Thursday, January 9, 2025

British government commits 5.7 million pounds towards the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Policy in Zambia.


The British government has commited 5.7 million pounds towards the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Policy in Zambia.

The money which will be used over the next five years will go towards the National Anti Corruption implementation plan which was launched today.

The Plan seeks to provide a framework within which sectors in the country can work together in the fight against corruption.

British High Commisioner to Zambia CAROLYN DAVIDSON said the money is meant to increase capacity of the Anti-Corruption Commision and support for Anti-corruption initiatives in the country.

Ms DAVIDSON said the money will also help improve the capacity of the civil society and parliamentarians to engage in the fight against corruption.

And deputy Secretary to cabinet ROBERT MATAKA announced that a national steering commitee has been constituted to spearhead the implementation of the policy.

Mr MATAKA said the commitee comprising public institutions, private sector, the civil society and the media will be chaired by cabinet office.

And Anti Corruption Commision chairperson VALENTINE CHILESHE called on all Zambians to combine their efforts in the fight against corruption.

At the same function the DFID ‘Against Corruption Together’ project was also launched.



  1. Don’t waste money like that – the fight against corrupion died with LPM, SC. Just give me that money so my UK bank balance can grow by £5 million and make me a billionaire!

  2. So another steering committee has been formed to build capacity of the Comission to implement the policy and produce an action plan. Just a whole lot of words from a Management text book……lets hope these guys wont corruptly use the money themselves.

  3. Well-done Britain. Its important that all corrupt individuals are brought to justice if possible, using the same monies. Zambians cannot afford to have corrupt leaders. The British Government should even go further by administering these funds so that they used for the intended purpose and not for international trips.

  4. Some countries create money out of thin air (papers money).Britain can you print for me some pounds please. .:)>-:)>-
    Henry Ford said: “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand
    our banking and monetary system, for if they did,I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

  5. Koma pa Zed pali tuma committee yaba! All this money will be wasted in stupid meetings that have no value but to only give people allowances. Whoever introduced this word “allowance” made a big mistake. People are now coming up with meetings and committes everywhere for one thing only, allowances!

  6. Britain should delay in releasing the money to the Zambian government until after elections because it might be very difficult to account for this money after change of government next year. As everyone knows, this money is not meant for agriculture or fighting poverty so NO BIG DEAL. As someone has already highlight, this money is from tax payers like myself so it should be put to good use and be accounted for by GRZ once released after the elections next year.

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