Thursday, February 6, 2025

Grade 12 pass rate unacceptable – Judge Kabamba


A retired Judge has described the poor pass rate in the recently announced Grade 12 results as shocking and abnormal.
Judge Noel Kabamba in a statement made available to ZANIS today said that he was shocked and saddened by the failure of Grade 12 pupils in the results announced by Education Minister Dora Siliya yesterday.

He said that the pass rate of just over 33,000 of the 55,117 pupils who sat for Grade 12 examinations last year is unacceptable. He added that even last year’s grade seven and nine results were very disappointing not only to parents but even the government as a whole.

Judge Kabamba has since appealed to government to quickly find a lasting solution to the cause of the bad results in the education sector in the country.

He stressed that among the interventions that government can embark on to improve the performance of pupils is the introduction of computers to teachers and pupils in schools to enable them access latest information on changing trends in the world.

Judge Kabamba has also called on government to scrutinize all private schools in the country to ensure quality education not only in government but private institutions as well.



  1. Probably the chaps lacks some motivation.I remember during my time our motivation came from all angles including writing on trees and planks around the school premises like sugo 1990.Wonder if these chaps still have sick motivation like that anymore.:-?

  2. Nowadays grade 12’s are not serious, i remember my DK days there was total competition,these days Grade 12’s are chongololo’s and very boastful of their relatives wealth and hand work,Shame on you the new generation SUGO’S

  3. these results are very disappointing.government please do something to enable these pupils and their teachers access latest information not those out dated books that they have in schools and please provide text books in libraries.

  4. The whole school system needs an overwhole. Teachers are demotivated, they have stopped teaching in class as it used to be during our days and want to make money through private tuitions. Some schools lack displine and some headmasters and teachers are not so committed, all they are interested in is how to make money. There are many factors to this and the Govt must look at all these and and address them. These days a grade seven can’t read ( especially in Govt schools) so how do you expect the results to be.

  5. Education Minister is Miss Siliya Dora. What do you expect from pupils? amenshi yakonka umufolo. Thats show that the Ministers has no mandate to improve the Education system. Before her coming into office as Education minister pupils used to pass well. Wamona RB Kwashala ba UNZA and CBU, elyo nomba bachite protest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iye uluse

  6. Wait until the basic education policy comes into effect when these children ll b required to write 1 instead of 2 exam b4 Grade 12 exams. Leakage would never develop a child’s mind pulizzzz. Even those that ve passed may not be up to the expected standard.

  7. Its a very sad story! I remember in my prime time at Mpatamato secondary in Luanshya how dedicated and serious we were! Pupils of nowdays like playing too much. The pass rate of 60.66% leaves much to be desired and the judge is right on the point!

  8. i dont blame, the students at all, but the goverment, who has failed to address teachers problems such that they go on strike every term. and what do the poor students learn? nothing…dont just sit and fyonofyono…:-@

  9. #11Mundiafye i agre with you #3 Mo taim ba sugo and you never got punished for writing on trees and planks? You had cool headmaster/mistress <):) **==

  10. There is nothing surprising about that. These chaps know nothing.
    I thing they should introduce examinations for every grade. Maybe they will be serious with school. Some of these so called SUGOS don’t deserve to be in G12.

  11. # 20 Maria i guess we were lucky to get away with that, but the thing is we didnt think of the consequences, hence it felt nice writing things like “Mo taim was here”, “sugo 90 “, “Unza suspect ” bla bla.:)>-

  12. In recent years, the quality of education has become so poor. Even most graduates from UNZA and CBU are not upto it. Reading the blogs above is also an example of our education standards.
    Compare a form five of the 70s and early 80s with the current crop or to the UNZA and CBU graduates, you would wonder which one is a degree holder.

  13. # 24-Zedian UK I dont think most graduates from most of our country`s tertially institutions are that bad.I have met a lot of zambian students who are almost more exceptional than the word in itself.Unless if your judgement intelligence is based on gramma .Not everyone studies literature.:-?

  14. 1. Perhaps encouraging eating fresh fish and food rich on omega oils and supplementing iodine may be a solution. Good brains go with good food. No one can do well on a hungry stomach. The number of day schools has increased while boarding schools have remained static.
    2. Parents must get invoved in the education of their children and address poor performance of the schools. I would suggest that hiring and firing of teachers be devolved to local education authorities. We had LEAs long time ago when I was a kid, and that is a very long time ago.

  15. This raises serious concern, there’s a lot of poor behaviour amongst pupils these days, too much going muma light, and popping bottles esp this clubbing thing, there’s been a shift in priorities.

  16. #16, I am also a product of DK. Nothing much to be proud of to say the least even though I was there during it’s prime years when it was strictly for boys and boarding only. I had a chance to visit the school again a few years ago and my goodness….Napa Fallujah mwapabepesha. Kwati pali pa battle field. yangu tata 😮

  17. Children nowadays are unruly. You will find smokers, lesbians, homos etc. I recently went CBU, one cannot believe how ‘students’ were behaving, as though it Sodom and Gomorrah days. Mind stimulating activities have been fast replaced by weird stuff, you have to be them to get what it’s all about.

  18. sad yet true, when i was sitng for my grade 12 exams some 3years ago,some students using our school(Matero Boys) as a center where using lab insrumens for the very first time! simple tools i cud use from G8. nowonder pass rates r usualy low…

  19. The government is too leanient on teachers.Some teachers only sit in the staff room telling stories and complaining about their salaries,forgetting about the pupils.

  20. @12 it’s sad news 4 you guys… ask me how i used to perform @ Jayz-mine Boys High in Kabwe stop playing guys with,but for our friends 4rm eastern province it’s because of the wealther condition the place is too hot 4 the studies.


  22. Some children are good but they lack motivation from their teachers. Without tuitions even those who have passed would not have passed. Thank God the catholic institutions are not for the idea of tuitions. (*)

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