Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Father Bwalya arrested


Father Frank Bwalya (L) listening to proceedings during Bishop Mpundu's press briefing in Lusaka

POLICE in Kitwe yesterday arrested Change Life Zambia executive director Frank Bwalya for conduct likely to cause breach of peace.

Copperbelt police commanding officer Antonneil Mutentwa confirmed the arrest of Father Bwalya, who is former Radio Icengelo station manager.

“I can confirm that we have arrested Fr Bwalya for conduct likely to cause breach of peace and we have since taken him to Kamfinsa State prison.

“He was distributing red cards to youths who took part in today’s (yesterday) Youth Day celebrations at Kaunda Square in Kitwe,” Mr Mutentwa said.

Mr Mutentwa warned of stern action against people who want to destabilise the peace that the country enjoys.

“We shall not sit idly and watch some Zambians destabilising the peace that our country is enjoying. We are ready for any trouble-makers and we will deal with them accordingly,” he said.

Mr Mutentwa said Fr Bwalya will appear in court on Monday.

And Kitwe district commissioner Macdonald Mtine took a swipe at the opposition Patriotic Front (PF) youths who wanted to disrupt Youth Day celebrations.
Mr Mtine rebuked the youths, who were carrying a boat, which is the PF political symbol.

“I saw someone with a red card, and some youths almost disrupted the peaceful event. We must put our political differences aside when we are celebrating important events like this one,” Mr Mtine said.

[Zambia Daily mail]


  1. Someone educate me on this. What are these red cards and how is distributing a red card going to cause breach of peace?

    How do these red cards work? How do they affect a person?

    I think I have been away for too long.

  2. NUMBER 3:
    It is a symbolic way of showing that we have literaly RED-CARDed the current government; a quick way of pass a vote of no confidence in a peaceful manner.

  3. Police state? Any one? 😕

    Kamfinsa state prison for distributing a red card? Next people will be sent in for breathing!:d

    Someone help please. Red card:d

    Got to laugh at these Africans:d

  4. Number 3 I’m also wondering the same.Do you need a permit to distribute fliers even of a political nature.I think the government is paranoid now, this Father is even gaining political clout when in my books he isn’t even a political threat.

    Please concentrate on arresting the real criminals rapists,armed robbers etc.

    Ba commanding officer, there are KCM fixtures this weekend,why not send some officers to arrest any referees who dish out red cards !


  6. Kamfinsa nafuchi! how about arresting the corrupt cops who bought the Presidential escort ehicles when they had no authority to do so. But pa Zambia fye paliba ubukabolala even the IG of Police is Corrupt surely.

  7. #5, father Bwalya is the guy on the left. And i think what this father without children must be doing is to find a wife and become a real father instead if coloring paper with red ink.

  8. What a waste of tax payers money and resources. Look at this people. They obviously used more than one police man to arrest ba Father, used more than one car to ferry him to Kamfinsa. In the mean time if one called to report a break in, they are told there is no transport.

    I cant believe this commanding officer even had the balls to say breach of peace.Was he forcing people to get the cards?

  9. You can cage the bird, but you certainly cannot stop it from singing. Tuli palwendo bonse abena FFB.

  10. #12 Politics aside. What`s wrong with colouring paper in red ink and giving it out to people? I thought if I was not interested I would only walk away from him and not get the card at all.

    Breach of peace? Only goes to show we are still in the Monkey age. One would have thought Zambians should have moved on to a level of tolerance! I honestly can`t see any breach of peace here.

    All I can see here is manipulation of the police by the ruling party. Do you see why I call for Africans to cut the powers of their presidents? This sod Mutentwa is only trying to impress his boss here. Surely that`s not a case to send a person to Kamfinsa for! Where are human rights?

  11. #14. Boma ni Boma mentality right?:d

    Where you are, would you be sent in for what this Father did? Surely there is something wrong with Africa. Unbelievable!:o

  12. When issuing those red cards,he should also tell us who he compaigning for? Has he declared his presidential ambitions? If he is calling for change,who is his substitute for the current administration?If his red card are only in the hands of PF cadres,then the writing is on the wall.

  13. #16, only people with nothing to do will be coloring paper with red ink. He can give thousands and thousands of red cards to people and it will not change anything. And you don’t give red card to everyone, you directly give it to someone playing rough and in this case he must have taken the cards to RB. This is a waste of time, the government will still be in power. Let this man get a wife and he will calm down.

  14. Zambia the beautiful country we are determined to destroy using the Police! Let us just flash green cards to counter Fr Bwalya and his group if we have money to waste!

