Friday, March 7, 2025

I Love Fr. Bwalya, but I hate what he does-President Banda


President Rupiah Banda and First Lady Thandiwe

President Rupiah Banda has said that contrary to people’s perception, he liked former catholic priest father Frank Bwalya but only hated his behaviour of agitating for disunity and violence in the country.

President Banda said he did not like the behaviour of Fr. Bwalya who has chosen a path of undermining government through acts bordering on violence and death.

Mr. Banda further condemned Fr. Bwayla for abandoning the pulpit and urged him to return to his call of preaching the gospel.

President Banda was speaking at the Bible Gospel Church in Africa (BIGOCA) Matero Congregation in Matero Compound in Lusaka today.

Mr. Banda expressed sadness that the church has remained mute in condemning the Catholic Priest for his relentless attacks on government.

He said the church should be able to point out the mistakes of Fr. Bwalya because the president believed that the church never advocated violence and death.

“I love Fr. Bwalya but I hate what he does and his behaviour of agitating violence and death. Fr. Bwalya should be condemned by all right thinking people but why is the church quiet on Fr. Bwalya?” President Banda asked.

The president told the congregation that government was committed to working with the church to foster development in the country.[quote]

Mr. Banda said government respected and wanted to continue working with the church because it has demonstrated that it was an all wealther friend of government in improving and developing key sectors of the economy such as education and health among others.

He reminded the church to vote for credible leaders like him in next year’s elections because it has exhibited maturity in his leadership. Mr. Banda requested the church to pray for politicians in the country for peace to continue prevailing because there was currently no sanity in the current Zambian politics.

He said the Zambian politics have been characterised by insults and hatred from UPND/PF pact leaders Michael Sata and Hakainde Hichilema.

Speaking earlier BIGOCA Overseer Bishop Peter Ndhlovu said the church will continue working in harmony with the government of the day.

Bishop Ndholovu said there was no way the church could detach itself from working with government because it was a true and faithful partner to government in national development.



  1. With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication

  2. Now you want the catholics to help you punish Fr Walya ka!!! you used Chiluba to condem the catholics, you forget that we are also Zambians. You helped the Bishop to put Fr. Walya on sabtical year. he is no longer on the pulpit, now its you attacking him from the Pulpit. There are many people behind Fr Bwalya now that he is in prison you have just made him stronger and his supporters now know that they have to change Zambia their homeland. Zambia belongs to Zambians not people from Zimbabwe. talk about the fight that almost erupted at you renewal what ever where Magande had to run for life

  3. Should we lock you up for good when you leave power? We could say we love you but hate what you do.. Fair enough!

  4. Is AlaBee actually confirming that he instructed the police to arrest FFB?

  5. Imwe ba President this is another red card for you. You cant be saying such things! Anyway learn from your predecessors who quarrelled with various Catholic priests.. Where are they now?

  6. MMD is in FREE FALL under RB

    I can`t understand the rationale that was used in selecting RB as VP.That monumental blunder is now costing the nation so dearly.Since RB took the helm,corruption has been on the rise,seperation of powers diminished,gross mismanagement the order of the day.What Zambians hated about FTJ seems to be RB`s foundation.RB is a cancer to the nation.This UNIPIST is trying to turn Zambia into a vigilante state.We will not allow a Zimbabwean to ruin our beloved nation.RB has Zimbabwe to run to but we only have Zambia as our country.We shall passionetely defend our nation from this devour.

  7. Why would a grown man like RB start talking about hate in a church? “I love father Bwalya but I hate what he does? what has he done hmm? Father Bwalya is just urging Zambians to wake and get our country back on track. We need new leadership.

  8. The rational uesd to appoint RB as veep was that he delieved Eastern Prov. to the late LPM and as a token of appreciation the late made him veep.

