Friday, January 10, 2025

White ribbon campaign coming


THE Zambia Direct Democracy Movement (ZDDM) will launch the white Ribbon peace campaign to counter the red card campaign spearheaded by Catholic priest Frank Bwalya, ZDDM national coordinator Edwin Sakala has said.

Mr Sakala said it was wrong for Fr Bwalya, who heads Change Life Zambia to propagate the distribution of red cards , which he said signified anarchy and blood.

It was also wrong for a clergyman of Fr Bwalya’s calibre to be propagating anarchy and bloodshed in the country.
Instead, Mr Sakala said Fr Bwalya should help promote peace in the nation.

Mr Sakala said with the white ribbon, Zambians would be encouraging the process of starting afresh and forget about the wrongs and differences that occurred in the past.

Further, he said that the white ribbon would facilitate the creation of a Government of national unity where all parties would be involved in the formation of the Government.

“There is no need to continue with the differences that are happening now,” Mr Sakala said.

The white ribbon would be launched in the coming two weeks and the ZDDM was considering launching it in Kitwe.

Currently, he said some members of the ZDDM were in Livingstone sensitising the citizenry on the need to avoid participating in the red card but instead the white ribbon.

Zambians should desist from participating in the distribution of the red cards saying the move was detrimental to the country’s continued peace.

[ Times of Zambia]


  1. PULIZ utter nonsense! is it the high levels of unemployement manifesting in this rubbish%-(%-(%-(%-(%-( pliz get a life Sakala

  2. I will start a Yellow ribbon campaign soon. My neighbour has started a Green Vegetable campaign. Only Green to appear on the plates for both Lunch and supper. I gather my friends are on a Brown envelop campaign to counteract the dishing out of money in the forthcoming elections.

  3. This is what happens when everyone wants to be heard in there own way…Democrancy and freedom of speach can be very expensive and distructive those that have already been through it and supposedly feel they live in a democracy have been through it all….

  4. If the Red campaign is there then a white can also be there the only difference is that one of them might have more financial backing ie grz…

  5. Fr Bwalya is the only brave person at the moment who is willing to risk his own life for the truth. In part the truth is that there has not been any meaningful development to write about in this country the past few years. The Copperbelt province which produces the wealth of this country is a sorry site – potholes are the order of the day. Therefore if someone has the guts to risk his life to voice what we all silently wish to say, the least we can do is support him.

  6. This man is joker how do I forget the past when it becomes my record of reference. he should be taken to chainama for brian test

  7. Silly season ….. #2 indeed, its just a money making venture! Watch out coz u will just b used to make someone’s pocket full!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. GOVERNMENT says the red card campaign has no direction and has urged people in Zambia to desist from wasting their time on unprofitable ventures and instead take advantage of job opportunities being created. This includes the WHITE RIBBON CAMPAIN

  9. Irony, why white the genieva or how ever it is spelt colour of surrender. Democracy is a funny thing lol.

  10. 80Josef P- Sorry for the delay. Mwana the origins of any religion is plagued with violence, purges, crusades etc. Reason ? They all run by human beings. The Catholic Church stands out because of its huge size in the Christian domain. Pro rata this you will find that each be it Christian based, Moselem, Hindu, Shinto, Bahaai etc have had their share of sins. Only the Son of God stands out sinless. The Catholic Priests are human and for whatever wrong they do they do as individuals and that is how God will judge them- individually. Personally I have seen what happens in Churches but am not judging these Churches by the actions of their members

  11. This is a very interesting development and ba Sakala should not be stopped from practising what he believes in as long as he does it in an orderly manner and does not trample on the rights of others. This is what democracy is all about.
    But, I have just been corrected that the “White Ribbon Campaign” is already in existence (since 1991)and fights to end men’s violence against women. I guess Wa Sakala is headed on a collision course with the women. Could FAWEZA advise? 😕

  12. I will support this move to dilute the revolutionary tactics of a one fr bwalya who would rather stire hysteria among the youth, instead of taking part in well laid procedures for removing a goverment–the ballot box. RB is an elected head of state, elected thro the laid procedure of the ballot box. he has been in office for less then 3 yrs, and the economic figers add up. yet we have some who refuse to look at the performance of the economy as reason for thier hatred of RB, and resort to questionable tactics, that quite honestly could lead to the division of mother Zambia. Lets all support the election process if we love our beloved zambia, not some dark street corner inuendos laced with tribal hatred.

