Friday, March 7, 2025

RB expected in Mazabuka tomorrow to re-open Munali Nickel Mine


President Rupiah Banda will tomorrow officially re-open the Munali Nickel Mine, in Mazabuka which was closed as a result of the global financial crisis which led to the collapse of metal prices on the foreign market.

The President will travel to Mazabuka to re-open the mine, which has been acquired by a Chinese firm JINCHUAN Mining Group and is expected to employ over 350 workers in the area. The Chinese company has invested about US$ 37 million in Albidon Zambia Limited, the owners of the Munali Nickel Mine.

President Banda had promised, in his address to Parliament in September last year, that he will do everything possible to find an investor to re-open the closed mine so that more jobs can be created in the country.

Munali Nickel Mine is the second mine to re-open as a result of Government efforts to safeguard jobs in the mining sector despite the global financial crisis.

Last year, Luanshya Copper Mine, which was also closed at the peak of the global financial crisis, resumed operations after it was acquired by a Chinese company China Non-Ferrous Metal Company Group (CNMC).The mine now employs over 2,100 workers in Luanshya.

This is contained in a statement released to today by special assistant to the president for press and public relations Dickson Jere.


  1. Yes , jobs are being created . But is it long term prosperity ?….Are we gonna depend on mining all the time ? ..

  2. #2 That’s a V.I.Q (Very Important Question). We cannot continue to rely on mining, we need to generate momentum from other industries aswell (e.g. tourism, manufacturing etc.). It will not only give us a leeway when the mines market declines again but it will also safeguard our position when it comes to future economic growth and development plans.

  3. I would urge RB to stay in the office for once to deal with BIG ISSUES. Why can’t he send his Minister for Mines?? Why is he sinking so low or rather sank so low?

  4. Zambia will only be developed by Zambians. Just as China, America, Europe….were developed by the citizens. These are just short term solutions to the poverty problems. If only Zambians can go to work and make money meant for Zambia.
    No wonder all copperbelt towns are now just dilapidated towns because the development was borrowed. The trait being devoloped by Zambians is the art of bootlicking by selling feollow Zambians in these industries being privatised.
    Zambia will only be developed by Zambians!!!

  5. Kunda could have done for this honestly what the hell is wrong with this man? This is the result when you bring back retired old chaps back from the village, he is there to have fun but it is we the Zambian people who can put a stop to this.

  6. When he is on international engagements outside the country – he is a butterfly, when he visits the countryside – why can’t he be in Office to deal with BIG ISSUES!! Who said that when a President spends all his time at State House then he is working??

  7. Presidents in Sambia wants to involve themselves in every small activities mainly to make a name on a blank sheet and show the people that they are working and involved in bringing the investor in the country….

  8. OK, now it’s local tourism. I know, nshakwata icisuma, so I won’t even pretend that I like RB’s government!

  9. RB naimwe tekenipo umusula panshi. What are the roles of your ministers that you appoint. I cant even remember when I last heard about the minister of foreign affairs. Now you are taking over the duties of minister of mines. Chaba shani kanshi. This routine of travelling all the time anywhere , everywhere is getting old. People please do something before all our money is turned into imprest.

  10. What have we done to desreve such presidents? I have not heard any single word on the floods. That place should have been declared a national disaster.

    What a joke pa Zed !!

  11. Ba Banda kaya ongo jumpha jumpha jumpha nothing to show for vakujumphira trip after trip Zed getting worse by the hour.

  12. This is the worst president we have ever had. This can be done by the Minister of Mines or Permanent Secretary. Now he wants to do all the work. Bring in Investors,Negotiate loans, etc.

  13. I agree with #2 & #3. All we need now is to diversify our economy using the revenue from the mines. The Govt should come up with a deliberate policy which will compel mine owners unknowingly help the economy to diversify. This could for example be empowering the displaced people with massive investment in form of agro-industries or other manufacturing ventures in their new settlements. Moreover if we turn our economy into a production one we are going to improve our GDP and trade balances.

  14. Iam a Zambian in a foreign country, the president of this country was suppose to go to Hong Kong to support his 7s rugby team but due to cyclone disaster he cancelled his trip to attend to cyclone matters and he is the one in the fore front distributing food and some other help in the affected areas like country side(villages) shame on our RB ukulu nimukwenda.

  15. si the president now moving from mine to mine opening them…. i mean there should be minsters in place that can do that. this man needs to learn to delegate. this is all n.o.n.s.e.n.s.e.

    Zambia needs a better President mwe

  16. Clearly you all have short memories, at least RB is opening a mine, do you remember FTJ opening that simple walk over bridge by Manda Hill shopping center yet the mayor could have done.

    Its politicking to try and show the masses work is being done

  17. RB has really surprised me too much! I can’t imagine this is the man who held such high positions under KK. What is the problem?

  18. Our president has no time to tackle real issues but will use every excuse to travel. Surely couldn’t he for once remain in Lusaka and just send the Mines Minister?

  19. This foreign investor craze is really too much for me. If it was a mine run by Zambians they would have sent a Permanent Secretary. We should as a country start thinking of the Zambian first above our foreign friends and make an enabling environment for them to develop businesses(Zambians). Government should make a deliberate policy to empower the Zambians to develop their own country.

  20. another chinese mine well at least there will be 350 jobs for Zambians but how many for Chinese ha? so!

  21. #2 #8 and number # 19. The govt has been talking about diversifying the economy and are doin just that in terms of agriculture, livestock, tourism and infrastructure development. The problem is that people talk too much in Z. I heard Inbua, Pround, Konoso, amd the other guy. All they did is give us history lessons. Zambias problems got a lot to do with the policies of the IMF and WB, and little wit our leaders.

  22. #5 Zambian investors are a joke. If you you remember what CC farms an Chibote Estates used to be before BY bought them, you will agree that Chinese are okay. KB Davies was a company to reckon with before Kavindele bought it. AFE was a master piece of Agricultural products and eqiupment before Friday Ndhovu bought it. There is a lot of investment that has gone to waste when it gets into Zambian hands.For now the chinese are okay, after all, IN THE LAND OF THE BLIND, THE ONE EYED MAN IS KING.

  23. I agree with No: 5 and 28.
    Normal economy: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows
    Chinese they have technology and capital, Zambia have resource and manpower.
    Combine 2 together can enhance Chinese and Zambian economy to grow.
    Zimbabwe economy: You have two cows. The government takes them because they used to belong to white colonists. No one feeds them and they starve to death. Then you starve to death.
    Zambia economy: You have two cows. You throw a barbecue.

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