Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Elias Chipimo’s Official Launch and Presentation Speech for National Restoration Party (NAREP)



the sad truth is that politics has largely become an industry that relatively few participate in for themselves under the false explanation that they are doing it for people. It is because of this that many orphans living in high density communities see hope only in civic groups that do a commendable job in keeping

them housed, fed, clothed and educated. This is why the majority of Zambians such as those living in the rural areas of every province – having been neglected for far too long – feel that the promises of politicians are meaningless. They no longer believe that politics can make a real difference in their lives. They need to feel that someone cares enough about them to deliver on the expectations that every Zambian is entitled to have.

This is why the clergy feel compelled to speak out against the injustices perpetrated by leadership intoxicated with state power. Understanding the
compassion of Christ, the church should never sit idly by as it strives to meet the needs of the vulnerable.

But to be fair, not everyone is in politics for themselves.

Many – particularly at the lower levels – are trying their best to make a difference and to be effective representatives of the communities that have put them
into office. You see, many politicians tend to start out with the best intentions. But something happens that takes them away from their original goal of service.

They forget their calling; lose their commitment to serve and focus instead on the allowances and


gratuities they will now earn with little regard to the impact on the nation’s limited financial resources.

Responsible change and the theme of restoration

So it is clear that we need responsible change. Anyone who cares about this country knows that it is a country in desperate need of change. But if all we seek to do is to change leadership at the top then we will not have made any real change at all. We will again have simply transferred the right to exercise power from one group to another. We will have replaced the “furniture” but the structures that sustain greed; that sustain mediocrity; that sustain corruption and neglect will have remained intact.

As a new party, we too will eventually fall into the clutches of greed and mediocrity if we do not make higher values the basis of everything that our party
stands for. The National Restoration Party (NAREP) believes that value-based leadership needs to be reintroduced into politics in Zambia. We believe that we
have both the vision and the commitment to upholding the values that can drive transformational change in a nation that must account for the abundance of wealth with which it has been blessed. We define our vision and ambition under the theme of “restoration”. This is not a desire to bring back the past. It is a desire to take the nation to a place it should always have occupied. It is a desire to restore a positive sense of pride in our nation.


As NAREP, we will always reject self-interest at the expense of the nation. We will restore pride in hard work. We will ensure adherence to accountability. We

will undertake our duty with determination and commitment. We will respect those that went before us.

We will challenge and criticise the decisions of our opponents when they go wrong but we will never insult them.

Our party will be open to everyone. Our only condition is that those that seek to be a part of it be prepared to work hard for the people and adhere to the values upon which its foundations will be laid. We will not close the door to those that are in politics today but now wish to embrace value-based change. The only price will be to uphold the vision and the values that must now drive this nation forward. The national restoration party will never be a party based upon an individual or on a regional affiliation. It will be a party in which the leaders are merely the custodians of its values and its vision.

Our leadership must carry the nation to new levels of collective responsibility. It must be leadership that will set an example in excellence, sacrifice, service,
humility, trust, honesty and accountability. Disciplined leadership that will inspire as many as possible to achieve their full potential, never doing for others
what they can be inspired to do for themselves:


  1. OK, here comes the story, but yalepesha, its not easy to read everything, we are so busy in the diaspora, mwalishibafye……….making money to support the poor families home

  2. Good start ba Chipimo but don’t forget that you may be dividing the votes in the next election making MMD get the majority. we need to get rid of these thieves and crooks. so please organize your MPs next elections only if possible go for lusaka central member of parliament in the next election to test the waters first. don’t be in a hurry for plot one. take your time. the more MPs you have the better for you. so please organize the grassroots first.
    learn from the following guys

    they all rushed for plot one at the expense of MPs and counselors. If you can have more than 50 MPs, and as many counselors as possible then you are good to go.
    all the best.
    your next mp in your party.