  9. Good Evening

    Ackonowledgement of the truth of the Gospel has won the President my sympathy this time. Otherwise, he should know that we have a serious problem with administration of justice and protection of human rights in Zambia. Today, it’s the catholic priest who has been locked up for distributing red cards, tomorrow it could be one of us bloggers for persistently castigatng government policies and questioning our fragile democracy…

    “Beware, lest in your anxiety to avoid a conflict you end up with a war…” Greek Philosopher.

  10. oops..”acknowledgement, castigating.. are the correct spellings. Pardon me:)>-

    I think I need to see the optician for some glasses…:-b

  11. Opposion who express themselves with words are not a threat at all, but those who take up arms, Yoweri Museveni (President of Uganda).

  12. Zambia has surely detriorated into a total Police State where citizens are apprehended by police and taken straight to prison without passing through court.I hate RB, I personally would like to castrate and strungle him.

  13. RB never had it so good. A whole plane to himself to use as he pleases. Slash funds. What else can a geriatric politician hope for?

  14. RB why are forcing Fr Bwalya to go back to the pulpit? why cant you also go back to the farm? if the man has chosen his way its his right, just as you have chosen to be Johnny walker

  15. An I..d…t president pretending to be a believer through the use of pocket churches. ATASE.
    And we have some bloggers who pretend to be “good boys” as if its wisdom so as to be accorded another trophy for 2010.

  16. Please LT, Fr. Francis Bwalya is another priest. I think here you are talking about Fr. Frank Bwalya. And Fr. Frank Bwalya is not a former catholic priest. He is still a catholic priest. Please do not mislead people on this one.

  17. Armchair critics stay in denial but prepare for humility. Zambia has one and only one democratically functional party to move the country forward & MMD of RB is that party.Fantasising oneself with views of an imagined community of losers is not synonymous with rational actors.In a mature democracy as ours the space created invites all kinds of dreamers into rattling goons of vanity but the wise know where to vest their support valuably.

  18. I challenge cadres here including Telephore Mpundu with his tribal war to show alternative to MMD and RB. Show who is the alternative and in what way is better. Us pragmats are rational actors keen to debate you on your recommendation. Insults and sponsoring rascals is not one thing that turns out a game changer to rationalists. Zambia is bigger than your tribal interest for me to ignore the fact that there is no alternative to MMD.I want to find a strong Zambia for our team of emerging Generational change leaders to take over in 2016 Gratefully & democratically from the liberational era leadership of RB. My Generation of leaders will treat them with dignity and value in their retirement and choke out political demons of Sata and Ichilema that evolve around insults & no national value.

  19. # 22 NAPAPA SANA,

    How can Ba Frank Bwalya be a Priest when he has has been stopped from the parish roles and now reading the news is that he has denounced celibacy for a Prison marriage with a fellow prisoner? His v-i-r-g-i-n-i-t-y has been lost until Bishop Mpundu sanctifies him the Sata way.
    # 8 reports that ‘Finally Bwalya takes his i do marriage vows’

    Frank Bwalya has been married and taken a s-e-x-u-a-l intercourse test drive in Kamfinsa hardcore populated criminals jail. Captain Kobi a 15 year remade who married Bwalya on Saturday evening declared himself Chief husband and immediately opened the intercourse relationship in full view of cheerleaders in an overnight jail traditional ceremony.

  20. It’s sad to see our president sleepily thinking he is invulnerable when in fact he is giving himself a red card.

  21. We the opposition Diaspora bloggers are a load of

    :-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@. .Frank Bwalya is rotting and getting married in jail,BaSata has been exposed and finished to an adultery thug, tribalism wecounted on has failed, HH has failed to stand with Sata in the dark hour, William Banda is wrecking the opposition in all Lusaka compounds for MMD, the Post has hit it nose on sinking sand with business fortunes liquidated or in deep troubled waters of debts while the column is now a dissedent catholic forum and Sata.Where to?

  22. Kalumba said the MMD had been awaken in Lusaka Province because of the leadership of William Banda who was dealing with grassroots.

    “Theoretical politicians, shut up now! The party is about men and women who are ready to shake hands with people with dirty hands and clean hands.

