Thursday, February 6, 2025

Brace yourselves for climate change effects – Clergyman


A South African based clergyman and medical doctor has implored the church in Zambia to brace itself for the looming effects of global warming on the environment.

South African Indian Ocean Division of the Seventh Day Adventist Church health ministries director Alex Raguno said the negative effects of global warming will in future affect water levels as rivers will start drying up.

Speaking to the leaders of the SDA church who gathered at Choma central church, Dr. Raguno said Christians should brace themselves against the impending calamity by winning more souls to Jesus Christ to hasten his second coming.

He noted that it was time the SDA church stood up for Jesus Christ by engaging in an evangelistic campaign that will ensure that more people surrender their lives to Jesus.

Dr. Raguno observed that global warming is envisaged to reduce crop production levels which will culminate into hunger and starvation in many parts of the world. He explained that it was only Jesus Christ, who was able to address calamities of global warming, floods, and earthquakes, which have devastated some parts of the world.

Dr. Raguno implored the SDA church leadership in Choma to embark on vigorous evangelist campaigns.

“We need a great explosion such as that of the Japanese invasion by the Americans not to kill people but to win more people to Jesus Christ through evangelistic campaign meetings,” he said.



  1. The earths climate has been changing since it was created, all this hype about climate change is as good as worrying about the wind blowing or sun rising. Instead of worrying about climate change you need to worry about Explaining SDA’s founder racist Ellen Gould 40 false prophecies that never came to be.

  2. While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.(Gensis 8 : 22)

    Global warminig is a hoax.


  4. Please let be preaching one word. Salvation to prepare for the second coming of the Son of Man Jesu Christu.

  5. ….its true people! You better start running now:(( 2012 is very near. PS: By the way the get away “Ships” (known as Noah’s ark in those days) are in South Africa and not China as stipulated by the movie:-$. Good luck[-o<

  6. The Lord Jesus cleared state signs that will indicate his second coming. Just some caution, while the Doc’s assertions make sense, it’s helpful to lead people to what Jesus said. Global warming is not one of them and it may not be the trigger for hunger and starvation. Remember famine in Egypt, and land of Canaan? Wars can displace people so much that they fail to farm – remember Ethopia in 80s or 90s. If global warming is proved wrong, some of those listeners may slow down on evangelism. Let us limit ourselves to the bible for God always performs his word.

    All in all, yes, let’s preach the gospel to all men. It is the Father’s will that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of teh truth.

  7. This is guy is crazy. I am a Dr. and Minister as well but dont understand how Jesus is the answer to global warming. People must change their lifestyles, plant trees and cut down on their carbon footprints! That is the answer not Jesus!

  8. 🙂 the Earth is a big globe spinning on a God given axis. Yes! in short it shall experience climate change remember primary school enviromental science. Those worried about 2012 you shall suffer misery for looking out for signs. Others thought the earth would perish in 75, then 1999 dec 31. Lead people to the Messiah so as not only are they saved but their wisdom too is activated.

  9. 🙂 The earths rotational prowess has been reported to be slowing down, so how then do crazy scientists try justify the existence of dinosaurs millions of years ago. For the earth if it was there then would have been spinning like a toy top; hindsight 20/20. By the way Zambians dinosaurs really did exist, some maybe still even do. They lived closer in relative history than most of you have been blinded to believe. Evolution is a dangerous hoax created to control your children be wise and seek wisdom, while at that gain understanding :)>- let me back that up with scripture.

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