Friday, January 10, 2025

Sata admits his councils are not performing


Patriotic Front president (PF) Michael Sata has accepted President Rupiah Banda attacks that his party’s controlled councils on the Copperbelt and Lusaka have failed to perform.

The PF leader said when he addressed a gathering for Mayors from PF-controlled councils on the Copperbelt and Lusaka provinces to discuss issues of development and service delivery that they should use councils as the arena to advance their political agenda.

According to the POST newspaper, Mr. Sata told the Mayors that they were lucky to have inexperienced politicians in government and their associates because they would have not revealed that their councilors were not working before 2011 general elections.

“You are very lucky all of us who are here because if our colleagues in government and their associates were experienced politicians, they would not have revealed this idea now,” Sata said. “They have made this clear that this is what they are going to use for their campaigns.”

“At the moment our government has nothing to offer. They will fight you and when they fight I have told you several times, you will find President Banda saying you are not performing. I agree with him, you are not performing.”

Mr. Sata cautioned his Mayors that if they were failing to cut grass at Nakatindi hall President Banda would rebuke them because he took over from him as governor of Lusaka. He said everyone would hammer the councillors if they failed to function.

The PF Leader condemned government for evacuating people from Misisi compound to the Independence Stadium because it was not a permanent solution. [quote]

Mr. Sata urged his Mayors that when his party comes to power next in 2011 they would show Mr Banda’s government how to clean the cities.

He told them to sale themselves to the electorate on the operation constraints they were facing as councils.

The Mayors from Lusaka, Ndola, Kitwe, Chililabombwe, Mufulira, and Chingola attended the meeting where they also presented their budgetary figures for the year 2010 and the disbursements of financial resources to their council for the previous years starting from 2006.


  1. Yes, this is what we what to hear; developmental issues, not who is shagging who. These problems need to be solved once and for all and its going to take level-headedness in our leaders. Solutions, solutions and more solutions.

  2. I think RT you have missed the point with your title here. There is always a possibility of info being distorted when reported by a third party.

  3. It took RB to wake the old man up. We cant speak of change if we bringing the same leaders back in government. There is no change that anyone can talk about in sata. Sata was a leader in colonial government, policeman ka, beating up those fighting for independence, a shushsu for Ian smith, leader again muli UNIP-one part rule iyibi, leader again mu second republic with ka kafupi. What more do you want. Just dont let him in in state house napapata, just leave him outside like this to be playing president with a few councils, thats what you do to a no good like him. This role suits him just fine.

  4. Thank you for admitting on the bastards, failed leadership in your self declared PF local Government; now admit that you are not only a natural ballot reject but misfit for Plot 1. By doing so, you will gain some sympathetic dignity you lack.

  5. Absolutely right.There`s no one to blame for being ineffective.People are interested in seeing development and not hearing about complaints.If PF wants to form the next government,they need to show us their performance at council level.You surely don`t need central govt`s funding or involvement in garbage collection,an effective drainage and sewer system.It`s time to step up to the plate and perform.We don`t need any excuses.

  6. “….He told them to sale themselves to the electorate on the operation constraints they were facing as councils….” This point says why these Councils have failed in the first place.

    Are MMD or UPND’s run Council performing any better? Some one to shed light on this please.

  7. Ba Chanda pa 6 thanks for the info…LT is failing in its reporting…very MMD….please improve your work..this blog is dead

  8. There are two councils that have for a long time performed well above all the councils in Zambia. Kalomo council has never had problems and so is Chipata council. Lusaka and Kitwe are highly politically controlled councils the reason they always have problems.

  9. Sata – hate him or love him, the man has great passion for Zambia and to change the lives of millions of Zambians. He does not pretend to say things are OK when the Mayors are not performing to the accepatable standards. He is the man Zambia needs.

  10. Sunday Post reports: “We are meeting for the first time and from now onwards, we are going to have more regular meetings and meetings will not be concentrated in Lusaka. We will rotate even where we do not dominate councils. I thought I should call this meeting to share with you,” Sata said.

