Thursday, January 9, 2025

Man jailed for insulting RB


THE Ndola magistrate court yesterday sentenced a 35-year-old man to 18 months in prison with hard labour for defaming President Rupiah Banda.

Ndola Chief Resident Magistrate Kelvin Limbani jailed Darius Mukuka, a driver of Chifubu Township in Ndola, for uttering defamatory words against the president.

This is a matter in which Mukuka was charged with defamation of the president.
Facts of the case are that Mukuka, on March 22 last year, with intent to bring the name of the president in ridicule, said: “Uyu….finshi alelanda, alebepa abantu nafilwa ukuteka icalo.” (Bemba for ‘what is this fool saying, he has failed to govern the country and should not be lying to the people.’)

Mukuka uttered these words at Chifubu Recreation Club. He pleaded not guilty to the offence.

Mr Limbani said from the evidence adduced in court, it was not in dispute that Mukuka was at Chifubu Recreation Club on the said evening.

It was similarly not in dispute that Mukuka got into an argument with some people while at the club as the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) main news was being broadcast after the name of the president was mentioned.

Mr Limbani said from the evidence given by the State witnesses, Mukuka had uttered words that brought the name of the president into disrepute.

He said Mukuka got into an argument with some people in the bar because of the same words he had uttered, which made them unhappy that he had insulted the president.

Mr Limbani said Mukuka’s evidence and that of his single witness that he argued with other people because he did not want to watch the ZNBC main news as they could watch it from their homes, and that he only argued with the bar maid, was an afterthought.

“Citizens have a duty to defend and uphold the office of the president and not to defame the office regardless of what the differences are,” he said.

He said Mukuka deserved punishment as a deterrent to him and others, and in order to prevent disorder and anarchy in the country.

Mr Limbani, however, said he would exercise leniency because the convict was a first offender, and sentenced him to 18 months in prison with hard labour.

In mitigation, Mukuka said he was married with four children, and that the first child was in grade nine while the last was in grade two.
He said he was also taking care of his parents and was in employment.

At that point, when Lusaka-based lawyer Bonaventure Mutale, who was in court for other matters, noticed that Mukuka was struggling with his mitigation, he asked Mr Limbani if, as a friend of the court, he could offer some direction to the convict.

Mr Mutale said Mukuka was remorseful and urged the court to consider the circumstances under which he committed the offence.

He said Mukuka was consuming alcohol at the time and therefore had no criminal intent to defame the president.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. “Uyu….finshi alelanda, alebepa abantu nafilwa ukuteka icalo.” (Bemba for ‘what is this fool saying, he has failed to govern the country and should not be lying to the people.’)
    Even if i dont know bemba in his words i dont see a word this FOOL. UYU is traslated this lusakatimes you are lying in yo traslation u want it to look bad.that’s not good. i feel pity for this man for there is no justice in zambia

  2. #1 samujo, you’re right. it should have read something like “ici icipuba, finshi cilelanda….” well, it is a case of why hiring a lawyer when you can buy a judge.

  3. Such archaic Zambian laws should surely be removed from our constitution. Any President should not be hiding in the archaic constitutional clauses in the 21st century.
    FTJ Chiluba was called a THIEF because he is a thief, LP Mwanawasa was a cabbage and RB may be called a FOOL for what he is, “A FOOL”. Otherwise, how else would you describe the Presidency of RB, a tourist and supporter of criminals?

  4. Yangu tata this reminds of the UNIP days when we were so scared to even mention the name “Kaunda” for fear of being herd and jailed. The f.o.o.l that took him to court deserves a madel from RB:-t

  5. :-b:-b:-b…that poor man might have lost his cool but surely didn’t deserve to go to jail for expressing an opinion…so thats the demoracy in zambia???[-x[-x[-x…in italy some looney attacked the PM , i bet in zambia he would get a death sentence …that needs to be removed from the constitution bcoz it clearly surpresses freedom of expression .

  6. It is such reading that makes you want to hide your identity when outside Zambia. Are you telling me that true criminals will be aquitted daily and lock up laymen. Why is injustice so embraced within our judiciary. To say the least this is very unfortunate!!!

  7. Citizens have the right to be frustrated. The nature of our current governance in Zambia both by the ruling MMD and Opposition movement is calculated controversy for personal gain. Which luminary leader will step up to lead us to a higher order in Zambia. People on the ground tell me such a leader is yet to be born! Do we accept this or do we find the leader in ourselves in everyone of us?

