Friday, January 10, 2025

Government to engage foreign contractors if locals do not improve-Kunda


Vice President George Kunda

Vice President, GEORGE KUNDA has urged local contractors to improve on their performance if they are to continue receiving contracts from the Government.

Mr KUNDA says government is concerned with the manner in which some contractors handle contracts given to them.

He said in Kafulafuta yesterday that government has on many occasions been disappointed by some contractors who do shoddy work while others tend to abandon projects.

Mr KUNDA was reacting to reports that a contractor has abandoned a road project in Kafulafuta constituency.

The Vice President assured the people of Kafulafuta that government will pursue the issue and ensure that the road is done .

He explained that government is ready to empower local contractors through awarding them more projects to carry out.

Mr KUNDA said government will however have no option but to engage foreign contractors if locals do not improve on their performance.



  1. Good Morning

    I recall having read a simillar appeal before. Anyhow, it’s true that local contractors have themselves to blame if they loose business to foreign contractors because of poor workmanship. Maybe they should start sending their supervisors to India or China so that they can learn more about quality in making bricks, mixing cement and building houses.


  2. Its not local contractors that are the problem. There are a lot of other good local contractors that can do exceptionally well in all spheres of Zambian sectors

    The Problem is CORRUPTION. Good and genuine contractors are sidelined and contracts are given to people that can pay kick backs and these people tend to be poor. If you corrupt your way to a contract, it simply means you can’t compete and you are not good at what you do. So MR Kunda , just cut the corruption. Give contracts to competent Zambians and they will show you what they can do. Giving contracts to your relatives, party cadres or those who have given you kick backs will always come to haunt you because if they don’t deliver, there is nothing you can do because you are party to the crime.

  3. Morning Chale
    Once the govnt awards a contract,it is supposed to be inspected and monitored microscopically at every stage of its development by govnt officials from the ministry of works and supply department of engineering,its lack of commitment on the part of govnt to just let a multi million dollar project in the hands of an engineer without any form of monitoring,remember the UNZA bridge,a minister had to go do the inspection himself and thank God he was an engineer himself and he noticed some shady work and materials were used,its entirely up to govnt to see to it that the contractors are following the terms agreed upon

  4. we have Zambians who can do the best job but the problem is that The MMD govt is very corrupt that the award contracts to ntemba contractors to do the shoddy jobs.the ntemba contractors are mainly owned by MMD GUYS.

  5. most of the top officials in govt hav to ma tutemba contracting companies & award themselves contracts which then the fail to do the job themselves.we should award contracts to Zambians that are gualified to do the job period.2011 change is coming!

  6. in as much as the Zambian enterprise need to rise to the challenge, resorting to foreign contractors will only deprive the Zambians of employment; common sense tells me the among govt many agenders creation of employment is very crucial for our young economy. Please consult UNZA for insight into stimulating domestic economic activity through govt injecting capital into domestic enterprise. If there is something govt can do to increase the level quality delivery they should tighten the criteria for awarding contracts and find means of helping SMEs with both technical and financial support. breathing threats does just one thing which is send an echo of dissatisfaction but doesn’t change business practice.

  7. instead of killing the hopes local contractors, making the tendering process transparent so contracts are awarded to competent organizations. In the event that there is perceived interference by government officials those officials should be fired and jailed. Stealing money from government coffers has far more reaching implications than we think. It means one has committed murder by siphoning money from the system that could have saved a life. That is why Chiluba, Banda, Sata or HH should be watched and prosecuted if there is even a small suggestion of improper dealings. We should strive to narrow the powers of the executive.

  8. Is Willy Nsanda’s construction firm an MMD company? I think we are too negative here. The reality is that:-

    1. Local contractors do not have the financial and technical know how of foreign contractors
    2. Contracts are awarded to the best bidder regardless of whom he corrupted or the competition would have reported it to ACC (like Kapoko)
    3. The RDA pays in stages and when the work is not properly done, payment is halted.

    So, in a bid to empower our people, we give out contracts to local contractors before foreign. The local contractor does a shoddy stage one of the job and the inspectors (civil engineers) from RDA reject the work. The local contractor is broke and so we cant rectify the problems.

    End result = Stale Mate!

  9. If the contract is withdrawn and given to the next best bidder, the Auditor General will pounce on the RDA and claim the difference was misapplied or misappropriated. The AG’s office does not see the reasons behind the decision and the Opposition will have a field day calling the government corrupt. So the civil servants are too scared to proceed with reassigning the contract and they wait for the executive to act on the issue. This way they are exonerated from the repurcussions.

    Now, when the executive decide to withdraw the contract, everybody cries foul and says “its corruption”. They even go as far as saying the contract was awarded to MMD cadres which is completely untrue.

    The reality is that the contractor failed to deliver and the executive is acting on it.

