Friday, March 7, 2025

Sata jail data search on


Mr Sata sandwiched by two police officers

MINISTER of Home Affairs Lameck Mangani says law-enforcement agencies are searching prison files to locate documents related to Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata’s imprisonment.

Mr Mangani said in Lusaka yesterday that the search is going back to the early 1960s.

He said investigations into whether Mr Sata was imprisoned for criminal offences have been intensified following additional revelations by veteran politician Dingiswayo Banda.

“As you may be aware, Honourable Dingiswayo Banda has also confirmed that Mr Sata was allegedly jailed for a criminal offence,” he said.

Mr Mangani said members of the public will be informed on the outcome of the investigations once the search is concluded.

He said a freedom-fighter, Jackson Ngoma, who claimed to have been in prison with Mr Sata, has already given his statement on the matter.

“Mr Ngoma has already given his side of the story, and his sister-in-law has denied that her husband (Mr Ngoma’s elder brother whom Mr Sata said he was with in prison) was never imprisoned,” he said.

Law-enforcement agencies recently summoned Mr Ngoma, who claimed to have shared prison cells with Mr Sata.

Mr Ngoma, 77, the last district governor for Mambwe, said he shared the same prison cells with Mr Sata at Bwana Mkubwa and Mukobeko prisons in Ndola and Kabwe, respectively, in the early 1960s.

The former freedom-fighter said he and other youths were rounded up for the role they played in the Cha Cha Cha uprising during the independence struggle.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Mangani has not read the constitution especially qualifications of some one to be president and MP. Had he read such, he wouldnt have wasted tax payers money to institute such futile investigations. Any way we are still waiting for the Zambian Airways case

  2. If Mangani was smart,he could have concluded his investigations first,then spell out the course of action he wants to pursue not just barking….its now been more than a month since this story came out,it doesnt take this long to go through archived court records…whatever Sata was jailed for wont stop him from contesting the elections thats for sure,unless the constitution says he cant,then he should be stopped

  3. Kaingu put it to Chellah that he was not disputing the story on which the comment was based, but that the comment itself was insulting.Yes we are DOGS,we should be loyal to the President
    What I am saying which even you, you learnt in school so for somebody to say…because I said that even dogs or a dog has got an allegiance to its owner that does not mean the ministers or myself I’m a dog, you know. It’s an abuse of power and an abuse of the power of the pen and it’s corruption what somebody has said. And you see, your paper is petty, an issue like that they want to underplay it. It’s petty, it’s being petty. What I want you to know; whoever wrote that opinion is a little devil. Yes, that’s what you must know and he is childish, he is childish and we no longer wonder as people of…

  4. Chellah: So Honourable the contention, is it about the comment or the story, are you disputing…

    Kaingu: The story is very good; I have nothing against the story. If you are the one who phoned me and talked to, me I am actually happy with the story.

  5. This man is sick, so he is saying case does not rot. I think Sata mwaume, these loyal dogs do not sleep but baring the whole night while the master is sleeping in the air

  6. …………………………………………………………………………………………….:)>-

  7. Then what? We heard a similar story in 1990 1991 about the people who where in MMD that they where thieves ( the likes of Vernon Mwaanga, self confessed drug dealer ) by UNIP President Dr K.Kaunda. Can’t we also go back to the archives and see what happened? Let’s not just target some people but also look in our camps. The moment we do that then we are clear of our conscious – period!

  8. If they are thinking that this will ruin someones popularity by going back to the vomit then I don’t know where our politics in Zambia are going coz the people will be the final judges in this case. Lets stop bringing skeletons we have kept in the wardrops to fore. Maybe let us also be reminded of what happened at NAMBOARD!

  9. Pure nonsense. Is this news???? Zambia Daily Mail, is this news?? Are these Issue based politics???:-:- Zambia, Icalo caba christiani. Owee mayo. Is this what we need to hear?? I have been away just for a while, all I have come to read is this nonsensical article from Daily Mail. Really Zed never learns. I am disgusted ~X(~X(
    2 Chronicles 7:14
    If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

  10. Still SEARCHING……Keep FORGING DOCUMENTS as we wait.

    A crime from 1960.
    The paperwork probably got washed away in a flood.

