this trait at the moment, to forgive and forget, so we may heal our nation, and stimulate our creative juices needed to bring about development, and prosperity
My humble and heartfelt observations have led me to the point where I can safely state that as Zambians we have now become a nation of complainers, the young ones have found this, unfortunately they have to be made to grow up within such a zeitgeist or spirit…Its part of the sickness that man suffers from as can be seen at the beginning of time in Genesis 3:12-13…’The woman you gave me, she gave me..and i ate.’…the woman (Eve)..said,’The serpent…
deceived me, and
I ate.’ Well now that we aware that this is just a sickness, I come to encourage you my brethren that being forever critical will not bring any changes to our country, it’s the easiest thing to do, lets be proactive as Zambians, accepting things the way they are, forgetting and forgiving old ills, I can assure you zambia has massive wealth to be created if we can only get together as young people with the counsel of our elders, forgiving past leaders that plundered our economy, starting afresh, making sure to set up new legislation that will spot and check repeat plundering.
Let us embrace and accept our current leadership, at least until the next elections, everyone else externally including donors are happy to urge us on in division encouraging us to harshly deal with past plunderers, as they are happy to have us divided, as they well know what power we are due to draw from standing together in unity, and respecting our leaders.
Fellow country men and women, the time for critique is now over, this is a strategic time for Zambia.
Our country as a national community is so tiny, this factor in itself is such a blessing, so lets desist from over analysing, critising n fault finding, why don’t we do the opposite for a change, let us sit down together in great forums such as this one, and contribute awesome, practical, and innovative solutions to the…
the challenges faced in our nation, we shall always have challenges, it’s a default thing, its one of the facets in the overall outlook of life, we shall always have the corrupt for as long as we live, and for as long as we occupy this plane, the earth..
Looking at the big picture, the corruption we have in Zambia is nothing compared to that which exists in the Americas let alone the UK, just take a look at the plight or story of BAE systems, the British defence, security and aerospace company, mired in grand corruption…
Let me tell you, right now everyone internationally is talking about us, about Zambia. At least on the business side, they talk of our great potential…Zambia please lets unite, at least for the sake of little ones, the next generation, your grandchildren, your…
nephews, your babies, born and unborn, for they are the ones who will directly inherit all the labours we are currently pursuing. Lets get to work.
What a hypocrite and typical of the synagogue of satan because the TALLIT he is wearing is only for TOrah keepers like the messiah and his real followers. Christians abandoned the torah with constantine so dressing up as a torah keeper is just a mockery of the creator
“Once a criminal,always a criminal “.Chiluba’s image as a manipulative,cunning and thieving character have deep historical roots which can easily be traced.No amount of image restoration can change that.
Few things to note in his crooked past;
1.He forged his school certificates.
2.He became an extreme marxist-communist believer naming his kids after communist leaders-Castro,Mikoyan e,t,c
3.Made a complete swing to the extreme right and became born-again christian.Declared Zambia a christian nation with the motive of hoodwinking the people that his leadership was ordained by god.
4.Was at the helm of the most corrupt regime to ever rule Zambia.
5.Was head of state at the time Zambia witnessed to most political assassinations-B.Nkumbula,P.Tembo,W.Kaunda,R.Penza,e.t.c
I rest my…
slum dog. iwe ka sweet baybay. atishani. y walidula so iwe? eh? you just show up once in a while like a rich relative. noti so. wawumfwa ka sweety? mmm landa tumfwe. deuces ka baybay :)>- i ve been timing you pa site. i just hope iyo picturela u kwete does not mean that walifitemwa fi bondage. fya sungu filya. had bad experience umu ex wandi umusungu she whipped my tako. after that nshakafiyesha! wat lovely hands you have ka baybay. deuces waumfwa.:)>-
59 Walasa boyi,point number 5,its the blood of these men that is after KAPUFI
Pa ZED ni imbwa imbwa this ka short Mother f**k** katunasha mwe cant we talk about something productive apart from him and his tandem of thieves.