    Meet and implement, review, plan etc. Pray these Politicians are now people and development minded. Yaba!

  11. The worst council in Zambia interms of work performance is Kafue District Council. This council is controlled by MMD. Despite the many resources at hand, they have failed even to mend a very big pot hole behind the civic centre. This pot hole has developed into a big dam.

    Most areas in the road behind the stadium has also been turned dams. One needs either a canoe or a boat for use on this road.

    Availability of these resources is just within 1.5KM radius; quarry dust, crushed stones,gravel, water, culvate pipes,cement,grader, compactor and waterbowser from ZNS.

    One wonders what these MMD councillors do, and why they exist. They have just sent warning letters to threatened people of legal action against any one found to be a danger to life and property, yet they themselves are a…

  12. Good Afternoon

    All I had to say about this article has already been perfectly said by nambala one Destroyer. Word up! l-)

  13. #6 Chanda. Spot on. Most of the bloggers just write without thinking. I think he did the honourable thing to awaken the councillors by admitting that they are not performing. But, remember-within the constriants of not fully being funded by the jealous gvt. However, this does not mean that councils run by MMD and other opposition parties are performing well. MMD councils are even worse cos all the monies are going to campaigns. #2, you are LT did not even understand Sata well. They just jumped to their conclusion after reading the article probably from The Post.

  14. LT, we read this blog because apart from The Post, in Zambia newspapers worth reading aren’t just there. I don’t read The Times of Zambia, and their sister nonsense newspaper The Daily Mail as they are both just told what to write even the way it should spell. Bloggers read LT because they can comment on the news item instantly. Otherwise, no one doubts that the paper is MMD cadre, and therefore, it will die and be burried with MMD come 2011.

  15. #9 Ba Xavier, mwasosa. That is very true. To repeat your words, “The man has passion for Zambia and its people”. Zambia needs him like fish needs water. If it were RB, he would have said the opposite of what Sata told PF councillors. Get on the job Sata. We know your results-orientedness. Love or hate him, Sata knows what needs to be done to push Zambia to high levels from hopelessness.

  16. Does this man ever smile! Anyway at least the theme is about development though the message is not clear. A radical plan is needed for Zambia to move forward. Change was needed in the US and they got it and so far so good. Change is needed in the UK and they will get it in May but the tories may make things even worse. Change is needed in Zambia but there is a big question mark on who to trust. Could PF bring the change or is it the pact between them and UPND? If so, who is capable of being an effective leader, Sata or HH? If no change, how could MMD and RB transform the nation? Failure at local government level has wider implications.

  17. I always ask myself if I could make a good ward chairman. But what makes a good ward chairman? Listening to people, reducing conflicts, bringing communiity cohesion, increasing social capital, solving disputes amicably, leading by example, not taking things personal, integrity etc But what are the expectations of the people in the ward? Could I personally meet their expectations or will I need a team or an institution to help? What values does that team or institution believe in? Well, what political party should I engage with to realize my potential as a ward chairman? Any help?

  18. Impressive stuff from Mr PF/MC Sata. I hope the mighty UPND, partners of PF, will also conduct similiar meetings in the future. Such could pave way for joint UPND-PF PACT meetings at council, constituency and National level.

    This is very good as a campaign message for 2011 tripartite elections.

    Have a blessed day all.

    “In fact, they should not underestimate or look down on one Vernon Johnson Mwaanga; he is a Maestro in his own right.” – Brig Gen G. Miyanda, POST NEWSPAPER of 27/02/2010

  19. I like observing childish antics of spineless SENIOR CITIZEN on the blog. He’s always among the first to comment on most threads but as soon as he’s challenged he walks off, waiting for a new thread to open flood the first 10 spots with rubbish before anyone else could read them he’s off. He’s unbelievable.

