Thursday, March 13, 2025

My evacuation to SA was mere PR, says Sata


PARTIOTC Front president Michael Sata has said late president Mwanawasa’s decision to evacuate him to South Africa for treatment after he suffered a heart problem was a public relations gimmick.

Mr Sata said in an interview on Tuesday that Dr Mwanawasa thought he (Mr Sata) had already died and the decision to send him for treatment would have been a mere formality.

He claimed that Dr Mwanawasa was trying to play public relations so that people could think his Government had flown Mr Sata for treatment when he had already died.

Mr Sata was reacting to former National Energy Sector and Allied Workers Union (NESAWU) General Secretary Yotam Mtayachalo who accused the PF leader of being hypocritical for saying Dr Mwanawasa had wanted him to die in jail.

Mr Mtayachalo said the PF leader was being ungrateful for accusing Dr Mwanawasa of wanting him to die in jail when he had saved his life by sending him to South Africa for treatment.

Mr Mtayachalo said in Ndola on Tuesday that it was unfortunate that Mr Sata who was full of praises for Dr Mwanawasa after having his life saved by being evacuated to South Africa for treatment, could now insinuate that the late president wanted him to die in jail when he was incarcerated over the case involving a motor vehicle.

Mr Mtayachalo said it was hypocritical for Mr Sata to accuse the late president of wanting him to die in prison when the PF leader had been on record praising Dr Mwanawasa for having served his life.

He said Mr Sata’s inconsistent statements were making it difficult for Zambians to be convinced that he would make a good leader if elected president.

Mr Sata was on Tuesday quoted in The Post newspaper as having said Dr Mwanawasa would have arrested him if he was corrupt when he was in Government but further went on to say the late president wanted him to die in prison but could not succeed.

“The biggest problem with Mr Sata is his high level of inconsistency. If you look at his statement, he is saying Dr Mwanawasa would have arrested him if he was corrupt when he was in Government and the same Mr Sata is saying Dr Mwanawasa wanted him to die in jail, what then was he doing in jail? Why was he arrested and put in jail during
Dr Mwanawasa’s reign? One cannot go to jail and at the same time claim that he is too clean,” he said.

Mr Mtayachalo said it was now clear that Mr Sata was panicking as evidenced by the various unclear statements he was issuing with the aim of clearing his image by featuring on various radio stations since several allegations against him were exposed.

But Mr Sata said Dr Mwanawasa ignorantly saved his life because he was told that the PF leader was actually already dead.

“Yes Mwanawasa saved my life ignorantly because he was told that I was already dead and he was told by some people that I would actually not even survive the flight to South Africa. Dr Mwanawasa just wanted to play public relations.

“You see even my priest, Father Chilinda also came to Care for Business Hospital where I was admitted with the aim of administering the last olive oil on me because he was also told that I was already dead but I told him that I was not going to die,” Mr Sata said.

He claimed that even Dr Mwanawasa himself confirmed to him that he was told that the PF leader was actually already died. “What I am saying is the truth. There is nothing I can lie against the dead. How many times did Dr Mwanawasa send me to jail?” he said,

[Times of Zambia]


  1. This SATan is very Foolish, The PRESIDENT of PF CADERS.

    That is way I will neva, support him not even 0.1%. why does he change positions so often. First he thanks levy, then he said Levy is his friend, then he said the whole excersise was NOT WORTH IT.

    This is EXACTLY what will happen to the PACK, the Old fool will change POSITION soon OR LATER Then the PACK will FALL APART.

  2. How do we know that what Sata is saying the the truth?? Whatever the case, its always vital to appreciate whenever you are assisted as a human being. The least Sata could do is thank LPM and not justifying to us why he was taken to SA at the expense of TAX payers.
    Politics are really a dirty game, pipo will do anything to win votes

  3. iyi topic izaleta kantu sure…..Ba veteran, kaya nganti niba capitalist sibachedwa pankani ya King Cobra :-w

  4. The ungrateful Serpet Cobra Satan and his looks are exactly that of 666 mark on his face. His the last player of the Amalgendon beast. His angry face is just as good as the word he utters each day. The late president did what he did because of his christian faith and did not want Serpet Cobra Satan to die just of mare political difference when he had authority to direct government organs to evacuate the rubbish of Serpet Cobra Satan for treatment. The man in Serpet Cobra Satan is a pure beast marked 666 and the last of the existing Amalgendon family. The man is a devil like his looks. Am disappointed to hear the Serpet Cobra Satan who praised the late president and claim to understand the late legancy sink this low and utter rubbish. His not a presidential material. You are a fool Sata!

  5. No wonder i suggested that that this man should be called a shifting spanner. He always changes position when it suits him. The post know this about him, Sata lacks conviction. Its about expediency. This man when it suited thanked Levi for everything. He lowered himself to the point of licking levis’ feet like Mponbo the Dicker. Shame on him.

  6. I am hereby offering K 200 million to anyone who could provide proof, recent or past, of an illicit sexual encounter (infidelities) involving Michael Sata, any other presidential aspirant, cabinet minister, member of parliament or any prominent Zambian lawyer. It’s about time we brought SATAn and his vampire lumpens down to earth to account for their stinking illicit actions.

  7. # 3 The Respect or No Respect, Your President Changes Positions Dangerously, a few examples.

    1. Change from Colonial POLICE to UNIP to MMD to PF then to the PACK
    2. Change From Anti China to For China then to Anti-china Again
    3. Change from FRIEND OF Chiluba by 2001 to Great Enermy then to Friend in 2006 then now to Enermy.
    The list is endless, add more if you wish.

    What I have seen in the PF Camp is GROSS EMBARRASSMENT in the last few weeks, PF Caders are now playing BE STRONG, there marriage with SATan has now come from FOR BETTER to FOR WORSE STAGE

  8. SATA continues barking at anything. He is not better than a DOG suffering from rabbies. SATA is always changing positions, if when you want prowess in bed with some good lady, you need to be consistent lest you exhaust all the syles. Chi SATANA will be completely finished by the time we get to the 2011 elections. His is a SCAMBAG, period!!

  9. #3 which elders should we respect?? this rubbish Sats is talking?. How can he raise issues which are one sided as LPM is not here to explain his side. Why talk about the dead like that? How will the Mwanawasa family feel even the foolish Mpombo? Let the Dead rest, leave levy to rest he did his part and its not fair for Sata to talk like this about a man we all know saved his faint life no no no God forbid this is not right.
    #4 you are right this one expect not less than 200 bloggs.
    #6 Please call yourself “Once beautifull Masebo” you are right though that this Man shifts Positions whenever it suits him. He once said he was to pardon FTJ over his corruption issues later he changed after the Post promissed him coverage. The he expected FTJ to keep quite,he is in deep trouble politically…

  10. It will take an impotent FOOL to believe what the Times of Zambia currently writes about Sata. The Times of Zambia has become a TOILET publication. I say so because I worked for the Times of Zambia for over 12 years. Hence my knowledge of what’s currently obtaining there is very fresh! I end my submission here and I leave it to gullible fools like Veteran, Senior Citizen and Capitalist and other nut-heads who easily fall for such trash to contribute as well!

  11. Uhmmmmm! Ubufi iwe chi SATANA, when you came back from the death mouth, LPM was you best friend. You even said u had reconciled with him, yue even accompaned him in death to some provinces??? Now LPM was a trickstar?? Chi SATANA iwe, repent your sins of adultery +many others. YOu will not rule ZED iwe KABWAA. At one time you were almost fastening LPM’s shoes until you were told not to at the Catherdral of the Holy cross. Unless you were mad then and now you becoming normal again. Where did you Doctor get STEM CELLS from? I believe the STEM CELLS came from a badly diseased PIG. ZAMBIAN LETS NOT VOTE FOR LEADERS THAT CHEAT WITH IMPUNITY. YOU ARE A SCAMBAG AS #9 DESCRIBED YOU

  12. It is extremely sad that Mr. Sata can make such statements regarding a very generous act done to him by the late President. Gratitude and consistence are essential elements of integrity and maturity and are called for here, Mr. Sata!

    Leaders must have principles to stand on!

  13. Veteran, Senior Citizen and Capitalist these are hired fools. It is easy to come accross “Ilomba” than to find real human being like these mentioned fools.

  14. Dr Kaseba and her foul mouthed ever nagging husband SATAn Zondwe were on holiday in Jerusalem, when Zondwe suddenly kicked the bucket. The funeral company told Dr Kaseba that it would cost US$45,000 to ship Zondwe back home or US$500 to bury him in Jerusalem. The Doc said ‘ship him home’. Shocked, the undertaker asked ‘but Dr, why don’t you bury him in the Holy Land and save the money?’ The Doc replied ‘a long time ago, a man was buried here and 3 days later, he rose from the dead … neither I nor Zambia can take the chance !’ Levy should have learnt the lesson to ship Zondwe to Mbeya, not Morningside.

