Sunday Nkonde has said he will not bow to Kalusha Bwalya statement that he resigns if he is not happy that Simataa Simataa’s suspension stands despite the former declaring it null and void.
And football administrator Anthony Kasolo has added his voice backing Kalusha’s action saying the Faz executive had every constitutional right to ban Simataa.
Simataa was banned last Monday by Faz from all official and club functions for bringing the game into disrepute.
Nkonde said in a press statement today he had done nothing unconstitutional by and will not resign after lifting Simataa’s ban.
“I have taken note of the position by the Faz executive through the Faz communications manager Mr. Eric Mwanza and the president Mr. Kalusha Bwalya to effect that the Faz executive will not accept my advice or opinion that the indefinite suspension of Mr. Simataa Simataa is unconstitutional, ” Nkonde said in a press statement.
“Mr. Bwalya has gone further to tell some sections of the media that the Faz executive is the supreme organ between council meetings and if I am not happy with the decision of the Faz executive, I should resign. Mr. Bwalya further states that I should declare interest in the latter.
“I wish to be very clear; 1. I will not resign since I have not done anything unconstitutional. 2. I have given my opinion in response to Mr. Simataa’s letter to me as chairman of the disciplinary committee. It ‘s not about being happy or not. It is about stating what the law is. I have no interest to declare in this matter. 3. I will not force the Faz executive to accept my advice or opinion. However, the truth is and will remain the truth.
“What the Faz executive or whoever sat in the name of the Faz executive did in giving themselves disciplinary powers to discipline officials of Faz members clubs or associations was and remains unconstitutional and null and void ab initio.
“The argument that the Faz executive is the supreme organ of Faz between the council meetings is only correct to an extent as it does not mean the powers of the Faz executive between council meetings are limitless.
“Even between council meetings the supremacy of the Faz executive is limited at Articles in the Faz constitution. In this case, Article 47 does not give power to Faz to the Faz executive to perform judicial functions including handling disciplinary cases involving officials of Faz member clubs and associations.
“Does the Faz executive realise the implication of their action? 1. Faz does not mean the Faz executive. The disciplinary committee is also part of Faz.5. As chairman of the disciplinary committee, I am alarmed at what I am hearing and seeing. I am expected to sit idly by while the powers vested in the disciplinary committee are being usurped without ant remorse? No. I will still ask my friends in the Faz executive-at least those who have not understood my opinion -to reflect again in the interest of constitutional order. It is not about Simataa or any individual. it is about the Faz constitution.”
Meanwhile, Kasolo said at Wednesday’s Faz press briefing at football House that Faz where within their constitutional jurisdiction to suspend Simataa and that the disciplinary committee was subservient to Faz and had no powers to overrule the powers of the Faz executive committee.
Kasolo quoted Article 20 and 28 of the Faz constitution said the executive committee and the FAZ president had constitutional rights to suspend any member.
“The council is responsible for suspending a member. The executive may however, suspend a member that seriously violated its obligations as a member with immediate effect. The suspension shall last until the next council meeting unless the executive committee has lifted it,” Article 20 (1) reads.
“The president shall in consultation with the executive committee has the poor to suspend any member of the executive or standing committee if such a member has committed gross misconduct or has acted in contravention of the provisions of this constitution or any rules and regulations made hereunder. Provided that the president shall inform the FAZ council before the said member is formally charged and shall, within one (1) month of the date of suspension submit a report pertaining to the said suspension to the council and the council shall then confirm, reverse or alter the president’s decision as it shall deem fit. The person suspended shall be charged and tried and shall be given a chance to exculpate himself within three (3) months of the alleged misconduct,” Article 28 (1) reads.
Your writing skills are appalling to say the least, I struggled to make sense of what was being reported here. Lusaka Times please train your writers/reporters on how to produce world class articles and by the way, these FAZ officials behave like a bunch of circus performers adding no value to the development of football in Zambia.
