Friday, January 10, 2025

Elias Chipimo Junior Launches New Political Party


National Restoration Party president Elias Chipimo junior and his vice Charles Maboshe during the launch of the political party in Lusaka.

A new political party the National Restoration Party (NAREP) has been launched with its leader Elias Chipimo Junior calling for the reintroduction of value based politics in Zambia. Mr Chipimo has since announced his resignation from his law firm Corpus Legal Practitioners where he was managing Partner and from all the Boards he was serving.

Speaking during the launch of the party at Mulungushi International Conference Centre this morning Mr Chipimo a Lawyer said while Zambia is in desperate need of change, it should not be change driven by a sense of desperation but change based on a vision and deep conviction on what needs to be done in order to restore the values that make everyone responsible for upholding principles of honesty, humility, respect, tolerance, hardwork and a commitment to serve.

He said his Party’s vision is to see a transformed Zambia, directed by leaders who want to be judged by performance and principle rather than power and possession secretly accumulated while in office. He further states that the National Restoration Party will introduce flat low taxes for all and make Zambia the preferred destination for business, business that will support development of local talent and raise the standards of the country’s products and services to levels comparable to the best in the world.

Mr Chipimo says the party’s manifesto will be launched within 90 days to set out how the goals will be achieved.

And Mr Chipimo said many existing political parties have become relevant only to their leadership. He said the political parties have abandoned the very communities for which they are suppose to exist, and no longer seem relevant to creating meaningful change in people’s lives.

He adds that they have not created a tolerant political climate, possess limited vision and have failed to inspire the development and emergence of youthful, energetic and people centered leadership.



  1. Firstly, what is the composition of the Party? Secondly, welcome to the confusion of already existing Parties. Thirdly, Naupena??!

  2. I am sure he will provide the details soon. lets welcome a more credible player on the scene than this pact nonsense

  3. We hope you’re not like your Dad – arrogant, pompous, no feelings for the people. but you’re welcome. let’s see what you got. Who else is with you, sir? What’s your stand on the independence of the press, the Judiciary, qiality healthcare for all? I’m listening.

  4. I hope this is not another business project aimed at abusing Tax payers money. Otherwise welcome and we will be watching you8->

  5. This sounds good. Go for it my son. This is what this Country needs, a new breed of leaders with a vision and the heart to serve not to accumulate wealth at the expence of masses like RB from day one, he signs the increase of salaries which his friend LPM had refused, RP capital he dubiusly sanctions that, his sons involved, the Dora saga, appointment of Dora within hours of her acquital, his wife on Government salary for months after she had stopped teaching, touring the world at the expence of the Country. Not only that insulting other leaders, corrupt practices, I mean the least is endless

  6. #1 Ba Moze – I disagree with you. All the existing parties are full of recyclables from UNIP and MMD.
    That attitude of writing off anyone who comes up with fresh ideas is what keeps us third world.

    So Ba Moze, unless you have credible evidence, Elias Chipimo Jr. napenene.

    Check yourself and list your contributions to Zambia then you can start judging.

  7. Nubian, take it easy. Our political parties are full of recycled chaps. Whats so special about this one? At the stage we are now, my collegue would have done us proud by joining an already existing and credible party. Our problem is that we never learn from history. watch this space. As for my contributions…you know little of me. Wish you did.

  8. Though I strongly support the emergence of new parties, to crush the receycled chaps who have done nothing for Zambia and unfortunately “own” the parties they are in, I can already see that NAREP is a personal to holder party. Elias has erred by anointing himself president. How about simply beginning an organization, which will elect its president at a a later stage. This would be a true “people’s party”. It seems NAREP will take the usual route of personality cults. The only plus is at least new politicians are coming. I hold the belief that the UPND/PF Pact is no alternative to MMD.

  9. In my own opinion i will look to see if he also becomes president of the party and state because all political parties except for MMD are personal to holder and maybe just maybe that is what has kept MMD in power so long. I am not saying MMD is the right party or not i am just stating the obvious

  10. I have also formed a political party called Movement For Manyozo Party(MMP). Manifesto will be as well launched in 80 days from now.New members and fresh blood in politics are welcome to join.