  15. So you deliberately agreed to waste tax payers’ money??Besides why bring it up now? pliz as old as u are ubufi shuwa?

  16. He reconciled with Mwanawasa and he has not changed his stance about that. He is talking about the truth. Those were the things that were happing around him that time. If Lupiah Band and KK Kunda talked about Chiluba locking them up over bogus charges does that mean that Lupiah Band is telling Chiluba to stop from campaigning for him. Don’t mix up reconcilation and true events.

  17. Mr. Sata has changed positions once again.

    ““I would have been dead if President Mwanawasa did not personally intervene to ensure my evacuation to South Africa for specialist treatment”, he said.

    Mr. Sata was grateful that Dr. Mwanawasa got involved under what he called difficult circumstances.”Michael Sata is back home, Lusaka Times, May 12th 2008

    “Patriotic Front President Michael Sata today met President Levy Mwanawasa at State House to thank him for facilitating his evacuation to South Africa for treatment following his severe heart attack two weeks ago.”Levy and Sata meet at state house, Lusaka Times, May 14th 2008

    And today Mr. Sata wants to say something else. Why didn’t he reveal there and then that LPM wanted him dead if at all it…

  18. feepulbar,amenso pa bola. stop discussing bloggers,discus the remarks of your phonicating father of pf,who can have s e x with two sisters without remorse. what kind of a character is this that calls himself a christian,but cannot show respect for the dead nor gratitude. sata is the lowest calibre of a man,it is true even his reasoning is faulty. i suggest all you bemba tribalist,loyal to sata bcoz of tribe,change bane. this is not worth making a fool of yourself,by supporting ubuchende no bupuba.

  19. cont. from #20

    wanted him dead if at all it is true. Sata is being very hypocritical and will say anything to gain political mileage. One wonders if he can be trusted.

  20. its really sad that in 2011 we have to pick between sata and RB these pipo are ancient TIMES UP for both of yuz mwe? JUST REST IN OLD AGE SEVENTY CHAKUTI

  21. Watch the space, this is a true camelion. It is very good that this man is known more now than before. His ascendance to what he is now is based on his populist stance and tearing down his colleagues to fullfil his intentions. It is true the man is a dangeruos loose cannon who could if allowed to plot 1 wipe out all the gains the country has ever made. Dr. Kaunda said “Sata is not presidential material, Chiluba has only hit back at Sata who has been blindly throwing stones at oyhers not knowing he resides in a glass house. Nawakwi, also hinted at the character of this man, if all the roumors we have are true then we are in for it if this man should ascend to power.

  22. Mr Mtayachalo is expressing the most ignorant opinion any one can express. Mr. Mwana wasa ordered the arrest of Mr Sata over an alleged theft of a motor vehicle. This was at the time when Sata was very critical of Mwanawasa(after being dribbledby Chiluba over the Presidency).However the case was dropped for lack of evidence. By that time Sata had already spent more than 2 weeks in jail.Yes it is true Mwanawasa, was going to have Sata behind bars if there was a chance of doing so because at that time Mwanawasa was not very confident of his status. Remember that the opposition had more MPs combined than MMD. So sir, Sata may be talkative, but what he is saying is the truth. There is nothing strange in a former enemy saving your life.

  23. lIs it senility or what? but the man’s shifting of positions is becoming worrisome. I mean the man aspires to lead this country and he can shamelessly shift positions. When guy Scott mooted at reimbursing the govt. for the expense the spent on Sata’s treatment, he angtirly rebuked Scott and was full of praise for Mwanawasa for evacuating him. This even led to their `reconciliation’. Now what has changed now. Sata is about-turning and saying he didn’t need this help anyway. Come on for a man who intends to be prez we deserve better.

  24. I am ashamed that an old man like Sata cannot see sense in what Mwanawasa did, he would not be speaking today if the good deed was not done. Leave Mwanawasa out of your dirty politics, Banda will not send you to Morningside and you will regret your words, sometimes it is good to keep our lips shut. I am not MMD but as a Zambian am disappointed, we need change but not this type, we may end up as an Island if he continues at this rate as the President of Zambia.

  25. You know, every time we are nearing elections, Sata just goes cuckoo in the head. Its like an alpha wolf at full moon! One is left deeply mesmerised about just what Zondwe has to gain from making such a claim against a dead man who is not here to defend himself. In every society it is common custom that globally that one is not supposed to speak ill of the dead. Now, like the old adage goes that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks, I doubt this vile septuagenarian would ever learn to behave in a civilized manner. He is a lost course.

  26. #21 Pf cadres, just shut up- Are you clean yourself? I bet right now you are in bed with some one who is not married to you.

  27. Zedian, please I bego ooh! Don’t vote for this bafoon called SATA to be president. I am shocked that he can say this after he was saved from going to hell because of his adulterous living. He is an ungrateful serpert. May God judge him harshly. No wonder Super Ken said SATA is not fit to be president but can do any other job. I recommend that this chap be given a job of cleaning toilets (nyamazai)!

  28. Facts are facts- Some one questions Sata and Sata states the truth and all you say he has shifted the goals. Shame on you who hide the truth to suit the situation.

  29. Kubwatuka bwatuka Sata! Sometimes he does not make real sense. So why did he reconcile with Levy when he returned from SA and Levy told him he was told he had died? Didn’t he realise it was for PR gimmick then, only to realise it now that Levy is dead? To cheat who? Sometimes these are the very issues That make me seriously doubt Sata for presidency. I would rather have HH or Miyanda, not a wobbling fellow like Sata.

  30. Please appreciate that MMD are mafias and mu hubby has run out of breathing space. MMD machineries have got my husband and squeezed his amatole to the edge of all this confusion. What do you expect of him when he has been overwhelmed like this and his PACT partner HH is mute and nowhere near to the resque of my embattled my husband. What kind of a PACT are we in? This man has a fragile heart and coupled with age yet ruthless MMD mafia have moved full machinery on a poor soul when his age mate RB is left free enjoying his age. Balefwaya kungipaila Ba Sata with depression. How do you torment a poor soul like this when you know his health condition? MMD are mafias on my hubby under siege.VJ, Shikapwasha, Senior Citizen, Veteran & Davis Mataka and Jere will be responsible for the fall of Sata.

  31. All you condeming bashichilufya you don’t know his predicament untill you share the the MMD mafia tourment.This man is not taking a breathing space. He has been put on a spirited firing range and defence.He making all these blanders because of pressure.Given lubinda is another suspect evident by his muteness.No one is in defence of President Sata.Where are our supporters that were?

  32. I doubt if he really said that i think thats the eason he has taken Times of zambia to court,they are trying to discredit the man:o:o:o:o:o:o


  34. This man is burning himself now…He should be grateful. Ba mudala ibange sana…Why is he decampiagning himself. Does he have media, PR spin doctors. He need to resist campaigning in the newspapers. That’s why he will lose even in 2011. He is such an impulsive person qualities that are not suitable for a presidential candidate.

  35. Fellow bloggers, all of us should feel sorry for Mr. Sata. He suffers from a severe case of Amnesia which is rapidly aggravating. He can not remember what he said the previous day not to mention the previous month. He needs compassion and urgent treatment.

  36. Latest – SATA did not utter those words, TIMES of (MMD)ZAMBIA have concorted the story because they want to show that the MAN is not stable.

  37. Sata is just a goat. He has sperms mixed with cow dung in his head rather than brains. I can believe this! Am very annoyed.:-w


  39. I read Mr Sata’s story with sadness. If its true he said that Mwanawasa sent him to SA as a PR gimic
    then we may not have a president in the name of Sata. Help comes in various ways and God uses different ways to save our lives. Ba Sata please leave the dead out of your propaganda. You have 90% of winning next years’ elections, but what you do and say between now and next year will define you. Concerntrate on what u are to do for Zambians and not the cheap politicking. May God help you and open your eyes to see.


  41. # 50 you are right and thats why the northeners will never rule zed again. ubufi,ukwiba. fikatolika imwee

  42. Sata and Lesa had an argument as to who is a better election programmer. They came to an agreement to hold a contest, with Mulungu as a judge. They were typing for a long time and unexpectedly there was a ZESCO power cut. When power was restored, Mulungu declared the contest over. He asked Sata to show what he has come up with. Sata cries and says: I have nothing, I lost everything when the power went out” Mulungu came to Lesa and asked him to show his project. Lesa entered the command and the screen appeared full of excellent programs. Sata couldn’t believe that. “How did he do that? There was a power cut!” – Zondwe Sata asked. God smiled and said: “Lesa saves”.

  43. Fact 1: Sata had no passport or travel document. If Mwanawasa wanted him dead, he would have let the due process of obtaining a travel document come into play and Mr Sata would have had to wait for 3 months for his passport.
    Fact 2: Evacuation of a sick person in Zambia is recommended by an Ad Hoc committee of doctors at the UTH. Mr Sata was not in the care of the national health service but a private institution. Therefore, government had no duty of care.
    Fact 3: Being a rich man as he is, he should have private medical insurance, like Mazoka had, that could have allowed him to be evacuated whenever and wherever it was necessary, instead, he decided to ‘milk’ the tax payer.
    Fact 4: Dr Guy Scott his VP, is on record saying that PF would repay GRZ all the money back, and it never has.