  20. The problem with sata is that he believes that zambia is some sort of theatre for politicians to outplay themselves. He does not realise that it is about stewardship and doing what is good for the nation and not what will sell today(gimmicks). That is the very reason he was joined at the hip with FTJ, their political understanding and desires are the same and hence the pain he feels when chiluba detaches from him and then worse still bites him. The truth is that our political parties do not have what it takes to really develop our nation because the calibre of membership is very often shallow, visionless and worse still spineless. Who selected these individuals to contest? how can sata now try to pin the blame on them alone? what vision or knowledge did he show when selecting these failure

  21. The trut is that when sata and crew were selecting these chaps to represent zambians they were only thinking about increasing the number of seats and not really considering who would do a good job, whose agenda is aligned with the needs of the zambian people. as long as zambians do not stand up to political clowns and fraudsters we will be going no where. we need to be very deliberate and objective when voting. In fact this election should not be about parties but about individuals who can do the business. A president is doomed to work with whoever we vote for. If you brought obama to head zambia and work with the rubbish that is in parliament/councils and the other rubbish on offer from opposition parties. the result would still be failure and under-development. Aluta continua!!

  22. Wonderful analysis by Zinga. Are we going to ever have a perfect political party in Zambia? Remember political parties are made up of individuals and it is often difficult to have a system in place to profile the membership and be selective. Political success lies in quantity but at the level of leadership, quality matters.

  23. There is no performing council in Zambia. They do not pay workers salaries, poor service delivery, and lots and lots of statutory obligations not met such as LASF, NAPSA etc. I feel very strongly that we as Zambians have allowed the local government system to go to the dogs. Kalomo and Chipata briefly performed because of a single man, Bernard Siwakwi who chose to be different. When Siwakwi went off the scene both councils also follwed suit. Right now, one can travel throughout the country and witness the growing number of towns that are dilapidated, unlit, full of noise, and unruly bars during the day and at night. Its not amusing. So, no council in Zambia is performing well.

  24. Sata condemns government for evacuating the flood victims in Misisi to Independence stadium. This red eyed fool never ceases to amaze me. For him it is always politics for his personal glory, no thought for the people he claims to be fighting for. Does he realise that in any disaster the first priority is to save lives? Did he want the government to leave people sleeping and rotting under water inorder that Sata satisfies his bloated ego? Sadist fool! Christer Kalulu and your DMMU team keep up your good work, yours is a noble cause for God’s people. Do not get distracted by this ignorant empty headed serpent, for that is what serpents enjoy: to see people suffering as it is written in the bible.

  25. This is the Sata we know. He did when he was Governor for Lusaka and he will do it again. He calls a spade a spade. Banda and Kunda cannot venture in discussing how they have failed or why because their failures are not because of PF, they are not just pragmatic. Sata wants solutions or just trying to find some. That makes a huge difference in people’s lives. Not just trips and lip service people are now getting from Kunda and Banda because it is election time. They should show that something is taking place. Not just signing this, signing that, money taimoneka.

  26. Those who are scared of Sata are scared because they are slackers. They are afraid of being exposed of being failures in their positions. Some are scared because their lazy behinds will be dragged back to Zambia were they have left no investment because of their laziness. The are fighting tooth and nail to keep their meager paying jobs at the foreign services were it takes almost a year to get a passport application form. Slackers.

  27. #10 what development has Sata brought to the country hez the worst destroyer,ask him what he did to medical stores and how much he collected from there.He’s the worst corrupt politician of the land.At least FTJ has brought out of the comfort zone,now hez on the defensive with his PR man Fred Mmeembe ,they have no more ammo the tables have turned against his favour,went see as more is revealed about him.