    Zambia one.
    Revolutionary Salutations for the marginalized Zambians.

  11. I support the young man so far but let us wait and see what he is made of. Joining the parties of recycled guys can be a daunting task. Remember how they treated Mazoka in MMD (Sata at the time in action). The youngman is better off with his own party & hopefully, it’ll blossom, then one day, may consider a pact with other credible parties.

  12. MMD as the mother, father and pioneers of democracy in Zambia with democratic Zambians here cordially welcome President Elias Chipimo and his NAREP in the liberalized political space. We wish him wellness, happiness, success, and gains without intrusion. The MMD fervent prayers are that he can bring issue driven leadership the MMD has long desired from the embattled opposition circus in the arena. MMD and all democratic Zambians will never inhibit political dreams of opponents or itself share failed politics of titular parties who vainly collude in principles marriages of convenience out of own inadequacy. MMD will keep embracing issue based democracy at any level but like any political party, it will engage opponents on issues in a spirited political manor not with cousinship gloves.Bravo


  14. In the same vein MMDblesses any citizen keen to enjoy their enaliable right of association and speech.Every Zambian has a right to form their own parties and freely articulate believe are their value systems. Collusions have failed in Kenya, Zimbabwe here in Zambia between PF with UPL and a consontium of parties under USA.Oil and water cannot deliver anything good if forced in one Chamber.We the citizens pledge to individually support any Zambian of courage and democratic spirit keen to realise his political dream democratically.We will extend moral, spiritual and material support needed in emerging.

  15. Well another misguided and disconnected chap spoon fed throughout the corporate climb to the boards of corporate Zambia because of the father’s connections and he now thinks he can take us on. He he he …welcome my son into the ring. Good timing, there are two by elections on the way, how about a test run for your personal to holder party. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is actually your father trying to make a come back through you.

    As somebody said from day one you are a cult leader. Great parties don’t just discover they are great. They are just formed that way and don’t depend on Individuals, but on a system that continue to deliver individuals that take the party forward..that is why MMD is a great and big party. No loss of sleep here. Another useless entry in the party…

  16. senior citizen thats the spirit. every zambian has the right to associate with whomever they want including with buffons like sata. at least elias is bringing a breath of fresh air

  17. yaba elo nasuba petroleum kwati takuli milo bane.I am put in moderation bane kuli ba LT.deuces

  18. MMD and all democratic Zambians will never inhibit political dreams of opponents or itself share failed politics of titular parties who vainly collude in principleless marriages of convenience out of own inadequacy.

  19. Chipimo or (sekeelo),or Antenatal, youre welcome. Good intelligent young man. Lets hope you dont join the pact. I write so because, their was a rumour just before the 2006 and 2008 elections that you entertained PF pipo at your law firm alot. Careful before we are washing you. Lest we say another “bemba thing”.

  20. These days everyone wants to have a political party. I think this guy was trying to do some calculations to say Levy was a lawyer and he himself is a lawyer therefore people will vote for him and be president. Mr. Elias am not against you having a party but the thing is if you are serious about this party be serious dont get bribes like your friend from NRP-his name is professor something or Doctor something silupa or something like that. That he got from RB ($3000) which he confessed himself. You stand for what you believe in. and have a proper vision, i think its better if you are the founder be the president since you have the vision then other postions fill them in. be strong make intelligent statements. Dont stand for 2011 join your party to the pact. Then stand the next.It will make

  21. cont..from 25….more sense and it will show that you have a heart for the people. Dont be selfish just to split votes. These coming election you will likely not win what you have to do now is to make yourself know in the politcal circles get people to trust you. I believe that right now you feel you should stand. But this is not the time am telling you you will remember my words. Join your party to the pact, you will still be an indepedent party but just joing a pact. which as an oppostion you will have one president for the oppostion. What people need now is to have change, not to split votes to have MMD.Be a gentleman. I know you will read what am writing, think about it, it the wisest thing you will ever do.

