Friday, March 7, 2025

RB happy with the current crop of Civil Servants


President Banda in-coming commissioner of the Electoral Commission of Zambia Judge Esau Chulu shake hands during a swearing ceremony at State House
President Banda (L)

President Rupiah Banda says he is happy with the current crop of civil servants working in the public service. President Banda says an effective civil service requires hard working workforce that are committed to duty.

Mr. Banda said this when he sworn in Bobby Samakayi as Chief of State protocol at State House, State House Comptroller Eliazer Kawila and Medson Lisati as permanent Secretary at Public management Development Division at cabinet Office.

President Banda congratulated the three civil servants for their dedication and commitment to duty since is assumed presidency and wished them that they will take the civil service to greater heights.

“I have worked with all of you even when I was republican vice President and I’m pleased to promote you. Congratulations on your new appointments and I have no doubt that you will continue to be humble, royal and committed to duty,” The President said.

On March 16, President Banda promoted Ambassador Samakayi , Mr. Kawila and Mr. Lisati where he congratulated them for accepting their new portfolios.

Mr. Banda also appointed State House Chief Analyst for Political Affairs Francis Chigunta as his Acting Special Assistant for Political Affairs for administrative convenience.

Ambassador Samakayi was Chief of protocol at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mr. Kawila was Director Human Resource and Administration while Mr. Lisati was Zambia’s Deputy High Commissioner to Nigeria.

State House Minister Ronald Mukuma, Lusaka province Minister Charles Shawa, Chief Government Spokesperson and Information and Broadcasting services Minister Ronnie Shikapwasha and senior government officials witnessed the swearing-in ceremony.



  1. What has happened to the Diaspora Desk at State House? Which official is responsible for it and what are the contact details. The websites of both State House and High Commission in London have not been updated in a long time – to say the least …

  2. “I am challenging Rupiah Banda. If he has any common sense, we should meet at the Filter Clinic at UTH tomorrow. I want to talk to him at UTH Filter Clinic where people are sitting on the floor as if we are at war,” said Nawakwi who visited the Filter Clinic at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) and some township clinics in Lusaka.Can he show us his work at UTH Filter Clinic tomorrow where people are dying every minute and this President cannot have the sense of direction to direct his energy in the right place.

  3. “Let him go to Chipata clinic where pregnant women are being told, ‘when you come to deliver come with your bucket’ because there is no incinerator there. After you deliver they tell you, ‘madam, thank you very much, you are carrying your baby plus whatever we needed to dispose and the placenta, go and throw it wherever you are going’,” Nawakwi said. Now, in Chipata compound, the place is flooded and there are no toilets. So where is this woman going to throw the placenta and other wastes?
    Look, this government has reduced people to animals. I want Bwezani to go to Chipata clinic with me and when we come back from Chipata clinic, I want him to tell me that he is working. If he thinks he is the head of state, he has to go and see the situation for himself.

  4. The current crop is ok because they haven’t changed the style of work. Please when are you getting PC’s for the “POLICE” so that they also become effecient in their operations!

  5. Can you imagine you have delivered; you are not well and you are told, ‘carry your baby and the bucket full of waste’. Where do you incinerate in Chipata compound? And you have a President who says, ‘I am working’. Let him come to Chipata clinic maternity ward and let him show me his works in Chipata compound.”
    President Banda should spend two weeks in Zambia and tour health institutions to ascertain the situation.

  6. Nawaki has MISPLACED HER POINT her point.Before the president,we have first the cleaners who have their supervisors them the sisters in-charge and on duty,then the procurement personnel ,who has a planning officers then the District Health Management Boards then provincial director then ministry of Health.All these are paid to do their jobs using tax payers monies.


  8. this presidents has created more positions than necessary, especially for a country like Zambia.I dont know how many people wehave in cabinet as ministers, deputies and then talk about PS and their deputies and talk about all these ambassadors and everyone in foreign missionsthat live luxurious in this diaspora. Most of these have a political affiliation in some way…….You get a promotion when you have licked Bwezanis boots so so much that your body cannot secrete any saliva any more.He should trim his government to make it smaller and more efficient, instead of having friends, political supporters and sympathizers.Please trim those positions and look at issues that need real attention like schools, hospitals, infrastructure……………….:

  9. “I have no doubt that you will continue to be humble, royal and
    committed to duty,” The President said.” ROYAL? How? Are you sure it is not loyal?

  10. this presidents has created more positions than necessary, especially for a country like Zambia.I dont know how many people wehave in cabinet as ministers, deputies and then talk about PS and their deputies and talk about all these ambassadors and everyone in foreign missionsthat live luxurious in this diaspora. Most of these have a political affiliation in some way…….You get a promotion when you have licked Bwezanis boots so so much that your body cannot secrete any saliva any more.He should trim his government to make it smaller and more efficient, instead of having friends, political supporters and sympathizers.Please trim those positions and look at issues that need real attention like schools, hospitals, infrastructure……………….:( 😮

  11. Obviously RB will be happy with the current crop of civil servants, because he is never in the country, so he does not know what they do . Half of the time he is in the air

  12. # 1 that is a good observation, The state house website is so embarrasing? you should look at the Kenyan state house website, South African even the Rwandan Govt website. Secondly the diaspora desk is a myth. There was some lady masquarading as the head of the Diaspora desk she was talking big but it has all come out as hot air.

  13. Why do so many people assume that people who are in embassies abroad and High commissions are related to the president in some way or the other?? What the hell happened to being fit for the job,having the right qualifications, going to university to actually become a diplomat.
    On the issue of diplomats living luxurious,obviously you need to maintain a standard, it doesn’t have to be extreme but at least up to par with your colleagues.The same people talking about diplomats living the good life are the same people that would be complaining if they saw a diplomat from their country driving a below standard car and was living in a ghetto. Next thing you would be saying is that the money being sent to that embassy is being misused..