  15. The changing role of Catholic Church, State

    IF the Catholic Church does not control some of its foreign Zambian based priests,and indeed fanatical tribal inspired thuggery Priests like Frank Bwalya of the Die Zambia, Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu, father Mwewa and Simon Kabanda, it will become more likely that the power of the embattled Church – to control events in Zambia will become even more diminished.Looking at the bigger picture, the Catholic Church in Zambia and the world over has its serious troubles.

  16. But the Church also has much unique economic, cultural and historical strength-if the Vatican and its local leadership in Zambia can keep its eye on the ball.Already, the country is experiencing what some commentators call “the rise of the rest.”

  17. The growth of non Catholic Church organizations in Zambia has taken on full speed just like those in other African countries with links to America, China, India, Brazil,Russia the Middle East and smaller actors, where they are all creating a world where these other, originally considered,small Church organisations are moving up to the Catholic Church’s level of economic clout and self-assertion.

  18. I can`t believe the level of reasoning on here.:o

    Yes he doesn`t have anything to do alright but where is breach of peace here?

    The trouble with Africans is we don`t want to see the broader picture of certain things going on in Africa as long as at the time it suits us. These are simple rights we are talking about. Seriously politics in Africa can make even the so called learned blind or become foo-lish altogether.

    If he is wasting his time why not just laugh it off? Unbelievable really!


  19. Apart from the numerous fornication and marriage interference accusations and court appearances of the various Catholic priests on the Copperbelt and other parts of the country, the recent defrocking of one of Zambia’s most famous and once very influential Catholic Archbishop Milingo is perhaps the biggest crack in the local Church’s leadership void.

  20. And the massive, more than US$ 600 million, compensation payments to defiled young boys by Catholic priests in the USA and the recently revealed child molestations in Ireland that resulted in the resignation of several high -level long- serving senior Catholic clergy is another big blow in the Church’s spiritual leadership problems.

  21. Of course no other one Church can challenge the Catholic Church at every level.But many churches can, and do, challenge the Catholics at one level or another.A key development is that the very role of the Catholic Church in Zambia and the world at large is becoming less defined.

  22. Even non-Church clergy, by this I mean the ordinary members of the Church, in Zambia are also wielding more and more clout in the name of the Church.Examples include the Catholic priests’ massive anti- Government outbursts and the open support to an opposition political party whose leader is Catholic. On the more benign side, there are non-government organisations (NGOs) such as those that are driving much of the world environmental movement.Indeed, near to 25,000 NGO representatives were registered at the recent Copenhagen climate summit talks.

  23. And there are many within the Church that are driving the right to abortion and stem cell research against the Catholic Church’s own teachings.These are just some of the many big challenges the Catholic Church needs to address truthfully.Many Catholics in Zambia have moved on to other faiths, especially Pentecostal or born again, as they are called citing the lack of spiritual fulfilment in the Church, and some also argue that the influence of the Catholic Church is not only waning on many of the most critical issues of our time in the country, but also have become very confusing.And others say the Sunday Gospel teachings have become more of political rallies than spiritual healing.

  24. They further argue that the traditional systems for addressing national and global issues among the Catholic Church are more ineffective now than ever especially in this rapidly changing technological age.Thus there’s an emerging innovative spiritual teaching power void.This power void is being filled by a small group of players within the Church who are not ordained priests, which are referred to as “the superclass” – Or Charismatic’s-a new elite who claim to be much better suited to operating as Super Christians and also claim to influence national outcomes than the vast majority of political leaders.It makes for a two-edged sword.

  25. Some of these new elite who are ordinary Church members are from business and finance, and are subject to traditional forms of influence and suasion, not to mention the rule of law.Some, “are masters of new or traditional media preaching, some are religious leaders themselves who traverse the country on crusades preaching “Jesus Loves You” messages that are more appealing to the down trodden and poor, and globally, a few are top officials of governments that do have the ability to project their influence on nations.

  26. Others of the superclass are members of “a kind of shadow elite – criminals and terrorists.”Locally these have been seen to post distasteful columns and comments usually on politics and openly citing individual political leaders in the ruling party in newspapers and their magazines – all this they do – in God’s name.In both leadership and accountability, there’s quite a difference between what we’re dealing with in the Catholic Church in the developing world versus the developed world.The Catholic Church in the developed world much of which is literate is having an increasingly hard time fulfilling the expectations of their flock.