  22. Hopefully this party can be the answer to the current problems on the political scenario. Sata managed to save Zambia from being a one party state once again all we need it party with an agenda to move Zambia forward=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==

  23. For some reason I feel positive about this development regardless of the many useless parties that currently exist in Zambia. We need new blood

  24. We’ll have to wait and see…his manifesto and all.., otherwise, we need fresh and intelligent politicians.:-?

  25. In the same vein i implore Henry Kyambalesa to emulate Chipimo and courageous move his 10 years old internet based Agenda for Change to into real world political arena.He missed out in the elections of 2001, 2006, 2008 but has offered himself to be a mouth piece of fragile PACT to nowhere towards 2011. This has been at the expense of his internet party.Every time i have thought of redeeming Kyambalesa from his fantasy out of concern for his age yet trapped, I have struggled in my Operations Research with all Research Methods one can think of to ascertain the failure of the old man.its time he moved on the ground.

  26. Welcome to Zambian Political scene NAREP and all the best to you Mr Elias Chipimo jr.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you

  27. The last thing Zambia needs are more political parties. Mind you Zambians, this is a son of Chipimo!

    Yet again votes split. This person will get sympathy votes from his relatives, then as is always the case Mr Miyanda (with a party that only wakes up when it`s election time) and a few others.

    MMD wins here. Ask yourselves you foools why developed countries don`t have million parties! The problem with us is parties and governments become personal things.

    Amazing people in diaspora are as thick as villagers back home. I know there are people here who post with different identies/flags obviously to keep MMD going but I have seen a few who I would say are I am disappointed with.

  28. It would be daft for an accomplished lawyer and critical thinker to collude in marriages of convenience with parties you share nothing with and facing a constitution challenge to move one.The Zambian constitution does not permit coalition a Government born out of colusion of votes or seats after elections to out number the leading party out of the ballot out. Zambian constitution is a winner takes it all electoral syste. This means after elections, political parties cannot come together and form a Government by collusion.Parties must indiviadually run the race and carry winning votes on their own. Chipimo knows this and will not risk entering into marriages of convenience that has no constitution safety valve.

  29. Chipimo has not violeted the constitution just Mr.Vincent Malambo, Patrick Chisanga, George Mpombo and guys at “The Citizen Democratic Party-(CDP)” will finally register their respective individual parties to soon in the run up to Decision 2011.

  30. Imwe bantu, these small things will come and go. We shall all rip when he starts spending his hard earned Dollars on the Kadobis and other thugs. His money will soon be gone to campaigns and other things he may not understand. What more of the “Image builder” he had brought from the USA. A questionable character who may not have been accepted in Zambia knowing his ways. Who knows may be the guy is also the same. Shit happens.

  31. **==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==

  32. What happened to Chishimba’s party it is very quiet, I hope even this one will not go into archives.

  33. MMD as icons of democracy will keep protecting the rights of all citizens all are constitutionally free to exercise their rights.MMD warn PF thugs from throwing their petrol booms on Zambians who choose to contribute to democracy through own associations and entities.MMD will ruthlessly deal with PF thuggery that think every Zambian has the duty of blind loyalty to a dictator they vainly worship.
    President Elias Chipimo has not violated the constitution just like Mr.Vincent Malambo, Patrick Chisanga, George Mpombo and guys at “The Citizen Democratic Party-(CDP)” will finally register their respective individual parties soon in the run up to Decision 2011, all these will be doing so within the frames of our democracy and constitution of the Republic.

  34. Great Stuff! We have to get out! Elias please retire all those old Kachesas and pay them well. Get a good deal for our copper and fund all the development. There are 67 parties and president, the idea is to get a kantemba to buy meal mealie meal and relish and if you create that base for them they will leave you alone to develop Zambia and you will leave a legacy of self suffiency for the Zambian people and go in the anals of history.

