MINISTER of Home Affairs Lameck Mangani says Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata’s visits to rural areas and featuring on community radio stations are a desperate attempt to allegedly show his sponsors that he is still an active politician who can win next year’s presidential elections.
Mr Mangani said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that the PF leader is allegedly panicking to please people who sponsored him in the 2006 and 2008 presidential elections because they now seem to be losing confidence in the opposition leader’s prospects of winning elections next year.
“Mr Sata’s visits to the Copperbelt, Luapula and now Eastern provinces are a desperate attempt to show his sponsors that he is still active in politics. His donors are worried about the degree issue and the way the pact is moving,” he said.
The minister said Mr Sata is allegedly panicking and that is why he is now making desperate attempts to cover up pressure from his sponsors because they no longer seem to have faith in his fruitless promises.
“Now that chances are becoming slim, he is now going round visiting provinces and featuring on local radio stations. These visits are purely a sign of panic and we are not worried about them,” he said.
Last week, Mr Sata travelled to the Copperbelt, Luapula, Northern and Eastern provinces. He featured on live programmes on Radio Ichengelo in Kitwe, Radio Mano in Kasama and Chikaya Radio in Lundazi.
Meanwhile, Mr Mangani said it is wrong for some sections of society to think that the issuance of national registration cards (NRCs) will end once the mobile exercise is completed.
The minister said what people should know is that even as the mobile issuance of NRCs has been going on, the continuous process has been taking place at district offices.
Mr Mangani said two phases of the mobile exercise have already been completed and that the third phase will commence next month.
The first phase of the mobile issuance of NRCs covered Eastern, North-Western and Western provinces while the second one was conducted in Central, Northern and Southern provinces. The third phase will cover Copperbelt, Luapula and Lusaka provinces.
Mr Mangani said so far, about 800,000 people have been issued with NRCs under the mobile issuance exercise.
The minister said once the mobile issuance of NRCs is completed, Government will have to review the entire exercise to see how effective it was.
He said registration officers will still have to go back to issue more NRCs should need arise, especially in vast regions like Northern Province where there were some challenges in executing the exercise.
Mr Mangani said people should distinguish between the issuance of NRCs under the mobile exercise and the one from district offices.
He said the exercise is meant for rural areas where many people cannot access district offices while the latter is meant for urban areas and is continuous.
[Zambia Daily mail]
MMD is panicing the thats why they are trying the following
1. Introducing the degree clause to bar Sata from standing
2. Brining up a 20 year old case (1.2 billion issue), that the ACC cleared Sata of
3. Now digging into the achives of the 1960’s to declare Sata has a criminal conviction and should not be allowed to contest the election
MMD are so desperate to eliminate Sata from contesting the elections, who is painicing here? We all know why.
Hon Minister, you are employed and very well paid by the people of Zambia to deal with Home Affairs. This includes making sure that the police do their jobs, passports are issued on time to Zambians, and immigration is controlled. As a minister, I am sure you have a lot of things of national interest to occupy your time. Please do not waste taxpayers money by spending time on party political issues. Taxpayers do not employ you to do that while marketeers associations rule the markets, jobs are advertised in Zambia for Indians only, the police who cannot investigate public threats to rape because ‘it is just a threat’. If you do not know your job description, then you are NOT fit for the position.
On “Mr Sata’s visits to the Copperbelt, Luapula and now Eastern provinces are a desperate attempt to show his sponsors that he is still active in politics. His donors are worried about the degree issue and the way the pact is moving,” it is not for Minister Mangani to indicate that Mr PF/Sata’s donors are orried about the degree issue for Mr PF has indicated that he has two degrees of which his mouthpiece the POST failed to tell us when Mr PF graduated.
As for the PACT movement, no worries since president and presidential candidate of the UPND Hakainde Hichilema is at hand to make sure the PACT wins the 2011 tripartite elections overwhelmingly.
Have a blessed day and please PACT people keep making them MMD GRZ panic.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the lingdom of God and…
Fellow Zambians,
MMD is so desprate to prevent Sata from contesting because they are saying HH is a walkover for them, hence they will prevent Sata and win against Hakainde.