  8. Palibe kanthu, apa. The man has been jailed for expressing an opinion. This is an infringement of his freedom of expression. The man thinks RB has failed to govern. Why arrest him? From the transcript given here, the word ‘fool’ has not been used. This is how our justice system creates criminals out of law abiding citizens

  9. It is THE OFFICE of the President that must be respected. It is good that someone has been made an example of, BUT this is kapenta, when the big breams and Buka buka are going scot free everyday that they defame the President. Our politicians must learn to respect that office because some day, they will be the occupants. RB’s administration has shown great restraint so that many have taken advantage of this as a weakness. It is so sad that every time an opposition politician opens his mouth, it is to attack the person of the President. There is nothing on policy. It is very sad indeed. Now this poor chap, whose words would have never passed beyond the recreation club is in hot soup!

  10. Kwena am appaleed….. i realy don’t know where our country is heading to or what type of laws we have. I would also like to know who did the interpretation cos i’d like o know where they got the word FOOL from as the defendant did not utter that word. Can we say we have democracy when people are jailed for expressing their opinion? Honestly speaking, how many of us out there think the same? What development have we seen in our country that the current leadership can boast about? To think that even countries in our region that were at war for years are doing far much better than us!! No wonder most people would rather leave our country cand settle elsewhere. We are frustrated!!! This poor man did not deserve prison cos there’s no crime committed!!!!

  11. Cats, if the devil is running your country, it is only right to respect him; in PUBLIC. you can disrespect him in the ballot box. If you do not vote then shut the F up like a Gazzetted B**** that you are. F-in foreigners!

  12. Darius Mukuka is a man. He stood his ground and expressed his opinion as a citizen who has a right to express himself under the freedom of expression act.
    Just release him. we’re tired of the hypocrisy we see from the FOOL RB

  13. How do you live with yourself(RB), knowing that this mans family will be without him for the mare reason that he disagrees with your governing and called you a f.o.o.l? How do you honestly????**==

  14. God lends His glory to His throne. Among men, the throne graces the occupant with glory and honour, but some occupants are of such character and grade that that honour and glory cannot stick on them. All they then do is try to keep it on by coercion and force through the use of archaic and oppressive legal provisions.
    There was no true justice in that trial, but everything to do with oppression and intimidation of the poor and defenceless. Makes you feel like crying!

  15. FDD leader Edith Nawakwi yesterday charged that President Rupiah Banda is a very incompetent and inept leader who has failed to manage the fuel crisis. @The Post 01/11/2009

    Inept is defined as “Displaying a lack of judgment, sense, or reason; foolish…” So, why should Nawakwi not be arrested, charged and imprisoned for “bring the name of the president in ridicule”?

  16. I think the judge was wrong in the intepretation as evident in this quote;
    ‘Citizens have a duty to defend and uphold the office of the president and not to defame the office regardless of what the differences are,” he said. This does not mean that citizens should not critisise or insult whoever is in office as president – in the case H.E. R Banda. He is a public officer and politician, who choose this career. Politics involves insults the world over. If you allowed this prosecution to go ahead, most of the blogs on this website would equally result in imprisonment.

  17. Amama neee!! Ta vutika!! Who will deliver us from the nonsense in the country presently? We all need to be taken in, coz i tell you i have called the man names coz it is true and it has been for a long time.

  18. Shame. I thought we had left those days behind. The next thing you will wake up in the morning and see KK on TV (“and the president sayid todayi..”, go to the shop you’ll find no unga or cooking oil or coca cola, and when you ask why it will be “foreign PF spies!”.

  19. rubbish, that was not defamation. can u imagine how many bloggers on this site would be prosecuted for their comments? :o:o:o:-?:-?

  20. This is bad. Another red card for RB. Surely how does he run a country like this.Sending people to prison because they called him a fool. Judiciary yapa Zed nayena…awe mwandi. Even the judge is happy to read the sentence. Where is freedom of expression. Someone please print some T-shirts with some unprintable words on it so that we can be wearing them in Zed.


  22. It seems soon we’ll all be crowding the jail cells. I am sure most of us have said some thing similar to what the unfortunate man said. What i find extremely annoying is the way our politicians in government find a way to justify their insults while meting out punishment to anyone who speaks against them or their policies. Zambia needs to be freed!!!!

  23. this is crazy, that judge need to go back to school and what he should is this is democrancy somebody should not be jailed for expressing his views over his worker; in this place who is a president hired by the same guy. Zambia has gone to the dogs who are the president and his minion as well as his incompitence judges, dam A.S.S people. THis man should freed from jail.