  28. #28 Kalos2020 Kwena Kalos i do not understand you whom do think is scared of Sata and for what?The chap is just a simple accusser and a perenial thief.He has nothing to offer to country we are still waiting for him to tell his role in the colonial police and how his contract was teminated.Then we shall ask him futher questions about other matters ,our intention is to make him busy with courts while we sensitize the masses as MMD.But we also know that hes a secret followers Alice Lenshina’s sect let him tell us his role there also .Lenshina and Sata fought against independnce thats a fact for you Kalos2020 By 1958 Lenshina had rejected government registration of her church as an approved organization. Lenshina also challenged the dominant nationalist party, the United National Independen

  29. #30 Sata and HH (PF/UNPD) does not need to campaign. MMD through their deeds have campaigned for them. All they need to do is remind the few that have forgotten the crimes that have taken place since Banda took office. All they have to do is show kids being pushed on wooden boards on flooded roads to go to school, all they have to do is remind thick headed people like you about Zamtel and the Dora Siliya saga. All they have to do is show Great East Road and Great North Road being impassable while Banda escapes to go make policy statements in China leaving the nation suffering. All they have to show are the expatriates pushing wheelbarrows when natives are wallowing in the shallow waters of poverty

  30. Yes!! It is sometimes a sign of leadership to admit failure, and learning from it in the process.

    Like others of already pointed out, this might work to the opposition’s advantage come next year’s elections (2011). It is indeed a breath of fresh air to have leaders admit when things ain’t right. I hope all councils & councilors can wake up and do the jobs they were elected for—-local level development and infrastructure maintenance.

    I am no fan of Sata, but I think the man sometimes can act like a state’s man, his loose mouth not withstanding. I remember the time Sata was Lusaka mayor or something, things appeared to be working in the city. Anyone remember those years??

  31. #31KALOS 2020 Thats the problem with some of you Bemba speaking bloggers you think whatever vomitus you post on the site everyone must agree with you without questioning you.You have no right to call me as thick headed .Who gives that right to insult a honourable person like me?Let me remind you again SATA will never rule Zambia period including your fellow tribalist HH.The combination is so poor and unacceptable country wide .Just wait for 2011 and you’ll prove for yourself what am saying and you’ll tell me who is thick headed between you who lives and work illegallg in USA and me.Come down to mother earth Your Satana has lost elections 3 times already ,he’s so compromised.He has nothing new to offer apart from insults and threats who is going to allow rule Zambia with that track…

  32. #33, it seems you are hurt with being called thick headed, sorry, I will call you light headed next time.

  33. #17 & 9, dont mistake passion for power with passion for the people. How else can you get power but to show the people you care when in actual fact, you just dont give a hoot. If Sata had passion for the people he would have:-

    1. Forcefully (like he knows best) got the councils to clean up the drains in Lusaka and the Copperbelt. These councils are sitting on big money collected from rates & tax and addmission from Sata that they are failing is not good enough because people are still wallowing in floods.

    2. Picked a successor by now to take over from him instead of leading PF to 2011 knowing full well that he will be disqualified by not have a proper degree. This cling to power is what destroyed UNIP in 1996. Had KK surrendered the party to Wezi, UNIP would have never died.

  34. #35 Sata’s bastard in America, out supporting daddy again.#33, dont bother with Sata’s illegitimate child in America, the same disrespectful character you see in the father, that is the character of his child aka kalos. Why cant he be brave like Seniour citizen, Mr Capitalist, Yaya, MMD 2011 here we come, Lonero, MMD Chief bootlicker, positivist pa ZED, and blogg under one ID, even 50 times if he has to. But you know how liars are, trying to hoodwink us. Son am on to you, until you stop accusing people, and turnishing the image of the innocent folk like ben kangwa, I will hammer you with this new title, SATA”S BASTARD, who willl blogg in all sorts of name from his little back door flat in America, very lonely without proper recognition in the family, trying to buy daddy’s love on LT.