🙂 Chiluba wearing the robe of those that murdered Jesus. One day lost tribes of Israel shall return and all shall be well. Israel today is suspect really suspect. Seek Christ my people and let him take care of everything. LT, are you really carrying propaganda; your foundations were wise as you fell off even bloggers wise stopped refocus please.
These Pastors are an insult to judaism,how do they bring desrpute to the religion by giving a criminal their sacred images?Zambains are more dull than i thought and the proof is there….
Mwanawakwitu , are you still ignorant about everything from Nubia, egypt to the bible. The garment chiluba is wearing was worn by the messiah because ALL JEWS and true believers who keep the torah are supposed to wear it, Should i remind you that the messiah and his disciples were strict jews that belonged to a judaic sect? The romans killed the messiah and don’t forget they are the ones that gave you pagan practices which you christians adopted contrary to the bible
🙂 Slum dog hello I can see you missed me ignorant? That I know I am not. Was it not the sahedrin that sold of Jesus? You seem to want to devalue what even you know is factual. I know that significance of the cloth my friend thus my telling you and everyone that the politics of the jewish councel betrayed the Messaiah. Why do you act like sone white people and Arabs that the Kingship of Africans? I shall sing it on a mountain so as these black folks know how we laid the foundation of civilisation.
Eyo chalilila pa zed, twangalafye. Dumbwisa everyday, no seriousness. Restore image kwisa? maybe in your house.
This ka man keeps making headlines. Why even entertain him. The same God is claiming to be worshipping will be same God who will punish him.
Mwanakwituu if you knew the significance of that cloth you would know that The disciples and the messiah himself wore that cloth. So by uttering a silly assertion that those that murdered him wore that cloth is stupud because the disciples didn’t murder him . Your silly myopic anti semitic view is stupid because not all jews worked for the sanhredrin just a few, All of the messiahs followers were jews and gentiles never came into play until late in the book of acts. So when you spout such ridiculous statements you have to remember this John 4:22 but of course an ignoramus like you that knows nothing insulated by a layer of being lost
*-:) Slum Dog Shalaz I think I struck a nerve did I not? Why do you have to perpertuate your hate for black people on this forumn. For your own information why should I be anti-Semitic when my heritage too is Israeli. Did you for a second take a time to think about that before you spewed your hurtful phrases. By my choosing to educate the masses of their true heritage I did no wrong; the chocolate people today known as Africans are trully descendants of the initiators of civilisation. I love Israel and Jesus I love the most. I love Jesus more than myself my dear brother. But you do know that the leadership in the placement there felt betrayed when Christ showed up.
Indeed FTJ continued attack by the Post and PF and NGOs plus some individual have made a hero and his image is much better than the time he left office. With the disbanding of the Task Force the man is back to his political engineering games and there is no doubt that he is still a political factor. He may have stolen as some sector of society put it but there is no denying that he opened Zambians heads and now we can boast to own properties, cars etc. Before FTJ came to power ho many pipo thought of building own houses other than applying to the council and the waiting list was endless. PF is bitter now that FTJ has switched camps. FTJ is still popular to some section of our society.