  35. #36 Inkalamo…
    No split votes over Chipimo. The boy will not get sympathy votes from his relatives… His father left Luwingu undeveloped and became an adopted/cacooned Soli.. so there are no relatives in the north to sympathise with Jr Chipimo. He simply has to work hard and earn his own recognition.

    Jr EC, welcome to the vulnerable arena. You may be Zambeziland’s credible, articulate young politician we are looking for.

    God bless Zambeziland bane!

  36. This is a big blow to MMD party. i welcome the brief concept which has come with Chipimo in the formation of the new political party just at the helm of political instability that some other political parties want to bring. But remember we do not want to have political parties that comes near elections time like what MMD did in 1991. We want to know the real foundamental concepts which will bring value in the affairs of everyone in Zambia.

    We shall wait and see till when the manifesto will unford itself. Otherwise count me on.


  37. Iam from just reading his speech. The man spoke alot of sense. Something that I can identify myself with. He clearly state that whilst politicians from other parties are welcome to join NAREP they must be prepared to adhere to the high values that this party wants to uphold. I wish you all the best. Hope you are a success as you have been to your law firm.

  38. UNIP,MMD,HP, Sondashi’s party, Saviour chishimba’s party, Milupi’s, PF, UPND etc surely they can’t all be that bad for this guy to decide to go solo. In 2001 PF contested the general elections after only a couple of months of formation and they gave FTJ and Levy a good run for their money, so we expect this gentleman to test the water in Mumfumbwe bye-election for us to see what he’s made of. He’s just a time waster who’s abusing his vulnerable supporters( i hope they milk him to bare bones before he does a runner), he will leave them as soon as he lands himself a cushy job after making a bit of noise in the papers like the other joker called Nevers Mumba.

  39. I wonder who is supplying the dobo pa Z which is causing pipo to be turning into overnight jokers.Anyway all the best ba chipimo:-?

  40. Number 48 what do you know about the man. I understand he was managing partner for corpus globe. Maybe you should find out from there. What are the working conditions for the lawyers at corpus globe. Is it a successful firm? Then you can start talking ill otherwise I dont see sense in one talking ill of someone they don’t even know.

  41. you know what ,we are in need of a clean slate,away with the old and welcome the new,sometimes even though change is hard it’s the only way possible to survive,rigt now our nation is sinking fast and so instead of keep looking at the old we all need to change our focus.i think fresh ideas,young men and women with enough energy ,with minds that have not been so corrupted beyond recogniton is what we need.welcome,bring with you newness!!!

  42. I’d like to see new blood come to the fore and lead the nation to prosperity. The proliferation of parties is such a mess, it confuses the majority. So, I agree with you, # 36. Join my party – the ANP – Anti-KafupiSata National Party.

  43. Elias jr has done quite well at Corpus Globe being the founder in 1995 and his experience is rich looking at the corporate clients they deal with. He’s got a good number of lawyers (8 High Court advocates+ 5 paralegals) around him and you would be surpised that his hourly rate as managing partner was over $400 per hour. Now that he has made his money and decides to go to the public arena I think he is gone in the wrong direction by forming his own political party because political prostitutes will be all over him and by the time he realises cash is running out he will end up back practising law.Y not join HH?? Elias jr All the best but dont cry foul when recycled chaps politically bruise you.Ukesanjeba!!!

  44. As a contemporary and former classmate of Elias at UNZA, I wish to salute him on his courage and the personal sacrifice he has taken to answer the call to serve. I will be supporting him, and I hope he lives up to the great weight of expectation.

  45. #50 ZEDIAN
    Hey he’s decided to jump in, i don’t know him but we have had good people like him – as you’ve said- coming into the ring with ‘holier than thou’ attitude only to disappoint us at the end of the day. Better the devil you know than the angels coming from nowhere. We know almost everything about for example SATA and if he become a president today we would have an idea of what would lay ahead for the Lazy lot that masquerade as leaders. 2011 we want someone we know for me either HH, Sata or if worse comes to worst RB.

  46. My friend your intentions maybe good or ill concieved. Which ever way, tell your financiers the battle has already been lost. You aint gonna divide no votes; chew their money and make merry. The bottom line is we are not allowing even the mater rigger to play it cool. Guys, we’ve caught you pants down, shame.