This is shameful
MMD is not worried about HH,, that is why they are not even bothering with him, they are looking to bar Sata at all costs
To the contrary, SATA is not panicking but just consolidating his grip even in rural areas. Come rain come sunshine nothing will stop some of us from voting for him as MMD has now made me to make my mind to vote for SATA. MMD continue panicking with your Humpty Dumpty
I have never seen such petty and desparate politics like the one being played by the MMD. They really are s**t scred of Sata. He has stood for the presidency twice already. Are they saying they were not aware of the so-called criminal coviction of Sata. This is the price we are paying as a country for voting for an expired UNIP politician with no clue on how to run a country in morden times!
The Honourable Minister is hardly in the office to do his ministrial duties, but instead is always issuing political stetament and instructing the police who to prosecute and arrest. Ba Mangani address the flood situation in Lusaka and realocate those poeple who are squatting near the independence staduim to some habitable places. How I wish Felix (Mutati) was the minister of local governemnt because there would have been sanite in the ministry. Work for the people and let the results show for themselves than always politicking we will never eat politics at all. Let Sata trot around the country while u concetrate on work. Instead you suspend your duties and send ba shushushu to see what the Great one (Sata) is Doing. Twanaka nenu time has come for you to go
“Nechipela inkula…
RB came to Luapula to convince our chiefs even going the extent of PROMISING the province the VPship. Sata came here and he painted the TOWN RED so to say. So who is panicking? Sata is not in power and win or lose he will still have his wealth. But for you Mangani- as your name suggests, you may be arrested for abuse of office and that is why you are panicking. Your children will have to give up expensive schools so you are panicking. You are too naive and dull to out wit the OLD FOX.
Am now really worried about the calibre of people managing public offices..people like Mangani,Goerge Kunda,Ka big Nose mulongoti too many to mention.it’s like this government form the top don’t understand why they are in those offices.all they seem to be preocupeid with is MC SATA..while the poor zambians in chawama..kanyama, misisi compound’s are walloping in massive floods.those issues dont seem to worry them as they are busy rushing from there fancy house’s in brenthood and the so called ministers compund.i just wonder if those same so called ministers compounds where were to be in the chawama and misisi copmunds situation,how quick would the respond to such?is there a zambia for the elite and the zambia for the rest or something?there are serious issues at hand which needs to be
cont from # 10.
addressed urgently,but wat we are seeing si stopping sata from contesting the next years elections is more important that addressing issues at hand.what the MMD wants now is for sata to tell them why he had children out side wedlock,why is convicted in 1960,and so fourth.in my on view its the MMd whos is panicking and not Mr SATA.as it is today they are actualy campaingng for the big man.they hav failed and its hight tme we tried other people next year with serious agenda for the people.Go HH and MC SATA.VIVA PF-UPND in 2011.Lt am nt in canada but china,please remove that flag and put the one for the chinx.
i meant to say why he was convicted in 1960..point of correction in that sentecnce..
MMD fikopo big time! there is nothing to more to say but…. :-t
:)):)):-@:-@:-h:-h[-([-( Twakana.Why cant you concentrate on the real issues like flood and other.Please you re making MC the real man.Come 2011. Mwaya ban e and you will definately explaine.Every sensible Zambian can see that its the MMD wich is panicking by even telling the Chines LIES so that it can be given CASH.VIVA PF_UPND(PACT) **==**==**==**==We have to get our **== from this8-x8-x whojust:-@:-@ ad o-+o-+ from day 1 to the end of the month.We shall:-t:-t:-t:-t them on there :-t:-t
13, No one will prevent Sata from vying for president but SATA WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT OF ZAMBIA, PERIOD. Zambia cannot be ruled by all manner of pigs and s e x maniacs. The sooner you come to terms with facts the better for you.
In what capacity is Mangani talking about Sata’s visits to any part of Zambia? Why can’t Mangani talk about his MMD and his president’s endless wasteful tourist trips around the world? Can Mangani truthfully tell the people of Zambia how much productive work he does every week and if he deserves a salary? Please, leave Sata alone for goodness sake and shut up!
Mangani is just politicking and trying to off-set Sata’s visit. MMD cant keep quiet as Sata is a threat to them. If the man is campaigning let him go round the country freely. Sata knows he lost last elections beuase not many rural people voted for him so he needs to reach them more.
I just jope he is talking issues. People in every part of Zambia deserve to hear competing manifestos – from MMD, UPND, FDD, PF etc. so they can vote wisely.
So you MMD, when your ” kanitundila” visits unpopular chiefs, is nt that not panicking?
It’s more of a case that Mangani is panicking….