This “personality issue” is now getting on my nerves. Simataa is a loud mouth who has issues with Kalusha that have nothing to do with soccer! Am sick and tired of this i.diot and its better he be relegated to a farm or something. I have worked with Simataa in Finance bank and honestly speaking, he makes me sick!!
But this story is poorly written.Who is ”Kasolo”?He was not introduced in the article. Writing kwati ni tushimi twaba nkote ( old men’s fireside tales)……but anyway if it is Anthony Kasolo, I hope for his sake he knows what he is talking about challenging a State Counsel on matters of law and not just defending ba Kalu. I still think that both parties are childish and petty. Why aren’t we discussing the real issues affecting our footbale e.g where is the movie star Herve Renard? Thought he’d be back home after the Oscars finished.
Iwe Comment Master, wa landa bwino sana. These chaps are petty and childish. They make me sick.
ok but to say the truth this FAZ leadership te boom, too many scandles. they should all grow up. what kind of a country even sports administration nayo mwafilwa just like you have failed to run the country an dplay clean politics.
Ba Moze , biggie ni mwebo. We need real administrators in this country. I think even ba state counsel cannot be writing such letters in public and reducing himself to the level of abena Kalu and Simaata. I wouldn’t trust these guys to be President of my son’s nursery school PTA let alone be President of FAZ !!! And also ba LT, lets improve on the article writing skills. Since Simaata seems to have nothing to do, lets use his abilities to be proof reading
Awe Mukwai ine ninabauza kale ba Lusaka Times ati they should improve their writing skills. I cant make head or tails of what they are reporting here.
Ba LT ngati mufuna I can offer my services at sub-editing your stuff. Just get in touch with me and I can start cleaning up your copy.
Kalusha, Simataa, Banana – they are all annoying the hell out of me. Shut up and work!
There was a time when these people were friends but now sworn enemies! No wonder FIFA says politics must be kept out of football, because you cannot have two politics! Football itself is political in its own self, political with a small ‘p’. They stab each other in the back, they take bungs and they are just as scandalous.
Kasolo, Kalu and Sunday are buddies who are they fooling? All this is R.U.B.B.I.SH and uncalled for. Chi Simataa nachi chilwele mu mutwe. Let him contest against Kalu if he wants!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Drama at football house !:-?
I am at it again and this time I want that boy Kalu to be the master dribbler. After all he used to do it so well on the pitch. So now I want him to dribble past all these noise makers and become the King Kalu at FAZ. You see, I am doing everything, running the Country, football, our women and now i am back to ensure that Sata the Cobra is sorted out and I will reign supreme again. I am just waiting for this caretaker president RB to return my loot in the Zamtrop account and I will have a lavish wedding party in Bahamas – hahaha, I am the master dribbler and now Kalu is now my buddy!!! Got it – I am a Lazo!!
Bane namufulwa sana nshalandeko
The terem “where” is an adverb used to describe place or location, whereas “were” is the plural past tense of the verb “are”… come on LT, your scribes are letting me down.
However, about this circus .. i think GK has survived this far becoz he played great football for Zed.
Honestly guys, GK is no Manager and we shudnt let his pitch legacy, blind us from the real and present
danger. I dig GK; and bo Simataa may be a loud mouth, but ask yoself if has a point or not.
Some people don’t seem to understand the harm that kalusha is doing to football in Zambia this is the real world not some football ground. Sunday Nkonde sc can never be on the same level with these chaps they should listen to the learned lawyer before this gets out of hand. You must know that Kalusha is doing all this for personal gain.If he has any love for Zambian football let him step down sooner than later.
Simaata has a point here loud mouth or not
The true demon in FAZ administration is Kalusha Bwalya, like # 16 has said being a good player is far from being a good administrator. Kalu humble yourself, leave football administration to proper managers. Simataa may have a loud mouth mostly what comes out is of substance. Surely ba Kalu challenging SC Nkole!