  10. I agree with you guys except for no 1 and 8. The problem is giving tenders to MMD cadres of curruptly giving out tenders to bribers. its not only local companies that give bribes. Remember the recently LIATO deal that was unearthed. Konga almost gave that contract to a Gemerny Company dubiously. No. 1, we have MANY MANY compitent Zambains out performing the locals abroad. There is no capacity problem in Zambia.

  11. In my country it is simple. A contract is awarded and if the work is not done correctly, it is reawarded. There is no politics behind it. It appears that in Zambia things cant move smoothly because of the politics that are brought into everything. As a result, Kunda wants the road fixed but because of all the finger pointing and political acrimony, contracts are delayed and the people suffer. Shame!

  12. This Rubish from Kunda must stop now. This statement is political. They want to blame it on Mpombo as member of paliarment. We remember just recently how RDA paid a contractor based on pictures he submited to them. They didnt bother to go and see the compledted road. Yet the pictures belonged to another road and not the one he was supposed to do. Imagine such a Gvt, inspecting a road construction through pictures. Where in the world? The problem is not contractors but Gvt.

  13. #13, Boom, I think you are losing yourself here. The MP is not responsible for the road works. This is an RDA issue not an MP one. I work for RDA and can tell you that your story of contractors being paid based on pictures is complete rubbish. There are over 300 drawings for each road and each drawing needs to be certified by Civil Engineers from the RDA before payment can be made. There are inspectors and then inspectors who inspect inspectors, etc… You are too politically inclined as this has nothing to do with the MP.

  14. # 14, we are on the same page though i am a step ahead of you in reading the political mind of Kunda. I know that the MPs are not in charge of roads but MMD is making this case political becouse Mpombo- their perceived enermry is MP for that area. They want people to loose support for Mpombo hoping to get the sit. Yes, you have mentioned the ideal process (on paper- text book) what RDA must do. But my friend, they dont, thanks for admiting that you work for them, so I dont expect you to admit your inefficiencies. Everything Kunda says is political. Know this by now

  15. On “Vice President, GEORGE KUNDA has urged local contractors to improve on their performance if they are to continue receiving contracts from the Government” attributed to the Acting President and Minister of Justice, I would like to ask him to send money or more money for Research work at higher learning institutions like UNZA, CBU and Mulungushi University so that sensible research and development can trickle down to the contracted companies to improve their performance.

    Thus formal education coupled with Research and Analysis can change the way our local companies currently perform so that Zambians of all walks of life can benefit.

    Have a nice day all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  16. This welcome by MMD of the NAREP leaves much to be desired. First to welcome NAREP was Senior Citizen, I believe, then others like MMD spokesperson Minister-less Dorah SiliyaBut MMD national Secretary Katele Kalumba has welcomede the formation of NAREP, I think, and now Dr Katele Kalumba with “But MMD national Secretary Katele Kalumba has welcomed[e] the formation of NAREP“.

    This is worrying especially that NAREP is alleged to have a party symbol and colours that are similar to the UPND’s which gave the right for a concern from the mighty UPND’s Youth Chairperson.

    I hope not many Zambians will be swayed by this development of NAREP on the political scene in Zambia.

    Have a good day all.
    Matt 6:33

  17. Boom # 14 and 15you arevery wrong, Zambians do lack capacity both in terms of technical skills, finances and even machinery. As for mahestro Hhehe @ 17 and 18, correct these are some of the measues that the Government should take but the impact will certainly not be immeadiate. Niw the question for Government is what is the cost of shoddy more expensive works? Should it be accomodated because it is done by Zambians ? I

  18. All this points to a dormant government. Processes are there to be continuously reviewed and improved based on lessons learnt. GK should at times attempt to use his head to find solutions beneficial to Zambians. It is his responsibility to ensure the government machinery is functional. He should be the last one to resort to foreigners to do his work. This is total failure. What is he running?

  19. bA KUNDA BALI CHE!! The man always speaks sense wen ever he opens his mouth with those red lips.
    He knws zambians are lazy so if they doont get contracts thebn they will pull up there socks. He is right.

  20. Chiengi its not that simple! Why should we have conytacts given to pipo whi abadon the work. The contractors also ahve a role to play here and that is what he is addressing. then Papa j and damnist kafupi,even zambians firms are involved in corruption. Its not just the foreign firms

  21. Zambian Constructors are known to be very Lazy and who love leisure before work.This is a cancer in this country.Kunda is very CORRECT on this one.

  22. the first thing when they are paid the first installment they begin to attend first to their own person needs.I seen a number of them that would pause as Directors at Rhapsodizes.Well there nothing wrong going there but WORK FIRST

  23. # BISHOP- fake one the problems have been rationally highlighted- we have the technical know how that is why Zambians are in high demand internatinally. Cause of poor jobs is due to GRZ officers who connive with contractors even when a proper job has not been done. In the Mines Zambian contractors are doing commendable work because they are closely monitored by the relevant engineers.

  24. 1) A contract by definition has penalties for failure to deliver expected results. If a contractor delivers substandard quality, he should pay for it. Contracts normaly stipulate teh penalty.

