Friday, March 7, 2025

Register your Dogs or we will kill them, LCC urges Lusaka residents


The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has appealed to all residents in Lusaka who keep dogs to have their pets certified, registered and vaccinated against diseases such as rabies.

LCC Assistant Public Relations Manager Mulunda Habeenzu said registering dogs was a legal requirement which is provision for under the control Act of Dogs Cap 247 of the laws of Zambia.

Mr. Habeenzu told ZANIS in Lusaka today that the council will ensure that once dogs are registered, they will be certified and vaccinated by relevant offices.

“We are appealing to all those that have dogs to register them. As a council, we don’t want to be prompted to kill people’s dogs,” he said.

He said dog owners can take their dogs to the cleansing depot behind Zesco main office to register them at a fee of K50, 000.

He said the exercise is ongoing and will run for thirty (30) days.



  1. why do you put such timelines – this sounds like the passport nonsense. secondly, register them for what? i would have thought a vet’s certificate would be sufficient. sounds like a money making initiative

  2. The one who let the dogs out is the one who is supposed to be killed. 😮 Those poor innocent animals have the right to life too! :((:((

  3. :d Virginia Chinena in Japan you sound like these lonely White women that are feminists. They get to fourty and realize their behinds shall be lonely for life and thus get dogs and cry for them like they are people. You are Nubian princess strong and wise don’t follow their miserable paths. Death to ravenous pouches and B.i.tches. Biting people for no reason.

  4. Just work on the Floods and not threatening people. You just want to raise money. I suggest you go round register and vaccinate them thus when people can pay. You just want money on the silver plate.[-x

  5. so the PF Council has got money to buy BULLETS to shut at Dogs, But they don’t have money to work on roads and Drainage. They will need Fuel to Drive around all compounds of Lusaka as well as luck allowances for there shooters.

    I thought this was the JOB of the Veterinary Department and Ministry of Health.

    What happens to dogs born after the 30 days Given


  6. There is a rabid one in Serval Rd by the name of Kafupi, no warning needed just shoot it since its Vet is in China right now….

  7. Ba Mwanawakwitu naimwe, what makes you think you are holier than thou? We are all God created creatures, a spice and herb added to planet earth, including utunyelele notwashala. If anything, the human race has been the number disgrace before the eyes of our creator. Nansoni muliye! 😮 atase!

  8. This is a result of the president’s deals with China, a way of exporting poppy meat to China at K50,000 pin per dog.

  9. Well well well, unless you haven’t carvassed this world, you will think this is a crazy idea but the reality is that in most countries you have to register your dog and it must have certification of vaccination. It’s there in the laws of Zambia but has not been implemented. It’s a way of the local governments to raise money and provide services to the people. Go ahead with progressive ideas. Next time think about Toll Gates as well.

  10. Ba Daniel I’ve complained about your comment for the sole reason that you sound too well travelled and capitalist, even requesting for tollgates mu Lusaka. Chalo chesu ichi bane. All men and men’s best friends (dogs)

  11. @};- That is for you number 10 Virginia Chinena Nsoni Tilinayo 🙂 . Thus I addressed you as a Nubian princess. Let me add on then you are the true Jewel of the Nile as Nine Chale would so eloquently say. You indeed are right, we are the caretakers of the world and the animals plus plants it holds. We indeed have let God down more than all his creation, we should thank him always he sent his son Yeshua to save us, ’cause you know you and I are definitely sinners than are wonderful recipients of that saving grace. Back to poppy and clan, they need control, dangerous ones need silencing or heavy fines and paperwork for their owners I know you agree.

  12. Even dog woners should be chaining there dogs at there yards.Most of these dogs are a nuisance they shit on other people’s yards esp the lawn.It’s hightime such dogs were shot at or poisoned.Otherwise the owners should be caged for letting there dogs loose only to shit on other people’s yards.

  13. Yangu!!:oWe have not yet even finished the mobile registration card exercise for human beings! We now want to start registering Poppy, Bruno, Billy, Danger, Ginger, Tiger Shipikisha etc…

  14. National Registration Card For IMBWA!!!, What about cat, next it will be Gennie pigs, Cow, Rats, Mosquito, Fish, Snake, King Cobra, Price Cobra.

    This issue of raising funds is now going out of hand, It was Carbon Tax,TV License, Increase land rates by 1000%, Now Dog, what will be NEXT……. I an very worried with this trend.when is this NONSENSE GOING TO END

  15. Picture this, amake mwana lives on less than $1 a day from selling veggies on the market, she has poppy who wonders around kalikiliki compound scarvanging mufishala for survival, you are asking her to bring poppy to cleansing depot behind Zesco Main office and pay K50,000 to register poppy and more for vaccination, lets not forget poppy will need to be transported there not by minibus, maybe a taxi costing amake mwana who knows how much. Ba LCC you want the dogs, go to where the dogs are otherwise they aint coming to you.

  16. You are hereby invited to attend a meeting at the Zambia High Commission on Friday, 12 March 2010 starting from 1800 – 2030. The meeting is to enlighten fellow Zambians here in the UK about the Citizen Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) which has been created by the Government of Zambia to enable it provide funds for Zambians to run businesses. The Chief Executive of CEEC, Ms Mable Mung’omba will lead the discussions.

  17. this is outrageous. all pipo with Dogs have to flock to one place in Lusaka, why not decentralise.[-(

  18. Why not come to our compounds and do the registrations there? Can’t manage to come and do it while am at work. Dont kill our dogs. They have become our protectors now.

  19. Ba LCC naimwe! K50,000 is just too much for the loafers in the compounds who can’t even register their kids in schools. Do you even know how much their mongrel dogs are worth? And how do you suggest they go to town centre for that exercise, on mini buses? Mount a registration and vaccination campaign in the compounds and then go there with the vets for that exercise. This is simple reasoning for school boys.

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