  3. gentlemen read and dont make the same nonsensical comments. Elias has outlined a vision that none of the present politicians have

  4. So far impressed.I will still wait for the manifesto.Got row with intelletuals and NOT flip-flops singing populist hymns they hardly understand

  5. Again we salute Elias for his dream. MMD as the mother, father and pioneers of democracy in Zambia with democratic Zambians here cordially welcome President Elias Chipimo and his NAREP in the liberalized political space. We wish him wellness, happiness, success, and gains without intrusion. The MMD fervent prayers are that he can bring issue driven leadership long expected of the embattled opposition circus in the arena.

  6. Democratic Zambians in and out of MMD do not believe in fundamentally indifferent political party collusions. MMD and all democratic Zambians will never inhibit political dreams of opponents or itself share failed politics of titular parties who vainly collude in principles marriages of convenience out of own inadequacy. MMD will keep embracing issue based democracy at any level but like any political party, it will engage opponents on issues in a spirited political manor not with cousinship gloves.

  7. The challenge has been given to us as Zambians to begin to move beyond shallow analysis and “pull him down” syndrome. The sad state of our country hurts us all, whether so called “elite” or struggling house servant…It makes sense to review our attitudes and really ask ourselves whether this is the best that we can be…. Forget about his origins, the point is does what he is saying make sense? And as for those that think you can only talk to the poor if you are poor, is that really true? What do you have to offer in the way of hope if you are one critically ill patient talking to another. The fact that people of this calibre can give up their highly successful and independent careers to INVEST in their country and their people with their own lives is remarkable and to be admired.

  8. Elias man, we thought the launch was this coming Saturday? Anyway, we are ready, my constituency has already registered more than 500 people. 450 all from MMD, and the rest claimed to be independent.

  9. This is nosense, why can we just have few of them political parties? This is just too much for few Zambians to vote- hence- the RB group will at the end win .
    Yaba, pa zambia twashupa- The new born Chipimo-lol

  10. Well , he wouldn’t have been able to say a lot of what he’s said if he had joined an established party would he ? He would not have had the freedom at all , to attack the current leadership in that fashion .
    …I think these NAREP peole should also court that priest who’s been speaking out a lot about shoddy leadership lately. I think it’s Fr Bwalya , i’m not sure , but from the few utterances i’ve heard from him thru LT , i’ve found them to be very well placed. A true voice of reason.

  11. This is a big problem in Zambia because everyone want to be a president. If you all become presidents who are you gonna leader? If you want to be a Leader, you must be willing to be led period. I dont welcome the idea of too many political parties, we need all the Zambians to come behind HH and Sata so that we get ride of the MMD company.

  12. This is what we have been waiting for. We are tired of being led by ‘old empty brains.’ We need educated Zambians, i mean Zambians as having been born after 24th October 1964. We are tired of these guys who were born in Rhodesia,they have no plan to develop the country. Chipimo and group, how can we register and contribute to your vision?

  13. # 9 Mwanawakwitu…Your views are usually more balanced than that….The thing is , with political parties world over the prime mover is money , with the right strategies ofcourse. If these guys have the money and the brains (strategies)..then there is no reason why they shouldn’t have an impact in due course.

  14. Good Evening

    That’s quite a lot of stuff to read after a long day’s work but a quick scan tells me that the whole concept is not a bad idea at all.

    It was Thomas Jefferson, one of the best statesmen America ever had who remarked: “…every generation needs a dream.”

    If Elias Jr. is the forerunner of the Zambian dream for his (and our) generation, then let his good plans be crowned with success. The wind of change is blowing…

  15. ### 14.. Great point! the whole idea here is that rb and the mmd will do all they can to steal votes from the pact. this party or whatevr its called is bullshit!!!!!!!

  16. Thumbs Up Chipimo Jr

    That`s the way to go.Enough with these tired and recycled politicians who have no clue about leading our beloved nation.It`s about time we had fresh blood on the political scene.It should bother any Patriotic and Progressive citizen that despite Zambia being blessed with so many natural resources,over 90% are subjected to adverse poverty.Our healthcare is in a mess,road network is in shambles,unemployment has hit alarming levels,corruption is the std of doing business,manufacturing sector is a ramshackle.
    A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.Good move and all the best.