This boy mangani is not a factor to Sata’s political career, he is just a noise maker in MMD and now showing off how MMD is so desparate and panicking when they hear what Sata is saying.
President Banda is the last politician of his generation to be our President; this means Sata will not be President of Zambia. Come 2011 Zambians will renew Mr Banda’s mandate so that he and his team can conduct “operation born again” on every aspect of Zambia. We need younger diplomats drafted into our foreign service not only to project a positive image but tap into the global markets. Mr Banda should continue growing our financial reserves and reducing inflation. Mr Banda should continue to fight crime on the streets of Lusaka especially in areas of Chazanga, Chipata compound, George central which have become hotbeds of armed robbers. Poverty must be fought on all fronts; this means academicians must deliver industrial applications for top sciences.
Ba Sata kwena mwasenkesha, ati kanshi ba Shikofu Mpundu balishiba ubuchende bwenu. Echo teti bamuleseshe ukulya utuma CORN PUFFS pa mulungu. Bushe kanshi kulafyalafyalafye nge Mpanya ba Cobra. Mwailasha. Bakatolika abamano bengi no imwee na bamulamu benu. Ka HH this is your chance to claim candidency of the PACT instead of campaigning for this Matchet, Panga and Okapi wielding demagogue. Remember Chawama. After all at one time Sata told you Ka HH that you were tribal. This was even echoed by Given Lubinda Zayelo who has failed Kabwata Constituency. Kanshi ni PACT ya convinience mwefisushi mwe
These are clear symptoms of ‘panicmania, by the ruling party.
Mangani tell the government that NRCs are only valuable in Zambeziland and may be some other confused countries. We are lagging behind! … Birth Certificates and Passports matter most in progressive countries. It is time our governmnet worked on BIRTH CERTIFICATES and PASSPORTS!
Embarrasingly those of us born before 14th March 1973 have to do with Affidavit Forms while we have birth records rotting in Clinics and Rural Health Centres where we were born.
For now the Mobile NRC facility will help the nationals to elect leadership in 2011.
Mangani is right to some extent, yes, Sata is scared but he appears to be more scared of Chipimo than anyone. If you look at the ‘welcome’ crowds in the POST you will see they are not as big as 2006 or 2008 and thats despite POST cameramen using amplification graphics.
#20 emano ayo. After RB no more nkalamba. let RB do ka another five years upto 2016 then there will be no incumbency. PF will have died with Sata by 2016 coz i dont see Sata living beyond 2016. UPND regional party will natuarally phase out because Bantu Botatwe will work up to reality that it pays to be Zambian than Tonga. MMD wont be a dominant party and UNIP may just awaken itself. 2016 will be level playing field and just hope RB will not tiptoed to work up Sakwiba in the night. Let Sakwiba fight his own battle he is a good guy. Miyanda with his Stingness will be history with village concept and my Sister Nawakwi will be no more. She needs to sit down by 2016 and lecture to her children’s children how not to grab fellow women’s husbands. Ka Chipimo na ka Mtesa naimwe mufunguluke…
Ba Mangani, what about your boss George Kunda, is he not panicking by always talking about the Pact and ‘wrangles’ in UPND? Please keep quiet if you have nothing to say!
I mean Ka Chipimo naka Mtesa mufunguluke amaboko. by the way have you seen tension on bayama ba Sata’s face of late. Kitwe no smile, Mansa no smile, Kasama no smile, Petauke no smile, on the bus no smile except when he met Catholic Sisters in Chipata after munching umutulo.Nadabwa Ubuchende ubu. Ati ba Doctor Kaseba balisuminisha ubucende bwabalume….katwishi nabo ngabali pa night call
i think tugiligili is now working in mangani, he seems to be opening his mouth wider than mulongoti these days……get a life danda head!!!!!!!
Only those in goverment panic mr mangani. Why should Sata panic?
Sata is wining come 2011. He lost by 30,000. which he will get from HH this time around. MMD is aware , hence the early campaign.
# 6 WMG,
In a democracy where rules take precedence and convicted criminals whose records retain a certificate of release from a criminal conviction jail term, blogging and dreaming to vote for a criminal is an option in vanity. You are free to waste your vote on a an illegible convict.The Zambian Government ECZ managed election ballots and election nominations retained by the Chief justice will carry no criminal name on the ballot.But fanatics are free to go to hell with their dreams that the country’s constitution would curve in for convicts.