    Visit the people don’t just make statements in the newspapers,” said Kalumba, who regularly entertained people with his waist-wriggling dances. “Get out of the way, William Banda has come. I will support that office of the provincial chairman.”

    Kalumba warned MMD leaders against moving from one business house to the other asking for financial donations.

  23. My President Ba Sata has been reduced to to one of the “Theoretical politicians” as HH and Nawakwi no different to myself, Kalos2000 and all dreamers we have been dreaming with in hope of what has proved a wishful thinking.

  24. RB, if you cant take criticism then you are not fit to be leader. Remember, you will not be President forever and then you will reap what you are sowing… hatred, neglect,harassment…its all coming back to you.

  25. His Excellency President Rupiah Bwezani Banda is a total failure,a let down and hard to defend.I`ve acted as a troll on this blog and been exposed as a govt agent.Please,bloggers help me as my employment is at stake.I`ve got a family to feed.Iam sorry for acting so immaturely and devoid of logic.We all love Zambia but I need to survive too.It`s been difficult for me to come out this way but the writing is on the wall as the 2011 elections loom.

  26. How come, he does not hate what Chiluba did to our country? We are sick and tired of these double standards.

  27. We need change in Zambia.RB has failed to carry out duties of the presidency.RB has brought the MMD to its knees.

  28. #34 GLASNOST

    RB is a total failure and a corrupt individual who can`t effectively fight the vise that is his bedrock.No wonder RB has embraced FTJ.

  29. #32 GLASNOT

    I agree with you that RB is an embarrassment to the nation.He`s surrounded himself with vigilantees such as ex fugitive and con artist William Banda who does do believe in diverse views.These are a bunch of psychopaths.

  30. You are all life time loosers in blogging that has failed and betrayed my dear embattled leader Sata. You are full of :-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@.

  31. We need CHANGE

    Zambia under RB is headed in the wrong direction.We need the 2011 presidential elections to be monitored by international and independent observers to stop any rigging.The MMD stands no chance without rigging.Momentum and wind of change is real and strong.

  32. # 39,

    Are you the son to Dr.Pragmatist or the man has returned to the USA again after 15 years? Why leave a lucritive job at home when you and Mr.Mwansa have turned ZRS into a sucess story? What would be in the USA after you already made your money here in the 15 years of hard work and have certainly been making more at ZRA?

  33. Change Mudala does not actualize on Ghosts but thinking human beings which we don’t have in the camp.What the ruling MMD has as its opponents just as Dr. Kalumba has sanctly put it, are measurably “Theoretical politicians”. I can talk of my very own President Ba Sata has been reduced to one of the “Theoretical politicians” as HH and Nawakwi no different to myself, Kalos2000 and all dreamers we have been dreaming with in hope of what has proved a wishful thinking.

  34. Bola naikosa mudala ni ni Banda aphika nsima mu 2011.counter this one: Kalumba said the MMD had been awaken in Lusaka Province because of the leadership of William Banda who was dealing with grassroots.

    “Theoretical politicians, shut up now! The party is about men and women who are ready to shake hands with people with dirty hands and clean hands.Visit the people don’t just make statements in the newspapers,” said Kalumba, who regularly entertained people with his waist-wriggling dances. “Get out of the way, William Banda has come. I will support that office of the provincial chairman.”Kalumba warned MMD leaders against moving from one business house to the other asking for financial donations.

  35. #33 Senior Citizen

    Welcome to the real world.Don`t worry,we`ll help you to attain economic empowerment so that you no longer depend on these politicians for livelihood.You`ll be fulfilled and able to express yourself freely without any york placed on your neck.

  36. #40
    Iam still languishing here in the US and so dependant on MMD handouts.It`s tough but I have limited options.

  37. # 40
    Iam still languishing here in the US and so dependant on MMD handouts.It`s tough but I have limited options.

  38. # 40
    Iam still languishing here in the US and so dependant on MMD handouts.It`s tough but I have limited options.