  44. This explains every time we go into elections, there is a ZESCO power cut in Zondwe Sata’s head and he loses it.

  45. I agree with those condemning Times of Zambia becoz they will never write anything good about the Opposition but this should come to an end becoz the ruling Party One will be in opposition and they will experience the same.But if at all Mr.Sata did say those words then it is unfortunate.

  46. Fact 5: Mrs Christine Kaseba-Sata pleaded with people not to politicise her husband’s illness while she waited on him in South Africa. Now it is HER own husband who has been politicising this illness since then. He turns it to whichever news suits him best.
    Zambians, if you want this man for your President, you will have yourselves to blame. Funny thing is that recently, The Post seems to have toned down on attacks on RB but simply report ‘self destructive voices’ from PF and Sata. It is like, they have seen the writing on the wall. I suspect that Sata will hand over soon. The real battle lines are between HH and RB, come 2011. May the best man win.

  47. Sometimes, when you have nothing to say, it is not cowardice to shut up.

    Sata is the most ungrateful homo sapien I have met to date! Mwanawasa was never obligated to evacuate Sata to anywhere, and I suppose he had no reason whatsoever to pull such a diabolical PR stunt especially that he (Levy) was not even standing in 2011. How can one sane person attack a dead being who went out of his way to save his sorry life? This man has reverse reverse emotions and logic. It doesn’t matter what Levy’s intentions were, the bottom line was his very sinful life was given another chance.

    You have disgusted me, Mr Former Colonial Constable. We know you can sink so low, but this is yet another depth… You have created another standard political f.o.o.l.s will struggle to equal.

  48. #55 Dkmuntu and many others:
    You have all been polluted by poor journalism. The Times of Zambia is reporting a story. Similarly, The Post has reported numerous stories about RB. Here is the fundamental difference though. The Post tends to make the trivial statements, or jokes as the headline, first and then follow that up with a series of editorials to amplify them so that the real story is hidden in innuendo and opinion. The Times reports and then seeks rebuttal from the other side, publishes the story and lets YOU the reader deduce what you think. The Opinion in the Times of Zambia is a very small column and hardly read. They do not go on and on and on ad nauseum like The Post does. The Times is text book journalism, The Post is something else, but they can do well without hatred.

  49. If it is indeed true that Sata made these comments then i deeply disappointed with his mental status. how can you claim such, and LPM is not even alive to defend himmself. Rather just shut up than respond to allegations because saying such just discredits you Sata. HH is being attacked but has maintained his integrity his silence for sure scares a lot of people. The more you talk Sata about crap the less respect and votes you will get. just seeing the coments from above most PF/pabwatooo fans are very quiet. They cant comprehend what have happen to Sata.

  50. Ok, so there is this Minister Ronnie sleeping in a cabinet meeting. President Kanitundila asks the cabinet “who annointed me as your leader?” Hon. Mpande pokes Ronnie with a pen and he screams “Jesus christ!” Kanitundila says “good, now, how dare Sata challenges my authority?” Mpande pokes Ronnie again, he yells “oh my god!” Kanitundila says “good, now have you ever heard of me poking anyone besides Thandiwe unlike Sata who poked Bishop Mpundu’s two sisters? Mpande pokes Ronnie one more time and the he yells “if you poke me with that thing one more time I’m going to break it off!”

  51. Sata is a wolf in sheeps clothing.

    He doesnt want the best for Zambia.

    I feel sorry for HH.

    He should leave the pact before its too late

  52. If it was just a gimmick why didn’t he refuse to go to SA? Why did he not say so when he came back and reconcile with LPM? Why has he not paid the money spent on him back to the taxpayer? This man is not only a snake but a chameleon. This is what is going to paralise the govt if he is elected because he will be making policy as he goes along and forgeting what he said needs to be done the previous day. Why did Levy decide to pay for that trip to SA?

  53. Only recently king snake was saying that he is the one best placed to continue the LPM legacy and now he turns around and says this? I think it is senility, that is why he forgot that he had bast*rd children with two sisters and started insulting Chiluba. Also, his forgetfulness could be due to smoking chamba because that stuff does havoc with your short-term memory.

  54. #52 Peter, you cannot even spell the word IMBECILE correctly….I hope you are not one of the ignorant fools you are referring to in your post…lol…

  55. Dear Pact members, I am not One fo you for a number of reasons. Let me say this, on a number of times I havr like many Zambians doubted the sincerity of the pact. The past few weeks have clearly shown that the cobra is sinking, he is in deep political trouble. Only a fool can not see this. My Question is: where is the Major partner in this pact- HH?? why the silence when he should be working towards resolving the problems their political family is facing. His silence clearly confirms what many wise Zambians said earlier that the Pact partners are actually competitors. Its very very clear for any serious person to see that HH was waiting for this confusion. If any thing he is more happy with these developments. Why the silence when a close brother is sinking??

  56. An appeal to PF-UPND members stop discussing petty things in the media. You’re damaging the little image that people are forming. This is thwack. I hope he can hire advisors who can help him build an image expected of a person aspiring for the Zambian Presidency? Sata is a criten.

  57. Kaunda said; Sata was only fit to be a District Governor
    Chiluba said; Sata was not fir to be his successor
    Mwanawasa resigned from Chiluba’s government because of Sata
    Rupiah Banda says Sata is a dangerous man for Zambia.
    All of the above people know Sata very well, certainly better than almost all Zambians

    We have a choice to listen to them or not. But we are not entitled to say we were not told.

  58. #55 thats the truth u r talking about. I think Satan has a hidden disease which makes him talk as though he uses his **ass**. Y mentioning LPM’s name all the time? Iwe SATAN let him LPM rest in peace and go to hell with your mark of the beast on your ugliest face.

  59. in all this fiascal, we should blame Arch-bishop Mpundu who has failed to teach Presido Sata diplomacy and integrity. Instead they have been busy teaching each other ukulanyengela amasisters and covering each other thereafter.

  60. All Mpundu has been doing is teach Sata how to nyenga (tomba tomba) his sister then mount a poor PR of covering sin.

  61. I have wasted my years its game over i’m for Elias chipimo nomba. As bembas we miscalculated on this one.Go chipimo go!

  62. No one wants to kill Mr. Sata, He will just die alone. He has put himself in all this trouble. He never appreciates, that is why he will never become the president of Zambia.

    God bless zambia.

  63. You cannot gain a mass following by telling lies. In order to deceive, You MUST use the truth… or at the very least, what might be acknowledged as truth by the masses.

  64. #67. I actually think you are a fool yourself. Just by you starting with a spelling mistake. I don’t know how many spelling mistakes this blog (LT) makes, let alone bloggers themselves. But, one can understand with bloggers cos… (ohh! Another spelling mistake for you to observe) we don’t edit after writing. This maybe due to so many reasons including time factor. You are really a down right imbecile. Your thinking is very shallow and you waste time on petty issues. I am sure even your children n wife know your imbecility. Ain’t gonna waste time on a heap of rubbish in you. Go on again-deficate through your mouth.

  65. PF/UPND PACT= Be ware the Times is trying to rival the Post only that they are peddling lies. I have just found out that Sata did not give that interview. Let them produce a recorded version of this statement. People we should realise that we are heading to elections and VJ is actually directing activities at all MMD owned media.

  66. I have always maintained that Mr PF/Sata MC is not a presidential material. So, let him not campaign on the continuation of the LP Mwanawasa Legacy in 2011.

    Even Catholic priest T. Mpundu attacked the Mwanawasa Legacy in a very bitter and bad faith manner.

    Also, where do Mr PF/Sata MC’s “Yes Mwanawasa saved my life ignorantly because he was told that I was already dead and he was told by some people that I would actually not even survive the flight to South Africa. Dr Mwanawasa just wanted to play public relations.” place the much talked about RECONCILIATION then in 2008 or so?

    Mr PF/Sata MC’s behaviour of being a FLIP-FLOP is what shows that his character is bad for Zambia.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and…

  67. The catholic church has alot of explaning to do because what the have been feeding this man on sundays when he has known other womens pants out of his marriage is now getting to his head he needs to ask god to for give for that xtra s.e.x! Thank FTJ for letting us know about this man’s bedroom manners.Amen!

  68. Sata you are very foolish and unthankful, you would have been dead my now. You should thank Mwanawasa for saving your life

  69. Vote for this brainless old man at your own peril. Next time he gets sick, let him rot in UTH. Surely he does not have a heart. Learn to appreciate and not just politicising serious issues to win sympathy from voters. Grow up shikulu.