  17. Well done! I have not read the whole thing but it is important for the new generation to express themselves and re-align the political scene. A discussion of meaningful issues is what we need. The hater mongers spewing abuse and lies at every turn(Sata & crew) should be binned and that embarassing chapter in Zambian politics closed. How could HH stoop so low as to mingle with trash and attempt to launder the zambian electorate to a hate filled tribalist. Let more of our youths and professionals stand up to wrestle political scene from old & obscene jackals bent on using the youth as kaponyas.

  18. Wrong timing Elias, especially if you are targeting 2011. This will only divide the vote and give another chance for MMD to take the Zambian people for another misery journey. Take #3’s advice if you’re as serious as you claim.

  19. I welcome the idea of a new and different breed of politicians forming a party, but with utmost precaution. I am a firm believer that too many political parties in the country erodes the focus of what we are really supposed to be fighting for, and only serves to elevate political bickering. Having said this, I really think there is nothing new that Chipimo and company have done in forming a political party. Why, for instance, should he, or his cohorts annoint him as President before any would-be members cast a vote? I would rather Mr Chipimo was called Chairman until such a time when structures have been established and the party can go to a convention. As long as he is annointed President, he will perpetuate his hold to that position and render the vision of the party futile.

  20. All is well, but there is an inherit contradiction in what Junior is proposing, a party not geared for individuals, then he announces that he is the interim President!!!!

  21. Time for the youth to take this and run with it. There is a lot substance in Jr’s statement. This should not worry the Pact but MMD. As a Zambian, I am ready to embrace change in any form. As long as it is not MMD, all is well. The true MMD is getting together to wrestle the nation from the grips of UNIP led by Banda. I see two MMD founding leaders watching Jr get the nation on track. Bye bye Bandas (William and Rupiah) and fake MMD. Soon we will hear Katele leaving RB thugs.

  22. What votes are some of us claiming will be split? As far as I am concerned a vote for the Pact is just the same as voting for RB! Having been born 3 years after our Independece I am happy with Junior’s stance. How can we continue expecting development while we keep on voting for dinosours or is it fossils like Sata and RB? Let’s give chance to the young generation..those who were born as Zambians and not Rhodesians!!

  23. Elias has a rich predigree of having an honest, dedicated, self-sacrificing father and having done well as a lawyer and business consultant. I do wish him well. However, can he garner enough support from rural areas and not just the C/B/Lsk elite? Can he cut across tribal lines and overcome the shallow tribal affiliations the late Mazoka failed to beat? What is his “agenda for Zambia”? Before embarking on forming a political party,my view is that he should have started with civic movement of people’s right like the late Lucy Sichone did. This would have been a good avenue for him to “sale” himself to the common man and other learned Zambians who are on the fringes and are equally disgrantled with the prevailing political scenario.

  24. I cannot seem to understand why alot of our brothers and sisters in the diaspora and some locally believe that in other countries there are not a lot of political parties. In the UK, USA, and even India while there are dominant parties the fact of the matter is that there are numerous other political parties. We must realise that democracy is not a perfect thing and these are some of the costs that come with it. To limit the number of political parties would be to rebuke democracy itself…

  25. $-) No# 18 the Lord Sith there is nothing much to comment on this topic. There are too many parties in Zambia teku buta, it’s the livelihood of our bululus here we are concerned with. I know what slit votes do. This new party is emitting MMD mulonge leftovers. :d

  26. #32 Peter Cool, state the number of parties in the US. The point about too many parties in Zambia is being made from the back-drop of their significance. Look, even Democracy itself is not an endless principle. There can be no rebuke of Democracy if we established some form of control over the number of political parties. Very soon, the number of political parties in Zambia will equal that of the churches. Are you implying then that Religion is democratic? Most of the parties in Zambia are mirrors of others. They simply create a confusing political landscape for the country. For Democracy to thrive, there has to be some semblance of order in the way it’s principles are dispensed. What is Democracy anyway????

