Thursday, January 9, 2025

Luapula MMD react to Musosha’s Post newspaper story


Luapula Province MMD secretary Davis Chitwaka has differed with the party’s provincial chairman Crispin Mushosha over his claims that MMD in the province is embroiled in a leadership struggle.

Mr Musosha was quoted in the Post Newspaper of March 17, 2010 that there is leadership struggle in the province, between those from the northern part of the province, who include MMD national Secretary Katele
Kalumba, and those from the southern part of the province.

The Provincial MMD secretary was also quoted complaining that nomads, who are non-Ushi people of Mansa, were trying to take up leadership by contesting parliamentary seats and receiving government appointments in the province, especially in Mansa District.

Mr Chitwaka said in a statement obtained by ZANIS today that the MMD in Luapula is intact and that the rest of the MMD provincial leadership is not aware of the leadership struggle Mr Mushosha is talking about.

He added that it is unfortunate that Mr Mushosha was also taking a tribal
position over the issue of the Ushi and non-Ushi people taking up government and political positions in Mansa.

He said MMD will not condone such tribal remarks and will therefore condemn them in the strongest possible terms. He said MMD is built on the one Zambia one nation motto and that it will not be dragged into promoting tribalism.

Mr. Chitwaka further described the statement by Mr. Musosha as retrogressive to national development. He said there are many people coming from different provinces and different tribal backgrounds who are working in the provinces which are not of their origin.

He said people from Luapula Province were also taking up positions in other provinces, like Mwansa Mbulakulima who is Copperbelt minister.

Mr. Chitwaka has also advised Mr. Musosha to avoid using the press when he had problems in his constituency. He paid tribute to Provincial Permanent Secretary Jazzman Chikwakwa and Minister Dr Boniface Kawimbe, who do not hail from Luapula.

He said Mr Chikwakwa and Dr Kawimbe are doing a commendable job for the people of Luapula despite not being from the province.

He advised Mr. Musosha to settle his concerns on certain sensitive issues through party structures in the province rather than rushing to the press.

“Hon. Mushosha should have found a better way of dealing with the issues he raised rather than taking them to the press,” he said.

Meanwhile, Provincial Youth Chairman David Chanda has advised Hon. Musosha to desist from issuing tribal remarks bent on dividing the province.

Mr Chanda said the appointments made by the President Rupiah Banda should be respected explaining that the President has powers to appoint anyone qualified for the job regardless of his tribal origin.

Mr. Chanda described Dr. Katele Kalumba as a visionary leader who follows President Rupiah Banda’s aspirations of uniting the nation by embracing everyone.


  1. Confussion is engulfing the MMD left right and centre. Come next year they ll be so much out of power anf follow their friends UNIP into oblivion!

  2. Confussion is engulfing the MMD left right and centre. Come next year they ll be so much out of power and follow their friends UNIP into oblivion! but they shouldnt worry about totally getting forgoten about by the people as we will still be reading about them whenever they appear in court for the various offences thay are currently commiting with impunity!

  3. Mr Musosha should follow Gabriel Namulambe if really The President is against tribalism in Zambia.
    God guide our leaders.

  4. I hope Mr Musosha was misquoted, if not it is unfortunate remark on his part. Although as family I will always be grateful to him for being part, helping and making sure his ( former teacher) my late father’s body was brought back all the way from Bots to be buried at our Village. God bless and hopefully you come out of this troubled waters called MMD,because you are not a dull chap.

  5. The whole lot of an MP taking a tribalistic stance!! If Luapulans can segreagte themselves,how about people outside the province?

  6. Mushosha is right. Katele and his relative Chiluba have been playing this same for a long time. We know how they schemed with Mwanawasa to frame certain people who come from the same part of Luapula like Musosha.

  7. I am USHI, but Musosha should know that Mansa is a cosmopolitan district and Mansa central constituence in particular has a lot of people from different parts of the province and the country in general since the colonial days of Fortrosebury. It was a transit for people from north into the copperbelt and vice versa. Musosha should not cheat himself about Mansa, anyone with leadership qualities can infact contest in Mansa central. This is being empty to say the least. If his political fortunes are dwindling he simply must start looking elsewhere for a livelihood. Leadership changes and he must accept this.