  70. 86
    #86 Mashimba- Sata did not give that interview. Times are being used to counter the Post image building of Sata. Just be careful, alot of lies will be peddled. Ask Times to produce a recorded version of this story.

  71. Atleast he should pay back the money that was spent on him then. HH ali ziiiiiiiiiiiiiii – why? How I wish Mwanawasa had not paid for that trip.

  72. If Mwanawasa wanted to see Sata dead he would have organised, he had all the means at his disposal. Has this man gone back to smoking the weed? He should deal with what FTJ brought up not trying to divert people’s attention.

  73. #89 Deja vu – why are you so desperate? There is actually a tape of the interview. Anyways, we all know what that foolish and evil snake you support is like and the words printed above are typical of his utterances and behaviour. The only thing that buffoon is consistent in, is being inconsistent. Also De ja whatever you are called, why is HH very quiet and not leaping to the defence of his so called partner?

  74. MISSION Press director Fr Miha Drevensek has declared that no amount of intimidation on Catholic priests will stop them from denouncing evils in society.

    In an interview yesterday, Fr Miha said there were some people in the government who had developed a trend of using the public media to target specific priests in the Catholic Church.

    He urged such government officials to direct their energies on floods and other social problems that had affected the people.

    “You will agree with me that as we approach elections, a clique of opportunistic people is using the state media to attack particular individuals, especially those who boldly denounce evils in society,” Fr Miha said. “I have personally been attacked by the Times of Zambia, even in their editorial.

  75. They have attacked me, they have attacked Mongu Diocese Bishop Paul Duffy, they have attacked Fr Frank Bwalya, and now it is Lusaka Archdiocese Bishop Telesphore Mpundu.

    “Now the questions is, what has Bishop Mpundu done? What has Fr Bwalya or any other servant of God done to deserve such constant attacks? Let them know that no amount of intimidation on any Catholic priest will stop the church or its members from denouncing evils in our society.”
    Fr Miha bemoaned what he termed as abuse of the public media through satanic reporting.
    He said the government should not only use the church when it is convenient to them.

  76. It’s ironic that Mr Sata can say this now when Dr Mwanawasa is late after he thanked him when he was alive. If this man has no principles like this how can he lead our great nation? The fact that I cant even remember a PF convention where he was elected president of his party leaves the prospect of democratic and economic development very remote under him. He’s so just about himself acusing even the defenseless dead with no shame. A sensible man would have kept quiet about it if it is at all dead. What he’s saying is that he’s the one who behaved for PR when he went to Sate House to thank Dr Mwanawasa. Mark my words Zambia – this is the making of a dictator. Watch out voters, please do not destroy our beloved country, I beg!!!!!!

  77. Perhaps I should also ask ZNBC Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation, Times of Zambia and Daily Mail, who are they serving? Are they serving a clique of corrupt leadership or ordinary Zambians?” Fr Miha asked.
    “I don’t mind about the private media because they are not funded by the taxpayers’ money. This is just a wrong presentation of the media and it’s a irresponsible way of reporting for a government media.”
    Asked why the Catholic Church was being targeted, Fr Miha described the situation as sheer ignorance of true democracy.
    “I think these guys don’t know English. May be I should take them to Chipulukusu Community School so that they can learn English. And I should also make an appeal to Zambians that whoever does not deliver on their promises we should not vote…

  78. CHIEF Macha of the Tonga people yesterday said some government leaders have no respect for traditional leaders.

    Speaking in Choma during an inception workshop on Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS), chief Macha said it was disappointing that some government leaders had failed to accord the traditional leadership the respect they deserve.

    Chief Macha said he had expected a high-ranking government official to have opened the workshop but was surprised that only a junior ministry officer had been delegated to officiate.

    “Its like myself as chief, I invite you to my palace and I tell my headmen to address you. How would you feel?” he asked. “This is what the minister and the PS have done to us chiefs gathered here.”

    The visibly annoyed chief said while 13 chiefs from…

  79. I have always said “if the media gives out trivial news, people will dwell and talk about trivial”. You put presure on politicians by also writing about service delivery, contributions, their credibility to the people that put them in the office, etc becouse these distric fimo fimo. mayors, permanent sectretaries, ministers etc they are just busy growing tummies and figures while in office. The media should be the voice for the people.**==

  80. Chief Macha said politicians only recognised the influence of chiefs when they were in trouble facing an election.

    “Very soon it will be an election and you will see government leaders coming on their knees before the chief.

    This culture is bad. Chiefs are more permanent than the political leadership which can be hired or fired by the appointing authority,” he said.

  81. Mpombo said President Banda had displayed total inadequate leadership, leadership that is not able to see through the situation.

    “I do appreciate that overseas trips are important. But the handlers of the President really are lacking some sort of seriousness. They can’t package him to tour in this way,” Mpombo said.

    “Two weeks from Addis Ababa, he is away for two weeks. Immediately after that he is away for another two weeks, four weeks a President being out of the country! These are the results you get where a President is constantly on the move,” Mpombo said.

    “He is not able to monitor situations like this and he is depending on mere reports. The handlers must know that there is no way we are going to have a President away out of the country for two weeks.

    He goes…

  82. Mpombo said President Banda’s visit to the flood victims was a sign of desperation.
    “It’s too little too late because even before the President left for China, he left that situation where people were displaced and the Vice-President was saying ‘no, the situation was a complex one’.

    He needed everybody like the opposition and Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to sit down and find a solution.

    And the whole thing has exposed the vulnerability of our disaster management. It actually means that we have nothing in terms of disaster management,” Mpombo said.

    “This is an issue, which we should have handled. The President’s visit is not inspiring. The President should have visited the areas even before he went to China. He knew because he left these floods before he left…

  83. #92 Shalawambe – My friend Iam not desperate and I do not support Sata. I depend on my own for my living. The Times as I have said is being used even to dicredit people who are not politically inclined just because they are pointing out the MMD criminal activities. I dont need the Post or indeed another paper to see the misrule by MMD. I live in Zambia and I see what you guys abroad cant see. You ask why HH is very quiet? He is not being attacked the Sata is being attacked so why should he respond when there is no question to respond to. You see we Zambians forget easily. Just recently the MMD hired Chiluba(by the way FTJ is my relative) a person responsible for taking Zambia 100 back to decampain Sata. Why? Because Sata is the one to get not HH if the MMD wants to win 2011.Cont

  84. Vladimir Lenin said—-“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves”
    Sata is a controlled opposition.They are all friends don’t be fooled.

  85. Let Sata enjoy S.E.X the catholic church knows about it and have allowed him to eat the body of jesus every sunday who are we to judge him after all his brother in law is a big boss in the catholic church? God forgive them.Amen!

  86. You pipo have every right to an opinion. I respect it, but read Sata’s statement CAREFULLY. he says Levy was told he is already dead. As usual in Political circles you whisk the body away whilst you cool the emotions back home.

    It happened to Yasser Arafat, and Levy and some other powerful leaders. Zambians know where LEVY died. tell me yourselves what you know. Is it In Egypt or Percy Military Hospital FRANCE? Why is it THAT No head of State wished him quick recovery, why? In some countries like South Africa they even observed a minute of silence in cabinet to his great legacy. Even Mr. Mbulo the high commisioner to SA and close relative to Levy’s family confirmed way before the Govt., announced.
    So lets think through and not let mob or emotions take over and quickly judge Ba…

  87. One good way to determine if someone is “controlled opposition” is to not just look at what they are saying – but, more importantly, look at what they are not saying!


  89. My fellow MMD bloggers i think you should all go back home and see what is actually obtaining on the ground,we are here busy blogging in diaspora,but people back home are suffering,no matter how much we talk or insult Sata,fact is people are hungry,our leaders are busy making,they have 3 healthy meals everyday,some of us in Embassies get paid tax payers money and living big,but the reality is back home,spend a thought for the flood victims,for the school children who struggle even to find a BLOCK on which to sit on in a cold wet leaking thatched classroom,and that teacher who wakes up every morning to go and teach on an empty stomach.GOD BLESS YOU ALL
    God forbid if we loose 2011,then reality will truelly sink in coz then we will have to go back home

  90. Cont from 103 FOR 92 SHALAWAMBE-Once they finish Sata, HH will have no base. I dont want Sata to be President. I would rather have HH. But the MMD know where the danger lies that is why they have even been going to Southern Province to shamelessly condemn the PACT and tell people there that HH has sold their PARTY UPND to Bembas and therefore HH must be removed. Looking at your reactions, the MMD seems to have scored on this one. Let me assure you and the others, my interest is for Zambia not an individual.I do aspire to go abroad(by the way my children are all working abroad) not even for visit.Letting MMD again in government will only mean more misery.Yes you are ok but what about those who are as lucky as you?

  91. #67 The Man and #81 Peter, Please, please bear with each other and calm down. No one benefits from the strong insults you are hurling at each other. I presume you are both respectable Zambians.

  92. Everybody read if you can spare a minute # 82. Please refresh yourselves. It’s worth a minute to ponder on LT.

    So No. 82 Deja Vu a big Up to U. You have my support.

