Friday, January 10, 2025

The Week in Pictures



A Boy pushing a bicycle at Sikalamba stream after heavy rains washed away the bridge along Mamba Batoka road in Sinazongwe district in Southern Province


The women conducting business at Mwaiseni bus station in Chingola.


Youths conducting business at Mwaisen shopping centre in Chongola township


Chingola town centre


Kapiri Mposhi Township.


The status of Chingola Town once known as the cleanest town in 1980s


Luanshya copper mines (LCM)


President Rupiah Banda with Chinese deputy minister of Foreign Affairs at Beijing International Airport in china on his arrival


Some United Party for National Development - UPND big wigs listening to a press briefing address by MPs Douglas Siakalima and Garry Nkombo in Lusaka


Former Zambia National Soccer team Ante Buselic with officials from Ndola United Football Club where he donated 20 footballs.


Illegal fishing...Some women engage in illegal fishing in Mongu


Some women of Munagaba area with goats they received as part of the poverty eradication strategy in Choma.


Central province minisetrs Ackimson Banda and Serenje District Commissioner Stanley Chibwa inspect works on the Serenje youth centre


Vehicles marooned at Mvuvye bridge along the great east road after the gap was flooded.


Vehicles wait for water to subside at Mvuvye bridge which has been flooded along the great east road


A referee fouls ZANACO's Allan Mukuka during the Samuel 'Zoom' Njovu charity shield game at Woodlands stadium in Lusaka. ZESCO won 1-0.


  1. why no avanakashi avasungu? LT lets try to be fair. no racism bane. pic 16 doesnt look ryt bane. 2 in 3 zambian football players complain of diarrohea b4 a game. therefore u dont want to find yourself in the positiion that player is in panshee. ya ba madamu she is in bad mood bane. eh problem na pregnancy. anyway atleast catchin ba uncle masterbating mu living room last nyt gave us both something to laugh about, but va uncle sure awe busy fwa fwa fwaing. nizee bane. mm kuli chi party lelo, kwalaba ama strippers fi vasungu fyeka fyeka, awe eh weakness yandi, elo ama strippers ava ni high class bane, am sure kwala ba ama special seconds. but teti nilye ine, ya iv changed bane. deuces mwawumfwa?:)>-

  2. walai nthwenu mputi bizness, i dont know what you hae smoked but i can tell that whatever it is you have smoked is really hard!!!

  3. Why does our country look like a war zone kanshi? Surely all those old buildings from the federal days, Isn’t it time to start putting up new structures and start improving the outlook of our cities? Goodness do we have to wait for donors to tell us to do that too!

  4. Pic 16, LT please is it the ref who fouled a player?
    I can se you are making direct trnaslations of bemba into English
    Yikali Zoona!!

  5. Pic#5 Kapirimposhi .. those groundnuts are really juicy.. missing them heaps! Chingola is such an eyesore town these days.
    No #10, Ba For real, Iam with you.. honestlry these pics depicts the real poverty stricken Zambia.. like a war zone front*-:)*-:):-t**==**==[-o<[-o<

  6. #10, same thing I was thinking about ~ a war zone. Our beloved country looks like it never left 1971, what a shame. But all in all good pics Ba LT

  7. Pic 14,15. Wazuzya soti mvuvye? naone nakale-nakale ove, ikati kulokwa patontho mphela…..koma chinga wame kuika biliji yamphamvu osati kaka kalipo lomba yayi. So ma motokale epanamapo masiku angananji? yalokwa ngako chi chaka ai.

  8. Good Evening

    I agree with #10 Fo Real & 13 zedkid – some of these pics remind one of war torn places like Sierra Leone, Liberia or Somalia. Anyhow, Zambia is our beloved and we love it the way it is…

    Have a blessed weekend everyone!

  9. Our president is quite embarrassing. Why is he still wearing a scarf when he is indoor? Globe trotter before you are booted out.

  10. #21..are you disputing? let me repeat it again.. most Zambians towns loook like an earth quake has just hit…Dirty, ugly and poorly designed structures are all over. Do you copy???? Kuipa nga malilo!

  11. Sweet home! Wonderful view and organic farm products. Moreover, beautiful and handsome people doing ‘business’. Mother Zambia I miss you. Pic#2 busy changing the tyre of the minibus! Pic#10 UPND members wondering why they are in the pact and looking defeated! Cheer up you have Prof Chilwa now, at least nothing much is known about him and he is ‘fresh’. It is nice to be neutral!

    Are you not complaining about Mvuvye MMD ward councilor as you did to your counterpart PF CADRES after floods in the capital city?

  13. RB in a scarf, very fashionable, even though its indoors. As for pic 9 – these politicians look hungry, can you imagine if they are put in power, wouldnt they eat heartly.

  14. It’s all because of poor leadership. Illlteracy, like of investment in human capital, corruption are the recipe/ingredients of what is obtaining in most cities in Zambia.

  15. walai nthwenu mputi bizness, u really cracked my ribs…i think friday naikusuma ! Its really painful to see the state of zambian towns, anyway home is home…Bamambala ba politician baleipela ama million ku NCC !:o

  16. #29 – Mweo a destroyer. Mulabila vinji kansi? I think mufunika refresher m’chinsenga. Muoneka ngamwankala ngako mu diaspora. Kuliya ambuya kumunzi amupunzisenkoni?