  39. Since when because i was with Dr.Pragmatist just 2 months ago and he was encouraging to pack my bags for the many opportunities at home. I spent a weekend at his Chalala house? I’m constant phones and email exchange.What can one come to do here in the USA when he has a high profile parastal job as a PHD holder who has many years of corporate America and has settled well at home in a debt free mansion.The wife has a top job at USAID Zambia.Keep coming we will know by your syntax, thrend of thoughts and postulations already exposed.Pa last you will even start impersonating the Honchos or owners of blogs you depend on.

  40. # 33,

    You are another dreamer who may have just lost your hope.Who doesn’t know the the likes of MMD Bootliker (SA), Saint (USA), Veteran (USA), Mr.Capitalist and Senior Citizen (USA) are signature MMD officials here? With all the hopelessness in our camp that has disgracefully failed to defend or mend our embattled Sata, you think these MMD guys who have been behind RB’s undeniable 2011 victory campaign would think or talk the opposite of what retains the momentum? Try another one.

  41. #48 Chapi
    Can you please hook me up?I am tired of relying on the MMD for handouts.I know your investments in Zambia are paying back big time.

  42. LIVING in a country under the MMD is close to living in hell, UPND president Hakainde Hichilema has charged.

    Addressing UPND-PF youths at the UPND secretariat after the Youth Day celebrations on Friday where two female cadres from the pact were injured by MMD cadres following a clash at the Freedom Statue, Hichilema said there was nothing to celebrate because the MMD was persecuting Zambians.


    My only comment on this thread is #11 and anything else must be ignored.MMD hoodlums are feeling the heat hence the IMPERSONATIONS.

  44. Milanzi poll a test for PF-UPND pact

    I fear for the PACT in over the forthcoming Milanzi by-election in Eastern Province which is a litmus test for the PF-UPND pact to gauge how ready and acceptable they are to the electorate.

    Readiness means organisation of the pact in all provinces, districts and constituencies in readiness for 2011 elections, ensuring that all structures for campaigns are in place.

    Acceptable means people knowing that the pact exists, its mission and that it’s an alternative government throughout the country.

  45. This may sound controversial but the fact is that the pact has to do its job now so that come 2011, there shall be little work to sell the pact to the people, more especially the Eastern Province where MMD is very strong. The strength of the MMD in the province has been boosted because of the incumbent Republican President.

    This makes the forthcoming by-election even more complicated for the pact. Without any doubt and malice, the Pact may suffer a humiliating defeat. And if this happened, the ruling party may have to use this momentum of popularity and gain political obliterating mileage on the opposition which may influence the upcoming Mufumbwe by-election.

  46. Some questions that one may pose are; does the Pact need to contest the Milanzi by-election at this time? Does the Pact need to lose its good image and political mileage gained over Kasama Central and Solwezi Central seats bearing in mind that MMD is very strong in the Easter Province and structured country wide that can early activate its grassroot structural machinery everywhere?

    The answer is an obvious NO but this may also depend on one’s political analysis, assessment and good judgment obtaining on the ground where MMD has lubricated its machinery and is more spirited under a typical politician that understand grassroot politics.

  47. The pact can do much better to use politics and concentrate on Mufumbwe Constituency. This will also help the pact to put its resources together and put up a good fight for Mufumbwe constituency.

    Honestly, it will be political suicide for the Pact to participate in the Milanzi by-election but it will be wise and appreciated!

  48. The truth is president Banda fears Fr. Bwalya. But no matter what RB does to prevent Fr.Bwalya`s activities RB can never win the Copperbelt Province.

  49. The problem is that our ex-priest Bwalya is a looney without a name on the ballot but fighting for losing fantasy battle. on the other hand my embattled President Sata has an outstanding criminal record, adultery tag and faced with a challenge of producing before the Chief Justice under oath a legally acredited 4 year college degree that can be authenticated by background investigators.You know what an oath before the CJ means. You don’t present a Matero University under oath.