  27. A Billionaire resigning from arguably one of the most prestigious Law firms in the country to redeem this impoverished country, i have followed his steps for some months now since he started resigning from the Boards he sits on, I will continue following him and if impressed will support him even with grass root quiet support.

    Good luck Elias can’t wait for the Manifesto.

  28. Fellow country men and women the biggest problem is not the number of political parties on the scene rather the failure by Zambians to identify a credible leader hence we split our votes. Look at the calibre of leaders we have. Iam sorry to say Sata and RB are honestly not people we should be considering for the country’s presidency. Look at people like HH and now Chipimo. We need the country to develop people PLEASE. We need fresh blood, new ideas. Not same old same old from Welensky’s days.

  29. Bravo Elias! Bravo – indeed a noble cause. But all will wait your next step with caution. Move forward with as much thought and care as expressed in your speech. I agree with all the blogger who say go for parliamentary and local next election and then the future will truly be for the Zambia Youth

  30. #32 go to politics1 on the net and see the US parties. The sort of order you suggest is only possible if you could condition everyone’s thinking. Life is not like that and postings here on theLT are a testament to that. The tragedy with democracy is that it is essentially imperfect and largely unfair due to it the inherent information asymmetries that voters will always face. However, the alternative is worse. Regarding the new party itself, I suspect the reason people are having difficulty with it is a belief that it reduces UPND/PF chances to rule and not as a result of yesterday’s speech. In any event when Charles Milupi launched there was not such an outcry. It all remains to be seen and the only certainty is that this is not the last party in ZED…

  31. … with all the recycled politictians that we’ve seen rule since independence, perhaps it is time for fresh meat, new blood. While it is true that our young man is unkown, we can learn what he is capable of by inspecting what he has done.
    Smuggler’s Draft is pro-Zambia and will support any motion that looks promising in an effort to move Zambia forward. If NAREP will do that, then so be it. Smuggler’s Draft would prefer the name to be NRP, but who am I to decide?

  32. His dream of presidency is not new. I recall a conversation with him 18 years ago when he stated that he would work hard to build his career and then go for it. Having said this 3 other kids with fathers known to the general public expressed the same desire the same year, which means either he has them onboard or there will be others coming out over the next few years. Either way good luck to him and anyone else who does what needs to be done.

  33. Guys, it it true that NAREP stands for Northern Alliance for the Restoration of Elias Chipimo? Then this party is going to be only for the Taliban Janjaweedos from the Northern Caucases. If I recall, the CIA set up a prison for the captured Taliban Janjaweeds on one of the islands in Lake Mweru, they were all freed by Obama and were awaiting the formation of this party to start their push for power in Zambia, Talibanize it in accordance with strict Islamic rules because promiscuity and “abana bamufwani in Zed bacilamo”. You bet Nwacusa Sata Zondwe is sad for Mukupa and Chilufya, abana ba mufwani!

  34. Guys, just look at the people who attended the launch, do you see any future there? I am just so sick of the same names, recycled directly or indirectly vying for power in the corridors of state even when they have no clue on how to find solutions to the woes that bedevil Zambia. This chap may have all the necessary education from prime schools and universities in the West ( all at our expence when his father was ambassador), but ask him if he has ever set foot in China which is the world’s new economic engine to be emulated by developing nations that want to develop, fast! NEVER! Western orientated solutions he espaused in his vision were proven dead by the current economic downturn, to elect him will be tantamount to suicide worse than what we attempted with Chiluba.

  35. At last we have a vibrant young fresh blooded Zambian to enter our political scene.

    Quite frankly I am tired of the name calling politicians we currently have. All wash outs. I will fully support you and your party Mr. Chipimo. It is 2010, a year of restoration for this our Christian nation.