Did the SC ever go against the Republican President when he was in government? The point is, any sub-committee only makes recommendation to the top guy/body. In the final analysis, the buck stops with the top guy/body. That is why it is imperative that people must be careful when choosing people to occupy top offices.
If you have followed Zambian soccer for years you will know that Simataa has never liked Kalu. We waste a lot of time finding faults at each person that goes to FAZ. Zambian have a lot of talk time and less time to build ideas. Simataa has always been negative on any FAZ officials that have come and those that will come in years ahead. Time waits for no one.
the story started with people asking that the secretariat be cleaned of some PEOPLE like CHILUBA and a couple of others employed (and maintained) by FAZ (GK!!!!!) Can you imagine 20 years one fella giving you the same old song… it does get boring at some point and SOME of US left football administration! Simataa was giving a summary of what people already said but because he KNOWS the constitution (even at FAZ Council meetings you hear his LONE voice in the wilderness!) and adds the number of CHARGES, surely how can one such as him (NO MATTER how loud mouthed he IS) go so wrong! GK simply crumbled when he saw and FELT isomo in the room. AND ba SC is right, RIGHT is RIGHT no matter how much of a BULLY you want to be. If you protect WRONG things (AND PEOPLE) blame yourself! sorry too long!
I was in Zambia just before Kalusha was elected President of FAZ. I told people that I was in support of Hanif Adams as he had demonstrated that he can manage football. Kalusha was a good player but he is has NEVER worked in public office. When he was captain of the national team under Chiluba as President he was a disaster. Simple example, a good captain would have fought for VIP passports for all foreign based players and NOT just himself. Do you why that is essential – football is a team game and NOT a one man show. The Captain should enjoy the same facilities as any other team player. But this selfish person Kalusha has NEVER understood. As Coach, he was a disaster because he compared himself to the players under his charge – what nonsense.
Simataa, tell the world what you know about Erick O. Mwanza. The boy is not very clean nayeve. Why and how did he leave the Daily Mail? Ulula nawe Simataa.
Kalusha is a selfish brat who should be fired sooner than later otherwise Zambian football development will be thrown in the dustbin. Sunday Nkonde is right in every way and the learned colleague is right to stand up to this semi-illiterate Kalusha who thinks playing football feeds Zambians. Show Kalusha the door and develop Zambian football.
Kalu must just quit and continue with his life in diaspora(RSA).Sunday Nkonde is a very credible person and as always stands for sincerity.He has been a level headed person in his administration at city ya moto.
Bakalu kabiyeni musandulule ulupwa ku cupo cipya , bola admin yalimishupa.
I have failed to follow this story, its amazing how we worst time fighting each other at the expense of soccer development. When other nations are busy recorrecting their mistakes why they didnt managed to qualify to the worldcup2010 there goes the bunch of sport administrators quarelling instead of working together. Anyway for a good sports leader to safe of critisim you should bring results -undisputable results.
Hi guys. Just thought I should add to the discussion on the Beautiful Game in Zambia.It is sad that FAZ failed to take advantage of the good work put in by the U20 and the national team at their last competitions to unite the stakeholders.But of course we now understand that this would not have been possible because there was enough dirt swept under he carpet, waiting to be discovered.The current circus going on at football House is testimony to that.Yet these guys still claim they want to grow the game in Z??The other day the FAZ GS called the complaints from RAZ “Trivial!” Any wonder why all this mudslinging and self preservation tactics are going on??Whatever happened to the friendly international that Zambia should have played on March 3rd?Eric assured us there was a team in place…
Simataa never has anything nice to say about the current FAZ executive. Kaya nima jealousy because Kalu is married kuli muzungu, i don’t know. He had his time as FAZ President, so whats his problem? Alale fye mambala! In fact, let him shut the #@*! up!!:-w
let this man go,his beem to much of a loud mouth
Simata simata is a loud mouthed guy for those of you who dont know the guy. I was with in Kwacha township where we grew up, at Mukuba secondary school where he was my prefect, and in Lusaka where we both worked for the Bank. He will never change, he always finds a fault in other people.Pantu dobo taleka.