‘Bishop Mpundu as guilty as FJT, the man he accuses of hatred’
HISTORY has shown that conflicts thrive in societies or nations where religion is used to promote or defend sectional interests because religious passions tend to drive people into doing strange things in defence of their beliefs.In his response to the issues raised about the Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata’s morality and marital status by former President Frederick Chiluba, Lusaka Diocese Bishop Telesphore Mpundu complained that the former president used the occasion to get at him and at the Roman Catholic Church.
He too used the religious weapon in his defence and to accuse the former President of hatred of the Church and the bishop himself. In this way he may have inadvertently set the Catholic faithful against the ruling party and those who belong to other denominations or religions and are associated with the government..
Although Dr Chiluba referred to him as an individual, Bishop Mpundu said the accusations were directed at the Church.
Thus Bishop Mpundu complained that Catholic followers in the ruling party and government had failed to stand up to the alleged accusations against the Church.Fortunately, in Zambia all political parties comprise followers of varying religious or denominational leanings.
In this way none can accuse the other of religious intolerance and none can thrive on intolerance based on religion.
Its time to Sata to enjoy he’s retirement with his numerous wives, children and grandchildren, is it old age crisis or what??
we need fresh names, brains, ideas etc.. same names from1964!!!! no more recylced politician.
The bishop told a press conference last week that during the colonial era, his church was accused of being pro-African and that during the rule of Dr Kenneth Kaunda, it was accused of working in opposition to the government. He believes this has continued to date.Given that all the political parties that have been formed since independence were non-denominational and that every government formed since then had Roman Catholic followers who held high offices, this allegation will be difficult to prove.
A week earlier, Dr Chiluba told a press conference that the PF leader had no moral right to pass moral judgement on him. He demanded that Mr Sata tell the nation if he had two children with the sister of Bishop Mpundu and whether the relationship was marriage or not. Perhaps what displeased the bishop most was that Dr Chiluba wondered why Mr Sata had been allowed to receive Holy Communion under such circumstances.
Dr Chiluba also demanded that Mr Sata tell the nation if he had been fired from the colonial police and if convicted and imprisoned for an offence he did not disclose before independence in 1964.Bishop Mpundu responded by saying that Dr Chiluba had exhibited a “pathological” hatred for the Church and that whatever the former President said about Mr Sata was not new as the relationship referred to between the PF leader and his sister was more than two decades old.
He added that there was nothing wrong in an unmarried woman having children with a married person and that the Church upheld the principle of one husband and one wife and that such a marriage was insoluble.
Perhaps to underline what he believed to be hatred for him and the Catholic Church by government since independence, Bishops Mpundu said that even former President Levy Mwanawasa, whose legacy he did not recognise and described as a figment of imagination, hated him personally.
Many observers say that the bishop used the very language that he complains of, launching a personal attack on Dr Chiluba instead of responding to issues that had been raised about Mr Sata.It is also noted that Bishop Mpundu used the disagreement he had with Dr Chiluba to attack the government and the ruling party.
Although Dr Chiluba is a former president and leader of the ruling party, many observers believe the issues he raised did not constitute an attack on the Catholic Church.
By questioning why Mr Sata received Holy Communion when it was common knowledge that he had been unfaithful to his wife by siring two children outside marriage, Dr Chiluba may have been questioning whether the Church had relaxed its rules.The Bishop did not address this although another Catholic Church leader has said that infidelity barred the faithful from receiving Holy Communion.
The morality of Mr Sata has come to the fore because he seeks to be elected to the highest office in the land. It is not about whether the reported relationship Mr Sata had or has with the bishop’s sister is two months or two decades old, but whether it is acceptable and whether in this regard Mr Sata is morally competent to pass judgements about other people’s morals.
The bishop denies his sister is married to Mr Sata but says it is common knowledge that she has children with him. It may indeed be common knowledge to some people, but certainly it is news and an issue to millions of Zambians who will be asked to consider voting for Mr Sata next year.Ironically, the Bishop asks: “And in any case when did single parenting become an issue? Even here where we are (at Kapingila House, Roman Catholic Secretariat) I believe there are single mothers. So Dr Chiluba’s statement was carefully schemed to discredit the Roman Catholic Church doctrine of the Holy Eucharist.”
As the bishop stated, it is common knowledge and acceptable that there are single mothers arising from death of husbands or divorce.
In this case people see nothing wrong with the single mother who lost a husband through death, but Christians believe there is everything wrong with the single woman who has children outside marriage or the married man who brings about such children.