  24. Ala bane is this what they can call an insult ? I thot he used those ones starting with chika,stan and tomb connotations but zo-ona pa Z ! Kanshi shilya isha bena Boxing Mwale teti balande.Jockers

  25. this is crazy, that judge need to go back to school and what he should know is, this is democrancy somebody should not be jailed for expressing his views over his worker; in this place, who is a president hired by the same guy. Zambia has gone to the dogs who are the president and his minion as well as his incompitence judges, dam A.S.S people. THis man should be freed from jail.

  26. “Citizens have a duty to defend and uphold the office of the president and not to defame the office regardless of what the differences are.” How true is this statement especially in Zambian politics today? Who in fact decided that this was an insult? Blair, Obama Brown have all been publicly heckled from time to time but they don’t instruct the courts to throw the hecklers into prison. This is like Goerge Orwell’s animal farm – where all animals are equal but some are more equal than others. Sata, HH, Mpombo et al, have all uttered words that were more “demeaning” than what this guy said but just because he didn’t have a powerful lawyer on his side he has gone in for 18 months! How Sad. The politicians themselves need to remember: “IF YOU LIVE IN A GLASS HOUSE DON’T THROW…

  27. ba LT…im getting the feeling you are slowly being bought by RB and his bootlickers…i cant help notice you are trying to spice up issues here..why??

  28. To all that are cocern, thruogh one of this NGOs we can help this guy by organising him a lawyer in a way of donations, by doing this, not only we help him but will be sending a message to those in gov. That indeed we deserve out freedom of expression. If our fellow Iraquian did it with the guy who throu a shoes on Bush and I believe we can do it too.

  29. This country has ceased to be democratic, but is now a dictatorship. You mean to tell me that citizens are not allowed to criticize the people they elect to public office now? Mounting debt and untouchable politicians; what a bleak future this country will have in the coming years if things continue on the same track.

  30. Going by the reaction to this story by the majority of bloggers, it seems to me that we became so used to insulting the President that our hearts are calloused so we see nothing wrong. Democracy and freedom of speech does not mean we have the right to insult people in general and the Head of State in particular. We inherited these laws from the British which also draws from Roman law. In Britain, it is a serious offence to defame the Head of State, the Queen. It is not Mr Brown. The Prime Minister is head of government, like our VP. In the US, a Senator apologised for shouting ‘lier!’ at Obama. The reason for this is that the President commands the army and if he is not respected, mutiny could result and security endangered.

  31. In a democracy, there are laid down procedures by which a government is replaced. Either, the Parliament passes a vote of no confidence in the Head of state or the voters do so at the ballot. In the meantime, the opposition can shout and scream, but they have to sell their policies to the people. Nawakwi and many other Zambian politicians are still behaving as though they are mature-age-entry members of UNZASU. I do not even understand why student union leaders are accorded such prominent publicity in Zambia. It may have been so in the 1970’s when we had a hand full of graduates but that is long gone. They are just kids and they should be treated as such!

  32. #43 what nonsense. anybody in the UK can say anything they like about the Queen at any time. just because a law hasn’t been removed from the statute book doesn’t mean it is enforced

  33. #43 perhaps you should go back to your Roman law, that’s what seems to suit the level of progress you would like to see in the world

  34. #38, I congratulate you for that practical thought. All talk and no action will never achieve anything, but if, as citizens we acted in the way you propose, it will not only help that poor man, but will send a strong message to those who want to misuse positions of authority through the use of crooked laws, that we reject their rotten kind of governance and will choose and strive to live as free people.
    I’m game for putting your beautiful idea into practice!

  35. This is really drama on the legal scene,Who promoted this man to the position of a judge?He does not have what it takes.shame on you RB minions,you will fall with him.

  36. :)>-:)>-:)>-:)>- # 43 you don’t know what you are talking about. The man is 100% innocent. telling someone that they are foolish or stupid is not an insult, it;s an expression of opion about what one has observed.e.g i can tell you that your explaination has some level of foolishness as you are comparing an apple with a mango.
    Zambians lets watch this trend. It started with carrying a red paper in the hand and now it has moved to words used in pubs!!watch it, the man will do anything to remain in power.