FAZ = Football Ass of Zambia
Simata and Kalu are not compatible as evidenced from all encounters they have had in the past.they seem to like oppose every move the other makes endlessly. Congratulations both for successfully dropping the soccer standards in the country because of your selfishness and lack of respect for the soccer fraternity.I think issue either ni kagelo nangu inkongole
Ba GaZZie @ # 15 naimwe mwatyola ka? ati “terem” And at the same time trying to lecture LT na chizunga ….yaba [-x
Ba Virginia Chinena naimwe mwatyola ka? ati “chizunga” instead of “chizungu”, OMG
What a Country.
#2 It is Kalusha who has issues with Simata and not the other way round. Simata wants the Constitution to be adhered to, while Kalusha wants things to be done his personal way.
Thee might also be a political dimension to this. Simata is a member of the PF Central Committee whilst Kalusha is a solid MMD supporter who publicly endorsed RB’s candidacy in the 2008 Presidential elections.
Nkonde appears to have clear points which would save FAZ from embarrassment on the Simataa issue.
Why doesn’t Kalu and Sunday agree and make a press release with one voice on the issue. Their public difference is not good for the image of FAZ. The pressure should be on Kalusha to show leadership by mopping up the mess through humility.
I know all four persons involved and I can share an opinion. Kalu cannot run FAZ at arms length, and the only persons he has as insider is Kasolo. Kasolo on the other hand worships Kalu,and in the process will do anything to support Kalu, even if it means going against his legal mentor Nkonde. Why Nkonde does this football thing is beyond me, as he spends hundreds of millions out of his own pocket on football. Not something you can say about the two Ks. Simataa on the other hand loves football and needs football to gain a profile and credibility. I think someone should sit all four of them and ask them to resolve this behind closed doors before it gets worse.
Just what nonsense is going on within FAZ?
Kalu is a mere Form 5 failure, just like Rev. Sleeping Ronnie Shikapwasha. Sunday Nkonde is a top lawyer of note and if Kalusha is joking, he will sooner than later find himself in court to justify his unconstitutional behaviour. We all know he still has the assault case of the Post sports journalist Augustine Mukoka in Cape Town hanging over his head. Las are there to be followed that he cannot break them with impunity on the basis of “nenze munthu wa Mighte wine chungulo”. Besides, I doubt Simataa will take this suspension sitted and if he goes to court, who is going to foot the FAZ bill? Besides, Mr Bwalya should stop running FAZ from SDouth Africa, we are sick and tired of this I.D.I.O.T’S s.t.u.p.idity.
The Zambian futbo iz in very deep trouble. It iz sad that even FIFA ( or iz it just Mamelodi) haz taken sidez on issue at hand. Since the Government iz just watching(and rightly so) from the terracez, let FIFA proper ban Zambia until the internal problemz are rezolved.
Simataa Simataa li planga!
Kalusha and his executive should resign. They have failed to follow the law that regulate football. Is it that it is lack of education with his veep, Munaile? Education is vital in life, it is now manifesting at Football House…
Power corrupts, especially on some people. The Expatriate is talking sense. Personality clashes seem to be the order of the day in zed football, mirroring the wider political landscape (and that includes FIFA).
Some people will subvert constitutional principles to push their particular agendas, but history will judge you….regardless of noise you are making now.The truth is like organic matter in a sewage pool, it eventually rises to the top for all to see.
Viva #19. Mr. S. Nkonde, SC, knows very well that he heads only but a sub-committee and that as such his sub committee can only recommend to the Executive. If it is not like that then the FAZ constitution needs reform. For now, I think Anthony Kasolo, who is also a lawyer by the way, is right. Even State Counsels are not infalliable.