Friday, March 7, 2025

RB back in Zambia


PRESIDENT Banda yesterday returned home from China where he had gone for a State visit at the invitation of his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao.

Mr Banda, who touched down around 17:10 hours aboard the presidential plane, was accompanied by his wife Thandiwe.

Mr Banda described his visit to the Asian economic giant as a great experience and revelation.
“Going to China was a great experience. It was a great revelation. We saw how China has developed and learnt something from the experience,” he said.

President Banda said he is also impressed with the interest China has in investing in Zambia.
He said China is also open for trade and investment and that the agenda Zambia took to that country has been fulfilled.

“China is ready to invest in Zambia and open trade and investment. We had an agenda and achieved that agenda,” President Banda said.

On hand to receive the President were Vice-President George Kunda, Home Affairs Minister Lameck Mangani, Defence Minister Kalombo Mwansa, Labour Minister Austin Liato and Works and Supply Minister Mike Mulongoti.


  1. Welcome back Yourn Excellency,
    We are indeed delidhted that your Trip to Chine was a success. Whilst you were away,one now established former Convict, former conductor(uk)polygamist, womaniser, Political dictator was on a public bus to Lundazi to feature on Chikaya radio station.N’way who can he fool Sir? when he was Minister without Portfolio we never saw him do that, why now? Its all political and therefore only fools can trust such a man.It was also revealled that he at one time took to Bed two biological Sisters one Mag and another P* t and later had one kid with mag and two with p*t. Please sir, be assured Your Exellency of our highest considerations at all times and more votes in 2011 as we rule again. Big Welcome home- We missed you but we know that your short absence was for the

  2. 2011 HERE WE COME!! says .Dont be stu**************./ i no all this story youre telling me Chik*****************la. and let him ride in the bus couse i dont like the potholes.Ubupuba fye bwekabweka:-t:-t:-t:-t[-x[-x[-x Stop the nosence and concentrate on the real issues at hand.

  3. Your excellence we cordially welcome you back home from a resourceful national interest long trip! We know that like us we share a strong belief we sit on the Cusp of an Inflexion Point and that Zambia is probably the last Convergence of mass economic prosperity that time is about to unfold in the Sub sahara Africa.

  4. ”Our visit was a great experience and we learnt a lot from it”. How many times have we heard these empty words repeated over and over since 1964? By the way, what’s the next destination this week, is it Swaziland?

  5. This is amazing and I dont really know what to make out of this. I am not a Zambian but one who lived in Zambia before. I have been following Zambian politics and its leadership. I read most Zambian daily newspapers and blogs. Surprising, there’s a never a been a week or a month pass without reading of the President’s foreign tour. He rarely stays in office.He goes everywhere opening this and that while in country. My question is this, when does he have time to attend to national duties, office work or is it Kunda, Chiluba and his son running the show? Also, if he is always country trotting all the time, then what are his minister’s doing? I was under impression some of the duties he is undertaking belongs to some ministers but maybe I was wrong. He is the presid. I know of with most…

  6. Paliba ukuseya ba kateka besu..Mungulu fye. Maybe we should change his name from RB to GT (Globe Trotter)

  7. Yup, this is his strength alright… globe-trotting and eager to let all of us know about “oh what a wonderful experience…learnt a lot…” it’s all personal stuff and has nothing to do with the interest of the average person in the country. And those people welcoming him back home, good for you I guess you benefit somehow so go ahead and lick his boots all you want… hope you sleep at night… selfish so and so’s…

  8. when was the last time RB was on the copperbelt or any other part of the country to see the filth that is the order of the day? is he not ashamed that the country is in such bad shape, from every perspective?
    For those of you whose relatives are wearing the vitenges with his head on – may be it’s time for a reality check. while he goes home to eat fillet mignon, his supporters not only walking back home, but have to eat delele. What a shame!!

  9. Ge can’t stay in the Office cause he’s got nothing to do there. It’s a question of passing time for him. He can’t wait to leave in 2011. Just want to be seen to be doing something. I actually feel sorry for him, coz frequent flying at his age will take him to his grave

  10. RB, now implement what you learnt in China… or is your suitcase packed fot the next trip?

    You are becoming a tourist in your own country and has made earoplanes your home.

  11. Looking at the numerous international visits by RB, makes me wonder if Zambia is a power country.

  12. Now ladies and gentlemen, let us confess that us MMD have failed to lead this nation and have become laughing stocks of the region. We thought RB would be our savior and lead us into Paradise but with our own eyes, we are seeing that we are no match to the PACT and our foolish leader Banda instead of embarking on developing Zambia, he has chosen to enrich himself and sheltered all the money meant for development abroad. But since he has traveled more than Marco Polo could do, even us in MMD don’t even know in which country he has hidden the money. My last word for my fellow MMD and Banda supporters is that we are fools and have been used by this criminal. We are ask for your forgiveness all those that we have foolish offended on this blog. Sata is the only solution for the nation.

  13. 🙂 Senior citizen am I reading your comment correctly or capena wamwamo? You bashing RB, though I always know you are here to keep the wheels of democracy moving. Marco polo hahahahahaha cannot even compare **==

  14. #16 It is redemption time. I have no option but tell the truth. It is usually said that the biggest mistake is when you continue making the same mistake. Zambia, made a mistake, I made a mistake. Can we as a nation continue living and thriving on mistakes every time? No. Zambia is bigger than RB and Sata. So, since we have seen how RB has failed to lead us, why not try Mr. Sata. This is the man KK and FTJ praised before. I really feel so embarrassed that I have to do this. We cannot afford another 5 years of RB leadership. I have families suffering back home and myself selfishness in supporting this government seem to have contributed immensely in their struggles. I am sorry, I have been wrong. I ask for your forgiveness. All of you.