  14. # 8, There’s nothing wrong with anybody suipporting anybody, like some of you folks support Sata, whom I find totally unsuitable for president because I know him well. Nawakwi supported Rupiah then, but now she knows he’s a total failure. Rupiah lacks sight and every little asset needed to run a modern state. I wish he’d quit before he plunges us into oblivion, and I hope he doesn’t stel from us like chief MMD thief Chiluba did.

  15. RB should seriously answer to Nawakwi’s observation of the status of hospitasl and clinics in the country, Nawakwi’s current tour at UTH speaks volume on how RB has misplaced priorities and neglected the all health care system in Zambia.

  16. Sure he is because he is never in the country.The fews days he is in Zambia he is attending to praise singers and authorising payments to cadres%-(%-(%-(%-(%-(

  17. 3, 19, 20 Of course Nawakwi is playing to the gallery and is not serious about solving the problem if at all it is true and not all stupid politics, Zambian opposition style. If you were serious about finding a solution to a problem would you approach your colleague or neighbour, let alone a head of state, in that uncivilised, uncouth manner? Guys, these are things that take us backwards. If you really want good results in any setting, there are civilised ways of resolving problems in society whether with your neighbour, workmate, or any other human being. I am VERY disappointed that Nawakwi, my stream at the University of Zambia 1979 to 1983, could sink so low as to join in gutter politics.

  18. #1 Multi Millionaire, A couple of weeks ago you informed us via LT that a woman whose name I can’t remember was going to address Zambians at the High commission. I made a comment about the poor communication system and the unpleasant attitude of some of the staff at that mission and am now happy that you too have observed this.

  19. Look Nawakwi, there are very few women in politics and we all thought you were a rising star. Were we wrong? But why, is it because you have recently been threatened with impeachment in FDD? And so to be heard you have to join the bandwagon of insulting the usual soft target RB? You are wrong my sister, take it from me that in the minds of voters for 2011 RB has been elevated to the status of an angel, God sent President if you like. Never mind the noise of bloggers and certain good for nothing opposition, Zambian voters want civilised politics and 2011 will confirm what I have told you.

  20. The opposition parties have money, let them contribute to build the nation rather than pointing fingers only. You buy chibuku, ifitenge and t-shirts for your cadres, that money can be used also for something at UTH or Chipata clinic. If you do so we shall believe you:

  21. Jeeez , there seems to be a lot of bureaucrats at state house. I never knew there was a minister of state house No wonder RB finds the time for jet setting . There’s more than enough people to take care of business.

  22. if HERB is not outside the country then is makin some political appointments,please batate James work so that u can prove us wrong than just doing nothing.2011 vote wisely

  23. some bloggers make me sick,honestly you expect the opposition parties to contribute money & start cleaning the hospitals & mending roads? Then what is the job of the Goverment & why do we pay tax? The reason we have a goverment is provide for his people the basics wants & needs,create a better living conditions for its citizen.

  24. #18 Envoy
    The president appoints all embassy officials,they are all political appointments,as for junior officials,they all come either from OOP or Ministry of foreign affairs seconded from different departments through a PS who happens to be a cader.You can have a degree in diplomacy and be non partisan,i can assure if you have no political affiliation to the rulling party as well as lick the presidents boot you can as well throw that paper in a shredder,politics and education is none existence when it comes to appointments

  25. # 30, I could not have answered any better than you. # 29, you are wise. We need such calibre of blogging. #27, I share your ammusement. We are yet to know there is a State House Minister in charge of Presidential Meals. #24, you sound a cader of RB but you have potential to reason well. Look at how many Red cads are being falshed. Against who? #25, its not too late for you to go and study civics in grade and nine to know the duty of Govt. #21, you are right. #20, you have raised serious issues, not politics! #18, your views are the least informed. I pity your ignorance. Please do not expect a High Commissioner from poor Zambia to have a same living standard a counterpart from USA. Thats why one from ZESCO would earn more than one from a company with 3 workers. They have money, we dont.

  26. # 25, probably you need to know what it means to have entered into a social contract with the government of the day. Find out what it means, then we can have a substantive discussion with regards to the operations of the government, the operation and citizenry. Asking the opposition to contribute money to government functions is like asking citizens to have their own army, border protection, and other government functions.

  27. #22 I totally agree with you. When Edith Nawakwi was Minister of finance, Were things in these intitutions any better? or have these problems started today when she is out of Govt and RB is there? Lets play politics of Dev. She is un dressing women. So un fair.
    This Hule should concetrate on Hambulo period.otherwise what do you expect from her, its public knowledge that when The former wife of Hambulo(Nawakwi’s boy friend-father of her Daugther-Nambozi) was sued for divorce, she(former wife) explained how he Hambulo would sleep with sick maids. What this means is that Nawakwi is actually sharing this man with maids hence trying to vent her anger on innocent people and not having respect for women whose private process of producing a baby is being opened. we have had enough of your…

  28. Is what Nawakwi said about not having incinirators at hospitals true or not? if its true someone needs to do something about it,if not then lets all condemn her,why should she alarm the nation with such statements when the hospitals are squeeky clean
    Undressing women for telling the trueth hmmmmmmmmmmm,chansa kabwela springs to mind

  29. People I was expecting to see some army general destined for sweden being sworn-in. If I may ask, doesnt it mean that this prticular army general is an mmd simpanthiser/cadre?

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