  37. The international community is watching. Such a judgment is very bad for the democracy rating of Zambia, and this also affects foreign investment and aid flows. What the man expressed was his opinion of the President’s competenecy. There was no mention of fool and certainly no insults were uttered. He did not even attack the office of the President but spoke about the incumbent’s competency, as he saw it. This court ruling is a disgrace and damaging to Zambia. We are moving backwards when others are moving forward. The President should intervene in the interests of the country and his own.

  38. Where are our learned lawyers! Can you please help out this poor fellow and appeal against this nonsense of a judgment. An injury to one is an injury to all, please helpout. Sata and HH can you please take up this issue and highlight it from a political front. NGOs and churches should all join in. Ba Post please give this issue prominence in your paper tomorrow. Fellow bloggers let’s please help out by setting up a fund where contributions can be made to help in legal costs. I am offering to setup a website were donations can be channeled. Let’s all do whatever we can. We can not allow a fellow citizen suffer for expressing an opinion shared by many.

  39. Where is the civil society in our Country? This man needs to be released. Help!Help! Help!Help!Help!Help! Help!Help!Help!Help! Help!Help!Help!Help! Help!Help!Help!Help! Help!Help!

    RED Card to the Judges and lawyers

  40. 2/3 of zambians would be arrested if the police were to start being serious about aresting those who use foul language against President Return Banda,including me

  41. how come others are never arrested for what they say…..for instance, nawakwi calls RB a headless chicken….people like sata have said so much….why dont they pick there own size instead of poor citizens just trying to voice out.

  42. This is nonsense, I would gladly contribute my hard earned pennies to any legal fees for any lawyer out there who would take up this case to help Mukuka.

  43. poor man, i guess this is a true sign that we are not living in a democratic country. I mean 18 mouths…..this just means that we can never say anything about Bwezani. The judicial system iin Zambia is just red card. Twachula

  44. Rupiah is running around like a headless chicken – Nawakwi @The Post 17/03/2010

    “FORUM for Democracy and Development (FDD) leader Edith Nawakwi has charged that President Rupiah Banda is running around like a headless chicken without direction……..”

    ““I am challenging Rupiah Banda. If he has any common sense, we should meet……”

    Nawakwi warned that the people that were suffering would rise.
    “And when they rise, it is red cards all over,”

  45. If the Oppositon leaders are told that they have failed to Govern in areas they control, is it a Jailable offence or only applies to the President. Aah where is the freedom of expression. I think the magistrate is either following a law though old but still applicable. Mp’s repeal such laws please. It’s only the poor being convicted, the rich never and other opposition leaders that daily utters unprintable words on NyamaSoya oh Sorry it’s ba RB, banga Kumange.

  46. Uyu….finshi alelanda, alebepa abantu nafilwa ukuteka icalo.” (Bemba for ‘what is this fool saying, he has failed to govern the country and should not be lying to the people- THE INTERPRETATION IS NOT RIGHT. ISEE NO DEFAMATORY IN THE ENGLISH VERSION.

  47. Ala mukwayi tapali nesele bamutukene …bushe nga balwunfwele shilia tu mutuka kuti batukaka fye Life in Prison…Chachine Rb nafilwa ukuteka ichalo elo kukwenda nobufi apana… this an insult or it is the truth.? Lekeni uyo umulumendo …So thos e who are insulting RB in english are ok ..Nawakwi has just described RB as a behaving like a headless chicken. if we say the same thing in local ati iyo watukana. Ifimitwe.:o:o:o

  48. Shame on Zambian so called Justice. I feel sad about Mukuka-I pray that the Magistrate realise what he has just done to Justine by bringing in injustice.

    How many big fish have insulted RB and come out innocent-Justice for the rich and injustice for the poor

  49. Can someone in Zambia please contact Elis and Co to see if Hon Mutale SC can represent this poor man. We can then contribute to a fund to cover costs. Lets give it a try please.

  50. This is madness! Very likely RB may not even know that such cases happen – overzealous MMD kaponyas prosecuting the case… just my thoughts anyway.

  51. Its time to for all the arms of Government to move into the new age. I’m not encouraging insulting the President,but criticism of a public figure in a bar is not worth 18 months in prison!!! Thats the problem when you have old laws, old presidents and old judges . Our president is 100years old ( if you add VAT to his age )

  52. What kind of crap is this! Really, who is this magistrate with such low level of literacy at law? Mukuka is just being persecuted simply because he is Bemba. We all know RB’s high level of intolerancy towards people of different tribe from his. From every normal person’s stand point of view there is not a single word that is defamatory in what Mukuka uttered. Infact he was very careful in his choice of words but accurately delivered the truth about RB…”He has failed to govern”, which is simply the truth that everyone world-over comprehends. Now, here is how I would described RB, “He is a brainless piece of sh..t, a child molester!”