  13. am sorry this country will never move forwand with people like Mr Sakala.i have no choice but say this to this useless man **** you and hope to see you when the pact wins

  14. I will launch a combination of colours RED AND WHITE CARD CAMPAIGN is that not wonderful – you can’t forget the past if you start using COLOURS nursery colours for that matter – where are you going not with me!

  15. The white ribbon would be launched in the coming two weeks and the ZDDM was considering launching it in Kitwe. And Am sure Police is falling over it self to issue them with demonstration permits. Twalamona!

  16. # 17 which figures add since RB has been in office? Just tell me which figures add up. In the USA Obama is soon delivering one huge election promise that he made to the people of the USA, better health care. What about RB?
    So is this chap also going to be arrested for distributing white rebbons?? breach of peace? because if he does this on the copperbelt he will definately be beaten up so he will be inciting violence.

  17. It ll be interesting to see if this white card man will also be arrested as they did to Fr Bwalya!
    And this guy really is dull, doesnt he realise that the red card Fr Bwalya is used is a symbol acquired directly from sport where a stupid player is sent off the game for playing against the rules of the game.
    This is exactly what we are doing to RB and his team of loonies

  18. ZDDM – Peace and justice are 2 different things. Zambia is peaceful but there is no justice. Fr. Bwalya is fighting for justice and equality for all Zambians. He is not advocating war.

  19. we are still flashing them red cards Sakala!! go and find a better colour and campaign against your own poverty..:o

  20. # 21
    Firstly i will bet you are from the northern part of zambia, 2nd ,did you not read about improved GDP and reserves foreign, all supported by international bodies, offcourse only if you are looking thruo lenes tinted with hues of tribalisim, you will not see this.
    The standard of living has risen and continues to rise in Zambia only a pessemist will deny that. Next year is elections, lets show ower displeasure of GRZ then and avoid surrporting groups of thugs masqurading as the clergy who can not even explain why they are fermenting chaos apart from saying no development, pipo suffering….corruption…

  21. Edwin Sakala is Richard Sakala’s brother. You should see the connection.

  22. If red card why not white card? Chaipa nichani kansi? But white card should actually be led by the priests father bwalya and father telesphore, not red unless they are PF bemba politicians.

  23. On this one i support Mr Sakala, he’s got every right to launch the white campaign to counter Fr Bwalya just as Fr Bwalya has a right to distribute his red cards without being encumbered by the almighty RB’s dogs.

  24. #26 KC
    ‘improved GDP and reserves blah blah blah…..’ please! what sort of pills are you on? Instead of talking about our beloved people who’ve lost their lives to cholera you choose to bring out useless statistics here. Such figures only mesmerize the likes of you and RB’s dogs. If we’re able to build up our reserves easily why then are we losing people to preventable ailments? Its unbelievable how some people are ready to be perceived as i.d.i.o.t.s for nothing. Have you just started knowing such terms?

  25. # 26 Kc .. I beg to differ on your assertion that the standard of living has risen and continues to rise .
    Are you basing that assertion on reported increase in GDP and foreign reserves ? Is that why you think the standard of living has gone up ?

  26. # 31 lord smith,
    i go to zambia every 6 months or so and have seen a lot of improvements in individuals lives and the general populance. Pipo who would never dream of owning a car 10 yrs ago now have cars.

    # 30 msana wanzili
    Cholera is a legacy of past GRZs were infrastructure was totally ingnored. In particular during FJTs watch. RB s GRZ can not undo in not even 5 yrs what previous goverments have been doing wrong for the past 20 yrs, —negelecting building of infrastructure. Contain your tribal hatred, your preception seems poluted with hate. With a better performing economy improvements can take place , not the other way round.

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