  47. It is an uphill battle worth the try. We are tired with these old chaps. This is a movement Prof Chirwa should join. This is what happend here with Obama , a young politician with hope for the people. HH is okay but knowing Zambians umu Tonga is a non starter.

    Banda 73, Sata 71 . Nonsense !!

  48. Elias brings about some fresh air, but he has to clear the air about his private life which is best described as wierd. Ids it true that he chases a current member of the Cabinet from his firm and that he divorced his first wife and marry a woamn older than him ?

  49. :-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@ criminal Chiluba

  50. On a serious note I think think he will make a good President. Let us give him a chance. My only worry is that people will see him as an elitist. Afterall he is an Oxford graduate, born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth. From my experience Zambians cannot stand an elitist. I still wish him the best of luck and definitely support him.

  51. yaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mudala take your little money to the farm…….sitifuna palast muyambe kulila njala ka….coz mu zed iliko bad….

  52. mwaice iwe chipimo, dont ride on your father’s name. Ask Brig Miyanda what a joke he has become. You have absolutely no political experience, you have jack shit on you and you want to add on the insults Zambians are already enduring. Kid go swim in an ocean dont waste our time.

  53. the speech was good. At least it was something fresh especially in these times of dire straits. hope your party is not elitist. we are watching you young man……

  54. Mbuzi ,

    Both front runners are 73 old each.

    Last year 2009 Sata was 72 and he has just turned 73 this year too.

    Banda 73, Sata 73 . Nonsense !!

  55. yet anatha Bwezani funded political entity meant 2split n spoil the balot..i wonder if Chipimo rilly understands the crude politics he is subjectn hmself to….

  56. 60 Mbuzi: your comments are quite sad…!!! it is this very problem we are seeing this kind of parties been formed. If your thoughts are that only a Bemba can be president of this country, you better not bother to write here in this colums. you are very pathetic and foolish. When HH joined politics you were saying he is young. How old is this stupid boy of yours. if sata thinks he will be a president through UPND you better start campaining for chipemo because sata will not be accepted by western, southern and north-western provinces. This time, you must support somebody from south,even your comments point out that sata will lead the pact. Over hundred millions, no one will accept sata from these provinces I have mentioned here..!!!! The leader of the Pact is HH if you dont know by now.


  58. Let me wait for his manifesto and then judge him.As a lawyer ,Iam sure he has a lot to offer to our beloved Zambia.Since he is a new player,unlike recycled populists,he may bring new blood into our political system and send the recycled one into early or is it late retirement!!


  60. Imwe bantu, HH and ECJ are the politicians to support. If we are not careful, we will still have 1964 politicians still ruling Zambia in 2064. These oldies keep telling us that the youths are future leaders but if we, the computer techy savvy generation, listen to the nkhalambas who can’t even reboot a computer, when are we going to take up the mantle. Let us move with the times. If I had my way, I would only have HH and Chipimo on the ballot. Alternatively, I would only vote for either of the two. Wapya Munzi.

  61. #76 your talking about bringing new blood when his vice looks Sata and RB’s age group…..hmmm ok.

  62. It is very clear that this is not a “people movement” as was the now useless MMD originally was. The launch itself was elitist- I talked to 4 different cousins of mine who are Lusaka based- but in the poorer sections- and they know nothing. This was clearly a rushed and hap-hazard move by Junior, [perhaps racing with Mr. Milupi] on who will launch first. But they say the race of most things in life is not for the swift, but for those who can endure! Then after reading the entire speech, I sadly note that Junior is a very egocentric man. Here is a man who has already appointed himself as President of the Party, and judging from his speech will not have it any other way. The use of “I ” in reference to himself was excessively prominent. Very Unlike the Chiluba 1991 speeches.