  27. Thus more and more, and on the international scale the Church is undergoing an almost lawless evolution to the extent most Catholic churches, in previously strong Catholic countries, are empty unlike the increasing numbers found in Pentecostal or fundamentalist churches in the same countries.In the developing world, we see examples of some of the Church’s priests involvement in the Rwanda genocide that has resulted in the continued destabilisation of the entire eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, where small fiefdoms and powerful warlords rule much of the day.

  28. In this instance, however, the Vatican was prompted to condemn the priests’ actions and called on those who were involved to be punished as the law demands.But despite this Vatican warning we still see it in the broken system of governance in predominantly Christian/Catholic regions of Angola and the recent shooting of the Togolese team is a good example, we saw it in the Liberian and Sierra Leone wars, also in Nigeria, and Madagascar where armed rebels are wreaking havoc for diamonds, gold, oil production and lumber.

  29. Or coming home, we have to wonder how things will play out in the 2011 elections with some Catholic priests’ open disrespect and continued involvement in the day to day hate politics in the nation under the pretext of talking on behalf of the poor.We seem to see a situation where the church is associated with lawlessness.They helped fuel despondency with the UNIP government with their persistent Pastoral letters, yet today the same priests say Kenneth Kaunda was a God- fearing man.

  30. They helped quell the third term debate but they kept quiet when the New Deal Government with the help of the superclass a kind of elite members of the Church practised blatant nepotism and the abrogation of the National Constitution in trying to jail Chiluba and many members of his administration.Some priests even helped preach for the unconstitutional removal of the DPP.This crisis of instability and lack of control within the Church is compounded by the absence of a national or a global strategy to combat the asymmetric threats that the Catholic Church themselves face.It’s going to make for many more interesting developments – and opportunities for non catholic Christian churches – as we turn the page on the calendar and enter the new decade.

  31. Yashani! basiyeni fye babusa, just find something to counter the red cards, MMD why cant you use white cards pakwebati bekamifunyapo. ama POLITICS ni game fye, teleni bola panshi. :((/:)/:)

  32. People read the post and see what happened in Lusaka it’s not Him who wanted to give a red card to AlaaBee they actully clashed in Lusaka infront of the President imagine, the red card was shown to him:-w:-w:-w


  34. This Excert, is he not the chap at the Zambian Embassy in DC?

  35. #20, no, it is not Zambia that has gone to the dogs, it is the dogs that have gone to Zambia!

  36. Kambeba………. you really dont seem to understand what Breach of peace is…….This man’s act was going to lead into turmoil in that those against the RED CARD issue would act in a manner aimed at protecting their Part’s interest at all cost.

    Be reminded that the 1992 Rwanda Genocide was originaly fuelled by the Catholic Church, records are their to prove.

    I’m not supporting the MMD Goverment but for the sake of peace their are better chanells to remove a governement from power that is through elctions. 2011 is just arround the corner why cant Fr. Bwalya wait until then.

  37. Kayz you are the one who has been posting all the rubbish above.

    …….This man’s act was going to lead into turmoil in that those against the RED CARD issue would act in a manner aimed at protecting their Part’s interest at all cost.

    Look at my posts above and you will see that I have already answered your simple concern. Time you became mature I think. If you can be on here, then I expect you to be in the forefront fighting for human rights.

    In other words you belong to the past Mr Capitalist.

  38. Kayz until you free yourself from this monkey mentality, Africa will always be like the way it is now.

    Politics aside, these are just simple rights one is born with. Go out and give a black card if you want.

    From your pathetic excuse, the police assumed, that`s why they sent him to Kamfinsa?

  39. We all have different vocations and the bottomline is that we are all sinners! In Zambia we waste so much time talking or should I say living in the past.If Fr Bwalya has broken law let the courts clear him but what is sad is the tendency to use the Police to fix people!

  40. Politics and the state police in Zambia is like the Iran, China, North Korea and Our neighbour Zim. The abuse of the state police, OP and other govt machinery to silence and intimidate the citizenry will not solve what the people are unhappy about with the govt affairs. It is the responsibility of the govt to listen to those constructive criticisms and take actions to counter attack those criticisms at the highest level.
    #33-39 Excerpt Aka Senior Citizen, the Catholic Church will always speak out on social, economic, political matters if these areas in our society are affecting the voiceless, oppressed and the poorest in our society because the Church has a role to play in sharping the lives of the people whether Catholic or none Catholics. Churches emerging are concerned with money than

  41. Fr Bwalya is the only youth in Zambia that has the courage to stand up against the MMD and its draconian system of governance.The rest of you are just ba ngwele, like Cosmo,Lifwekelo,Kelvin Sampa, siulapwa and so many daft chaps.Zambia is the way it is because its youth think like old people,their minds asre stuck in the colonial and UNIP era. It took the youth in South Africa to bring down the ruthless apartheid regime starting with Steve Biko who led the SOWETO Uprising not Nelson Mandela or Zuma.Zambian youth are just as corrupt as the same government of Nyama Soya that provides them with nothing.At University, Zambians are reading books reprinted in the 1960s and quoting ancient theories.You chaps are stuck in the past.Wake up and smell the coffee!!