  53. #43 This is a law abiding family man who expressed an opinion. Zambia is a Christian nation …this 18 month prison for an opinionated sentence is wrong. Please objectively analyze the sentence and call a spade a spade…there is no violence or hate in his sentence just his opinion. To win people’s hearts MMD should not lock up a poor person’s opinion. Example, Mwanawasa was criticized a lot when he took office. Things like w/fall tax, debt reduction and a stand against corruption made people’s opinion about him change over time. Unless you have not traveled around the world…u will notice presidents are criticized everyday. They call this freedom of speech. This man should sue for discrimination, bullying and elitism. Numerous people in democratic countries express their opinions…

  54. #43 Numerous people in democratic countries express their opinions worldwide on governance and leaders… does that mean a jail sentence? No, because it provides checks and balances in a country. If any party can’t stand the heat of one law abiding citizen’s opinion they should get out the kitchen of politics. Where are the lawyers to defend this man?

  55. Awe this is ridiculous something needs to be done quickly. We all need to write letters to Times of Zambia or do something!!!! How can a citizen in a modern day democracy be arrested for a conversation he had in a bar??!!! Kwisa uko? I have no words for the judge (who even failed to state which laws/statutes were broken by this man) People are not there to uphold the government… the government should be the one upholding and defending the rights of citizens …are we not a free nation with freedom of speach. The man did not threaten the President nor did he accuse the President of ill doing ….. Ba LT we need to do something

  56. You know what is really sad; This story will disappear and so will this poor mans freedom. This will not even end up being an after thought for many of us in the next couple of days or even months. How could a laywer fail to defend this man, how could a prosecutor even take up such a case. You have to wonder… if you are in Zambia you need to write to your MPs talk to the NGOs do something. Nawakwi just said the President is running around like a headless chicken why is she not in jail? Is this law only meant for ordinary citizens?

  57. During the last Kasama Central Const. election campaigns, RB openly refered to PF supporters as crazy or mad, he said “… vioneni vi masilu, vipuba…” Somebody tell me what defamation is. But this guy Mukuka was very right, 100% correct. even the Judge knew that Mukuka was right.

  58. People complain about lack of democracy in Zimbabwe? How can it be a crime to insult an elected head of state? They are merely our representatives, not kings.

  59. 56 Umwina Kalale,

    ” how come others are never arrested for what they say…..for instance, nawakwi calls RB a headless chicken….people like sata have said so much….why dont they pick there own size instead of poor citizens just trying to voice out. ”

    My guess would be parliamentary immunity. There is no reason why the same rights should not be extended to ordinary citizens.

  60. I’m utterly disgusted that this has happened in zambia. this man needs to be acquitted at once. Indeed this isn’t something a democratic country would do.this is human rights abuse.please lawyers,Ngos,churches,help this man.or perhaps LT bloggers lets do something

  61. Wow now you see what kind of leadership Zambia has, theres no freedom of speech. That poor man didnt put RB’s life in jeopardy all he said was the fool has failed to leads us, which I totaly agree with . Chi RB WE CHINSOFU WE, If you want come and get me, nkesamitakanya ba kolwe imwe.

  62. Out of the 82 blogs posted so far everybody else has the same opinion apart from #43(I guess he/she agrees with the rest deep down his heart). This is really good. We need some action on this issue before the poor innocent man’s case is forgetten and he ends up languishing in jail. To begin with can the bloggers in Zambia take up the case and let us know if there will be free legal representation. If this can not be found please let us know so that we can organise funding. We need a response by Tuesday next week please. I will remind all bloggers on all forums next week on thursday if no action is taken. I’ve no clue who this man is, I just feel passionate about his case.

  63. Let’s help this man and set an example that in numbers there is power and no man should be sacrificed for this buffoon called RB. Let’s get Mukuka out of jail now! Those in Zambia, please find an attorney for Mukuka and set up an account to which us in the diaspora can contribute. I am willing to contribute to the cost of defending this innocent poor man who did nothing wrong but was just stating the truth. I am sure many more people of goodwill are willing to do the same. All we need is to get people in Zambia identify a lawyer and set up an account to which we can contribute. Let’s roll!! It’s about time!!

  64. So who is the Point Man spearheading this effort? I agree, let not just blog. Let us show RB and his minions that as Zambians, we will not accept fear and intimidation.