  35. it is interesting to see a leader accept that the PF councils are not performing.and to go further and say meetings will be held henceforth to make improvements constraints not withstanding.this approach goes against the picture they peddle about sata.zambias econonmic and social development level is beggingly depending on give and take .we need to work for a better zambia,we need to start listening to eachother.we need eachother.i thank you mr sata for admitting that mr banda is right .i hope to see mr banda admit , at a certain time ,that sata is right

  36. #32 & 36, it is a misconception that when one admitts failure, he is exhibiting good leadership. Unfortunately, admitting failure kills your support base. People in general dont want to be associated with failure. Rather than admitting failure, real politicians are trained to use phrases like “set back”, “derailed”, “need to improve further”, etc… Never the word “failed”. Even G. W. Bush claimed the US did not fail in Iraq because it achieved its goal of removing a terrorist dictatorship. Never-the-less, he said the war in Iraq was marred with many unforseen irregularities which would be dealt with as soon as a sustainable solution was made available to his office. Unfortunately PF does not have an advisory council to deal with press issues appropriately. PF is a one man…

  37. #6 Chanda Musyalike- Kalulushi is run by MMD Mayor and Deputy is worse than neighbouring Kitwe. Corruption and abuse of service funds is the order of the day. Just ask any one from Kalulushi, Chambishi and Chibuluma. But RB is not even mentioning this rotting council.

  38. There are no floods in Kalulushi. No one has died in floods in Kalulushi. Floods are in Lusaka, Ndola & Kitwe. These are PF run areas. Why? Because, like Given Lubinda said on radio, PF councilors are allocating plots on top of drains and these inhabitants are filling the drains with dirt so they can build houses on top of them. This is the failure of PF run councils which are causing floods. PF promised people plots for voting for them and they are giving away drains to these people. Shame!

  39. Bishop Mambo:

    But aren’t we smart enough to read between the lines??

    Whether the word “failure” is used or not is immaterial. The facts still stands out like a ‘sore finger’; failure, failure, failure—-even being media savvy can’t get rid of the stench of FAILURE when it is so clear for an average intelligent person to see.


  41. Floods is not a good sign of a working council bane. Each council is given a set of performnace indicators of which infrastructure development is one. ALL COUNCILS IN ZAMBIA HAVE FAILED. ALL.

  42. It takes a strong leader to adimint to a mistake but what this guy did thats leadership we need a leader like him as it only by adiminting to a mistake thats when you can find a solution. Good job Sata.

  43. And on the same radio show the Town Clerk said the PF run LCC was just doing what it wanted. It grabs plot from people and allocates them to their PF people. It even allocates plots in a well known swampy area and now, by blocking one drain, the swampy area is flooded. The LCC is waiting for well wishers to give money to clean out the drains yet they collected all the arears in rates & tax. What have they done with the money? The town clerk said “they paid their salaries”. Thank you!

    So much for change! If PF is failing at council level, imagine the damage they can cause at executive level. There are too many uneducated people in the PF run councils.

    These are Kaponyas picked from the street to campign for Sata and now we are stuck with them looting the council.

  44. #46, you sound like an old and desperate wife clinging on to an unfaithful husband.

    Sata failed his first marriage by doing Dr. Kaseba. Now he has failed Dr. Kaseba by doing Petronella. How many more failures do we need to see before we realize that there are those in our society who are prone to less failure? Let PF find better leaders who are not so quick to admit failure without actually trying to rectify the situation or even better, prevent failure from occuring.

    After all admitting failure does not bring the dead to life or feed the homeless. All it does is show how inadequate a person is for the job.

  45. The right thing for Sata to do is to sit with his councilors, MP’s and Mayors in order to find a lasting solution to the flood situation. People are dying for Gods sake! How many more must die before the council takes that cash they collected from us and pump it into cleaning out drains, spill ways and streams?

    This man of action is failing to act on his own unruly flock.

  46. #43, I agree that the more intelligient can read failure when they see it. Never-the-less, the bulk of our people are like #46. These are non thinking die hard supporters who refuse to see anything wrong even where it is blatant.

    Never forget that Good & Strong leaders dont have to admit failure because they dont fail. Even when they hit a hard rock they get up, dust themselves and climb the hill to get over to the other side. To them, hitting the rock is not failure. It is an “unfortunate situation that will be conquered shortly”.

