Friday, March 7, 2025

NCC expected to be dissolved in August, Kunda


The National Constitutional Conference (NCC) is expected to be dissolved by 31st August,2010, parliament heard today.
Vice President George Kunda told parliament when the National Constitutional Conference Amendment bill 2010 came up for second reading.

Mr Kunda told the house that the amendment bill seeks to amend the NCC Act No.19 of 2007 by revising the period for the dissemination and adoption of the initial report and draft constitution in an effort to conclude the constitutional making process before the preparation of the 2011 national budget.

He also said that the amendment is aimed at ensuring that constitution provisions with financial implications are taken into account in the preparation of the national budget.

The vice president who is also Justice Minister further told the house that the proposed amendment seeks to specify the period within which the NCC chairperson should submit the final draft bill to the minister of justice after its adoption by the Conference which currently is not provided for.

Mr Kunda said following last year’s amendment which changed the budget cycle which now requires government to present the budget by October of each financial year; the NCC amendment bill contains provisions specifying that the NCC will stand dissolved by 31st August, 2010, and the term of office for the members will thereby expire.



  1. Rubbish selfish idi ots! Who cares about the NCC?

    The yids were a waste of time. The sooner they go, the better. Africa!

  2. Lima Jazz Band… love this band ..plays their songs often…

    You rite buddy!! they shld have been gona since last time they were there!! as long as they adopt the dual citizenship cl!

  3. malabishi,these guys are nt really interested in the new constitution..their main priority is their pockets.they don’t care abt this document.they need to go becuase they have raped our tressuries,without even feeling sorry for the poor zambians they are stealing frm.MMD kuya bebele!

  4. Now somebody do the mathematics pliz mwebantu… K1million sitting allowance per person per day x Several hundered people X several years

  5. NCC should NOT be dissolved until its accounts have been audited by both internal and external Auditors. But what must be done is to suspend its sittings so that no further monies are paid. We want to know how much was spent, who received what. In short, the balance sheets must balance (not on false entries).

  6. #6 Point. I like your love and care for Zambeziland. NCC to disolve only after certification of accounts.
    be dissova mpaka tumfwe insamushi. Anna Chifungula, afungule.
    no additions mwanawesu… :-w:-w

  7. Several months ago, there was a debate about how long the NCC still had to sit. Rupiah said he was giving them 4 more months, George Kunda said he was giving them 6 more months. The debate went on for a few weeks, and then like many things in my beloved country, died a natural death. I am hoping that this time around, this circus will indeed come to an end.

    Moreover, I also like the point raised at #6 by Ichalo Lifupa. We need to see the accounts. Public money was spent. The least they could do (since I do not think they will come up with a useful document)… the least they could do is tell us how they spent our money.

  8. These morons are being paid for nothing. They should have concentrated on dual citizenship, instead of focusing on trivial issues, such as Kafupi’s immunity and lining their own pockets.

  9. The idea to have the NCC in place was good in some senses; but the end results on political amendments and political interference to have this new constitution in place has spoiled almost every thing.

  10. How does Kafupi FTJ Chiluba feel now that the constitution is being revised from his Congolese phrases to real Zambian clauses? It is a shame for this man to have done what he did. We can forgive KK because the man never championed democracy in the first place, but for FTJ Kafupi who excelled on democratic principles to power and later changed the tone, it is really a shame to the man. Abash Kafupi, abash SATAN and his third term campaigns. Moreover you are the ones who deported me to Malawi for calling Kafupi a Congolese thief.

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