  42. This smacks of the same intimidation tactics they instituted against the Post Reporter that he was distributing porno, a matter that was thrown out by the courts and embarassed the nation. Now here they go again, just how the hell does waiving a red card amount to “conduct likely to cause breach of peace?”

  43. Pafwenamwine,

    Your tribalism and nonsence talk of things you don’t seem to understand will help you chaps Frank Bwalya, Sata,his in-law Telephore Mpundu, Augustine Mwewa and Simon Kabanda. This country is bigger than your tribal war to nowhere.Daily in vainity :-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@

  44. Contd: helping the people who are abolutely living in poverty going to these churches. Why I say so, these are the same people they want to contribute money to expand these churches. Why do we have so many emerging churches in Zambia? People find inner peace and some comfort when they attend these churches though their sufferings is seen as God wish when it is not true. God is God of love and care. We have leaders whom God had chosen before they were born, When we elected them the promised to serve and govern in Godly way but the power of money, authority, selfishness and greedness to enrich themselves take the highest priority. If our leaders can ask God to bless them with Wisdom and Knowledge to know who to lead and govern his people it would have been serving the people thru Christ .

  45. # 53 Chapi, you are a very good example of the docile youth that support draconian ideals and dids of the current Zambian government.The Zambian State police is the main abuser of people’s rights. What the fack is wrong with showing the MMD a red card?

  46. The mmd is aggrivating the political tension in the country. The world is watching you. There are more important issues to address in our poor rich country than locking up fatther Bwalya in prison.This is panicking on the part of the ruling mmd.It’s a shame to the outside world to punish people for critising the mmd. The best mmd can do is to deliver on it’s compaign promises and not public intimidation.The unip era of intolerance is back.It’s not only father Bwalya who is fed up with mmd its the whole nation who want change.Don’t even be cheated that it’s father alone it’s the whole nation are saying enough is enough. Shame ba mmd. Your are wrongly using our men and women in uniform on petty issues they, deserve better from mmd than this cheap politics.

  47. Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu: What a man of God!

    ON February 27, 2010, Father Frank Bwalya convened a Conference in Buchi Hall, Kitwe, dubbed the ‘Save Zambia Campaign’ with the sole purpose of kick-starting a formal and nation-wide campaign against the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) and its President Rupiah Banda.Bwalya, who was recently dismissed from Radio Icengelo for his inflammatory and hostile campaigns against Government and its leaders, proceeded to register a civic organisation known as Change Zambia Limited.

  48. Two other organisations, Transparency International (TIZ) and the recently deregistered, Southern Africa Centre for Constructive of Resolutions and Disputes (SACCORD), formed part of the initial partner organisations.

    The bulk of traditional non-governmental organisations (NGOs) shied away fearing a repeat of last year’s failed campaign where unknown motives from known string-puppeteers drove the agenda. The campaign collapsed over disputes of money and member organisations realising that outsiders were pushing a hidden agenda.

  49. Frank Bwalya, who is not a stranger to controversy proceeded to make declarations that the grouping would embark on a Red Card Campaign (RCC) against President Rupiah Banda and the MMD.The campaign is designed to oust the MMD from power by rallying citizens against it. The committee adopted what might be deemed as old and tired methods of honking, wearing of red arm and head bands, and whistling.The organisations hope that when the campaign gathers momentum, they will hold mass public rallies and demonstrations until President Rupiah Banda is “red-carded out of power!’’.

  50. Clearly these activities are outside the ambit and realms of any NGO. Other than appearing illegal from the outset, the campaign could be justified if it was commenced by political parties whose legitimate role is to contest for power in an electoral process.

    The questions to be asked are; Why is Father Bwalya keen to push the MMD out of power? What and Who do they want to replace the MMD with?