  63. contd…Like Mr. “Third Term” Sata and his PF this is Junior’s personal party, and vision, which may very well be his failing. Further this “I, I, I” alone disqualifies him from being the THE MAIN LEADER Zambia needs. We are not looking for a “STARRING”, Zambia is not a movie. We need visionaries, not narcissists such as Junior, who want to stress how they are taking a personal loss by joining politics as a major theme to their beginning. With all due respect, Mr. Elias Chipimo, your speech and ego prevent you from being a “man of the hour”, that Lady Zambia will fall in love with immediately. Your courtship leaves a lot to be desired, and is the same rhetoric we have heard over and over again. Nonetheless, good luck- I wish no man no ill.

  64. #3, Mr Elias Chipimo Snr is not arrogant. He just knows is right and he does not want anyone of any status to infringe his rights. I am sure one of the issues that drove you to label him as arrogant is when he challenged KK in court and he (Chipimo) refused to appologise to KK and said, “Appologise! For what? Its Kenneth who is supposed to appologise to me.” Thats not arrogant. Rightly, he even won the case and was compensated for wrongful accusations. Citizen of Zambia must be civic’lly educated like Mr Elias Chipimo Snr.

  65. **==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==**==

  66. He comes a degree holder..good! maybe this what zambia needs…an injection of new blood and ideas not recycled materials like sata and RB…HH am not sure he has anything to offer, i want to believe that tongas can be very sleepy even when they are degree bemba friend once told me. 😮

  67. #s 25 and 27. It can nevr be far from the truth. It will be too wrong for him to stand for presidency as he will definitely split the votes and people will know that he is just power hungry.

  68. You,ve stared ba mumbwa splitting VOTES, bakabwaa, mweba sambila mushi ngomo…..GROW UP ZEDIANS.:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j [-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x

  69. You,ve started ba mumbwa splitting VOTES, bakabwaa, mweba sambila mushi ngomo…..GROW UP ZEDIANS.:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j [-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x

  70. Leadership is not about how far your mouth can open. Its about being practical, working together in solving the many challenges. Its not a fashion show to see who has dressed best.He could have joined other good parties

  71. Good timing and good luck ….Isn’t it strange how some of us on LT who’ve been crying for ‘fresh young blood’ are now putting out some very negative comments and disparaging remarks now that this brave young man has entered the fray …?. I take ma hat off to those encouraging this coz it’s a very bold move to give up a successful professional career like that and step into the mire that is politics in Z today. He might be naive , but he’s not stupid and he’s obviously done his homework including his sums. At least give him and his party a chance to present their vision more clearly in the coming months. It’s what we’re crying for isn’t it? .#17&19 Senior citizen… Positive contribution . A rare display of even -handedness from u. But don’t spoil it and get carried…

  72. How about explaining some things like why don’t you hold nationwide elections before you say you are the leader,who elects these guys anyways?good luck!

  73. Mbuzi ,

    Both front runners are 73 old each.

    Last year 2009 Sata was 72 and he has just turned 73 this year too.

    Banda 73, Sata 73 . Nonsense !!

  74. I dont believe we have to come up with many political parties in Zambia for the country to perform or to go forward in developments and so on. We have enough brains in people like Miyanda, HH,and Sata. The problem we have is everyone want to be a President. How many presidents are we going to have in Zambia? You are bringing confusion in a political atmosphere. We need people to get behind one leader and get ride of MMD thieves

  75. Milupi -AAD,
    Saviour Chishimba -UPP
    Dr Mutesa –
    Cosmo Mumba-
    Nevers Sekwila Mumba-
    Sakwiba Sikota-NLP
    Tilyenji Kaunda-UNIP
    Ken Ngondo-
    Ben Mwila-ZDC
    Dr Sondashi-

    Senior citizen mwaice bikamo ama party yaba mbuli aba nshibikilemo nalaba

  76. Thumbs Up Chipimo Jr

    That`s the way to go.Enough with these tired and recycled politicians who have no clue about leading our beloved nation.It`s about time we had fresh blood on the political scene.It should bother any Patriotic and Progressive citizen that despite Zambia being blessed with so many natural resources,over 90% are subjected to adverse poverty.Our healthcare is in a mess,road network is in shambles,unemployment has hit alarming levels,corruption is the std of doing business,manufacturing sector is a ramshackle.
    A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.Good move and all the best.

