Wednesday, January 8, 2025

President Rupiah Banda leaves for Malawi tomorrow


President Rupiah Banda is tomorrow expected in Malawi for urgent consultative talks with his Malawian counterpart Bangu wa Mutharika who is also Chairperson for the African Union (AU). President Banda who is the Chairperson of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region will be meeting Dr. Wa Mutharika in his capacity as AU chairperson.

This is according to a statement released to ZANIS today by the Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Dickson Jere. Mr. Jere said President Banda will be accompanied to Malawi by Foreign Affairs Minister Kabinga Pande and some senior government officials. Mr. Jere said Mr. Banda and his delegation are expected to return back to Lusaka the same day.



  1. Imwe, is the president serious? I think he is behaving as if he is the diplomat he was in the 1960s. Takwaba ukwenda kwaso. Let us change his name to Mr Rupiah Kwenda-kwa-pe Banda.

  2. RB ninshitumpa libili. How many heads of states have visited Zambia lately? It seems there is no need of having Zambian foreign missions as the president can perform all foreign duties in his itinerary.

  3. Is the president guilty of globe-trotting? YES.

    Should that be taken as the reason for his failure to be a good leader? NO.

    Fact is: whether or not the president is away, the country should be able to run successfully.

  4. Marco Polo. Is this man in some escorting business or what? There will be a lot of Bandas all over the world, and all of them will be looking like RB.

  5. #5
    I agree problem twalibako lezi so when ba boss is not there we give ourselves ka holiday ati kaili ba mwine tabalipo

  6. Aya again to get ifestors from Great malawi:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/ takwaba teleconferance kanshi????? does he have to go all the time awe achila uyu muntu mwe. Tax payers money is being used for the wrong purposes

  7. RB is truly a playiful old man. He wants to make money before he leaves office next year. For every trip he makes abroad, he get an allowance of about $50,000.

  8. # 5 i dont totally agree with you. Agood leader is supposed to be in the fore front, he is supposed to lead by example. He is supposed to know what is going on first hand and not thru a third party. What RB has exhibited is total laziness and wastefull of the countries resources. Lets say his entourage is about 30 pipo, these have to be accommodated in a 5 star hotel with an average cost of $ 350.00 per meals and incidentals. Roughly each person will spend at least $ 1000.00 a day. so a minimum of $ 30,000.00 a day is spent. Now calculate how many times he has traveled this year.

  9. # 10 you omitted the costs in having the veep and ministers driving to the airport to see him off and greet him back!

  10. The indisputable globe trotter! This man can win an award in globe trotting if there was some compettion to that effect..

  11. Kamwendo President! He just came from China now to Malawi. Kulaya mulipo? Hope U’re constantly doing some maintaince work on your so called challenger because we might just say goodbye to him sooner than later. And for goodness sake can you please release Father Bwalya imwe ba ponpwe and arrest real criminals causing havoc to the public. These MMD police cadres, shame bane you can do better than that. You must be a professional police.

  12. What do you expect from a man who cannot walk and fart at the same time? Zambians are docile, they will only complain and complain and complain in the media for all that matters……There goes the fella, this time farting in the air…and eating carviar….

  13. Ruling through remote control. It can only happen in Zambia where even the learned bloggers will support such kind of mediocre leadership.
    A manager should be there to manage, failing which he becomes a liability and hence a cost. If the deputy manager can do his job, then really we do not need the manager- Period.

  14. Are you sure RB at times like this you would wish to leave on a further international trip on another (vacation)? Where are you good advisers??

  15. Our president should surely learn to use the phone or video conferencing as a form of communication.
    This is the 21st century for christ’s sake, so could someone please help this man understand that he does not need to travel in order to communicate with other people – no time for ba kapaso (messengers).

  16. #10 My innocous point is that while we criticise the president for travelling extensively, do we expect that things will be better when he stays home? The simple argument that his travels are a waste of public resources has absolutely nothing to do with sustainable national development. An objective mind should be able to seperate the two.

  17. Nine Chale don’t speak in riddles, why can’t you just say, there is nothing to expect from RB even if he had to put his down.

  18. I am shocked and disgusted to this news, hardly had the president stayed in the country is heading to another country. I wonder if he has ever heard like cost saving mechanisms like video conferencing. When blue cheap companies and developed countries use technology to save cut costs of travelling our own heard of state doesnt not give a thought about this. You will see by the time his global trotting will come to an end the coffers also will be empty. This happened in Kaunda era man travelled like hello. I concerned if government has cost center?

  19. Nne Chale, please take a bit of Project management course and understand the relations of costs. As much as things may not get if he stays the worst is when he travels because even the little savings will evaporate in thin air. You can see how rapidly is the debt has just jumbelled the 2.2 Billion with a short period this is properly indication of mismanagement.

    Today you have forms of technology whic are even free to perform real time communication. Papata, old folks are no digital natives

  20. :((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((8-x8-x8-x:)]:)]>:)>:):-h:-h[-o<[-o<^:)^^:)^:d/:d/:-@:-@:-ss:-ss can some make a smile for global trotting

  21. I had stopped comment on LT about Zambia politicians bt now this, and our grant winner of the best blogger of the year 2009 is also now even confused he doesnt know what to say about the president

  22. Rupiah, the wise say, “Even a dog has its day”. Ala nacinkalipa that I have run short of words, F@@L

  23. Banda must go, no matter what it takes. The kind of behaviour’s exhibiting is that of dying horse, destroy and waste every penny as you know tommorrow you are gone. What have we done, to deserve such characters that are not concerned with the suffering of masses. cheap talk, promises and pompous behaviour in the end our people are dying of curable diseases, using roads full of potholes and yet you have cadres wishing this man to continue. Useless Banda.