    I believe in you and I trust you are the man once prophesied. God has finally given me hope for my country. You will be insulted and called names but whether Zambians like it or not, one day, you will be president. Keep the faith. 😉

  36. Let face it. When was the last time someone announced launch of a political party in Zambia and the speech was so inspiring??? I think the guy has something to offer. Abash old, recycled, selfish, undemocratic, uninspring, uninnovative, uncreative, un…….un…..Politicians. They have been there on scene for generations and don’t promise to bring anything new. It’s time we tried someone new, young, energetic…..

  37. I support the young man and his vision. We need fresh blood with new ideas on the polical scene. I advise that he begins on the grassroots in all the provinces. he must pay attension to building the party first. We don’t want regional and tribal politics to ocurr. We are professional and civilised people. At all cost let the party be built in all the nine provinces. And let him address issues and not attack individuals as the old polticians are forever doing. God bless you God bless NAREP

  38. King solomon, nothing new i have heard what Elias said from other politicians, its only that he used different terms and words.

  39. Well people, I think Mr. Chipimo Jr. is on the right track. Sometimes one has to shoot then aim coz too much aiming results in missing the opportunity. This is what we need, somebody tell me when should the right time be? We are too used to argue without having had a real experience of things. BY, Mungomba, Nevers Mumba are all case studies that could actually make Chipimo to succeed instead. Lets just wish him well and consider the issues he has raised. God bless you Jr.

  40. Chipimo’s vision is worth reckoning with but Zambia and its population are not big enough to have a multitude of Political Parties. In the last three months alone, we have had three parties formed all with aspring presidential candidates. I personally feel that he should have joined any of the main existing political parties with an intention to instill his vision and eventually taking a lead. The truth of the matter I still have to be convised of someone who have come from nowhere to get to the helm without first gritting the grassroots. Its good though to see the youth getting serious interest in the future of Zambia.

  41. Vote for this guy if you want the gay community to be legalised. Don’t just applaud this man has alot of dirt around him dig deeper

  42. I wish you well Elias…would you kindly launch a NAREP website in due course so that we may know more about your vision, manifesto etc and how these differ from what the MMD or the PF-UPND pact have to offer?

  43. This is indeed a welcome development. It is refreshing to read a well thought out and articulated speech.

    It is obvious to anyone who knows anything about public speaking that Elias has the gift of Oratory – this is very important, and it is something that HH, educated as he may be, clearly lacks. Sata also has the gift of Oratory – in Bemba.

    I hope Elias’ words do not end up as mere rhetoric and i do believe him and his peers are the calibre of leadership we have been waiting for.

    He has a huge job winning the hearts,minds, and more importantly votes of people. His pedigree and eventual professional and financial success may make him appear out ot touch with the masses. I hope he can connect with the average citizen and articulate in various local languages as well. Good luck.

  44. NAREP has vividly given rise to mixed feelings that makes the whole thing quite interesting. I honestly do not see any justification about some exhibited paranoia as regard the formation of this new avenue. As a matter of fact, for a number of young people this could be a well acceptable avenue to give expression to our latent potency about governance. Upon thorough introspection as a country we would inevitably come to this very one conclusion that a new season of Zambian renewal is possible. Additionally, it is an impeccably evident that unless we do what is uncommon about our politics, nothing shall substantially revolutionalize our politics. This party should be given some space and be evaluated premised on what it is bringing to the table of Zambia politics.

  45. Lets see what you have got. If you have substance, sure i will be up for the challenge with someone new. Tired of the same people who think they know politics. Ba Sata, RB same old same old. And they have nmo morals and brains to display, twatendwa ukutekwa naba kote

  46. 8-|Elias mudala on a serious note we have been waiting for new serious blood to come on this arena diluted to an insult platform by shameless people WE WILL WALK WITH YOU. Lets Educate the youths on the importance of their VOTE.

  47. A lot of subsistance in the speech but the politics in Zambia is complicated. You will soon realise why HH has to work with Sata despite the latter offering nothig tangible. Can the people in Matero abandon Sata for you??? Even i was the only Zambia you wld be president in 2011

  48. :d I am inspired to believe in my country once again and not go off to work in another country, developing their economy, while mine withers and dies.

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