  50. “He said the Zambian politics have been characterised by insults and hatred from UPND/PF pact leaders Michael Sata and Hakainde Hichilema.”

    That is true. Their cadres and sympathizers are even getting worst. They are insulting anyone who does not agree with the PF/UPND manifesto (which is not even ready therefore making it non-existent). They even advocate for anarchy and genocide as is evident from the post I am about to unveil by a PF cadre below.

    “I pray that Zambia goes the Rwanda way and your family be the first to be hacked.”Civil society organizations alarmed and concerned at the arrest of Fr. Bwalya, Lusaka Times, May 13 2010


  51. cont. from #61

    The PF, their cadres and sympathizers are enemies of democracy and development (IMO). They oppose and politicize anything the govt is doing to develop the country. They have never held a convention in their party since inception and support a man who in 2008 said whoever wins the by-elections must rule for 5 years. Sometimes I wonder why some people want to remove a govt that delivered 6.3% GDP growth when the rest of the world was in recession. It is mind boggling.

  52. RB Mwana, being a President is not the same as being a King. As president you must convince people why you must continue in office by good service delivery.The other people will also want occupy that office and they use all democratically accepted means which Fr Bwalya is doing.

  53. If you do not deliver to the expectations of the people then the answer is a Thailand way..’red tape” it is a do or die situation…that is the answer for todays African corrupt governments such as Zambia

  54. #62
    Mr. Capitalist – Its the MMD which is a danger to our democracy. The current President has taken us back to Unipist /Maost/commandist days where dissent was not accepted. The Supreme leader is always right to the extent that he can order you to eat cow dung and you meekly accept. Your leader is so desperate that he has sunk so low as to hire a fallen felon called FTJ to campaign for him. By the way do you know that the Itawa Flats bet has failed?. The residents have raelised that the K200,000 -k350,00 they pay per month cannot be compared to the K1m to K4m other people are paying for similar or lower houses in Ndola. Be realistic and accept that RB is just there to enjoy himself and is preoccupied with avoiding arrest for the crimes tha we see in his government.

  55. “lupiya” i love you too much but i hate how you have messed up my country of birth! Nkesa shikula umutoto wandi!

  56. Kalos2000,

    Our nightmare are getting worse with our embattled Presido Sata. Now Mirriam Mwanawasa doubt his sanity and declares him demon possed.Which voter would go for a demon possed candidate for President?

  57. Demonising the men of GOD, We shall see where your president will end. We shall see. GOD IS GREAT:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-

  58. Chapi stop posting. you dont make any sense. YOUR ENGLISH IS TERRIBLE YOU WOULD NOT GRADUATE FROM PRE SCHOOL. get an education first and then you can interract with us on this blog.

  59. Senior Citizen predicted with all his analytical skills and with a hand over his heart he promised that MMD would win Solwezi and Kasama.

    Typical MMD Kaponya/Cadre.

  60. Name: Senior Citizen | Country of residence: ZM | Written: Thursday, 15 October 2009 (10:44)

    I pray you are strong enough to stomach the disappointing Armageddon out of Kasama at hand for your PF despite your vested cadre spirit. Sata and Lubinda’s nonsense talk that Kasama is their PACT litmus test will only serves to expose their indefensible vulnerability and irrelevancy now and in 2011.

    Take it from this post I make, In Kasama MMD’s Mugara will sail through come what may.

  61. Name: Senior Citizen | Country of residence: ZM | Written: Thursday, 15 October 2009 (10:44)

    I now advise all PF kaponyas to print this statement and use it to vindicate me if my statement turns a total illusion distant from applied politics and the ballot verdict. I make this statement under no usual political inclination but as a grounded actor in predictive sciences that has never failed me in business, statistical analysis and political research endeavors.

    I have used many variables to reach this conclusion. Should Mugara lose, as a democrat I will salute him and his party with dignity, but then will retire from blog politics and my business. Instead, will enter active politics which has never been on my calendar beyond blogging during free times. But I vow MMD victory in Kasama…

  62. Name: Senior Citizen | Country of residence: Zambia | Written: Friday, 16 October 2009 (15:39)

    Someone has asked “Hello Mr Senior Citizen-are you going to retire from blogging” Quote


    I’m a man of my words.

