Friday, March 7, 2025

PF distributes Sata’s campaign badges


Patriotic Front (PF) has distributed campaign badges bearing the portrait of its leader Michael Sata for the 2011 elections, three months after the United Party for National Development (UPND) distributed similar badges with leader Hakainde Hichilema’s picture.

PF cadres in Lusaka are distributing Mr Sata’s portrait with a message that he is the one contesting the 2011 elections.
The portraits in form of badges are bearing a message saying ‘Sata for 2011’.

Three months ago there were similar badges for UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema that also stated that he was going to contest the 2011 elections.

But when contacted for a comment yesterday, PF spokesperson Given Lubinda said that it was not of concern to anyone if the PF was campaigning for next year’s elections or not.

Mr Lubinda said no one would tell the PF when to campaign because whatever happened 2011 elections were coming.

He said if there was campaign material for Mr Sata or Mr Hichilema the people would next year vote to determine their leader.

He said there were many badges that were being distributed including those of him and UPND Member of Parliament (MP) for Siavonga Douglas Syakalima saying that they would also contest next year’s elections.

He accused the Times of Zambia of chasing the wind by asking him on the campaign material that was being distributed.

“You Times of Zambia, it seems you have a lot of talk time to chase the wind. You can write what you want because PF’s campaign is not of concern to anyone,” he said.

But deputy UPND spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa said he was not aware of the development but there was nothing wrong if it was true that campaign materials were being distributed.

“In case it is true, there is nothing wrong because the two leaders have agreed to work together and they can campaign,” he said.

Mr Mweetwa said Mr Hichilema could also campaign for the elections because both leaders were possible candidates for the 2011 elections.

He said that he did not believe it was Mr Sata distributing the material but his supporters because even UPND members could do the same.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. So who is the PACT candidate? Have the PF and UPND constitutions been harmonized?

    Good job Times of Zambia. At least you follow up to get a comment from the other side. This is professional journalism.

  2. Time has come for pact to scramble for presidency! I can assure you Zambians, you will know who is so greedy between the two gentlemen before 2011. Kwaza ku utuka!

  3. thats not news as there is nothing wrong in campaigning for any of the two, this are just cheap tricks by the MMD and its good keep you guessing.

  4. # 2 and 5 The name suits u. Surely by now any reasable member of the so called pact should be worried as there seems to be no direction as regards to who will lead the pact. Its your members who being kept guessing and not MMD. MMD has structures all over, those are votes long before you start the Campaign. try to do a bit of caring about yourself and the Country. be objective. Acts of desparation will not lead us any where, instead such actions will only destroy our beloved Country

  5. # 4 what does it concern you? The filing of candidates has not come so for now PF – UPND can test the waters then they can come up with a single candidate. Good strategy pact, Twalateka nombaline

  6. The statement below says it all…

    “He said that he did not believe it was Mr Sata distributing the material but his supporters because even UPND members could do the same. ”

    Even if i did not support the pact i would like to know who will be standing and maybe that candidate might have my vote… whats the point of having a pact come election time each party stands on its own manifesto??? I mean are you going to campaign and say it doesnt matter who you vote for between HH and Sata because we are the same then why not just have 1 person stand???

  7. Imagine Sata saying you can vote for me or HH we are one and the same i think the best for me is the seat this one out

  8. Bloggers be rest assured the pact cannot make Sata president, even Lubinda and his group have agreed to push for HH’s candidacy. The old man is just there to draw crowds and you know do what he knows best entertain and campaign for HH. So forget it no matter what happens be rest assured Zambia is safe, am reliably informed that Hakainde is the final choice. Right now even Kambwili’s and Nsanda’s agree that for stability and economic development HH is the man. Which am sure will come as a releife to most of you bloggers, lets get HH to state house.

  9. They can stay in denial, run, hide, deny and pretend that all is holding but there is always a strategic inflection point in life where seperations between two greedy incongruous characters who are scrumbling for power result in deep division and end of a marriage of convenience artificially postulated.Sata and Ichilema’s marriage is a case of oil and water in a combustion chamber.