Mwanawakwitu you seem to be missing brain cells, You think rejecting ignoramus dull attitudes is an attack on black people when it’s only an attack on you. Your heritage is not that of Israel because unbeknowst to you Israel is not an ethnic group but people that follow the torah, The word ISRAEL means Upright with YHWH. The people of Israel are torah keepers who call the messiah by his real name Yahushuah and the creator by his name Yahweh. You are just part of internet vacuous bunch that go against the bible in proclaiming your own ignorance and even insulting a tallit calling it a murderers gown. Your heritage is that of the romans not Israelites , the ones that taught you lawlessness. You are quick to claim civilisations from thousands of years ago without any DNA proof
ka slum dog landa tumfwe..mmm why ukufisa pretty face? mwaah. chi baybay. deuces mune:)>-
🙂 there lies your error Shalaz slum dog. How said anything about a thousand year claim. That is the reason why it is good to be quick to listen and not speak, before. I said I am in the present not back in the day :d. Are clear now, as forDNA do you know the jewish genetic link of Southern Africa? In the Lembe kingdom. Why should I not claim Egypt when it is on our continental soil. If you are Indian , Arab or white my apologies if the fact that chocolate people established civilisation bothers you. Trace chocolatedom in the Bible both old and new testament it’s in plain writing. Why you choose to insult my person though I do not understand. Let’s both be human while we fly this flag **==
You should know that the Lembe and Falasha’s are the only ones carrying Cohanim DNA the rest of you don’t have it. So your claim to being one based on the Lembe is vacuous and silly to say the least. Besides the Lembe Keep the torah unlike you who thinks your skin colour is the only one that makes you an israelite. Your true claim is your ancestors not claiming a culture based on skin tone when you are gravely ignorant of their Torah customs and cultue. If your mentally circumsized self would check the culture of the Lemba you would see that they wear The same garment your chastisize foolishly. You are not a hebrew, you don’t speak the language and don’t keep the culture or the torah. Seeing from your ignorance you are better off claiming Pygmies
iwe ka slumdog mwanakwitu alipena. walapena nayiwe. talk to me you ka toy drink. kuti nakulya iwe. deuces ka toffee iwe.:)>-
[-x Shalaz there you go again assuming I am talking about the past hahaha. I told you I am current generation my friend. Walai is right I am crazy, but I fight for the truth of all people. Just because my posts have me supporting Adamic people enlightenment does not mean I don’t stand up for all of God’s creation. Thus my statement be quick to listen, I said even those also that wore the cloth killed Jesus. Remember all men are sinners and have inherent evil. Why you choose to insult me is what is confusing me. No time am I doing the same. Why do you not want the people of the beautiful continent of Africa toknow Zipporah was Ethiopian? Look my favourite scientist is Sir Isaac Newton and I won’t claim him from the British. We are both men so let’s do what real men do and speak the…
Guys… It has to be RB if we are to save ourselves from shameless opportunists with no integrity at all who are ready to deny even their ownselves in order to get to plot one. Viva RB.
A thief is a thief, regardless of how you dress it, Just as a pig with lipstick is still a pig. Zambians who think Chiluba is being persecuted are either ignorant or choose not to accept reality. The man says unknown people deposited money in a government account for his benefit and you accept that. I can also make a claimto that money by saying that I met some former Zambian leaders stole alot of money, and after I spoke to them, we agreed that they should deposit the money in the Zamtrop Account. Who will you want to get the money?
Zambians lets support our current leadership and help ourselves better the country. It is in this very economy which is being trashed all the time as worsening, poor, full of corruption etc that quite many others are seeing opportunities and successfully exploiting. Lets help our government develop this country. It starts with each one of us. Corruption! yes we can talk about in a good measure, but there will never be a time when it not be there. Lets stop entrenching corruption talk as an “industry”. It will not develop the country. There is too much talk in Zambia these days, you sort of get a sense that pipo have stopped working and are just busy talking at every platform about corruption which is often just perceived and not real. Those with evidence pls you know where to report.
#80 You seem to be in some battle of patheticness to think someone is stopping you from knowing whoever is ethiopian. And exactly who is stopping you from knowing because to me claiming someone is stopping you when they aren’t is an example of a false witness. Don’t claim things based on your own circumsized mind because the bible identifies Israelites as coming from ALL nations, so imposing your own dundaheadisms and claiming it’s truth will be shredded to pieces ruthlessly. You are what we call a GOYIM because not only have you insulted Israelis who have the Cohanim DNA you called the prophecy of a nation promised by YHWH , May I remind a goyim like you of the warning in Romans 11 for anyone that curses the original Israel