    You cant label a person a criminal without evidence from courts in Zambia.(Not Rhodesia)

  11. There are a lot of investigations which we need to spell out in this country why just concentrate on one trivial case which will not move us an inch no wonder we have so many problems in this country coz we waste resources on useless and foolish ventures!

  12. this is sad. so what if he was imprison for a criminal offence so many years ago. I dont know why MMD is sinking so low . I mean if they are popular as they claim than leave sata alone.:-\”:-\”

  13. “When people want change and they deliver the message, surely is it criminal or disloyal to the government if you join that campaign to help the government change its ways and means?” chief Nalubamba asked. “Is it being disloyal? You are not being disloyal. The person who is disloyal here is someone who is a bootlicker, one who is an appeaser of the government even when they are wrong.”

  14. Chief Nalubamba said men and women of value would be frank with the government when they saw that things were not going well.Not blind loyalty like DOGS

    “Those who are not men and women of value, they will appease you because maybe they have got something to gain out of it. What is better, to gain the peace of the country or the money that you are given? If I were them, I would fight for peace and good governance,” he said.
    Chief Nalubamba said if Zambians fought former president Frederick Chiluba’s third term bid, they should do the same with the read campaign. “When we fought the third term issue, we were together with people. I mean we have said enough and we were thinking that government will listen, but it doesn’t seem to be listening,” he said.

  15. When are these politicians going to focus on real issues. The entire muscle of the Office of Minister of Home Affairs surely has better things to focus on than what happened way before some of us were born.

  16. Mangani read Chapter 1 Volume 1 of the laws of Zambia. Only those who have been convicted in the last 5 years. BA SATA was imprisoned 50 years ago. Please spare taxpayers money twapapata. What are you scared of? 2011 is near.

    How about MANDELA who was convicted of TREASON?

  17. :)>-………………………………………………..:)>-………………………:-?……………………………………..:d/…………….:d

  18. How can an adult like Mangani behave like this and a minister for that matter? Aba ba KABWA namafi kuti balya boss ngabeba ati lyeni.

  19. This level of reasoning is coming from the top and I don’t think Mangani can just work up in the morning and start investigating some stupid case that happened before even the constitution of zambia came into being without the blessing of the entire cabinet and the chairman of the cabinet.This stupid case will mean that our meagre resources will be wasted on another goose chase,as if the trips of our president are not enough waste of resources.
    Is Bwezani so scared of facing sata that he has to resort to this cheap propaganda,leadership in zambia has really gone to the dogs literally.So sad for mother zambia i miss LPM.

  20. This is total ignorance being exhibited by mangani…1960s cases can’t apply to Zambia’s Constitution or The Laws Of Zambia.It was Northern Rhodesia then and the crimes these people committed was freedom fighting. All these imprisonments were just meant to silence the people..pre-colonial events. Very Dull of mangani. Mandale was in prison for 27ys,after wards he became president. Kaunda visited prisons but still became president. Let us have issue based politics and not this nonsense we are now getting from these desparate RB’s Dogs. RED CARD 2011!!!!!

  21. I think DOGS are better than Kaingu. A lot of dogs I know of can perform a lot of chores such as hunting and guarding their owners at night and day to prevent thieves like Chiluba plundering them. Some dogs even go further, if you as the owner mistreat them or you step on them, they will bite you. Do you recall the dog in Mansa that bit its owner in his balls BECAUSE HE WAS TRYING TO HAVE CANAL KNOWLEDGE OF ITS GIRLFRIEND? You bet Kaingu and Muteteka are incapable of such high level and intellectual canine reasoning.

  22. These type of Politics should be condemned Becoz it means that all Freedom fighters should be Checked if not it will be a clear indication that Govt is after Sata,this should be stopped becoz it will continue for good and if Sata come in Power he would do the same to those after his skin now.
    I don’t support this .

