Friday, February 21, 2025

International Women’s Day – Weekend in Pictures



Some ministers


Some women walking during the commemoration of the International Women's day in Lusaka yesterday.


United Church of Zambia women dancing to their tune during the International woman’s day in Maamba


A male drummer accompanies women on their International women’s day in Maamba


Maamba New Apostolic Church members in action on the International women’s day as they charmed the audience in Sinazongwe district


Sinazongwe women teachers in front as they approach Ziba Zako Lodge the venue for their International woman’s day in Maamba


Former Patrotic Front Secretary Generals Edwin Lifwekelo (r), Edward Mumbi (c) and Charles Chimumbwa during a press briefing in Lusaka


Police drag a man who wanted to cause confusion at the press briefing addressed by former Patrotic Front Secretary General Edward Mumbi in Lusaka


Former Patrotic front Secretary General Edwin Lifwekelo lifts a Guardian Weekly headline on Sata and his marital scandals


  1. Hmmmm, now im able to put a face to the outspoken Lifwekelo,with that ka face,i bet he would be worse than mulongoti in terms of arrogance

  2. International Women’s day or the daily politics pictures LT – so tired of these ugly lazy politicans everyday, whole day with nothing but halitosis coming out of their mouths! Please try some cheerful pictures, would rather see pics of boiled groundnuts and masuku than MMD and PF fimo fimo all the time.:)>-


  4. #3. You are very right. It is also irritating me. LT find something better than these useless politicians.

  5. “I can’t hide behind condoms when my brother in-law Bishop Telephone Mpundu can anoint my engagement in adultery with his sisters” Michael Sata-The Guardian Weekly

  6. When a nation and Government of high intellectual attainments undertakes to superintend the politics of a nation against the comparatively ignorant opponents, the smart rulers are absolutely to prescribe the course which is to be taken by the opponents. It is not necessary however to say anything on this subject. For it is proved by unanswerable evidence, that we are not at present seeing the relevance of the useless opponents. It would be bad enough to consult their failed intellectual taste at the expense of their intellectual health. But we are consulting neither. We are withholding from them the learning which is palatable to them. We are forcing on them the mock learning which they nauseate.

  7. #5- tell me about it!
    #7- hi Senior Citizen dearest :d Whats with the name changes? Nice to see you here again :-h:-h

  8. Can someone please translate #7! This can not possibly be English. Does the blogger understand what effective communication is?

  9. I love the background of photos so green and alive…
    There is too much jokes in our country, no one especially politicians have a mission to take our country forward.

  10. # 8
    A very educated assumption.
    Nobody writes that like that loser.
    # 9
    Don’t waste your breathe.
    He is a dribbler more than Chiluba and lives in America far away from real life in Zambia.

  11. Why is it theat in Africa people pay more attension to things that are not profitable. International women’s day! What profit does it bring? Why not spend tooth and nail creating jobs etc

  12. mwenya,

    Since leadership # 7 has confused you with his highest demeaning syntax certainly too technical for your ability, i will break it down for you:

    (1)-When a nation and Government of high intellectual attainments undertakes to superintend the politics of a nation against the comparatively ignorant opponents,

  13. (3)-It is not necessary however to say anything on this subject. For it is proved by unanswerable evidence, that we are not at present seeing the relevance of the useless opponents.

  14. (4)-It would be bad enough to consult their failed intellectual taste at the expense of their intellectual health.

    This is the worst perspective of look him down attitude publicly expressed no wonder opposition roles are none existed in MMD equation

  15. (5)-But we are consulting neither. We are withholding from them the learning which is palatable to them. We are forcing on them the mock learning which they nauseate.

    With this mindset, i see why we have a defacto ruling party with opposition reduded to noise making only year after year.Hope i have been of help.

  16. Ba Chimumbwa do you really think you are still useful to Zambian Politics? You made wrong choice by quiting PF and now you have been reduced to a Begger or sorry Cadre!!

