Tuesday, January 7, 2025

It is unfair to measure RB’s achievements in one year – Bishop


President Rupiah Banda

African Methodists Episcopal Church (AMEC) president bishop Paul Kawimbe says it is not fair for people to measure President Rhupia Banda level of development in his one year in office.

The clergyman said since President Banda took office in 2008, his administration has been following developmental plans and policies that had been laid down by late president Levy Mwanawasa’s administration.

Bishop Kawimbe said the period that President Banda has been in office is not long enough for the people to take stock of his achievements and therefore base their judgment of his performance on that.

The bishop was speaking to ZANIS in Kitwe in an interview yesterday.

He said it is difficult to determine the level of development in less than two years that he has served because he has been implementing programmes and plans that the previous administration had laid down.

Bishop Kawimbe added that government has scored visible levels of development in sectors such as education where schools have been built while the road infrastructure needs to be worked on.

He said even if there are reports of public resources being abused by some sectors, government is doing its best to accelerate developmental programmes aimed reducing poverty.



  1. Ba Bishop I hope you where speaking in your personal capacity, because you are as much a failure as this same RB you are supporting, you have been bishop for AMEC for over 5 years now, what have you got to show for it apart from frequent trips to the USA

  2. Bishop iwe lomba kofye indalama before that man leaves office in 2011. RB and his administration have greatly failed. in a normal society these people are supposed to resign and pave way for the competent people. The biggest problem in this country is that most of the clergy want to pretend they know and understand better than the rest. So shut-up paulo and better join politics if you think you do not deserve respect or else you will be insulted.

  3. with due respect sir, RB had only 3 years to lead so the first year had to have an impression. so far he spent the first year travelling,

  4. When all is aptly considered, only those who do not know how government works, or are deliberately blind and deaf to truth, can disagree with what the Bishop is saying. Here are important facts: Government allocates money to projects through the national budget. RB took over while LPM’s budget cycle had not ended. Essentially, RB’s programs have had only one budget cycle to run. The first budget was only approved in March 2009. It is impossible for any government to complete all projects in 6 months! The second budget is now appoved in January 2010. Tenders have to be sent out, parts and equipment imported etc. None of these processes happen overnight. Infact, if MMD is out in 2011, the new party will reap the benefits.

  5. Well, Bishop apart from travelling, playing chimbuya and now wasting even more time talking about his girl friends there is nothing he has done towards implementing development programmes. It is a shame to see chiefs and clergy men reducing themselves to being party cadres and bootlickers. I don’t want to make a comparison between Rupiah and Obama as far as dedication to service is concerned, everyone knows the difference. Our president is on a honeymoon in state house.

  6. Which church is this please? How many people attend it? For how long has it existed? Which parts of Zambia does it cover? We are tired of father, mother and children churches!

  7. # 11 the A.M.E.C is one is the oldest churches it is centuries old.It was started in america in 1816 by richard allen who was a former slave(born into slavery).The church has been in zambia since the early late 19 th centuries.It is one of the oldest protestant churches..:)>-

  8. To add to add to what to #12 has said, the General Secretary of the Christian Council of Zambia the Reverend Susanne Matale is from the AMEC, the problem is that people only notice the Pentecostal churches that have only emerged in recent years, this one is not a Kantemba church, its been in Zambia since time immemorial

  9. # 11 If you have been to Zambia, you might have noticed women clad in black and white with leopard skin berets, that is the African Methodist Episcopal Church

  10. As far as I am concerned, RB is a ceremonial president, he is always touring meanwhile the coffers in the ministries are disappearing, well done Auditor General.