  77. Congratulations Mr Chipimo, welcome to the political arena. On your way in, dont mind the sensless i d i o t s on your left , saying you are misguided and an MMD off shoot. Pay no attention to the fools on you right saying you should have joined a more estblished party.
    Instead, look straight ahead and focus on what you can give to us Zambians that we not been given by the “Leaders ” that we have .
    But dont BS us, we’ve got a keen eye for it!!

  78. from my view,chipimo should have joined UPND and HH hands over to him when his time is up. this way, he’ll gain exposure and experience and recognition from Zambians. My family in split all over the country and didn’t know about the launch of this new political party. I didn’t know until i read it on………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..facebook

  79. I concur with ba Bigge @ # 1 , and me @ # 101, I have ‘No Comment’ :-w but just to say Dobo yachilamo pa Zed.

  80. Do we really need another party. You do not have to be the president of Zambia to make a difference. Why not join a political party either PF or UPND or UNIP and try to make a difference that way. You can make a difference by been an MP and carry educated disscusions.

  81. Mr Chipimo.. well-done for another Lusaka based party. I’m sure my father in Kasama will know about your party in 2040. Go for it. After-all you are a ‘chipimo’. in our language it means maternety… you will give birth.. for now it will be a long 9 months before you can cut the real political teeth to bite into the thick coat of Sata, HH and RB.

  82. You know what is funny. Zambians have a short memory. When HH was standing in his first elections people were saying that he is too young to be president? Let us see if they are going to say the same thing about this guy.

  83. What votes are some of us claiming will be split? As far as I am concerned a vote for the Pact is just the same as voting for RB! Having been born 3 years after our Independece I am happy with Junior’s stance. How can we continue expecting development while we keep on voting for dinosours or is it fossils like Sata and RB? Let’s give chance to the young generation..those who were born as Zambians and not Rhodesians!!

  84. Quote from Chipimo’s speech at the NAREP launch: “Zambia is in desperate need of change, it should not be change driven by a sense of desperation” In as much as I agree with the fact that the majority of Zambians want leadership change, leadership change doesn’t mean that we should have so many parties. If we look closely at what these politicians preach, you find that they talk about the same things; leadership change, equal opportunity, agriculture development, non tolerance on corruption, honesty, humility, respect, tolerance, hard work and a commitment to serve, WHY CANNOT HH, SATA, MIYANDA, CHIPIMO AND MANY OTHERS COME TOGETHER AND DIALOGUE ON HOW THEY CAN BRING ABOUT THAT DEVELOPMENT AND LEADERSHIP CHANGE. Otherwise the current trend of forming parties leaves a lot of…

  85. #96 I cant believe you used the word ‘brains’ in relation to Sata:)):)):)):)):)) You are such a joker

  86. Bloggers are always crying for a new generation of leaders. So I dont understand why they are shooting Chipimo down. Hypocripts and nincopoops!! You guys could have shot down Barrack Obama.

    I welcome every energetic Zambian into politics. Someone has to present themselves as a viable alternative to the crop of politicians we have now. I wish this young man every success. I hope more will rise and either work with him or offer themselves in other capacities. Why should we still be talking and voting for RB, Sata, Nawakwi etc.

    Those calling for Chipimo to join recycled politicians should check their heads again. Remember how Sata hounded out Mazoka from MMD? Dont be armchar critics!!!!!!!

  87. Chipimo stands a very good chance. 5-7 yrs time, RB and Sata will be no more. If they will not be dead, they will be too old. Potential young leaders will be HH, Chipimo and some MMD stewart. I do not see HH continuing after 2011, his political life depends on the PACT. If the pact does not win election in 2011, that will be the end of Sata and HH, and the PACT. Remember PF is Sata and Sata is PF. Any successor to sata may not be as popular.