  17. kaseba-was this meant to be poem or what and what was it meant to archieve anyway,coz from what i can read,its got nothing to do with International Womens Day, and if you dont mind can you explain on your comment @ #16,bet you dont even understand it yoself,,,,kulibonesha,mwapwanya na chizungu manje
    Senior Citizen aka BK cannot hide,no matter how many times he tries to change his name,we know almost everything about him

  18. these three cadres need their brains examined, they are irritating us and behaving as if they have escaped from a certain hospital in lusaka

  19. LT cant resist showing us the MMD carders, it supposed to be Womens Day, but pa Last balundapo Kadar who is talking about something useless. instead of digging imifolo to let the water go away so that people can go back to there homes or pump out the water. They are busy trying to win VOTERS we shall never ever DEVELOP IN ZAMBIA VERY SOON WE SHALL BE LOOKING FOR JOBS IN ZIMBABWE:(:(:( bashetan

  20. “Some women…” “Minister’s wives…” “…church women…” “on International women day.” What was it all about? What did they say? Did they just “walk” or “march” or dance? I am often surprised why these so called International … day commenoration are big news in the developing countries. Not a single word about them in the developed world. Could it not be one reason why we remain underdeveloped because we spend so much time on the streets commemorating this and that and the other, or receiving or sending off the President, or attending this press conference or that rally, or watching football or dancing at a night club, or watching “Miss So and So” beauty pagents? Do we ever work?????????

  21. Nice pictures,Sata should also consider going for VCT since he is shy of using condoms and Iam wondering for how long he has been.

  22. Let Sata enjoy sweet S.E.X for god’s sake the catholic church knows about it who are you to judge him? After all his brother in law is a big boss in Lusaka catholic church – god forgive them!

  23. Pic 7/8/9 are those wo’men celebrating “womans” day too???=)) the one in pic 9 could do with some lipstik=))

  24. Our Ministers can’t marry proper pretty women were is Zambia going? Are those the wives they travel with to china?what kind of picture are the giving that we have no better looking women to be ministers wives the need advice from Zuma on this important issue.

  25. Pic#8 – Mpombozi is fond of arresting petty criminals while the spouses of real criminals in pic#1 are matching freely

  26. its ridiculous to say Sata`s reaiationships are aproved by the catholic church or who ever that preast (father) is as he is a matured man involved with a grown up matured woman,they can make choices themselves. why do we people like to pull other people in the dirt, i have never seen a people that will do anything to spoil somes name even for nothing like zambians do. if you have issues with sata,talk about him of if its the preast let that be about him he cant pay for his sisters sins. no wonder we will never develop. some LT blogger have a very low way of reason. can we for once look at individual issues and analyse them on thier own than mix up everything. well what do i expect? considering the posts i see here we have along away to go

  27. #32 please leave the woman alone no one is ugly in the eyes of the lord,you are just jealous of those sexy boobs it’s only that she didnt put on the bra she is lovely**==

  28. Zambian politics are sickening to say the least. How could Chiluba parade those aldulterers like Mofu Chimumbwa to talk about Sata’s infidelity when Chimumbwa himself is worse. Those of us who have lived in Chingola before know how he used to chase after married women, and in certain cases slept with the daughter and wife of a well known mine official and was caught in a hotel in Kitwe. Chimumbwa was deregistered as a supplier to the mines one time because he attempted to bribe someone at the mines and he thinks we have chicken memories and have forgotten. He should just keep quiet otherwise we will start mentioning names of all the women he used to sleep with in Chingola starting with that woman he shared with a fellow ex MP of Nchanga :((

  29. # 38 you are simply an ***** and # 37 im impressed how little you have used your brains.. the point is every person should pay for their own sins. lets learn to separate issues and deal with individuals issues. dont just bloggy use brains too.

  30. Hopeless world woman day in undeveloped first capital city of Zambia Kalomo were the Council stole 33.6 million from inocent people .This was event by the cry from woman who wanted to know why the council could advers for the shops plots but without putting the requirement of someone with over 35 million in the account to quality as a candidate .Honestly 161 people attendand the interview and their money was stole due to the fact that non knew of the clause of 35 million as enterly requirment Zambia are we going to allow this kind of thieves steal just like this.We need help pls we can not be losing money like this.Concerned woman Kalomo

  31. Number 41 pls tell us more about chimumbwe we need to exposure him we know that he is li hule and bribe nigger pls tell us more about him.


  33. chimumbwa is so finished,nechipuba chi Mumbi.Elyo aka ka Lifwekelo,emafi tukwete mu ZAMBIA.They hve have all been salvaged from the sewer system.They are all under the tutorship of kafupi,another imbecile.How can Rupiah fall for these expired products.He should listen to his son Andrew Banda.Ishishonse nimbushi,they are just eating the money.Fiwelewele!

  34. #32 and #34.. If you want to criticize the appearance of women who represent your country, start taking a closer look at some of those stick insects that parade themselves in beauty pageants/modeling contests…they are cute from far, but far from cute…I’m sure you two have faces only a mother could love!

  35. Picture 7, it is not former Secretary Generals (they are not Generals). The proper expression is former Secretaries General (they were secretaries). Just a little lesson in grammar.

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