  10. Kaya. Keeping guesing nikwamene but the reality will come to the light for everyone to see. I hope these two gentlemen will not be stingy for the sake of poor Zambians

  11. I am truely PF, but ever since they went into a PACT with UPND, I’m very symphaphetic to UPND. Both PF and UPND on their own will not dislodge MMD because of corrupt tendancies of MMD in the rural areas. The 2 parties could also split votes. But as a UNIT MMD is gone and buried, they know it themselves thats why panicking. So who ever is picked to lead the PACT I shall support. UPND supporters and cadres lets rally behind the prefared candidate that will be chosen. I have seen a lot of UPND supporters talk ill about Mr. Sata on this fora whilst PF do not degrade HH. We should not give MMD any chance cause we shall never develop beyond were we are now, they are stale & past shelf life. MMD Kuya bebele. MMD has been proping up HH cause they thing he is weak, alas they MMD will be shocked

  12. Only Sata chabe…..Plot 1 State House!!!! Abash calculator boys posing as business men abash manja mu Privatisation….Plot is for hardmen not board room technicians..PF for Presido we need someone tested like MCS.

  13. About the PACT? Does the PF and UPND share the same ideologies and policies? On the assumption they win the 2011 elections whose policies are they going to adopt? At the moment its seems their main objective is to remove the MMD form gov’t, other than this what is their common ground as regards to governing the country?

  14. We have said it once and we will say it again, There is noway a person going to Choma and a person going to Kasama can get on the same bus and hope to arrive at there destinations at the same time. There is no way oil and water can not mix. HH is too humble, honest and educated while Sata is too dishonest and craft with no education background except criminal charges. HH is of good age for leadership yet Sata is too old to continue in politics. All of you will agree with me that Mr HHs level of thinking is too high for Mr Sata for reasons mentioned above except us as Zambians we look at who can talk and insult better than others and that is a perimeter for qualification as presidential candidate. We need to cleary reflect on the future of this country for the sake of our on children.

  15. RB number 14 you are right!!! HH is playing with a snake,its king “KOBRA” his playing with,awe shua..[-(

  16. This whole pact thing cant work because both parties are tribally polarized and the presidents of these parties are desperate to become president of Zambia. PF has invested 9 years into their campaign whilst UPND have invested 13 years. UPND have even lost their founder to HIV & AIDS during their fight to take over government.

    Therefore, to expect Sata to give up his 9 years of investment in decampaigning MMD and making PF popular, just so that he can assure HH wins, is like asking an infant for his mothers breast. Also, asking HH to give up all the millions of dollars Mazoka spent for 13 years trying to remove MMD and making UPND popular, is just as ridiculous.

    The pact has only achieved to delay intra-party democracy thus reducing the chances of someone younger taking over.

  17. Adolf Hitler was a good orator and he killed thousands of jews. Being able to speak the language that appeases the masses should not be the yard stick for presidential office. We need to graduate into looking deeper into the abilities of the candidate. When it comes to Zambians economic problems, only a well vested economist can understand the white and chinese mans intentions in Africa and how to get a better deal for Zambians.

    But then again, how do you sway the vote your way when you cant convince the public?

  18. “…But when contacted for a comment yesterday, PF spokesperson Given Lubinda said that it was not of concern to anyone if the PF was campaigning for next year’s elections or not…..” But Mr Lubinda, It is the voters’ concern if PF is campaigning, don’t you want votes? Just say you are perplexed by what is happening and they don’t consult you a Lozi of course. This confirms what someone said that PF is a Bemba party and UPND is a Tonga party with both tribes thinking that we don’t know that they are trying to use each other. Very soon Mr Lubinda will join the long list of former PF General Secretaries criticising and revealing bad things about Mr Sata, mukanjeba.