  93. Sata is a shameless foolish,unrepentant,forgetfull,unthankfull,i.d.i.o.t.i.c,finished,old Lumpen who shall die in opposition and will never rule my Country, Zambia.He is so useless that he has now shown the Zambian people that he still harbours alot of hatred for the Mwanawasas and his so called reconciliation with Mwanawasa was nothing but a ploy to run away from charges of forging the late President’s signature on the letter which was published in the post purpoted to have come from Levy to the Police. I think this Man is a very desparate fool who can do everything just to go into statehouse.He is a very big danger to the society and deserves to be in the grave…

  94. If what is written about Sata over the assistance rendered to him by LPM is true ,then the man deserves to be locked up at Chainama completely in isolation because he is not only a mad person but a dager to society. Look at the accusation of sleeping with two sisters……… Mr. Kabimba seems to be having the same syptoms. May be its the closeness going by the way he was talking on radio yesterday during a debat:((:((:((


    I have seen a few PF cadres trying to defend the WORSE situation with their marriege with SATan.

    This marriage is full of FOR WORSE situations, 2001, 2006, 2008 and even 2011. when are you going to say FOR BETTER


  96. I support Sata but I’m really disappointed in his statement.He is not a good man but surely today I have changed my mind about him.I will go for HH coz he is more matured than ba sata.


    I have seen a few PF cadres trying to defend the WORSE situation with their marriage with SATan.

    This marriage is full of FOR WORSE situations, 2001, 2006, 2008 and even 2011. when are you going to say FOR BETTER


  98. # 83 Maestro Hhehhehhehhe-Good afternoon. I have always rated you among the most intelligent bloggers,but your hatred for Mr Sata is worrying me. You are deliberatly failing to see that the MMD is busy making sure that the opposition is finished by the time we hold our general elections. I dont support Sata, but my wish is that he takes advantage by marketing you HH. Mr Sata, to we locals is the most popular politician both ruling and opposition that is why all muddy activities are around him alone- in short kill Sata, HH will be problem. Am afraid Zambians dont seem to percieve this ploy. Times of Zambia is over time to do every thing to finish Sata.HH can win S/P yes. But what about the rest of Zambia? He needs Sata’s backing unless you want MMD wamuyaya.

  99. This guy doesn’t when to s.hut up!!! Geese!!!!

    And why did he allow himself to be used in a propaganda campaign if he is that smart?! Sometimes, simply saying: NO COMMENT! to some of these things shows maturity. You can’t have an answer to everything, bwana SATA!

    What is you point by saying all this anyway? The man helped save your life, irrespective of what was said or not said at the time. Learn to appreciate sometimes. There are plenty of Zambians who don’t get a second chance at life simply because they are not as politically connected as you are. They die in silence in our “prisons” masquerading as hospitals—-and you wanna complain about your short stint at Chimbokaila and Morning side Hospital in RSA?

  100. Sata is simply an embarassment to Zambia and the African continent. No civilised nation deserves to be led by such an uneducated, abusive, lying, hate filled and ill-mannered person. We need to transcend tribal loyalty and see he for the demagogue he is. He represents the very reason why Zambia has not progressed. Silly and retrogressive political gimmickry. does he think people are so foolish to believe his nonsense???????????????

  101. S.e.x.ual deviations long time ago included h.o.m.o.s.e.x.uality. But this has been revised as a s.e.x.ual alternative. However, there is a narrow thread between the practices. Chief among them are the sadomasochistic practices where pain is received or inflicted for s.e.x.ual gratification. The R C church only banned self flagellation (whipping) in the last 50 years. In a way gay and ‘celibate’ priests may be enjoying self sought persecution, where no one is actually persecuting them. Fr Miha’s statements should be psycho-analysed. Could they be in league with some editors? I wonder.

  102. Sata’s behaviour shouldn’t surprise sane Zambians, worry is to those who support him blindly and emotionally. If they are voters, it is a very great concern to our beloved country. Are we that short of quality leaders?

  103. LT please. G.A.Y. is not an insult but a proud term by which people of certain alternative behaviour call themselves so retune your sofware

  104. Am deeply saddened with this article, honestly if Mr. Sata made this statement as alleged, what on earth was he trying to achieve, and if it was just made up by the Times what the hell are they trying to do, report the truth or trash? Let the late president’s soul rest in peace please. KAYA KAYA

  105. Ala bane dejavu is working overtime, nishi, nayena namona ukutila wishi napena ka. Deja vu, just chill you have an alaternative alliance oartner in pact byu the name of HH. I suggest you direct all this blogging time to selling HH to us. Forget about Sata, he is SNITCH, CONVICT, WOMANISER, (JAMS SISTERS), (HAS NO DEGREE), and INCONSISTENT. So forget if Sata ni wiso uleposafye inshita apa, go do some contructive work waufwa boyi. Sata is a lost cause.

  106. Dear Bloggers!The most comforting thing is that you are all abroad and you will never vote! Please take time to phone or write back home and inquire about the political situation.Whether you like it or not SATA is unfortunately the most popular politician. Zambians want SATA despite his guffs period! Stay where you are and criticize as SATA sprints to State House. Infact, those of us who are field workers know that the recent negative reporting about him is actually making him more popular.Voters are simply saying MMD and RB are scared of him, its true! So you are wasting your time by insulting the man who can’t even hear you thru a blog that is not even accessed by 5 per cent of the voters.The constant attacks on SATA are also pushing HH away from the PACT presidency- Hez…

  107. So Sata would have appreciated if he were dead ?

    Mr Sata is heaping coals of fire on his own head by refusing to appreaciate help.

  108. By attacking SATA they are simply telling HH that you are not a factor so stay away and quiet-making his case for the PACT presidency tricky! I work for an NGO with projects in Luapula, Copperbelt, Northern, Eastern, Western, Northwestern, Southern, Central and Lusaka so I know what I am talking about when I say SATA is the most popular politician. That’s why I feel for those of you that are endlessly insulting him because voters themselves don’t feel it that way. And if you live in Zambia you will know that Zambians don’t read state newspapers especially Times of Zambia. I wouldn’t even be surprised to see that people haven’t even seen this story you are breaking your back on-That’s the reality just come home before you die of heart attack coz Cobra appears set for the Presidency…

  109. 129
    129 Deja Vu is going crazy- mr Sata cannot be my father and never will be. My concern mad one is that lies are mileading you. You seem to accept lies easily. Am not even working overtime, Iam just enjoying blogging because tommorow we have a holiday and am closing shop until money. Rest assured Mr. Sata can do without my vote because he has got 1million more. See you Monday mune

  110. ” Amusa Mwanamwambwa says:
    March 11, 2010 at 3:12 pmBy attacking SATA they are simply telling HH that you are not a factor so stay away and quiet-making his case for the PACT presidency tricky!”
    The Times of Zambia is not attacking Sata. What is wrong with you people? This interview took place on air and there it is recorded, so why should n’t the print media make it available for all to read? If it had been against RB, another newspaper would have printed it. We must accept that there is bigotry in our media and it is up to us as intelligent readers to analyse the stories and draw suitable conclusions. If Sata wins elections, it will not be the first time nor the last that a popular ‘strange’ man wins. Ugandans loved Idi Amin until… disaster struck!

  111. 130 I am in Zambia and your statement that “Whether you like it or not SATA is unfortunately the most popular politician. Zambians want SATA despite his guffs period!” is false. He may be popular but that does not mean he is wanted as state President. In any case he is popular for the wrong reasons and for peddling lies. Let me quote Chanda Chisala (Zambia Online) who said “Michael Sata pretends to have some super-special answers for this nation that he kept secretly to himself all the time that he worked so obsequiously under the first two presidents of Zambia; and amazingly, people believe him! He claims that he could not implement his “great” ideas back then simply because he was not the one in power. This is the first sign of the man’s great dishonesty.”

  112. No 133 The Legacy you said,”If you still support Sata, you need your head examined!” I am not a supporter of Sata but I must advise you to calm your childish excitement and respect other people’s choices. In any case, those words you have used above where once used on ANC supporters by one TERROR LEKOTA-The COPE leader-when Jacob Zuma was running for the Presidency. My question is where is Lekota today? Democracy can be unkind on the masses my dear coz it sometimes delivers a MONSTER to the people. Hitler was democratically elected, hope you know that. So respect democracy and the people’s choice. Let people choose who they want and live to regret their choice if need be.

  113. 119 Deja Vu thanks for everything but I am just for light. Remove LIGHT and all u hav left is darkness. Mr PF/Sata MC has to be exposed, kuba khazinga kwati chiwaya bamudala ba-Sata MC, so that he can defend his actions in the past and present. Apparently, your “HH can win S/P yes. But what about the rest of Zambia? He needs Sata’s backing unless you want MMD wamuyaya.” is completely wrong cos HH can win in most Zambian Provinces except for Luapula and Northern provinces. Just wait and see what will happen in the upcoming 2011 elections by God’s grace if HH continues living. HH is the man of Northwestern and Western provinces and Sata is no match there.