    So 2011 is the defining moment for a lot of political parties. This is where young men and women with a long term strategy like Obama’s can establish themselves for 2016 elections. It’s not far, only 6 yrs away. There’s a nascent discontent with MMD in the country. It’s an opportunity for the brave and bright.

  88. Politics are cheap in Zambia. The only way we can have a strong enough opposition to kick out MMD is if all these small parties joined together to form one strong movement. It seems every day there is a party born and thats why they dont go far because they are competing against themselves instead of against MMD. Look how Gen. Miyanda dissappeared off the scene.

  89. At the point of forming a party or parties as it were,these so called new visionaries,new politicians should avoid using the term personal sacrifice,to who?I’ve heard HH and now Chipimo saying,am leaving the comfort of my career and such crap.Fellow Zambians,we the priviledged who’s ascendance to prominence was born out of the dire sacrifice of our fore fathers and mothers who born the blunt of donating goats,chickens and the like to build UNZA should be the least to insult the poor Zambians.Let’s embrace the true legend of self sacrifice-Mandela.When comrade Mandela came out of prison,he never talked about his law firm that he had left years back,rather he thanked the suffering masses and people of South Africa.We need to give chance to that mother,girl in shangombo or chilubi as it…

  90. We owe our poor masses our sweat and blood if need be,we need to liberate our people out of selflessness.We can’t hold our mothers,those humble and warm hearted African queens to ransom.Each day,they carried us on their backs,they fetched the water,firewood and at the end of the day put a sumptuos meal on the table for you and our great fathers to eat.Today,we are so educated,so elite,we say those in Mandevu,Buchi,etc, balanunka.Who are we to say that,when a great stateman like Obama went in search of our great sisters,mothers and fathers in the villages of that great country called Kenya.My heart bleeds for our people,my eyes get puffed with the tears for my kith and kin-my poor brothers and sisters.

  91. :o:d/:d/:d/ Splitting votes this early? No NO NO, not even the pregnat women should go to this “chipimo” the boy already has an accent, Chiluba acquired it after getting into office! This is a boy sponsored by his father and the MMD to split votes, however, let him excercise his constitutional right, teente, its HOT out there eliais!


  93. Let’s welcome this young man. This Sata and RB we are fighting about are over 70 years old. they will soon be dead. Unless we have young men like HH and Chipimo learning the ropes, we have no future.

  94. Let us all welcome this new party give them a chance and a platform, This young man stands a chance if he can listen to the people and run clean to win because Zambians do not really have any proper fit candidate from the ruling party 73 yrs and from the opposition 73 yrs old these both leaders have been in leadership for a very long time and they have not brought positive change,Their contributions are appreciated for what they have given the country,Remember you can’t give what you don’t have.This young man might be what Zambia has been waiting for the last 40 yrs.Mr. New Party welcome and put on your seat-belt for take off.

  95. iwe Mwaice chipimo what do u kno about politics u are a boi in a grown man business.
    young man u are a disgrace to ur father’s legancy just got back to school.

    be careful with politics its a game to insults

  96. It is very sad that more political parties are being formed in our only God given Zambia. This is not health to our nation. Not only do we NOT need more political parties (or politicians) but we should probably get rid of democracy as well.
    All the current system does now is to ensure that the politicians that kisses the most babies and makes the most empty promises (most of which speak to the greed of individuals rather than the good of the nation) get more votes than others.
    The democratic system as it exists today is nothing but a popularity contest, and we don’t need the leadership to be popular, we need them to be competent when saving the people.

  97. I think there is too much abuse of democracy in our nation. Zambia shall not by any means be developed by having many political parties, that at the end of each elections, will continue opposing the developmental programmes of that particular government in power.

    More political parties in a developing nation like zambia will just bring more confusions than progress.

  98. VIVA NAREP;) :)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-

  99. Viva NAREP…………………….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need fresh blood.. Why not in Zambia if it can be done in UK and the USA.Go on my brother you have the capability of taking Zambia high as an Eagel and more people from the rular areas like where i am shall give you a pat on your back.VIVA Chipimo……..Viava NAREP….(yes we can)

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