  24. Ba Nine Chale # 20,
    Do you really hope to find rational actors among PF cadres? Your expectation is far fetched in an imagined community of xenophobs detached from reason and reality.At the centre of it is there protruding ignorance on systemic models of Government operations.Untill one gets into the realm of systemic level of analysis and rational actor model too high for PF cadres, there will be no understanding of these complexities.Theirs is a perspective of a one man driven party system where Sata is PF and PF is Sata.A heart attack on Sata is a death of PF.MMD is a democratic people’s governing party very systemic in nature.The absence of RB for other national affairs does not halt the administration’s systemic structures to deliver. All chambers are stroking at full trottle…

  25. What benefits have you ordinary zambians gottten from your president’s overseas travels? Has there been even slightest improvement in your socio-economic well-being? Has there been tangible foreign investment interests as a direct result of your president’s travels? Has there been improvement in your “bread-and-butter” issues? If you answered NO to any of these questions, then your president’s travels are meaningless and they are a form of day-light robbery. This government is not working for you. you, however have a chance to get rid of it and bring in a government that will be answerable to your needs. As Thomas Jefferson said Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories.”

  26. Even Obama postpones travels to deal with national issues such as the healthcare reform. What we have in Zambia as president is pure madness. 2011 RB out!

  27. We the opposition Diaspora bloggers are a load of :-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:[email protected] Bwalya is rotting and getting married in jail,BaSata has been exposed and finished to an adultery thug, tribalism wecounted on has failed, HH has failed to stand with Sata in the dark hour, William Banda is wrecking the opposition in all Lusaka compounds for MMD, the Post has hit it nose on sinking sand with business fortunes liquidated or in deep troubled waters of debts while the column is now a dissedent catholic forum and Sata.Where to?

  28. Kalumba said the MMD had been awaken in Lusaka Province because of the leadership of William Banda who was dealing with grassroots.

    “Theoretical politicians, shut up now! The party is about men and women who are ready to shake hands with people with dirty hands and clean hands.

    Visit the people don’t just make statements in the newspapers,” said Kalumba, who regularly entertained people with his waist-wriggling dances. “Get out of the way, William Banda has come. I will support that office of the provincial chairman.”

    Kalumba warned MMD leaders against moving from one business house to the other asking for financial donations.

  29. My President Ba Sata has been reduced to to one of the “Theoretical politicians” as HH and Nawakwi no different to myself, Kalos2000 and all dreamers we have been dreaming with in hope of what has proved a wishful thinking.

  30. This has been the most travelled president on the continent, have you ever seen the presidents of Botswana or Namibia, and their countries are doing well, whats in Malawi that cannot be done on the phone, or the ambassador cannot deal with, meanwhile the roads are in a bad shape, the towns are dirty and no leadership?

  31. Ba Senior Citizen……this has nothing to do with PF nor the man you love to hate the most, His Excellency the King Cobra . With all due respect, please don’t expose your ignorance here. :)>-

  32. #40 Virginia Chinena

    His Excellency President Rupiah Bwezani Banda is a total failure,a let down and hard to defend.I`ve acted as a troll on this blog and been exposed as a govt agent.Please,bloggers help me as my employment is at stake.I`ve got a family to feed.Iam sorry for acting so immaturely and devoid of logic.We all love Zambia but I need to survive too.It`s been difficult for me to come out this way but the writing is on the wall as the 2011 elections loom.

  33. :d baGlasnost #39, that really cracked me up… although a one ticket to where… he’s quite a boomerang, RB.

  34. RBB is always on the movie…we hope he is doing a good job.
    The time that he has been in office is less than the trips made to different countries.
    It would be better if he was travelling to all the 9 provinces and seeing what difficulties pipo are facing and
    seeing what he can do to make improvements.

  35. Kalos2000,

    What say you? Pretense aside bola yakosa the giant has been awakened by Rupiah’s politics.Our nightmare is getting worse every day with our embattled Presido Sata sinking deeper and deeper while HH is looking like a fanatical *****. Now Mirriam Mwanawasa doubt President Sata’ sanity and declares him demon possed that needs prayers than leadership.Which voter on the ECZ register would go for a demon possed candidate for President??????

  36. This is sickening, one really onders, is State House still being haunted by the former late premier’s ghost whence these endless foreign trips by the current host of Plot 1? “Musiyalani 4 aMa Rotse!”.

  37. Mr tourist bwezani banda,iyo this is mediocrity at it’s worst.this president is useless….indeed playful old man!!!

  38. # 30 & 34, you are *****s and fi color fyenu………what has Sata got to do with this useless globe trotter of yours.The old guy is a total disaster and liability to this country.He’s hardly been in Zambia for about one weeek and he hits the air again.How I wish that aircraft would crash and that son of a b***** dies. We have lost so many productive people in this countrty due to wasteful expenditure by those in Covernment.Look at our roads and how many people have perished on them.Our hospitals and healthy centres need medicines and but some son of a maggot keep spending monies on useless trips.Mwaya sana ba fi colour and we are sorting you out come next year.

  39. Should history judge KK kindly? We had free education and healthcare although drug shortages increased with every year of independence, we owned the mines although we had poor management, we had employment creating initiatives from parastatals to rural and agricultural development programmes, youth service to instill discipline and above all we were one country. Yes some economic policies were simply awful, but the heart was in the right place. Oh, and he stayed in Zambia most of the time! Our debts can in most cases be explained by development efforts – from TAZARA to tractors from Romania.

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