  51. Enter Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu

    It was therefore strange that at his press conference held on March 3, 2010 at Kapingila House, Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu crafted remarks that praised the heroic work of Father Bwalya, Father Mwewa, Father Drevensek Miha, and Bishop Duffy, the very priests that are a subject of numerous complaints for their unguarded and furious comments against Government and its leaders.
    Are these priests conducting themselves in this careless manner, doing it with tacit approval of Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu?

  52. #54 Chapi do you really live in the shadow of tribalism or stone age politics? I’m not supporting the people you are mentioning because I do not belong to any political party in Zambia. Your hallucinations and paranoid ideation need more medical attention but since you are in USA it maybe difficult to have access to such if you don’t have Med insurance. Read line by line and answer in a sober way. Maybe you are afraid that the change of govt means your stay in USA is will come to an end in you are working at the Embassy. Calm down my br and think positive.

  53. Archbishop Mpundu was quick to embrace the ideals and utterances of these priests extolling their courage and bravery and praising their remarks as those that protect the ‘poor’.

    Therefore a Press conference billed to answer and respond to former president, Frederick Chiluba perceived attacks on the Churc,h on Catholic Marriage, Holy Eucharist and the relationship and the children sired by Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata with Archbishop Mpundu’s sister, quickly degenerated into severe derogatory and demeaning attacks against former Dr Chiluba, late president Levy Mwanawasa, the Anglican Church, Information and Broadcasting Minister Ronnie Shikapwasha, Protestants and Evangelical churches and Government.

  54. His remarks exposed Archbishop Mpundu’s personal disdain for Dr Chiluba who he termed without bothering to produce evidence, foundation or justification as a ‘’sworn political adversary of the Catholic Church’’!

    Archbishop Mpundu’s address was characterised by constant demeaning references to his “ enemies” and “enemies of the Church.”

  55. His defence of the credibility of the Church

    Archbishop Mpundu chose to defend the sinful conduct of Mr Sata who enjoys an unknown relationship with his sister Petronella Mpundu. He ignored to discuss the circumstances under which Mr Sata sired his two nephews but unwittingly chose to defend the rights and place of single parents in this age.

    Mr Sata, who is smarting from a divorce from his “first” wife, Margaret Sata and married Catherine Kaseba at Pamodzi Hotel on new year’s eve of December 31, 1994, takes Holy Communion.

  56. The Church’s strict teachings on marriage forbids divorces except under exceptional circumstances. Under its teachings, marriage is indissoluble if it is contracted freely and under the Church rules and regulations.
    However, in the circumstances of Mr Sata, the Church seems to have thrown away its strict teachings on the Holy Eucharist and its administration.
    Following Dr Chiluba’s revelation of this “marriage” which relationship Archbishop Mpundu deems to be more than 20 years old, it has emerged that in fact, there is another person involved in this story, whose identity will soon emerge.

  57. It was expected that Archbishop Mpundu would tackle this matter of Petronella.
    But he neglected to elaborate how Mr Sata is allowed to partake in the Holy Communion under these murky circumstances, especially that he called the Press conference to defend the integrity and credibility of the Church.
    He also failed to describe the relationship between Mr Sata and his sister. Is there a marriage? Is it a mere adulterous affair? What is the Church’s position on a matter that is publicly known? If marriage is indissoluble, what is the status of Sata’s first marriage in relation to the church? What is the position of his contracted marriage with Dr Kaseba? And did Mr Sata recently contract a new marriage in Kasama?

  58. KAMBEBA….this site is for mature people, I dont expect the kind of language you are exhibiting, it goes on to show how shallow minded you are. Everybody is entitled to their opition and that should be respected.

    Nevetheless we dont expect a SMALL RAT to make any meaningful contributions anyway.Please LT bloggers who use abusive language on this site should be not be given an opportunity.

  59. # 65 Pafwenamwine,

    When did you abandone Ba Sata and the tribal crusade you have lived on from the foundation of PF. You and i were first PF cadres onn LT. You and i tukadi Mwanawasa into his Graveyard and you think your turncoat at this dark hour of PF will bring you fortunes? Total wastage of a coward’s time.Be man enough and take another loss with us at the hands of MMD mafias.:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@,:-@.

  60. Mere distribution of Red Cards is not likely to cause breach of peace… There must be something more to this Red Card, Red dressing on Fridays and carrying anything visibly Red. Ba Commanding Officer , quote the actual Article in the Constitution that has been violeted by the ‘Red Card’.