    Even Eastern, Lusaka and Central provinces are coming back to the mighty UPND Team. I am in Lusaka right now for ur…

  114. HH must be weeping when he reads about such you turns. The man is so inconsistent that he cant even face himself. He is indeed under pressure from the recent goings on and many issues that have been said about him

  115. #138 Amusa Mwanamwambwa….you seem to agree with me that Sata is not the right man for plot one. Wheather he wins or not, that fact remains….so whats your ka problem????

    By the way, be mature and stop using the Speaker’s name!

  116. #134 You may well be right. If the Zambian voters vote for this mad men then that is their indaba. As for some of us we will continue working in kitchens here in the diaspora as it will be better than suffering under your inconsistent mad man.

  117. 119 Deja Vu …. Even Eastern, Lusaka and Central provinces are coming back to the mighty UPND Team. I am in Lusaka right now for ur information.

    The much talked about popularity of Mr PF/Sata is only in the minds of PF cadres who do not believe that Zambia should be led by a non-Bemba. I tell you the truth, I was once driven by an MMD chairman for Kulima Tower Bus Stop and he assured me that if HH is to be Presidential Candidate, president HH can win nicely but what may hinder this is Mr PF/Sata MC and his supporters who want to get to State House and Abuse Zambian resources.

    Also, Mr Sata MC’s statement of LPM thinking he was dead tells the Nation that late President LPM was a Zambian Tax Payers’ money waster by sending Mr Sata who was dead for nothing to SA.


  118. No 137 Canoe Destroyer…What are you saying? In one breathe you say that my statement that, “Whether you like it or not SATA is unfortunately the most popular politician. Zambians want SATA despite his guffs period!” is false. But in another breathe you say and I quote: “He may be popular but that does not mean he is wanted as state President. In any case he is popular for the wrong reasons.”Politics is about numbers and popularity gives birth to those numbers. You are as inconsistent as the same SATA you are criticizing Bwana! Take time to also evaluate the 2001, 2006 and 2008 elections results and see how the same man you are insulting has been performing at each election. I argue with facts Bwana and not cheap pub talk. Respond likewise!

  119. 119 Deja Vu …. On “HH can win S/P yes. But what about the rest of Zambia? He needs Sata’s backing unless you want MMD wamuyaya“, do not worry as God, may Creator is greater than Mr PF/Sata MC.

    MMD will only lead Zambia to the time God chooses. Otherwise, they will surely be out when my God wills.

    Believe me, Mr PF/Sata MC is bad for Zambia and the earlier he gives up his Zambian President ambitions the better for our great Nation. I therefore advise all my Bemba and non-Tonga friends to sober up and consider what is best for Zambia instead of advancing tribal things that have a potential of putting Zambia on a terrible path.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto…

  120. It is amazing how gullible most of you are. This is a planted story by the government. look at the source – Times of Zambia. Look at most of the bloggers – Capitalist and a lot of new ones. This MMD at work. Unfortunately LT has been bought as well and become an extension of times of zambia and mmd. Wake up people

    Don’t forget RB has stolen from the dead and pardoned a thief. This does not change my mind. Viva PF-UNDP

  121. No 141 The Legacy! Firstly, you must be a fool to think that there is and/or shall only be one Amusa Mwanamwabwa and that’s The Speaker. And if I tell you that I am named after him coz he is my Dad’s Uncle what will you say? This explains why your arguments are so shallow!Secondly, whether SATA is the right or wrong man for Plot One its not for you alone or this blog to decide but the Zambians. The point I am making is that lets respect democracy period! We voted for FTJ en mass in 1991 but what happened after that? The chap ran a Kleptocratic regime! So if Zambians want SATA let them vote for him coz that’s what democracy is all about.@Maestro I wonder which Zambia you live in but I won’t say much coz with time I have come to learn that HH is an obsession for you TONGA fundamentalist!

  122. I agree #148 I think Maestro has been sent to confuse people – we haven’t seen him since the election so someone somewhere must be panicking

  123. Ba Deja VU lelo mwa kana ba wiso ba Sata. Even Peter denied Jesus, not once but three times. But am greatful that you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. zIndeed it is clear that all those who are Sata die hards, most of you are my tribes mate, Bemba’s who are so clouded by your tribalism that you cant see other alternatives. If you dont wnat HH, look for another Bemba, to contest pact seat, but relying on the rantings of a crazy old man, will not add any value to your cause. Sata’s relatives in the names of Amusa Mwanamwabwa, please spare us, its unbelievable that even after the nonsense he has said you can still come and justify his popularity, it only means one thing to me, you are hoping to be direct beneficiary from Sata. You are not fooling anyone at all

  124. #148 Amusa Mwanamwambwa….I think you are a fool coz you think everyone is as s*t*u*p*i*d as you are to be fooled by your Sata. If Zambians wanted Sata as you allege, how many times has he contested the presidency? You are obsessed with Sata even more than you think others are obsessed with other candidates….am above such obessions.

    Its because of people like you that Zambia cant reap benefits from its education. Instead of using your education to enlighten others on what is required of a president, you are bussy on this blog trying to tell all of us that we should accept Sata because of Democracy! Do you even know the meaning of democracy?

    If Sata is good for you, live with it! Much as I dont support MMD, am wise enough to know that Sata is not the alternative.

  125. No 146 Polygamous…If telling the truth translates into living in a cacoon then I am GUILTY. But I stand by my observations so just challenge me with the same facts I have offloaded. Life is not all about hearing what you what to hear my dear. I know most of you dread hearing the name SATA, me too! But what can I do if Zambians want him? What I don’t agree with is to have a few minds on this blog attempt to RAPE the rights and freedoms of many Zambians. Let people vote for who they want period! that is democracy and I repeat, that is democracy!

  126. The source of this stroy is Times of Zambia. Fellow country men and women do you think they can write something sensible about SATA of late? Dont jump to conclude before you hear it from himself. They just want to bring his name into disrepute and tarnish his political ambitions. Cheap politicking if not foolish by whoever writes in TZ.

  127. No 152…Just from your emotional posting I can see that you are a victim of a run away father and you think insults, hatred and corrosive anger is the way to go. Word of caution: You may take your own life if you are not careful! I gave you a very simple task on election results. Yes, Sata has been losing the elections whilst gaining ground and he is now 35,000 votes away from the Presidency-See that you are dull@151 Deja Vu I don’t waste time with people whose brains are a size of an apple. More often than not its those who think they know who don’t actually know! Democracy is about ideas bring out yours and convince me!

  128. # 151 Deja Vu is going crazy… are one of the wise Bembas I have ever heard from. You are spot on! Some of us dont mind voting for anyone from wherever but SATA? after all this, many more before and even more to come from his bag of bra bra! Please!

  129. #152 Amusa Mwanamwambwa …. in one sentence you accuse others of being bustards because of their language and in the next sentence you use the same language to prove that you too are a bustard!….fun!

    Read the post at 151 by one wise ‘Deja Vu is going crazy’….if your only hope to a better future is having sata as the president of Zambia…..wawa!

  130. sumtyms i wonda if ths man knows wat he is toking abt o he jst opens his mouth to say wateva..
    u know…now im thnking mayb he just wakes up in the moin n says”today im going to say this” (forgeting what he had said before)
    wateva he says i stil gve the late president hands-up for doing wat he did for this man….
    ungreatful as he may be…….

  131. :((:((:((Amusa working in the diaspora does not make you wise. I know you are a servant no wonder you are using such language. I am not your Bwana, reserve that title for the man you work for!!! So mind your language. Sata in Zambia has the backing of Kaponyas and you just happen to be one, the only difference is that you are abroad.

  132. #152, Its only truth, am not blind and deaf, only those with certain perculiar interests, those hoping for chekelako kuli ba Sata can sing praises on this article above. Anyway they know what they hope to gain, ifwe we belive in change which is sound, not change for the sake of, I mean we muntu tuntulu kutti waisa appa pa buleya wantampa ukwimba Sata after all we have heard. No only a person without all five senses can do that, and only tribalist, and am not one, can continue to champion a mad mans cause. They should just declare their interests chapwa, I mean why panick like amusa here and dejavu, if you have an alternative in HH. They should jsut stop they are embarassing themselves like their father of PF, so true when they say the apple doesnt fall far from the tree.

  133. #160 Deja Vu is going crazy .. :)):)):)):)) your comment “I mean we muntu tuntulu kutti waisa appa pa buleya wantampa ukwimba Sata after all we have heard” what language is this . :)):)):)) you cracked me….you have a humorus way of putting facts across!

    Anyway….let me work mune….more time next time…

  134. Amusa, is SATA a suitable president for Zambia? If the masses are all for him, will they be making a right choice? Are you also making a point Sata being the right candidate? or simply what’s your case/point?