  47. # 40, we dont need press jargon to twist the meaning of a situation. Sata has told the truth, PF has failed, we dont need beating about the bush like typical politicians. even if Sata becomes fancy the bottom line is PF failed. he has admitted in no ambiguous terms. Thats my president. if it is wrong it is wrong.

  48. # 48, you arguement or point lacks intelligence. This topic has nothing to do with Marriage, but councils that dont perfom.We are all inadequate no one is peferct, the least we can do is acknowledge when we fail then make amends. That is the basic principle of a descent human being

  49. #48 adimiting failier it does not mean you are weak or you are a coward it just help find the way forward of finding a solution, so for Mr Sata to adimint that, that means he has to find a solution to that mistake than your leaders MMD who can not even correct thier mistakes. And can you tell who has failed between the MMD who has turn our country into poverty or Sata who is just a person?

  50. Ok. So Sata, PF and the PF led councils have failed. Well done!

    So whose next?…. or is it same bull, different day?

  51. 50 Bishop- Which council has not failed in Zambia? MMD controlled all councils in Zambia for a long time since 1992. Can you show us what development they achieved in all these years? Shame on fake Bishop. Ask your MMD sponsored Town Clerks to tell you who is supposed to maintain our roads. For your information, there is circular from GRZ which transfered all works to do with roads to RDA. You forget that even when MMD run the coucils Lusaka’s Kanyama was experiencing flooding and Kitwe in 1993 under MMD recorded the highest number of Cholera deaths in the history of Zambia. That record of + 2000 still stands and MMD was incharge of Kitwe. We mbwa we.

  52. Sata admitted:-

    1. that he failed by fathering two children with a second wife outside his marriage,
    2. that he failed to get PF to run simple little councils correctly,
    3. that he failed to abide by good catholic values of maintaining one wife for life,
    4. that he failed to live by his promise to the people of Zambia that these councils will deliver under his control.

    He is old and tired and this is why he is admitting failure. When he was young, he would identify weaknesses and then deal with them. Now he just admitts failure whilst Lusaka residents die because of this failure.

    There is nothing good about this kind of situation. We should never have given the councils to PF to run in the 1st place. They were better off in MMD’s control.

    So much for change!

  53. I really wonder about Sata’s supporters! What does the man have to do to show you that he is not right person to be the president of Zambia? By his OWN admission, PF run councils have failed, and yet you still make exuses for him, he fathered children out of wedlock, you still support him, he advocates tribalism such as during the recent Kasama by elections and refering to people in Eastern province as animals, you still make exuses for him, he is incoherent and rude whilst discussing Chinese investments in Zambia on international radio, you still support him! I guess even if he eats your children you would still want to climb into his bwato which is sinking in the current floods of Lusaka.

  54. Sata is still trying to recover from the political damage inflicted on him by Chiluba’s exposure of his infidelity and the bashing his PF club has received over poor performance by PF- controlled councils. The meeting with the PF mayors and chairpersons was just for Sata to throw the blame at his followers, while conveniently extricating himself from sharing the blame. The strategy is to ensure that he survives personally in the political contest, leaving his mayors to receive the sjambok-whipping alone. No, I think the entire PF leadership should shoulder the blame for this glaring failure and for having made a fake promise to turn the PF- controlled councils around after Sata was defeated by Levy.

  55. #55, there are no floods in MMD led Councils because they did not allocate plots on top of drains. Furthermore, whilst PF led councils were collecting rates & taxes to enrich themselves, MMD led councils were clearing drains in preparation for the rainy season. The MMD led council has proved that it is not the best but is better than the PF run councils who have failed on all accounts.

    Anyway, I still dont expect you to understand because you are drunk with Sata[nic] Verses. The good thing is that Sata knows and has admitted that his PF led councils have failed. He takes full blame for the floods and has shown how he is incapable of running the affairs of our country.

  56. #57 Shimwalule

    You have cracked me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ati, even if he eats their children, they will still jump into his bwato. Only a nincopoop wouyld do that. LOL

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