    If the RB and his cohort are afraid of the colour Red, then know that any coloured thing on the market including tomatoes, ifitungulu are speaking volumes! So pipo, till 2011 election time watch out what you wear on Fridays! You might, possibly be likely to cause breach of peace!…Kamfinsa:-j

  61. Mwaiche SHUSHUSHU Mwata,Senior citizen,Excerpt

    Quit impersonating me.Those are cheap political machinations.Your MMD t h u g s truely need a red card.
    Bloggers ignore post in #53,#54 and #56.

  62. SOME MMD members have expressed fear that the ruling party could lose the Mufumbwe seat in North Western Province which fell vacant after the death of parliamentarian Misheck Bonshe receently.

    In an interview on Wednesday, the source said going by what happened at Bonshe’s burial, the ruling party was likely to lose the by-election.

  63. Looks like the 2011 will be ‘Red Revolution’ just like we had the:
    Honking Revolution in 2001
    Hour Revolution in 1991
    Chachacha Revolution in 1963/4

    Next year nipa ka Red! Zwa!

  64. WORLD Food Programme (WFP) country director Pablo Recalde has observed that there is a lot of poverty in Zambia because of the unevenly distribution of wealth between the poor and the rich.

    In an interview after the launch of the WFP food voucher programme in Ndola at Mukuba Hotel yesterday, Recalde said WFP hoped to turn the poor in Zambia into an investment power to lead the charge towards long term sustainable growth.

  65. If you have no alternative but only one red T shirt better walk half naked in Kitwe, lest get arrested for wearing your only one red T shirt.

    A Ref used a red handkerchief to wipe his sweaty face during a football match he was officiating and the players swamed him wanting to know which player had been red carded. Chill..

  66. Good Morning

    Distributing red cards is not an effective way to express one’s dissatisfaction neither is it really an act that is likely to cause “the breach of peace”. I will leave it up to the judges to decide.

    In any case, this so called “Father” better choose a more intelligent means of exercising his democratic rights. He seems to be too passionate about something he is not exactly able to articulate. I also agree with Mr. Mtine when he says political differences should be put aside amidst national celebratiions like Youth Day.

  67. I think distributing red cards is an effective way of registering your dissatisfaction, it`s reason MMD are panicking. Keep up the good work Zambians.

    Paka Red! Let them give black ones if they want.:d

  68. MMD better build more prisons, because they have a lot of arrests to do, or better still those prisons will be used to imprison them when PF goes into power. every which way increased number of prisons is required

  69. Kelvin Chishimba Kaela,

    You and your PF dream are full of

  70. #82… you left me in stiches:)>-:-j … disatified Mpombozi, Buju na Prison Warder will wear ‘Red insides!!!bakula:-j… Owe!

    #83…Talk of Civic Education for people at grassroot, I think this ‘Red Card’ seem to be understood better than we think. This understanding also seems to threaten Govt. I have my doubts about the ‘Red Card ‘causing breach of public peace’ but that the more they lock up Bwalya the more the govt reinforces the ‘Red Card’ message to the masses. I rest my case.

  71. Zambia the real Africa,
    with people like George Kunda,who prosecuted chiluba for theft of public funds and made a lot of comments denouncing chiluba about his many shoes and suits,and even represented zambians during the london court sessions against LAZO,today he can stand up in parliament to defend and praise the same person he was prosecuting,,,its says quiet a lot about the caliber of leaders mmd has,i for one would be ashamed to be his relative,,,,chansa kabwela,now father bwalya.God hepl zambia

  72. I have reported #53,#54, #73 & #86 as an impersonator.I hope LT can prove its seriousness by stopping such unbecoming behaviour.

  73. #12 , 19 He doesn t need a wife he will be tuned into one in prison- They will Screw him like hell. He has gone too far. Why does he harbour so much hate against MMD?

  74. In 1964 our old folks faught for plitical indepncdece. But if u look at this period with hunger in the country, we have to fight for economical independence. To be honesty people of Zambia this is not the way we should be living….. If indeed we claim that we are educated, then where is the development? In 1991 unip came out but upto now we still have hospitals, schools and other infrustrature built by our beloved father Kaunda which things can MMD clam they have brought development? They can claim that the transport sector but how should some show pride in congession caused by buses in the city? Surely people we do better than this really believe Zambia can make it. Peace

  75. I really question the calibre of advisers that surround RB.This is another embarrassment in the making.By locking up Fr. Bwalya,the MMD govt is just bringing national attention and free publicity to the RED CARD campaign.Continous missteps has become the order of the day.The Kabwela debacle,neglect of the flood victims,embracing FTJ and failure to appeal his frivolous acquittal is what is making people animated.At the height of 84% unemployment,poor healthcare,deplorable road network,the govt is busy to trying to supress the voiceless.What a shame!