  19. Do these MMD followers really believe in what they blog, from the deepest fibre of their being, or they have supervisors in the various embassies they work in, who check if they have bootlicked that day? It seems they believe every BULL$H!T that they hear from the times and this MMD government. Even if this government woke up today and said “lets execute half the country” am sure one of these bootlickers will jump up and praise the government and say ” Good thinking MMD, less people in the country more food and more jobs, go ahead and kill half the country nice thinking” People Zambia is your country MMD or not, think beyond the interest of your various parties, think of the poor people in the villages and those dying in hospital which are just walls with no medicine and less personnel

  20. If the PACT are so secretive of what their game plan is, how can we trust them if they took charge of running gov’t? Zambians deserve transparency right from the begining, we are not young or so gullible to be let to guess of what will happen if they took charge. We should not be driven into situations of IFs and BUTs. Give us your road map and be honest with the electorate, otherwise the electorate will be very highly expectant to things that you will not deliver.

  21. Mr. Capitalist @4, you wouldn’t know professional journalism from your own Sh*I.t. Spare us the C.r@p, please!!

  22. 27 Kaponyas, those are empty comments. PF or even UPND have failed to assure us voters that they can offer a better or even equivalent alternative to MMD. Your best and only performance so far is insults, nothing to show any form of intelligent and constructive attributes. You cannot even decide who the PACT leader will be. The mark of a serious party is that it is people driven. If you the supporters cannot correct your leaders in the PACT as they mislead themselves that there is time to select the leader of the PACT, then it will shock be AND NOT RIGGING come 2011.

  23. Ba Boss ba Kaponyas!!! #27, dont get upset because of the truth. You want change and you want that change to come from PF and Sata, and you are desperate for this change. Yet you deliberately forget PF and Sata have failed to live by their own promise to get the councils to work for Zambians. Sata admitted that he failed and that his councils are failures. Now how is he supposed to control an entire government and make it work for Zambians if he has failed on to ma small councils?

    Good thinking people do not go jumping up and down for change unless a suitable alternative has been found. This is why we stay married to our wives regardless of how weak they may be in certain areas. Our wives are like MMD and the ka girl friend sleeping with a married man is PF.

    Now we have to decide.

  24. #29 Chenda Bwamba ba shikulu, Good journalism exposes the truth. This is why we liked the Post when it dug deeper to expose the truth. Now when the Times of Zambia exposes the truth about PF, you get annoyed. Why? Why does it hurt so much to hear the truth?

  25. Its called blind support. This is a situation where you ignore everything negative and only focus on the positive attributes of your choice. I’ve seen a guy catch his girl getting done by his best friend and still go home with her because he does not want to face the truth. He lives in denial.

    Similarly, Sata, PF, HH & UPND have failed to hold it together and those who had faith in it are living in denial. They thought Sata & HH were selfless leaders who care for the people but it turns out that they only care for themselves.

  26. MMD is not the best but there are no better alternatives to MMD right now. Maybe in 2016 NAREP might be a better bargain.

  27. I think HH qualifies you guys he has some fresh blood and fresh mind lets do away with old styles of politics from these old guys still hanging and clinging to to the thrones . We need Zambia to move forward in development , we need people who can create employment for us ,we need food on plates breakfast, lunch ,supper, we need good health care , we need good education we just depend on two universities and to enroll you need fight to your last days we need recreation facilities ,thats why crime is at rampage because youths are bored lets think twice we don’t need to gamble in 2011 lets vote wisely our vote will determine the future of Mother Zambia thanks a lot. :)>-

  28. I think HH qualifies you guys he has some fresh blood and fresh mind lets do away with old styles of politics from these old guys still hanging and clinging to to the thrones . We need Zambia to move forward in development , we need people who can create employment for us ,we need food on plates breakfast, lunch ,supper, we need good health care , we need good education we just depend on two universities and to enroll you need fight to your last days we need recreation facilities ,thats why crime is at rampage because youths are bored lets think twice we don’t need to gamble in 2011 lets vote wisely our vote will determine the future of Mother Zambia thanks a lot.

  29. Dear all gunuine PACT MEMBERS
    The pact enemy is on this page also. Becareful in answering to some comments. The enemy would allege that SATA has said this about HH or vice versa all is this to discredit the pact. I doubt if that heeee HH for 2010 is truly pro-pact!

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