Many Christians believe the bishop misinterpreted the Roman Catholic doctrine if he meant that there was nothing wrong with a single woman having children with a married man or a married man having children outside marriage.The bishop stated that the Roman Catholic held that marriage entered into by two consenting adults was indissoluble.He is probably aware that Mr Sata’s first wife is alive and that the woman he lives with is his second wife. Since no man can put asunder what God has put together, would he say the first marriage was dissolved?
The other question the bishop has to answer is: If he believes in the teaching that marriages are indissoluble, which marriage does he recognise between the first and the second? Just as it would be absolutely wrong for Dr Chiluba to condemn the Roman Catholic Church because he disagrees with the political opinions of Bishop Mpundu, it is equally wrong for Bishop Mpundu to condemn the ruling party or government because one of its members criticises him or questions the relationship between his sister and Mr Sata.
Bishop Mpundu wondered why only he, and not other bishops, was criticised over political opinions. Yet the fact that people have done so demonstrates that his critics are not against the Roman Catholic Church but against him as an individual, rightly or wrongly.
With respect to the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation, the Bishop’s remarks may confirm fears that he too hates Dr Chiluba for having championed it when he was Republican President.
However, this was recommended by the Mung’omba Constitution Review Commission whose members included Catholic faithful. It has been adopted by the National Constitutional Conference, which also has many Catholic followers.Since the declaration is not a spiritual issue, as a democrat the bishop is expected to accept the will of the people. It no longer matters who initiated the declaration. It is a decision of the people of Zambia as recommended by their representatives.
Bishop Mpundu and possibly the Catholic Church may not approve the declaration, but this will not take away from the fact that it is a declaration adopted by Zambians.
The lesson learnt from this episode is that leaders must avoid using the church to promote or indeed defend their interests and that they must always draw a line between criticisms directed at an individual and those directed at the organisation they lead.
In like manner Zambians expect those who want to criticise Government over performance or policy to discuss issues and not discuss which leaders to support in a party or government.
As for religious leaders, the public expects them to avoid choosing between leaders or political parties.
When Catholic Church leaders, such as Bishop Duffy of Mongu, choose for their faithful who should form the next government, they enter into the political realm and should thus expect those who disagree with them to respond and do so furiously. When they tell people who or which party to support, they enter into partisan politics and what it entails.
#30, I would rather vote for SATA than voting your bachimbwi with no plan of yours. SATA has proved to me of late to be an intellectual due to your bickering. Hence my vote wont be wasted as it is my democratic right you see
Sata must be questioned more on the issue of “mukate” eating than on having children out of wedlock. The issue of having children out of wedlock has not yet taken centre stage in our body politic. Sata is just one of the many politicians including President Rupiah Banda who have children all over the place. Banda himself has a child/children with Hugh Masekela’s sister.
I think bishop Mpundu should learn a lesson from Hugh Masekela. The 2 guys presumably have difficult-to-control-sisters but Masekela is wiser because he has never turned spokesman for RB. Bishop on the other hand is embarrasing himself with his stockholm syndrome viz aviz -identifying with the aggressor.
On 51 above it should read #31 Patriot and not #30.
MMD is missing the point. Whether Sata and HH are qualified to be president(s) is not the issue. It is how much people loath the tribalism, corruption, and elitism of Banda. It how much he has neglected the masses for the sake of enriching his family. It is how blatantly he has influenced the acquittal of a thief in the name of Chiluba. A dog can run for presidential elections and win against MMD at this point, assuming the elections are free and fair.
Sata is using stategy imwe ati he is panicking….what a darft Minister
Go Sata! 2011. We need quality and not quantity meaning empty tins like Mangani! If they try to stop Sata standing, we will petition the Zambian government in an independent foreign court. We will even take them to the International Human Rights.
Patriot SHUSHUSHU,Senior Citizen,Veteran,Mwata
Do you honestly think that RB has the political clout to bar Sata from contesting the 2011 general elections?I realise that your duty on this blog is to turn public opinion in RB`s favour.I really question the seriousness of your bosses for not monitoring your performance.Google,Karl Rove or David Axelrod and learn a few lessons on how spin doctors handle this kind of stuff.