  76. I was not going to comment on this matter but i just have to say something…For starters it was a peacefull much with a mixture of lets Assume from people with different political affiliation… unless we also assume that all those that got the cards where anti MMD or Government… There would have been a lot of trouble knowing that a lot of our yourth would have been drunk at some point thats a fact. Had it been anyone else distributing such at this kind of event i would still support there arrest for what could have been a breach of peace… To all those aganist his arrest you are showing ignorance to the matter as to what the whole thing might cause…Put political opinion to the side and maybe you will understand why it was nessecary to arrest him but if his in longer than neseccary t

  77. then its a different matter all together thats when the ngos and other groups can come in SIMPLES dont know why Zambians like to complicate things…

  78. Might i just add that the campaign might be a good idea but you have to be careful in the manner in which you want to spread your message. If a single peaceful match has one single individual spreading a small rumour that the police are on there way in riot gear how do you expect the crowed to react???

    Something is always going to happen when something comes up during the match that was not part of the program. So basically what Mr Bwalya did would be considered a breach of peace as it was done in an environment not suited for it

  79. Mwata
    i would advise you to read the catholic church canon law (Latin rite) and also read the catechism of the catholic church to understand the situation of Sata. Or if you want if where you are there is a Catholic church explain to him the scenario and he will tell you why Sata receives Holy communion. The catholic church doesn’t have rules/laws that change on particular individuals. its the same the whole world.

  80. For those of you missing the point – this was not a football game and Father Bwalya the referee. This was a peaceful event on a National Day. Father Bwalya’s actions could have easily disrupted the peace as other people could have easily become agitated. Besides, think deeper, the color RED is used to symbolize blood or bloodshed as on our Flag (human blood). His RED cards have deeper meaning. Lock the fellow up and any of his kind. Let’s not take peace for granted. There are various ways to campaign but not on human blood.

  81. # 98
    You are very dull, unfortunetly you wont convice anyone on this blog. In Lusaka MMD caders were beating up Pact members YOUR POLICE WERE JUST LOOKING AT THE WHOLE THING WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING. YOUR STATE POLICE ARE THE ONES THAT AGAINST PEACE, BY ARRESTING FRANK BWALYA YOU HAVE JUST ECOURAGED MORE PEOPLE TO JOIN HIM. IN LUSAKA ALL HIGH GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS WERE PRESENT WHEN PEACE WAS DISRUPETED AND YOU CALL THAT PEACE MY A.S.S naya mukukolwa keep on cheat your selvies. Adviser, Senior Citizen, captalist, Mwata you guys have to really think about your stonch support, you can have your opinions but be realistic please

  82. #98, but ulichipuba, so we are going to eliminate the color red because it symbolizes blood? So, the referees use it in soccer games it means we should shed blood on those players they show the read card. Your foolishness really amazes millions who visit this blog. You know what the card means and by you trying to misinterpret what it stands for tells the caliber of MMD cadres. The best thing LT can do is ask people like you to use your real names that when people meet you at social gatherings, you see how they will react to your foolishness. Now since you have put Fr. Bwalya in jail for his freedom of speech, what next are you going to take away from the people of Zambia? Zambia is headed for a sad ending if MMD is not put in check by the international watch groups.

  83. We seem to have a strange interpretation of democracy, freedom and human rights. Democracy means being able to accept a different point of view. Freedom means being free to express yourself within the law. Human Rights mean having universally agreed standards of respect for the individual. In all these areas, the arrest of an innocent man on the possibility that something might happen is WRONG. Anyone who supports the government and its oppresive machinery is either ignorant or ill informed. A man makes threats to repu someone, and no crime is committed. A man distributes a red card, and he is arrested. Where is the logic or respect for the rule of law? I hope Fr Bwalya sues us for billions only so that we learn to respect human rights. Even colonialists were better. Mugabe 11 is in Zambia

  84. OK why not take the red out of the Zambian flag Mr Antonneil Mutentwa since your name suggest you are Congolese… fumapo fye!

  85. *-:)*-:)*-:)*-:)*-:)*-:) this I am going to repeat Those of you Zambians or pretend Africans on this blog, do not say the problem with Africa every time you blog. Botswana, seyshelles and Egypt do not experience the idiocity Zambia goes through in politics; nor the madness of Congolese men in keeping a stupid war going for half a century ubututu. Botswana is our next door Neighbour and their system works. Not perfect but they have human rights guranteed. Two or three of their presidents have stepped down for reasons of maturity and progressing their nation.