    2) Value for money should be key here. This is tax payer’s money. As a tax payer, I dont care who builds the road, local or foreigner. All I want is a good road. period.

    Look, what benefits do local people get from local contractors. Very little if any. One may say local employment, but how long does it last? In the end all you have is a crap road.

    3) If govt wants to support local contractors, they should ensure standards are raised and contracts honoured, otherwise they are wasting tax payer’s money.

    Dont support local contractors blindly. Go for quality roads, doesnt matter who…

  25. #25 De Javu

    Your comment may just explaint it all:

    “Cause of poor jobs is due to GRZ officers who connive with contractors even when a proper job has not been done.”

    In that case, all else dont matter – academics, skills, technology, competency etc are rubbished, for a quick buck. What a world!!!!

  26. #1, Nine Chale, Is Zambia so finished that more than 4 decades after independence we still don’t know how to mix cement and make bricks and need to go abroad to be taught how to? O Lord help us!

  27. #14 Ba Lungu you say you work for RDA. Please tell me is anything being done about the bad roads in the country espeically the ones in Chalala area. Ala twachula. We are being told that RDA is not releasing the money for constructing roads especially to areas where there are opposition MPs.

  28. You are hereby invited to attend a meeting at the Zambia High Commission on Friday, 12 April 2010 starting from 1800 – 2030. The meeting is to enlighten fellow Zambians here in the UK about the Citizen Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) which has been created by the Government of Zambia to enable it provide funds for Zambians to run businesses. The Chief Executive of CEEC, Ms Mable Mung’omba will lead the discussions.

  29. how does GRZ pay 3/4rs of the contract upfront to a contracter with no track record or experence ? even if it is empowerment, those are funds needed for development. Instead GRZ should issue joint contracts with experienced foreign contarctors so these cadres contractors can learn.

  30. DJ, I would definitely come to the meeting if Ms Mung’omba is in a position to explain the problem of passport renewals especially the disappearance of application forms. I am only 10 minutes away from Palace Gate by tube.

  31. She has got nothing to do with passport renewals. Your question may be answered by the officer in charge of immigration (Visas & passports at the ZHC).

  32. #14 Ba Lungu, which inspector assessed Mazabuka/Kafue road which was worked on 8 months ago by Raubex Contractors?

    Mind you, Raubex contractors is not a Zambian company, but SouthAfrican company, Its performance is pathetic. Mazabuka road is already a death trap despite chewing taxpayers money a few weeks ago by this same international shameless theiving company.

  33. #32, you will just be waisting your precious time. This CEEC is not meant for you, its for companies with big money and well structured systems in place, yours will come in November 2011

  34. I personally think we Zambian should move away from always thinking the solutions to all our problems is FOREIGN INVESTORS OR CONTRACTORS. The problem we have is corruption in Zambia. If contracts are awarded to legit Zambian contractors and on the same terms as they are awarded to the foreign contractors then this problem will be sorted. I speak as a man who has been educated by a father who is considered to be a `briefcase supplier` and i have seen first hand how this government has difeerent standards for foreign, political and local contractors or suppliers. Foreign contractors are paid about 50% down payment at the begining of a contract and the rest is paid during and at the end of it, while a local contractor or supplier is paid nothing till the job is finnished

  35. 41 contd. This leads to the local contractor pulling out a loan from a bank whose interest is quite high and putting probably his house as colateral. Then the government will take another 6 months to 2 years jsut to pay him, and during this time the loan is accumulating interest and by the time this local contractor is paid, he cannot even make a profit out of the contract and all that money on paper is nothing but a lose. Now here is a situation where, during the time his waiting for his payment his also awarded a second contract and now the poor local contractor cannot complete it and we start blaming him! Come on guys the problems starts with our mentality of always thinking foreign is good and treating foreigners as gods!

  36. Much as you care about the good works by foreign contractors, show concern and make prompt payments to us General and Food Suppliers that are wallowing in poverty after investing our hard earned monies! Some of us have not been paid for fours years! And you talking very small amounts not exceeding a hundred million per supplier! I find this behaviour cantankerous and unbecoming of your govt! We are busy supplying foods to your prisoners and defence forces in the hope making end meet, only to be paid after a century! You need not just please the Chinese and MMD donors! we need our moneys!

  37. Fellow Bloggers,

    Its my first time to be on this blog. I just want to voice out the article i read ion the engineering news of RSA stating that BP is withdrawing its operation in Zed and apparently the Enegry Minister Kenneth Konga stipulates that there will be no panic as fuel will be avalible.what magic is he going to perform when BP supplies 60% of the local product. Is he insane or what!

    Oil major BP Plc’s withdrawal from Zambia, Africa’s largest copper producer, will not disrupt the supply of fuel to the mines, Energy Minister Kenneth Konga said on Thursday. BP’s Zambia unit, which controls 60% of the local oil products marketing business, has been the largest supplier of petroleum products, especially diesel, to the mines, the backbone of the southern African country’s…

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