Monday, March 10, 2025

Politicization of Disaster Management


by Henry Kyambalesa

I wish to comment on The Post newspaper article of March 23, 2010 entitled “Politicization of Relief Distribution Worries DMMU” by Florence Bupe. In the article, the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) is quoted as having called for reduced political interference in the distribution of relief resources to victims of disasters.

Specifically, DMMU national coordinator Dominiciano Mulenga has said that the Unit is faced with the challenge of dealing with political interference in the distribution of relief resources, and that he is concerned about the direct involvement of some political leaders in the relief distribution exercise for their benefit.

Not too long ago (in January 2010), I suggested that President Rupiah Banda and Vice President George Kunda should seriously consider the prospect of creating a statutory and autonomous agency to be accountable to the Parliamentary Committee on Health, Community Development and Social Welfare, and which should assume the functions of DMMU and those of the Public Welfare Assistance Scheme (PWAS).

I made the suggestion in response to the donation of various relief items worth US$100,000 to DMMU by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in December 2009. The donation included blankets, tents, shovels, wheelbarrows, water containers, sanitary towels, and other essential items.

The main reason for the suggestion was to forestall the potential for DMMU and PWAS to be abused by the MMD or future ruling political parties to achieve partisan objectives.

I again wish to call upon President Rupiah Banda to use his executive powers and create a National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), an autonomous agency which should assume the functions of DMMU and PWAS. Currently, DMMU is vested in the Office of the Vice-President, and PWAS (which includes the Social Cash Transfer Scheme) is administered through the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services.

Donor countries and humanitarian organizations also need to be aware of the potential for selective distribution of donated relief supplies by the ruling political party with the intention of gaining political leverage. They need to encourage the government to create a statutory and autonomous government agency that will distribute donated relief supplies without any political meddling or manipulation by government officials.


  1. Once again Henry is giving very good advice were it not for Zambia. The democratic underpinnings and institutions in Zambia are so weak that there is no single entity at the moment that is not political. Right now, there is the pending ‘red card’ campaign, spearheaded by NGOs that would like regime change through unconstitutional means. Which NGOs in Zambia can put hand to heart and declare their impartiality? As for parliament, the party with the ruling majority still calls the shots. Indeed we need to do what is suggested, but the masses must be educated to understand what is belongs to them by right and not by patronage.

  2. Sensible comment from Kyambalesa for a change. That is alright in a normal setting, but unfortunately in Zambia there is no gaurantee that such an autonomous organisation will be free from politics. By our own choice we have allowed every organisation to be hijacked by politicians. Even NGOs which are supposed to be trusted by everybody are now politicised, TIZ, Catholics (Miha, Telesphore, Bwalya) etc . We have nowhere to run to for independent thought, opinion, or mediation, what a bind we have created for ourselves because of our muddled thinking.

  3. Kyambalesa have you seen what I am talking about above? I mean Hichilema’s despicable behaviour today. These are people who are suffering and you go to create a scene there! Similar to creating a scene at a funeral. Hichilema is better off keeping silent, away from the public eye. Whenever he wants publicity like his tutor Sata, he is a disaster and gross emabrrassment.

  4. Katie Good. the PACT is a working govt. We get our hands dirty and we are men of action. We dont work from Aeroplanes

  5. # 4, unfortunately your share your view ALONE. HH is Great and good for Zambia. red card to your poor views

  6. Imwe ba Red Card ..fimofimo….fyabupuba. Dont impose your kaponya thinking on everybody! This country is full of sick imbiles like u

  7. #6, if you read #7 you see that I do not share my view alone. The problem with you guys is that you think everyone supports your n.o.n.s.e.n.s.e. You normally say “the people want this, the people don’t want that” but who gave you the right to speak on our behalf, did we elect you to represent us? As far democracy is concerned Zambians elected their representatives (including PF and UPND MPs) and the government currently in office. Next elections 2011, all democrats and law abiding citizens will respect. That does not include you of course but I will sleep comfortably though as the law has ways to deal with the likes of you.

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