  86. “Adviser” you are poisonous – obviously profiting from corruption but your mind is also rotten

  87. I really feel sorry for Zambia Police, their job is not at all easy, they are not free to carry out their duties professionally and without interference. The powers that be just order them to arrest and detain anyone they are not comfortable with which effectively means peolples’ human rights are being trampled upon. Fr Bwalya, in all honesty did not deserve to be arrested let alone detained. If police operated without undue pressure from the top they would probably have just cautioned him without any further action but Zambia is Zambia. We can expect more such oppressive arrests as we approach 2011 just to intimidate and silence those who hold diverse views.

  88. #105 but I have the feeling it is not going to have the desired effect to “intimidate and silence those who hold diverse views” – it is just going to annoy people

  89. Watch out for Jesuit priests their role is to bring confusion. He should just join PF instead of hiding in civil society:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@ too much

  90. Kalos2020 Your contributions have mostly exposed a retarded pedestrian approach to a lot of technical issues. Case in point your use of unpalatable language. Your Father Bwalya is just an anarchist who should be caged – and I hope he is caged sooner before he leads poor souls like you to destruction. His boss does not even have respect for the dead. You fail to understand what freedom of speech entails – you completely failed to understand my simple blog — think before you blog and analyze issues objectively. You are not the millions but a simple illiterate cadre who can’t see beyond his nose.

  91. Mwebena CB, atishani ba Father Frank Bwalya kukamfinsa? Tabala getter Chi husband mu jail? I fear it won’t be an HIV aids hubby with years of starvation making turns with others on his bottom. Any news on his condition as regards scenarios of sleeping by a bucket of amafi on his headside?

  92. RB go back to Chipata dont set Zambia on fire.Politics is dirty. You will be the man to blame for the bad things to come to zambia.Go back and continue farming in Chipata. We love you us our president.Stop this nonsense you are a parent.Farther Bwalya is not alone , the whole nation is behind him.Catholics will reduce you from hero to zero. Baba si chalo canu ichi.

  93. Where is your degree in Economics as per say. Mutentwa we, thought you where a proffesional police man.We dont think that Hon. Mateyo could have allowed this nonsense.Where are your degrees you people?Its very, very diffuculty to convince a foreigner that there we are a democratic and Christian nation.Baba bwelelani kumuzi.You came too late when this mmd of yours is finished.Dont die with Chiluba is dirty even the almighty God knows this.Let not Chiluba impplicate you in his dirty tactics so that you die together.Wake up RB we love you as a person. You done good but not enough to please the Zambian peolple. Zambians dont hate you as a person RB but the party mmd. They feel betrayed to associate themselves with a party that have failed them. Time is very very ripe to get rid of this mmd .

  94. look at the time when peopl are writing about mother Zambia. Kunda will lead you in many problems than chiba has. Emulate Mandela style of governance, mudala wanga.

  95. Mr. Kapoma Kabaso.

    Do you have an alternative to MMD and RB? I think its your usual halluboos of :-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@.

  96. ‘Frank Bwalya Married in jail’
    Dissident ex-priest Frank Bwalya turned pro-Genocide advocate in Zambia has been married in Kamfinsa populated hardcore criminal jail. Captain Kobi a 15 year remade who married Bwalya on Saturday evening declared himself Chief husband and immediately opened the intercourse in full view of cheerleaders. Per jail tradition overnight, it believed other sub captain turned in for their rounds. Prison warders on duty this morning have found Bwalya fatigued and weak after overnight services. Bwalya that sleeps on a cold concrete without blankets overnight has had his mattress and beddings the government provided him grabbed every night by fellow imamates only to be returned every morning. Overnight he is squeezed to sleep in the corner next to toilet bucket.

  97. Frank Bwalya has been married and taken a s-e-x-u-a-l intercourse test drive in Kamfinsa hardcore populated criminals jail. Captain Kobi a 15 year remade who married Bwalya on Saturday evening declared himself Chief husband and immediately opened the intercourse relationship in full view of cheerleaders in an overnight jail traditional ceremony.

  98. firstly the catholic priest should not have been arrested for what he did. he has the rright to do so. secondly I dont think he is the type of threat the MMD perceives him to be. lastly I know he does not have much political and intellectual skills that his supporters may assume he has. by arresting him the MMD are only elevating his credentials at their own disadvantage.

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