  15. # 6, if you’re not a Zambian, then mind your own business. Waba mukanwa nga Bush baby! Walepa kumwenu.:d

  16. #17 Senior Citizen
    I am glad you have come to your senses which we all believe that you are an intelligent person who chose the wrong path. It is not a question of supporting the pact but every reasonable person can see that our country is in the wrong hands. Our people are suffering day in day out. Our roads in the most part of the country are impassable. Hospitals have no medicine and lack enough doctors and the list goes on.
    Welcome Welcome to the right side, I personally I am still analyzing every presidential candidate except for Rupiah Banda who I know for I will not vote for.

  17. This our so called president is claiming that he has learnt alot of stuff from China, then why wont he explain to us what that is. Did he even understand the techlogy? Talk sense Mr Banda, the chinese have great waste management policies, why not ask them to help us curb rubbish problem in Zed.
    I guess he doesn’t understand any of this

  18. Another bloated, self absorbed African leader robbing his people blind. When does it ever stop?!?!? Zambians need to recruit a self made man from the diaspora who will take pride in leading Zambia and do what a president is supposed to do- take care of his people and not just his friends. President Banda..shame on you!

  19. :((:((:((:d:d:)):))=d>=d>:d:d:d Senior Citizen you have made my day and i must say I’m very proud of u…but i also wonder if u r not using the Hiegelian Principle>thesis vs antithesis= synthesis< whatever you are doing, i am still proud of u for your honestly and finally showing that u know that by supporting a wrong leader you are killing your own. We lack good leaders in Zambia. Sata just looks like the best nut out of the all the recycled material. Keep your vote till you can proudly blog about your choice. NEXT TIME PLZ SUPPORT POLICIES NOT PERSONALITIES. NOT JUST POLICIES BUT DEEDS!! Welcome back to life>:d<

  20. I hope Kamwendo Munjila will reflect on what George Kunda told those UPND MPs about him and fire the two-tongued red lipped snake! What kind of disloyalty is this? What would stop Kunda from staging a coup detat on one of these frequent days when Kamwendo Minjila is busy Marcopololing? On SATA’S CONVICTION, WE HAVE ALWAYS KNWON zONDWE HAS A CRIMINAL MIND.

  21. This man’s travels/trips annoy the heck out of me.This man is totally detached from the needs of the people.I swear,in the time that RB has been in office,he has travelled endlessly,what country hasn’t he been to?Italy, Uganda,USA, Venezuela,S.A,China,Great Britain,Zimbabwe,Swaziland,the list is endless.Imwe sure.Isn’t a leader supposed to connect with his people?Awe sure mwandi.Kwaliba uku seya.kwati fya ku bantu.Travelling like it’s a marathon.Nangu abena kafupi tabaleseya so.

  22. Congratulations Mr President, with 20,000 hours of flight, you are now a qualified pilot. From now onward, you will fly yourself on all local and international trips. Thandiwe as ever will continue to provide cabin support. By the way, the Zambian people as your esteemed sponsor have instructed Boeing to redesign the presidential jet to accomodate your entire admistration. This way, you will never have to land again..but will admister the affairs of country in the sky. With RB…the sky is the limit.

  23. Our leaders have really failed us,in the end we look like we are all dull and lazy,Zambia looks like we get struck by earthquakes every 4 years. You should see the floods and mad in LSK,and then the fine dust a few months from now.Infrastructure is terrible,accommodation like we are 100 years behind.

    RB,Sata,HH,Chiluba,Kunda, I don’t even trust any of these chaps,I think a revolution is the only thing that can sort out this mess.

  24. This old man is really making use of his last days on the planet. Has spend more time flying than on the soil. I would kill myself if he was my dad.

  25. OPEN LETTTER TO HE RB BANDA- Sir Iam just calling on you to take a stand on what your followers like Mangani, Chiluba are doing in the name campaigning for you a head of the 2011 elections. Sir, these people are only pretending to love you but once the CUP BECOMES difficult, they act like Simon Peter did to Jesus- he claimed not to know his Lord. Remember the same people celebrated when your prediccessor LPM put Chiluba on criminal chaeges, but also celebrated when you freed Chiluba. They, just as the did in LPMs time defended you and are “READY” to die for your stand. Coming to you sir, these people are just making Mr Sata more popular by coming up with childish and time wasting schemes against him. Please stop them before its too late.They crimnals in every sense for the lack truth.

  26. Seriously speaking and frankly so,our country is on autopilot.This old man RB was away for more than a week,its shocking,where on earth.Comrades,does anyone need to make a trip to China for us to do a road or a power station.This is a clear case of a laizer-faire president.There are technocrats in government and the private sector who are capable of undertaking trips and studies and recommend to the government.No man,we Zambians need to get serious,we can’t allow this sort of nonsense from a head of state.Our country is bigger than RB,people need hospitals,schools,drugs,drainage,etc….it’s true…change or die Zambia!!!

  27. Welcome back your excellency. I hope you had a restful holiday and will address the many pressing issues at home. We are fed up of going in reverse, please move the country foward

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