Minister of Education Dora Siliya has observed that poor workmanship in the construction of some school
infrastructure in Eastern province has eroded people’s confidence in government.
Ms. Siliya expressed disappointed with the quality of some new school infrastructure in Eastern province.
“Government is spending a lot of money in constructing these schools but the kind of contractors we have leave much to be desired,” she said.
She said government’s intention of trying to empower small local contractors was good but disappointing because government ended up getting poor infrastructure. She said this would leave government with no option but to engage large construction companies.
Ms. Siliya said there was need for buildings officers from the Ministry of Education to intensify their supervision of projects. She has since instructed the inspectors to terminate contracts of contractors that were producing shoddy work, adding that government would not continue to lose money on something that would not last long.
She particularly expressed disappointment with the state of a one by three classroom block at Tasala Basic School, which was built recently at the cost K180 million and opened in January this year. She said the new building looked like it was built some five years ago.
And Tasala Basic School PTA chairperson Joseph Mumba said the parents in the area were very reluctant to assist in the construction of the school. Mr. Mumba said the community did not provide the 25 per cent upfront materials that were needed for the construction of the school.
He added that if the parents were actively involved in the construction of the class room block, there could have been close monitoring of the project.
It would be good to have a picture of one of these schools to visualize what Dora is talking about.
In this report, I find baSiliya quite hypocritical… she has just criticized her own government by saying “Government is spending a lot of money in constructing these schools but the kind of contractors we have leave much to be desired”. Kanshi, who hires people like her? In any case those people in the village can see right through hypocrites, time and money wasters… it’s for a good reason they don’t want to be involved in these projects… does the Siliya person have her ear to the ground?
#2, You are absolutely spot on, it is hypocrisy at its worst. The same ministers when criticised about their short-comings will arrogantly charge that the opposition is politicising issues. It wouldn’t be surprising to discover that in fact some of those so-called contractors have connections with some big fish hence they are awarded contracts. This is Zambia.
But Dora, don’t you see that the problems still lies with govt? Where were you when these constructor put a building of shoddy work? Doesnt somebody monitor these things?
This is laughable & silly on her part. K180million is a lot of money pa Zed why isn’t she holding the people who built accountable?? How can a school that was built & open this Jan look or resemble a structure that is 5years old. Weird
All of them new and built by MMD cadre contractors. No need to complain. After all there were no tenders allowed, but hand picked contractors.
Nine Chale says:
March 9, 2010 at 9:04 pm
It would be good to have a picture of one of these schools to visualize what Dora is talking about.
Maybe MMD are reading old stories and quickly acting when caught out?
Well done L.T for posting this story to show the people how MMD have been running the country.
They have had enough years to get it right but this shows what really is happening.
Education? Well you all sound full of excuses and are quick to point fingers. When we will we learn that we have to look passed the political affiliations. We need a proper Vocational Education and Training system in ZAMBIA- -I have actually used all my contacts and resources (Human capital and Finacial to start a project in Zambia-instead of depending on squabbles and complaints like little children) When we put a system in place we will be able to help bricklayers gain certificates that will be nationally accredited and aid in developing and constructing good structures. We are on the Rise- if you frequent chat rooms and comment blogs like these -stop typing and get an idea moving to help the nation. WE DONT NEED TO BE IN POWER OR RICH TO HELP ZAMBIA! WATCH THIS SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#2, you want to know who appointed silliya?
its her boyfriend, RB’s son.
This problem of shoddy work/shoddy deals is a cancer that has come to stay for gud in our system. All this is a result of awarding contracts to relatives or party cadres. Whilst other countries can boast of real development for us its trying to grow hair on an egg.
Minister of Education is always talking and trying to improve sch building infrustracture only in one province. ls she a minister of one province. CADRES Guess which province is this?
Good observation Pan’Dora becuase some of these ministers just never follow up on their work leaving these dodgy constructors to get away with murder.:)>-
I am with Dora on this. As a minister you shoulkd identify wrongs in the system and bring them out for attention. VIva soldier on.No 11 Kakabalika, last time she was in Mazabuka and before that she was at a school in Luapula. So check your facts