  65. Old Rupia Bwezani Banda.
    Why have you forsaken the Bemba Man
    When did you forget the ways of the Nguni
    Five years ain’t the truth be told, Bwezani! You fool

    Old Rupia Bwezani Banda
    Five years of Bembaness I presume
    For calling a Spade a Spade
    I knew you Bwezani Once as a Fool

    Awe is the Fool desire knowledge
    Awe is folly to the Fool Hate His own wickedness
    Five years my Lord for reminding Stupid, He’s *****
    Foolish is the Zambian calleth his face Zambian.

    I love you Bwezani for the Joke that you is. Better still, for being my felow Zabian. The Wife say’s to thank you for the memorable hosipitality, Zambia I love you the most.


  67. Yet Kafupi, who stole our millions has not spent a single day in the slammer. Where is the justice in all this? What was that judge smoking? First, it was Father Bwalya, then this poor soul, who is next? This is despotic, and should not be allowed to continue.

  68. They guys do you like this huh????????/ :):(:d:”>:((:d/:x8-|/:):o:-?:-\”:-&#119;;)[-(:)>-#:-s(~~)**==*-:)o:-)3:-o:(|):)):-??:-:*:-&:-$:)]8-}8-x8->(:|(*)(%)%-(%%-$-)#-o^:)^[-o<@};->:d<=:)<:-p<):):-ss:-<:>:-@:-b:-j:-l:p:-s:-c:-h:-t:|:o):@):^o;));;)=((=))=d>=p~>-)>:)>:/>:p=;~X(~o)~:>[-xx(o=>o->o-+l-)|-)b-)b-(@-):-<:-ss:):(<):):>b-(b-):-@<:-p:">:((:-bl-)o-+:-j=:):d/:x>:d<:-lo->o=>:p@};-8-|/:)[-o<:-sx([-x:-c^:)^:o:-?:-\"#-o:-h~:>~o):-t~X($-):-&#119;;)%%-:|=;:o)%-([-(:)>-:@):^o(%)#:-s(~~)(*)(:|;;)**==8->=((=))8-x*-:)8-}o:-)=d>=p~:)]3:-o:(|):-$>:):-&:)):-??:*>:/>:p:-

  69. Tired of this no brain President. Sata PLEASE come in and run the country the way it is supposed to. F.U.C.K MMD AND THEIR SUPPORTERS!!!

  70. We need a way to put signatures in protest to this judgement, Can LT help us with this?~X(~X(~X(~X(~X(~X(~X(~X(~X(~X(

  71. RB and MMD – Hardworking Mwanawasa left us in a mess with RB but anyway We can never blame Mwanawasa-it was not his intension to have this fellow as leader of the MMD-the Tetas,Mulos,Shipwas,and so many selfish individuals forced him on this dying party–may be if we had the Magande’s sanity will have been there.

    let us see what we can do with #98

    remember this is a non partisan or political comment but VIVA Zambia

  72. My contacts in Zambia have confirmed to me that Hon Mutale SC is happy to represent this gentleman. Countryment and women, your country now needs you, please make donations. Let us show the spirit of our fathers who fought for our freedoms. This is your moment. Details of the Law Firm are on post 98.
    I will be instructing my Zambian solicitors to make the first donation on my behalf on monday morning.

  73. i think some one must leave office before many youths go to the bush.this man is trying to bring angola in Zambia.

  74. iyo kwena uyu mudala hes realy unlucky…ubushiku usheme nakambala kalocha…ba RB please pardon this fool.. i know you will coz you are a wise leader

  75. He said “Uyu chikala finshi alelanda, alebepa abantu nafilwa ukuteka icalo.”
    Why are you censoring this LT? Bloggers want to know exactly what he said so that they can make their judgment. Bloggers are mature and intelligent adults for goodness sake!

  76. He said “Uyu chikala finshi alelanda, alebepa abantu nafilwa ukuteka icalo.”

    Why are you censoring this LT? Bloggers want to know exactly what he said so that they can make their judgment. Bloggers are mature and intelligent adults for goodness sake!

  77. flag
    Max says:
    March 20, 2010 at 7:54 pm

    He said “Uyu chi colour finshi alelanda, alebepa abantu nafilwa ukuteka icalo.”

    Why are you censoring this LT? Bloggers want to know exactly what he said so that they can make their judgment. Bloggers are mature and intelligent adults for goodness sake!

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