  63. 1-On behalf of many patriots where still sleeping or busy on more important undertakings, I opened the door of accepting results and maturely congratulating PF and their GBM which you would never do but usual crying foul.Accusations of rigging would have come into your losing orchestra but not MMD does that.

    2-This has triggered a call for me to enter active politics and join active patriots serving the nation. I will be doing this voluntarily and wittingly before the end of the year. My active role will be to take part in levels of analysis, planning, implementation, monitoring and periodic review first of the political war room then other areas of public interest.

  64. You will keep seeing my opinion until a full transition to real clear politics.

    I hope you are not just uncomfortable with my opinion hence praying for my expedited transition from the blog threads in hope that departure would bring you heaven on earth.Even if i’m off the blog you face thousands of patriotic firebrands taking you on with the same firepower.
    I have faith in a good number of selfless patriots on Zambian threads whose IDs i have long decorated as those of unflinching and reliable Nationalists.These are Zambia’s potent pragmatists with wisdom and commitment to preserving national interest than tribalism and a culture of hatred embodying PF leadership.They have steadfastly kept the heat on PF kaponyalism and insultology yet with ever cool heads.The country owes these…

  65. Father ?? Bachelor Frank Bwalya should get married, that will help him release the pressure to much jerking. That chap is the one who caused confusion in barotseland. Remember the Radio liseli saga. He was given one week to leave Barotseland, and indeed he left. Your sins will find you.

  66. RBs greed has cost me my mecharndise due to riot in Kitwes Obote Avenue.Why is afraid of this simple former Priest? William Banda is now threatening ministers What a world.

  67. Frank Bwalya and the so called civil society are just determined to bring CHAOS to Zed we are having elections next year why not vent out all this anger in the polling booth. Why all the noise? what is your agenda?

    No one will come to our rescue if we F@#$%K up our country.They will just see the dead bodies on CNN on the streets and say “look those useless Niggers are at it again” and continue with their dinners.

  68. Two nuns are walking down an alley at night. Two guys jump out and start
    raping them.
    The first nun looks to heaven and says, “Forgive them Father, for they know
    not what they’re doing.” The second nun looks up and says, “This one does!”

  69. Ba RB, please use your energy on urgent issues and not Father Bwalya. I can assure you that if you start working now, we will support you and probably (though very unlikely) vote for you

  70. News in is that Kitwe has been rocked by riots as Fr Bwalya makes his appearance in Court, can those in Zed / kitwe give us a clear picture

  71. #86

  72. Kitwe Update—Plans are underway that mini bus drivers are expected to drive their buses with full beam tomorrow ‘lights’! Oxford mini-bus station is deserted as most of the routes are not operating. Their is little activity on chisokone market! And their is a lot of police presence as never before! The last time the situation was like this was when the same FFB was arrested!

  73. The fruits of father Bwalya is violence,riots,division,impatience,disorderliness,hatred for MMD,identity crisis.While the fruit of the Holy man of God are Love.patience,joy,endurance,gentleness,self control,kindness,goodness,and faithfulness.

  74. I can not associate with such a person because he is influensed by a lawles spirit that is appearing in these last days.Woe unto him who follows such a person.

  75. We can not go back again to the 1986 activities with what Kitwe had gone thru.We shall ensure that we provide the innocent Kitwe residents with transport.How could one politicize Transport?This is the basic of life.

  76. This is purely ethnological incited hatred and bitterness by father Frank Bwalya.RB has never refused to dialogue with anyone.And He is thriving at that.he can not do that in other provinces why has he faild to do so in other places other than C/B

  77. Impressive but just give Mr Frank Bwalya latitude to do what he can.

    On another note, UPND kwiinda mu-PACT yaboola. Mwapya munzi aba-eM eM Di. Viva PACT for 2011 elections under the visionary leadership of president HH of the UPND.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and these things shall be added unto you.