  11. # 9. You have spoken the truth. All these clergies are after brown envelopes.To be honest with you my brother,RBB reminds me of Boris Yeltsin, a real clown.This is a man who went to Nigeria to seek FDI.He expects the Nigerians to develope Zambia.He further insults the intelligence of Zambians by saying King Mwsati will help us to attract FDI because he has contacts.Both Nigeria and Swaziland are in dire need of FDI themselves.What exactly is our President drinking or smoking?He does not inspire anybody apart from Ass Lickers like Patriot, Snr Citizen etc.68 % of the population live on $1 or less a day and this is indeed development in the eyes of Pastor Kawimbe.

  12. So why have the ZDA when Mswati who has contacts can do the job of marketing Zambia?I have never heard of a USA president or the UK Prime Minister giving away Land to a visiting Foreign Head of state like Bwezani did to Mswati.May be KK, LPM and FTJ have land in other countries.Maybe ass lickers like Patiot, snr Citizen etc can tell us of an incident where a US President has given Land to a visiting Head of state.Imagine a Nigerian President giving a big chunk of land in the Niger Delta to a visiting Head of State.So can anyone justify this silly action by our President?

  13. #19, Neutral: You seem to be one of the ignorant peop, feeding on malicious rumours. In Zambia, only 6% of the land is State land. The rest (94%) is customary land. All the stse land is on title already. RB never gave Mswati any state land, but Paramount Chief Mpezeni is quite free if he so wished to give his traditional land to who ever he wishes.

  14. #8 it does not matter whether it was LPM or RBs budget. Government of the day has set policies to achieve in a specified period. RB was part of the LPM Government, the policies are MMD. SO cut that nonsense and be honest with yourself. All in all MMD is failing to deliver, almost 20 years you still get floods, cholera, resurfacing of major roads every single year. Are you then telling me that RB’s agenda in different, well perhaps so in that he tends to enjoy flying often. He should have proved himself by executing MMD policy to prove his worth.

  15. I do not think Zambians are measuring RB’s achievements in his first year on the job. What they are worried about is his failure to tell the nation what he intends to do for education, healthcare, infrastructure, safety and security in communities, poverty reduction, employment generation, food security, etc. He is simply a ceremonial president, as Leroy Mwansa has suggested at posting #16. He is a story teller not fit to be an executive president of the country. He is going around chiefdoms telling stories about the past rather than explaining his vision for the country. I guess this is typical of elderly people …

  16. Ba pepe kale mulelishafye ifilimba, because you dont think good. What you have mentioned is what the government is working on. maybe you want RB to giving you copys of everything they discuss for you to be abreast on what they are doing.Naimwe ba neutral , I think muli chipuba, iyo uk mwaikala yali myonaula. You should go back to Zambia and a small holding so that you contribute to the well bieng of the people. Efyo twachita fwebanenu.

  17. mwechipuba nimwe ba Chushi #23, as a working president RB should be free to tell the nation on facts of the meetings he holds with the chiefs. Not just saying he was discussing developmental projects, We need to know the actual projects in detail. Elo iwe Chushi developing Zambia does not neccessarilly mean one needs to live there, this is a technological world, so one can effectively contribute to the development of the his/her country miles and miles away from home. Efyo tuchita fwebanenu

  18. #11 AMEC is a very famous church in the Repulic of South Africa as well. Why are you pretending not to have known the church. Just get to the issue in discussion and do not bring in complications. Which part of SA are you based? Limbi mwaba muchifungo boss! mule enda so that you familiarise your self with what is in your immediate environment.

  19. I am shocked and amazed at how ignorant Zambians can be. at this time and erra you mean people dont even know the deffirence between a political perty and a government?
    to be honest, Bishop Kawimbe is marelyexpresing his opinion and not a declaration. he has every right. please people lets not start insoulting men of God because we want Mr sata! he will never even visit our homes when he is president.
    Bishop kawimbe never said he suports the MMD but he suports the elected governmet of the day becoause he rightly knows that thats the only body mandeted to impliment programmes whether we like it or not. lets work with thwe little we have at hand and if Mr Sata Comes in lets see wat he will also do we should suport these people if we want development.thats my mind.

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