The MMD will try everything possible to try to cling to power but one thing that is unfortunate is that you can not changes peoples minds when time is ripe. We saw it in 1991, anyone who could have contested that election rather than Chiluba could still have won. It is for this reason I think Mr Sata or Mr. H.H will form the next government. Things are not right in Zambia, can’t you see how people are getting rich stealing from the poor people. The governor for Bank of Zambia plainly stated that it is those so called educated people with degrees/masters who are responsible for stealing because they have access to company monies. Unfortunately even people from the western world who work so hard blog useless stuff, shame on you guys. Be responsible, let people back home see maturity in us.
To think that you will leave to see change at the hand of Sata or HH is kind of dangerous utopia i will never sign up for. I would rather face reality by building a clean mass of winners than floating in utopia.I wish you could see yourself as a potential leader that can add something to a real change.Under MMD watch Sata whom the plundered the country with for 10 years of best missed opportunities will die dreaming without an inch in State House.Do you really think Sata has a chance in the ECZ managed elections? Good luck!
The delusions of armchair critics is beyond fathom. Vainly burning defying reality and every logic. A criminal is a criminal and constitutions and nations do not curve on individuals with indelible records of law failure. If you have ambitions of public careers stay above board distant from criminal acts otherwise criminal backgrounds will live failing.
bakamba abantu babi,,,am not a fun for politics but i think i have a right to talk about politics…wheather in the toilet or in my bedroom…i think sata is doing a very good job,,its a sign of love to the poeple of zambia,,,unlikely MMD who have now turned ZNBC a MMD station just like that boy did mr mulongoti advertising Dail mail paper story on tv that was totally sick i wonder what they usde to think in order to come up with such a program ppl shud learn to grow up
Mr Mangani, surely you are a disgrace. Your thinking is below par. I thought this time you are more worried than ever before hence the schemes to to try and bar Mr Sata to stand for presidency. You are clearly showing us that you dont have a credible leader in your party. I have said so because if you had one you would have not trying to bar a person you think you can defeat. One thing i have come to know with you guys is that you are afraid of the criminal activities you have committed in the recent past that should Sata wins then you will be in shit thats your fear period! RB’s wife is on record of drawing a salary when she is not working. Where are you putting RB IF YOU SINCERE?
Mwata and your friends, Chiluba is not a DR. Please if he can be refered to as DR. then Mandela should be DR to the power of 10.
Ka chi colour ka mangani and his bosses RB & ka red lips are feeling the heat and their asses are now panicking.Where on earth can a president of a country be on a wasteful state visit to a country of copper thieves for over two weeks. RB and his cronies don’t deserve another term.Ba fi colour mwaya sana and we are sorting you out next year.VIVA pact and good luck all you guys who have seeen sense in our quest to rid Zambia off these plunderers.
Magani shut up.
With continous voter registration, am coming to register.
it is our money that we give to mr. Sata and not Magani’s!!!!!
Mr. KANITUNDILA has done nothing to write home about, hence must go!!!
Mangani is a eagle eagle, who is paid to talk rubbish.
ALL MMD :d:((:x/:)
It is sad to hear comments that are so insulting to the leaders. Those that have taken time to read from the book of knowledge and have obtained wisdon from it,they know that every leadership is installed by GOD,That does not mean we can not criticise, but we can criticise with wisdon. Meaning we should respect leadership, whether you hurt there tribe,there children,there looks etc,leadership must be respected because GOD has said so. I have alot of respect for Hon Mangani because i have not seen him enganging in petty politicking. Why should it be a crime for Hon Mangani to comment on Mr Sata PF yet it should be normal for Mr Sata and PF cadres to Insult any goverment official of thier choice. We must be ashamed as Zambians to even tolerate the current insuts in politics.
Hon.Mangani should learn from other MMD Noise makers like Mulongoti were also like that but is now abit diffrerent and wether Yes or Know he knows that SATA has really kept them busy all the time and pipo may think RB is working it’s SATA giving him sleepless nights.Can Mangani compete with King Cobra ? not at all. So watch out .
#71 Taxpayers do not pay Mr Sata or HH. They are not accountable to the nation either. Mr Mangani on the other hand has been appointed as minister to manage affairs on behalf of Zambians. He can engage in party politics if he so wishes, but he should not do it in the time paid for by taxpayers. Equally he should use his personal car, pay for fuel from his pocket when he is on MMD business.
You could definitely see your skills within the article you write.
The arena hopes for more passionate writers such as you who are not afraid to say how they believe.
Always go after your heart.
My homepage; Stacee Grodi