Thursday, January 9, 2025

Hamiyanda refutes causing Mwanachingwala wrangles


United party for National Development (UPND)Chairman for Labour Miyanda Hamiyanda has refuted allegations leveledagainst the party that it is behind the wrangles which have rocked the
Mwanachingwala Chieftainship.

Mr Hamiyanda told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka that the problems
which have besieged the Mwanachingwala throne are an internal matter and
that the UPND has nothing to do with it.

He further warned National Initiative for Citizens awareness President,
Kelvin Sampa to stop making unwarranted outbursts which he cannot prove.

“Those are internal wrangles and I support the move which has been taken
by the Mwanachingwala Royal Family Establishment. Our party UPND has
nothing to do with those wrangles”, Mr Hamiyanda said.

The National Initiative for Citizens Awareness president Mr Sampa was
quoted yesterday in the media accusing the UPND of being behind the wrangles
which have rocked the Chief Mwanachingwala Royal Family, calling for the
chief to step down with immediate effect for alleged dragging the chiefdom
into disrepute and shame.



  1. You mean this Kelvin Sampa guy is still available for hire? N.E.G.R.O.E.S dont grow huh! Charles Malambo aka Mwanachingwala has outlived his usefullness so is Mukuni and some chiefs i will not mention.Pliz do the honorable thing,step down:-t:-t:-t:-t:-t:-t:-t

  2. I wish the Ngoni Royal Establishment can also pass a vote of no confidence in the so called ka Nkosi yama NKosi. Ka mfela is busy commiting rape everywhere in the name of ‘kusuka mu nkondo” spreading kadoyo and bakumawa bali ndwiiii!! Maybe we should ship Mutelo ZesiHamanji Manji to dethrone Mpezeni. And by the way, Mpezeni has only Mazimawe under him, why does he call himself Nkosi yama Nkosi/ I think this is abuse of the term. Chitimukulu too should watch out, aikona behaving like Chitikaiche wallowing in Kansundila’s pocket or else he will find himself “kwa Mwalule” or off the throne.

  3. Let Sampa just zip up his lips. Charles Malambo hijacked the Mwanachingwala chieftaincy and should go and he will go whether he hides behind State House or not. That chieftaincy was there long before State House was put in place and so the people of Mwanachingwala wont see Chalesi insult the throne like its his hut. Whether UPND started this matter or not is very immaterial because the fact is that Chalesi is an outsider no wonder he cant rule the people, he has no leadership blood in him. He a con.

  4. Let Sampa just zip up his lips. Charles Malambo hijacked the Mwanachingwala chieftaincy and should go and he will go whether he hides behind State House or not. That chieftaincy was there long before State House was put in place and so the people of Mwanachingwala wont see Chalesi insult the throne like its his hut. Whether UPND started this matter or not is very immaterial because the fact is that Chalesi is an outsider no wonder he cant rule the people, he has no leadership blood in him. He is a con.

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