  17. bane can we all use a language we all understand number 34 i have reported you mune. i love you wawumfwa? deuces mune:)>-

  18. Pic#8 Aah Haa Ichooo, abantu bakwe baleshupika ukutoloka imisebo because of floods chena kunina fye muli challenger moto

  19. #35 A Destroyer. Mukanitumile kalata, niko kupunzisa mukwasu. Osataika.
    Waiona noko engine pa #39? Ndipo yayi! niyo zula zula!

  20. Chingola My Home town so sad to see it in the state it is today just 10 years ago the place was very clean we had GTL collecting all the rubish and the roads were good, I went there last year i could not even drive hole after hole. Bambia ati MMD has brought improvement WHERE??????????? kuti watukana.!!!!!!

    Walai where have you seen itako????? coz I cant see anything similar

  21. number 40 i didnt expect such behaviour from you mune. i know your mother personally. she is very “sweet”, warm, kind and smooth. eh i remember the days she used to come at our shop, she oways wanted to buy my lolipops. and she would suck suck my lolipops, and she would come back for more everytime. awe behave yourself, your mum is a kind woman. very nice “warm” lady deuces :)>-

  22. So guys, you’ve seen our towns your selves ka? MMD has ruled for more 20 years and has done nothing to the improvement of infrastructure in our country those old buildings were built years back in Former President Kaunda’s time. Shame on MMD. This time they’ll not get my vote.

  23. So guys, you’ve seen our towns your selves ka? MMD has ruled for 20 years and has done nothing to the improvement of infrastructure in our country those old buildings were built years back in Former President Kaunda’s time. Shame on MMD. This time they’ll not get my vote.

  24. Iye, chingola is my sweet home. I was there last year…Mwaiseni and general town Centre are sorry sights too many un lcassified buildings/tuntembas…. town planning and manintenance belongs to ZCCm days.

    May be the nest responsible in-coming Government can impose tax on all of us who are earning in the Diaspora to pay for our Home towns. Just a thought.

    Home is home.
    God bless Zambesziland.:x

  25. If I downloaded a couple of these pictures and show my bazungu co-workers that this is Haiti they would definitely agree ….we suck in Zed ..nothing really to be proud of … seriously …

  26. Just shows how a big failure the gov´t of the day is. The place looks like Somalia fo sure and we got these so called leaders with big bellies with jackets and ties. 😮

  27. they are just bussy sleeping in parliament, arguing about who rocks which women,program for VIP psychiatric supprot at chinama and diplomat dependants… as long as we have such kind of leaders, war zones will rebuild while Zed even without war will continue to go down..:(:(

  28. Chingola should not be looking like that considering the amount of millions of USD$s coming out of KCM controlled mines. I know for a fact that if the Chingola mines were in any town or city in the UK, the locals would benefit. At least 30% of profits made from Copper mines from Chingola should go to the local councils so that the money is used for local development. This is very simple logic but I always wonder why our leaders do not do these simple things.

    Zambia needs laws that will protect the local people because it seems we can’t rely on politicians to develop our country although people vote for them in large numbers during elections. It hurts to see such things when Zambia made just over USD$3.5 Billion dollars from mining, the question is, were is our money going? Ask…

  29. #46 Personally, I feel that there is no need to further tax Zambians when the mining companies making all the Billions of Dollars keep all the profits and are hardly taxed. Even if every Zambian adult had a job, the total amount of tax that would be collected would be nothing compared to the billions of dollars coming out of the mining sector alone. Let us know miss the boat, the money is there in Zambia, plenty of it if you ask me but we have a let a situation were profits are allowed to leave the country while we remain with nothing as can be clearly seen by the war zone like images we see of our beloved peaceful country.

    The problem it seems to me is that no current leader has seen proper development in Zambia. Most buildings in Zambia are from the pre Independance era. Its shameful

  30. Iwe utontonkanya fye putwi konse eko uli, mwa? Yali kutoba umutwe!!! Bushe umfya better than everybody else, ka? Shimika.

  31. So the President RB goes all the way to China and the best the Chinese govt can do is send a Deputy Minister to receive him. Gives us and idea of how much they think of him and how successful these so called state visits are. I will not condemn China but maybe we can learn something from them

  32. Its almost 10 years ago since I left Zambia…Sad to see my home town of Chingola looking like a ‘bombed out town’somewhere in Afghanistan…I wonder how my former workmates at both Chingola & Sekela High School are getting on in such kind of a wasted lookin environment?

  33. All in all, I would like to say a big thank you to Lusaka Times for bringing us news about ‘Home’, (Zambia) with all the nice pictures every week…as well as giving us the space to post our views & comments through the blogs. Please keep it up…you make some of us feel very much part & parcel of the Republic.

  34. #61, The custom in China is to receive foriegn visitors at the Hall of the People in Tiananmen Square and not the Airport. The Guard of Honour is mounted in the Square not at the Airport. The juniour Minister’s job is only to receive the visitor and to escort him/her to the Great Hall where the actual honours are mounted. It is good to be well informed. My worry has always been that the Zambian diaspora is so ignorant about international protocol, but is very vocal.

  35. Chingola, the cleanest town in Zamiba then, what a shame! Ungalile mwe . I left Chingola in 1980 and stil have fresh memories of those clean streets, well kempt surroundings and well mannered people heygienically. I cant belive it has come to this. Imwe bali ku diaspora, don’t just shout and complain from afar and expect things to change for the better, Zamiba will be developed by Zambians themselves! You could have been disappointed by politicians, one way or the other, but don’t run away and expect others to develop the towns for you. Amen!:((

  36. can some one tell me what the city councils are doing?? do they ve employees on payroll being paid for nothing!!! I wish they bought trucks to help cleanup instead of hearses!!!

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