By Chanda Mwenya
‘Do not doze in public, lest you fart’, so goes one Zambian saying. After seeing the picture of Hon Rev. Lt Gen. Ronnie Shikapwasha dozing in parliament, I was not worried for the Gen doing anything of that sort in his slumber. I was furious because he was sleeping on duty while time was ticking towards his allowance and his gratuity from the hard-earned tax payers’ money. What was even more annoying is that the sleeping honourable is a full cabinet minister whose ministry is blemished with questionable media reforms.
Well, apart from security guards, many workers have been fired for sleeping on duty. About Hon Gen Shikapwasha there could not be better evidence than that picture to call for the govt to relinquish him of his duties for sleeping while parliament was in full session.[quote]
How much issues of national importance did he miss in his sleep? Could parliament or the nation have been surprised if the honourable suddenly woke up from his slumber only to propose that ZNBC be sold or that he was standing for presidency in 2011?
I presume we know that our conscious go into some kind of hibernation in our sleep, so much that we don’t not have full control of our senses-Thank God the honourable doesn’t mumble in his sleep, otherwise parliament would have heard some senseless mumbling.
Nonetheless, the image of the sleeping General can only help us to understand why development does not come to same of our constituencies; we can not expect a sleeping soldier to win war for us.
Perhaps we need more adjustment to the structure of our parliament than kicking out sleeping members. The question we may need to ask is; what disciplinary action has been taken by the Speaker of the House following the General’s snoozing feat.
As we vote in the forth coming by-elections and get closer to tripartite general elections, lets us evaluate and elect people who will be able to effectively represent us. Parliament is the highest platform for policy formulation and should be no place for people with bad sleeping habits.
Perhaps being an ordained man of God, the sleeping General was not dozing but meditating about the suffering of the people of Zambia especially the homeless flood victims in Lusaka.
Good saying, abash sleeping ministers. Ku nambala wanu
That picture is DEFINITELY not from parliament. Someone is NOT telling us the truth. The background ‘looks’ more like those of State House. That said, it does not absorb the minister from charges of ‘sleeping on duty.’
wait a minute.did he sleep in parliament as well as at state house.this is serious lol|-)|-)|-)
Sorry to expose my ignorance here but …..is he a Reverend (clergy of a religion) and also a Lieutenant General (of the military/police) at the same time? Anyway, whatever your point is Mr/Ms Chanda Mwenya, the man serves us better doing what he is doing as shown on the photo than when he is awake. Let alone when he opens his filthy mouth. God bless Zambia :)>-
The sleeping General ..=))=))=))=))=))=))
sleeping is part of these not fit for purpose minister’s job description.The same used to happen when George Kunda represented Zambia at somany important fora.Its the work of the enemy
I worked for the mines close to 2 years, sleeping on duty is an offence which can and if found wanting the miner can be suspended for 7days.
Now may point is the same ministers who make these laws are not punished, may i see whom ever has sleept in the house get punished
I can’t begin to imagine what sort of a whirlwind/tonado would be created if the massive general farted!!
Working in a mine is slightly different to being in a meeting. How many of us can honestly say that we have not dozed off a bit in a meeting? Sometimes we just want to make noise for the sake of it.
The picture is not from Parliament, but the fact is it at an official gathering where the minster dozd off.
He is definatly better off sleeping than awake=))
Perhaps the Rev.was in prayers!
sleeping minister!:d:d
I think ba General balitampa ukulashya ka Minister closer to him and after kabakana because of :-@:-@:-@, All what was left for him is to sleep.Cant u se the lady is not even conserned? o->o->o->.He is one of the most useless General Zambia has ever produced.It is good we have never had a war, imagine the General sleeping at the battle front? and when he weeks up, its :-@:-@:-@:-@ awe twakana,
[-([-([-([-(.Muna **==**==**==
How about RB sleeping in church when the word of God was being preached! haha Zambian policitians always doozing what do they do at night? Ubwanga,
At my sons nursery school they have nap time…..maybe we can introduce it ku parliament.
But ba general still more ta ba kwata strategy, why didn’t he just wear dark shades olo tape his eyelids open
Is that the new parliament, outside state house or munda wanga for all we know? Anyway, wake up Mr. General, dont eat too much pap if you know you’re gonna be sitting in pulbic.
#14 you are crazy. You have really cracked me up lol
Let sleeping dogs lie…. after all he is assured of his job and all that comes with it!
#8 Bra P, Very well observed, in fact it could even trigger a tsunami.
#4 He is a man of God and a former General in the airforce…but now i chose to remember him for dozing.
What do you expect from the party and its goverment? If you want the same things to happen next year, make the mistake of votting in these people (MMD) or “Man Made Disastors”
the case of parliament was a different one. it even triggered a point of order from one of MPs. This is just sleeping sickness haunting this man.
I think after he says lots of nonsese he loses strenght so he has to nap.
I’m sure he had just said something hopeless here so he had to nap to regain composure in readiness for another bout of mouth polomya (Diarrheoa)
A General without fight any war!
all zambians are in slumber, letting your country go to waste shame:(:(
‘Let sleeping rabid dogs lie’ goes one saying.
I pity Namugala sitting next to this General Shika at that particular time … anything could have happened=))=)):-$:-$:-$:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?8-|8-|8-|**==
Thats not sleeping on duty that is someone bored to death by a boring speech.
#28, i think Namugala was even lucky that the dozy general didnt lean towards her as he slept cause he could have ended up crashing the little woman :((
They only wake up when they hear Micheal Sata’s voice
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#32 you are bull S.H.I.T. chanda mwenya did a good thing and well presented topic. whatever sins he is committing is not the issue now. we need to know what these guys do for the gratuity they get for themselves. so please give us a break and discuss the subject at hand. finally F.U.C.K you for putting such comments about a writer.
Ba LT cau you plse edit or better still delete #32 s comments!
Good Evening
I agree with some bloggers – that looks more like a casual public gathering than a parliament session. Anyhow, it would still be interesting to hear what the General has to say in defence of his trick #216: The Trojan Nap. An act of exigency, Reverand General? or is it General Reverand? Never mind…:-j
#35 Nine Chale, Bruder, this guys sleeps at every possible session, inside or outside Parliament. Not so long ago he was cautioned by the Deputy Speaker of National Assembly.
I suppose the country is safer with this guy asleep:-j=))
minister looks like he is in a coma rather than sleep call 911