  135. no 61 very well analysed. I believe you are an educated Zambian with independent views. thats the way to go. Wish we had more bloggers like you

  136. deja vu. you are a big liar a very big one. sata did make that interview in his hurry to dispute what mtayachalo said. sata is under immense pressure at the moment because his grip is being loosened step by step. lubinda and a number of the guys have struck a deal with HH and sata is basically fighting a losing battle. it has nothing to do with MMD. its all internal Pact fights and they are miisinforming the old man to ensure he destroys himself. the Pact will be intact but with HH as leader. so deja vu go back to your little hole and wait and see the bombshell within the next two weeks. even Post has seen the writing on the wall.

  137. amusa you are living in cuckoo land. sata has never won an election and he only surpassed UPND in the last two elections by small margins and by taking people like given and others into PF by force. he is biggest supporters are non-registered kaponya’s in lusaka, cb and northern provinces. in the rest of the country he is not that popular

  138. amusa you are living in cuckoo land. sata has never won an election and he only surpassed UPND in the last two elections by small margins and by taking people like given and others into PF by force. he is biggest supporters are non-registered voters kaponya’s in lusaka, cb and northern provinces. in the rest of the country he is not that popular

  139. i feel sorry for sata’s supporters:-? he will one day in the future when he is made president tell you that, “you never voted for him:o”
    Even worse i feel sorry for tonga chicken HH:o… i

  140. I have calculated the number of hours spend by bloggers on this topic. The subject has been posted at 08:16 and the first posting was 08:22 by 5:33 pm 168 posting has occured. These number of hours a japanese would have produced thousands of cars for sale. Shame! on us all, waiting variable for developmental ideas

  141. #170.. i can’t see sense in what you are saying, one can blog and still be productive:-? life won’t “freeze” when people are blogging, maybe you should think more as an african 😕 better still as an exposed and educated african.. then you won’t compare apples and mahuluhulu

  142. Mr sata iam disappointed with you how could you. HH should be careful with this man. He is never grateful. actually you were half dead that is why LPM thought of you going to morning side clinic to bring back the other dead half. So also your so called reconciliation was a Public relations Gimmick. mule kula apo mupelele kuti mulanda fye cayisa kumukoshi, awe bashi mwana. Its time to change.

  143. Sata, while you were laying there gasping swimming in your own pee, your own wife who is a Dr couldn’t do anything! Now you are trashing a man who saved your life? You should learn to keep quiet when you have nothing to say. Don’t forget that you are half past dead, you smoke like a chimney and your arteries are harden like twigs. Its just a matter of time baba. This time RB will watch you die. Levi was not my man but atleast he saved your miserable life. Hey you have just lost so many votes you wont recover them in this life. Levi is waiting on you on the other side. Mind you he is on a a short fuse!:-w

  144. I know this article was posted by ‘Times of Zambia’ and I doubt its authenticity. Can someone confirm who interviewed Sata on Tuesday and verify the interveiw with video ev.idence. If this statement is true then surely this is a change position from the PF leader.

  145. # 174 such profanities and animosity is uncalled for in this environment my dear friend. I think you took the all thing too personal. Cheer up.

  146. Mpangula Mputyu
    Are you saying that the French doctors performed a tracheostomy on a corpse? Ar you saying the French doctors injected intravenous fluids into a corpse?
    Becareful with conspiracy theories. Get the facts. Levy may have died in Egypt in terms of destiny, but doctors have to certify death only when the patient’s vital functions have ceased to work on their on. That happened in Paris.

  147. Good Evening

    Such a statement, whether true or false, can cause a lot of havoc and I don’t think it was wise for Mr. Sata to have uttered it. There is always a quantum of political correctness to observe for those aspiring for the highest office.

    However, we all know that this is not the first time for a politician to unleash a loose statement and neither will it be the last. As the political battle gets hotter, the tendency to err will continue to rise. We will witness even more shocking, more desperate statements than this.

    #175 Greetings Amayama, I would like to believe your analogy – I’m also looking out for an authentic footage of the interview.

  148. #174 such personal attacks on Sata seroiusly shows how you people fail to reason on political impulse of Zambia, mind you politics in Zambia are always based on character assisnation and not issues based.So these Zambian politicians just play polittics of disgracing each

  149. “Those who choose to be true to themselves will not always be true to others.”

    Christian Morgenstern, German poet (1871 – 1914)

  150. It will be senseless for Zambia to elect a damn near octogenarian as President. If this Sata AKA Former MMD National Secretary/Third Term Enforcer/Chiluba Right and Left Handman cum PF President is elected there will be mayhem. He will be a ruthless dictator by the 2nd year in his term. He will kill dissenters, and if justice ever catches up Zambians will lose coz he’ll be at the end of his life cycle, or he he will scream that he was insane whilst in office- and best believe his sanity is worth questioning- so Zambians will lose therr case again. Hopefully his smoking will catch up with him before 2011.

  151. Blame Telesphode Mpundu for Sata’s ills. He hired and santified to keep ukutomba ba Sister bakwe and now he calls that Eucharistic relationship. No doubt the option is HH.

  152. Blame Telesphode Mpundu for Sata’s ills. He hired and santified to keep uku-to-m-b-a ba Sister bakwe and now he calls that Eucharistic relationship. No doubt the option is HH.

  153. Yes the true colors of King Cobra are manifest before pact choose their leader.Whether it may have been slip of the tongue Mr Sata will never be trusted. After saying public that he reconciled with Late Mwanawasa and thanking him for evacuating him to RSA One year down the line Mr. Sata is telling us rotten words! Shame on you boss you will never impress me with your behavior. I wish your advisers can tame your mouth other wise you will finish your self before 2011. You may have another heart attack and RB will not take you to RSA. Shemuneni bane shemu!

  154. THis is the same Sata who on his return from South Africa made such a big fuss of publicly thanking Mr Mwanawasa for saving his life and also reconciled with the man during the same occasion because of his gratitude. OUr politicians are not even intellignet enough to keep their stories consistent! What a joker! MrSata can ou please begin to talk about the issues that confront us today as Zambians instead of taking us into your useless personal history which is not very appealing in any case!

  155. Brothers and sisters, I have never worked as a stooge or a decoy and thus I am here to mak my independent analysis known to all Zambians — be it straight or sheared in thinking.

    At this juncture, shall I remind you all of the nice words “The Kapwepwe group dubbed the opponents, the Ngoni-Lozi alliance as intellectuals and alleged that they were CIA agents and the Kamanga group responded by accusing the Bemb-Tonga alliance of having sold out to the communists” from the POST Newpspaper of 7th March 2010.

    This clearly indicates that Bembas and mighty Tongas have worked together in the past and can do it better in this present time contrary to the MMD’s claims.

    Do not lose heart and protect the PACT’s leadership of president HH for Zambia’s betterment.
    Matt 6:33 But…

  156. Mr Sata, i have admired your political from a one man party to the biggest opposition party in Zambia today. But i think its time for you to hire an advisor who will give you advise on what to say to the media. Top be honest i call this a political screw up. The MMD will capitalize on this, so please dont give them tools to use against you. I wont tell you what the problem is with your statement but i will tell you one thing, you have greatly fu¢%ed up with this statement. Hope you will recover from the damage caused.

  157. 192# Kaponya!! you make me laugh as I read your comment. Your last sentence” you have greatly fu¢%ed up with this statement”. where did you find this vocabulary. I know you are mad with King Cobra.Baitila ubwalwa ba mudala!

  158. #191 Maestro Hhehhehhehhe, greetings brother I thought you were back in Zambia. Are you still studying or you are now working?

  159. OMG, really? Ba Sata, like really, thats what you have to say now? Awe kwena bakalamba as much as i have admired your political drive, kwena i think its time to pass on your work to someone in your party before everyone is affected by your comments. I think you have outlived your usefulness. Katusheni yama

  160. 196# Yes fully depreciated let young Lubinda or Kabimba not Guyscot musungu to take over.Bola ya pwa kuli sunkulu MCS!


  162. Where is Zambia heading to with such cheap political minds? We should not belittle others. Great leaders never do such things. It’s a pity Chipimo Elias did not join arms with HH. You guys would have probably grabbed presidency because you are both young and hence think differently but your selfishness will cost you the presidential votes.

  163. # 20! MR CAPITALIST,VERY GOOD.You have not insulted Sata or used abusive Language BUT coting hes exact words from the media.UKUSHININA UMUNTU KEEP IT UP.

  164. Dear bloggers, I am confused Sata talks about being jailed and the title of this article is about Sate being evacuated to SA …
    …..He claimed that even Dr Mwanawasa himself confirmed to him that he was told that the PF leader was actually already died. “What I am saying is the truth. There is nothing I can lie against the dead. How many times did Dr Mwanawasa send me to jail?” he said,

    [Times of Zambia]

    LT can we have the original interview before I can say that I find the title misleading….
    Who is this NESAWU Secretary General?