  78. Pact! pact! my azz if you want to be governed by kaponyas and ngwagnwazis go ahead and vote for them Zed will become another Zimbabwe shortages, no investor confidence, no human rights, Tribal based governance.

  79. It is sad that materialism has cropped up into Fr walya’s head causing him to abandon priesthood the calling he wanted to use to prop himself up into politics.I want to advise the Catholic Church that in future they should revise entry requirements to priesthood to avoid the calling being abused so that only those that meet university qualifications are enrolled.This time people who are unable to go to universities because they cannot meet entry requirements opt for priesthood just to get the education even when it is not their calling.I am sure this is how Fr walya found himself in a wrong place.But the Lord God who is all knowing,omnipotent,transcendental,omniscient,immanent,ubiquitous,immutable and all loving,will prevail over him.He cannot fool around with the Lord.There is nothing…

  80. 86 – You are wrong!!!!! These days no mere form 5 will enter the seminary for priest hood training. All are university material. Just like any other discipline you are likely to encounter nut cases like Father Bwalya in the Catholic Church. By the way FFB is a DIPLOMA hOLDER IN MASS COMMUNICATIN. Which shows that education is not all

  81. # 99 examples of men of God who have brought change are immense. Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu, Fr Umberto, Rev Jesse Jackson, Pastor Ray McCauley, Secondly my Brother God’s calling has no criteria, only he knows, He has used Zaccheus, He has Saul, Job, he has used Pastor Chris, Everything is in God’s hands and plans. dont confuse Things of the earth with the work of God

  82. we need to understand who started the whole thing? Did you expect the pipo to lie down while their rights are being infringed? Pipo have risen even from the biblical times, so it is nothing new. And remember those that live by the sword will die by the sword.

  83. RB is sounding more like Hitler who used to shed crocodile tears when killing innocent people,this guy will say he loves when he putting a slug in your nut….

  84. People riot becouse they are UNHAPPY te? I dont think Bwalya wanted this to happen, but RB know by arresting him, such would happen. He said it himself when he commented about loving Bwalya but hating his blah blah blah…..and the :-@ goes on and on:-??

  85. I Love RB, but i hate what he does i.e. dictatorship tendancy, involvement in Dora saga and FTJ’s engineered acquittal, winfall tax removal etc

  86. Rupiah Banda and George Kunda are petty and childish. Kwati bali ku mansansa. They need to stay above partisan politics and leave the mud-slinging to MMD political cadres. I cannot think of 5 more years with these kinds of buffoons in power beyond 2011. We need change, for better or for worse.

  87. Pepe Kale (#108): “We need change, for better or for worse”. You remind me of a quote given to us by a former CBU lecturer during the 1980s in an Organizational Behavior class. He quoted Washington Irving in the 1800s as having said: “There is a certain relief in change, even though it be from bad to worse. As I have often found in traveling in a stagecoach, that it is often a comfort to shift one’s position, and be bruised in a new place.” The former lecturer is the one some bloggers like to describe as President of an Internet-based political party who is currently based in the USA.

  88. Fr. Frank has an alterior motive. next thing you are going to hear is that he is a parliamentary candidate for the pact, olo fye he’ll even form a party and stand for president.
    but still, MMD must go, especially that RBB (Rubbish Brainless Bally) you call Rupiah Bwezani Banda

  89. This is Madness, RB choses to condemn father Bwalya and uses the pulpit to launch his missiles at him and the catholic church. RB insane.

    He tells Bwalya not to politik but he is busy using the pulpit to condemn the other church.

  90. When I use my name Mpangula Mputyu ba LT u not posting my comments. When I add Mbulo in front you post it. yashyani iyi Ba LT?

  91. Aah what a country. aah What a comedy. What a circus. This is very sad for ba RB and BiGOCA church, allowing the president to talk about Sata and HH and campaing in Church.

    Yaba RB amano yapwa.

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