  8. Aaah Chrispin Musosha once wanted to create and fan violence in Solwezi during the Solwezi By-Election that the MMD lost.

    Aaah ha ha Musosha now will be expelled from the MMD or forced out.

  9. Tribalism within a province????????? this is what happens with politics of poverty. We never knew that Luapula has South and North. Its a pity!!!!!!!!

  10. Good Mushosha help us more to remove this Devils (MMD) out of office thru next year’s Elections.
    You have started well make more confusion and more dear we like it mwana.

  11. its not only in Luapula where the MMD is desintergrating, in choma they are also fighting. William Banda is also causing his own confusion in lusaka with cabinet and deaputy ministers. I only feel sorry for Katele Kalumba who know seems lost as he does not know what he stands for. Where is Mike Mulongoti? he has gone awfully mute ever since he was dribled over the MMd spokesperson position.

  12. These people from the Northern Part of Zambia have been issuing serious tribal remarks for a long time evidence in “The Provincial MMD secretary was also quoted complaining that nomads, who are non-Ushi people of Mansa, were trying to take up leadership by contesting parliamentary seats and receiving government appointments in the province, especially in Mansa District” and the Kasama MP by-election where people mentioned about the need to elect only a Bemba from that part of the country to be MP.

    Such remarks now evident from MMD and PF political parties are bad for our young democracy and they must be condemned at any earliest opportunity so they don’t spill to other parts of Zambia.

    Have a blessed day.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His…

  13. The Media in Zambia are to blame for giving platform to those who say anything against another tribe. Just today the Post are running a story saying ‘TERENCE Findlay on Wednesday openly revealed his hatred for the late president Levy Mwanawasa and the Lamba-speaking people in general to Lusaka lawyer Wynter Kabimba.’ I wonder in whose interest such a story is. We don’t want tribal wars in Zambia. When I was young I was taught that if someone insults your parents and you go to tell them, you are the one who has insulted.

    Our media should learn from what happened in Rwanda. They don’t need to cover anything they hear especially from madmen and tribalists. Both the Public and Private media in this countrty are a great let down!!!

  14. No. 16:Vitali! Well spoken. It’s not in our tradition and culture to deliver such messages. God deliver
    them from this kind of sickness.

  15. #16. You are spot on. The greatest enemy of Zambia’s development is the HOSTILE MEDIA we have. Free press has been mistaken to mean peddling negative stories and hate speech, which clearly is intended to destroy this country. Our colleagues in the media (both private and public), especially those who know thy enjoy some good coverage and a bit of public confidence NEED TO EXERCISE some sort of SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY and help the Nation to concentrate of enhancing development gains. There is need for them to INTROSPECT and report responsibly, although responsibility may have different interpretations. LETS IGNORE WHAT DOES NOT ADD VALUE TO ZAMBIA AS A PEOPLE.

  16. katele kalumba i need to know why hes still a big fish after being caught red handed practicing witchcraft..please president Banda save Zambia from katele kalumba..alampela umwenso umuntu ulya kubuloshi…even siliya joking ati chiengi dot com as if it funny what happened

  17. cm very true . the media in zambia is big let down. it seems they are out to satisfy their own agendas and in the end they just cause confusion. the independent media are culprits in giving balanced news where good works of the government is never recognised where as the public media behave as if the vice president writes the stories for them to publish. I wonder what concious some of our journalists harbour in theri hearts

  18. lusaka province falls under solis,lenjes and tonga and yet people from differebt tribes and places occupy positions in the provinces.this chap is an enemy of democracy and developement.he on ther other hand has exposed the status of the ruling party in luapula at leadrship level-all crumbling.
    maestro -you must be the last person to speak about tribalism-give one name of an MP in southern province who is not tonga.and check against other guys have along way to go compared to other provinces.and this is common knowlegde.despite this viva pact

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