  165. Maureen is a great woman who saw thru this very untrustwothry old man to chase him from following the body during the funeral.He even booked a plane to escort the body of the late surely lelo mwkana because you want to be voted for????? Bashikulu bantu mukakula lisa??? One minute you give us false hope that may be ypu might be the chosen one but akabulwele comes when we least expect it. HH use it ! its usually malfunctional under pressure or challenged.

  166. Always when a nation and Government of high intellectual attainments undertakes to superintend the politics of a nation against the comparatively ignorant opponents, the smart rulers are absolutely to prescribe the course which is to be taken by the opponents. It is not necessary however to say anything on this subject. For it is proved by unanswerable evidence, that we are not at present seeing the relevance of the useless opponents. It would be bad enough to consult their failed intellectual taste at the expense of their intellectual health. But we are consulting neither. We are withholding from them the learning which is palatable to them. We are forcing on them the mock learning which they nauseate.

  167. ok enough said! i want to have the last word on this. this sata saga is not surprisng because it fits snuggly in the anticipated course of events, if people just care to take time to scrutinize you will find that there are always tail tale ( spelling ) signs to a destination. nothing happens suddenly or without preceding signs. an example is somebody reporting to you that somebody has suddenly stopped breathing and died. can’t be true, there must have been one or two signs which if observed carelly would have led to a conclusion that an eventuality like death is around the corner and posible corrective action taken. now i just need people to try and focus, though theoretically on possible implications of sata’s recent utterance if it was a presidential one and concerning a foreign…

  168. country. we would be having a diplomatic storm and possibly war. so if people decide to disregard this warninfg signs? not much you can do and i do not want people coming out to coplain because that was their conscious choice. out!!

  169. I have always known that PF cadres here in blogs and in street corners, support Sata on two benchmarks of illusions: Self denial characterized with protruding ignorance and faceless tribalism without self worth and patriotism.I have never foreseen Sata under the watch of a vigilant patriotic citizens being risked with in plot one when his life has been that of irrationality, internal instability and moral failure.His callous opportunism carries no political veneration of national value.. Other than being a factionist tribal warlord, Sata not on the watch of noble Zambians through democratically administered ECZ elections will ever ascend to the executive office of the Zambian Presidency.I wish him best of luck in their agenda with the brother in-law Telesphod Mpundu and Steven Bwalya.

  170. Dear Village Concept, greetings. I am very much in Zambia doing tamanga — in short I am in the informal sector since I am to advanced academically to be employed permanently somewhere in Zambia as of now.

    Otherwise, I am around to give expert advice to all political parties in Zambia for the development of our great nation.

    Enjoy and take care.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.



  172. H.MWILA,

    Tata mulibalwele to believe that Sata has a four year College degree from an accredited institution in any discipline on earth. degree in what and for what credit hours? You are the people that have kept ukumwipaya Sata with such fantasy.You just want him to be deceived that an organized Matero University degree is admissible and exempted from perjury.When he is arrested, you will be the first ones running away from him.The man is morally, spiritually and mentally tired, leave him alone.

  173. SATA FOR PRESIDENT. TOO BAD FOR YOU GUYS WHO CANT GET IT. You can even see how popular he is even on LT with 212 posting .

  174. It is time this man attuned himself to proper advisors – even Obama needed them in times of that reverend who nearly destroyed his ascent to white house.

  175. Here is another Mugabe in the making and I am surprised that he still has people following him in his sleep walk. Is Zambia void of presidential material, surely??? Why Sata? How ungrateful!!
    Okay, “in every man there is a King and a fool” as the saying goes but this case seems to have a strong propensity towards the latter than the former.

    By the way, some presidents shop for shoes once in power, others spend time in the air with grand Children and the rest of the clan – Mfuwe etc. It looks like the next one may need teeth whitening otherwise the international community will think every Zedian chews tobacco so having stained teeth is customary. No it is not! Go and spit your Cobra venom somewhere else.

  176. I just liked “And featuring on Joy FM’s platform programme yesterday, Sata said he was very ashamed to have served in Chiluba’s government because it had nothing to show to the people in terms of development” in today’s POST but the question that begs and answer is why did Mr Sata MC/ PF fail to resign on principleen he noted that Mr Chiluba FTJ’s Administration was not helping develop Zambia?

    Have a nice day all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His ighteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  177. my question i keep on asking educated zambians is why do they vote for a fool like Sata.Please save Zambia this is not football where you change goal posts please twapapata.This man sata is sick .Just imagine how Dr Kaseba rang Dr Miti the former PS Ministry of Health about his failing condition.Dr Miti tried his best to recommend to be flown to SA and the late president did that.Sputi *****. we mbwa.keep queit.


    MMD elections chairperson MIKE MULONGOTI has warned Patriotic Front Leader Michael Sata that the Government will reinstate the criminal cases against him that were withdrawn from the courts during Levy Mwanawasa Government.

    Reacting to Mr. Sata statement that his evacuation to South Africa by the Government when he suffered a heart attack was a political gimmick, Mr. Mulongoti says that Mr. SATA should be grateful to the late President for withdrawing the criminal cases he was facing.

    Mulongoti charged that the removing of the cases from the court by the late president was an act of public relations.

    He also said that though Levy Mwanawasa is late it is the obligation of those who are still to guard his dignity.


    The MMD in Lusaka province has described Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata is a man who cannot stand by his words.

    Lusaka province MMD Chairman William Banda told Q fm in an interview in Lusaka that Mr. Sata is full of contradicting himself in whatever he says.

    He was reacting to Mr. Sata’s statement in yesterday%u2019s Times of Zambia where he is quoted to have said that the decision by late president Levy Mwanawasa to evacuate him to South Africa for treatment when he suffered a heart attack was a Public Relations gimmick.

    Mr. Banda said it is Mr. Sata who at one time praised the late president for the gesture but has now changed his statement.

    He said Mr. Sata is a man who cannot appreciate any good thing another person does for…

  180. He said Mr. Sata is a man who cannot appreciate any good thing another person does for him.

    He likened Mr. Sata to a small boy who does not know what he talks about.

    Mr Banda said Public Relations cannot be carried out on saving somebody’s life.

  181. It is becoming clear now the ‘ popular’ Mr Sata has no capacity to be a head of state. The over 200 bloggers seems to see something wrong in this man’s mind. It’s time people started talking of alternatives.

  182. nr 13 What kind of impotent FOOL are you? The Times is simply reporting what Sata said on a radio station programme. Have you heard SataN deny it? I doubt that you ever worked for the Times, how could ignorant scam like you ever work for anyone, or indeed fit in any civilised organisation?

  183. No: 13. You are a disgrace. Your level of thinking is exactly the same as that one of Sata. This is big lesson to you the blind followers of this man. Lacking principles in life is dangerous. This man does not have any principles that is why he vomits anything. If he can fail to appreciate the actions of a person who saved his life, how can he appreciate the votes ofpoor blind followers who are compaigning to put him in power. Zambia wake up you pipo.

  184. Satanists are like that. You visit them in icu at hospital or help them to heal, your are the one to die instead. Sata has the same sprit of not appreciating. He just mentioned in post that he regrets having served in Chiluba’s government because even heaven knows that Chiluba is a thief. The same Chiluba that he defended the third term for. In mid eighties he sent Ma Youths to arrest any person selling during the pooling hours for general elections to vote Kaunda against the Frog just to gain favours from Kaunda. In nineties during the MMD rally he quit UNIP to accept MMD membership and declared that he was realesed from the cage. Mr. Sata, the message is clear. You know deep in your heart that you are fooling the poor masses to think you are the saviour. God has exposed your…

  185. Sata is more covered by the press in zambia than the president.he must be something.mwanawasa failed to send chiluba to jail and no zambian is talking about it.there is a possibility of mwanawasa doing a P.R.Levy was not a saint afterall.sata is entitled to his opinion over what levy did.and like we have said before ,it was not a favor .sata has a public figure and president of an opposition party ,and has a zambian ,he is entitled to proper heath care as it were.chiluba was constantly flown to SA and yet loook at what he said about mwanawasa and who said one.what hypocricy

  186. Ichibemba chitila UMUKULU TAPUSA AKEBO as per K.K’s advice to Zambians please take note once again, he said “Sata is not a Presidential Material”.You have seen for your self,vote for him at your own peril. [-x

  187. No: 231. Fumbi, i like yo maturity and the way you approach issues. However, any one has entitlement to opinions, but when an opinion is made public to compromise moral values and traditions, particularly Not appreciating the persons who serves your life, it becomes foolishness of the highest order.
    No. 191. Don”t preach tribalism here. If Sata is to be a leader don’t Bembalise him, but nationalise him as a leader for all tribes. If HH is to be leader dont Tongalise him, nationalise him to be accetable in all provinces. The problems with Zed is high class tribalism. When are you pipo going to learn and grow? We are talking about Sata here and NOT Bemba Tonga doing it better.

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