  23. There are proper f ools on MMD. It begers belief that people would waste time on such a trivial matter. And why didnt the first dig out the evident before making so much noise about it.
    And why all this fuss if they were not scared of SATA. Kushipafye guys, your time has indeed come, get ready to go!

  24. this is so childish! what does it make Zambia look like in the eyes of the world for Ministers to be wasting their time on personal vendettas? ka drogba

  25. imwe imwe ba mdd/mmd what’s wrong with you kanshi? why are so obsessed with SATA? Then what if he commited a criminal offence in 1960, what next? Mr Makandi or magana or whatever your name is looking in the achives won’t help actually you same mmd are just helping sata to win people’s hearts. cheap and simple advise is leave the man alone.

  26. Its true SHIPENI FYE and get ready to HANDOVER PROPERLY. We dont want to find some items missing! We will make you account for everything.

    2011 here the PACT comes. Time indeed has dawned. There is a time for everything.

  27. The stinking misinformation and venomous character assasination that now passes for political and civic debate in Zambia today was engendared by no other than one Michael Chilfya Mulenga Zondwe Sata. Do you recall the KK Sindamisale guns alarm? The malicious accusation that it was Derrick Chitala who told Chiluba Dean Mung’omba was part of the coup plot? The lies that it was Harrington who ordered game guards in Nalusanga to search the car of Mandandi, a matter that led to the sacking of William? The trail is endless, I just hope they find this serpent’s criminal record and shame him the way he has shamed innocent people for years.

  28. The Power is in people’s hands. Mangani has not done his homework well. He should leave this matter because it may bring oozing of reall red blod in Zambia our only Motherland. Does Mnagani think that those who support PF will just sit and watch?? What if they outcome is negative. Is this not decampaigning the MMD. To me I advise Mangani to rest the case and ‘let the sleeping dogs lie’. I don not see a very good ending to this matter. even our elders should refrain from issueing such sensitive remarks. Aba mano be Grey Zulu bali Ziiiii.

  29. If you give a muzzle loader to a brainless child what happens? This is the question we should be asking ourselves. Are these peopleworth the positions they occupy? I honestly doubt them. Loo at Mulongoti, Mangani, Vera, Kaingu, Dora, Daka, the list is end less. They are all peope who would not even qualify to teach in a Primary School. Why did LPM ever work up this old man? Just why? He now even fears state house grounds.Why? There must be something he did for the love of that job which poor LPM never imagined could happen. Jealousy in Zambia – bwafya!!!

  30. This government is sick, they have so much time to waste in their effort to put off Sata. What a shame, this Mangani, what’s he trying to achieve? Anyway a minister called Kaingu has revealed that Zambian ministers are like dogs and all they do is show loyalty to their master at the expense of doing their work and it is therefore not surprising that there is all this nonsense. Sata gives them sleepless nights. It won’t be long before Mangani shuts his mouth for good. Mulongoti has withdrawn into his shell and is dead silent. William Banda is now in charge of ministers. By the way, who is this other Banda, Dingiswayo Banda?

  31. I we Makandi or whatever you call your self.Just talk on the real issues like the floods and find the lasting solution to them.You guys are campenning for SATA.I will 8-x8-x you , because i dont pay your for:-@:[email protected] your are my DOG and you should report to me before you open your=))=))

  32. What cheap politics is this loyal dog practising? People learn to appreciate after the sacrifice our FREEDOM FIGHTER put in to free our Mother Zambia then instead of honouring them,you want to label them criminals? Loyal DOGS, find some other ways of showing your loyalty to the Dog MASTER than insulting our freedom fighters. Word of advice, if you think Zambia is very peaceful and nothing can happen,continue intimedating citizens. Am a peace loving Zambian,but if government dont want peace,then we’ll became violent. You’ll kill or imprison us but change is invitable! I advice all freedom fighters to sue government for compesation for humuniliation suffered during the struggle before this dogs label them as criminals. Mangani for sure you are a loyal DOG!

  33. Fellow readers of this nice lusaka times,please help me understand something here.What happens when it is found that indeed Mr sata was imprisoned for criminal offences.Because surely if this will not stop sata from standing in the next elections then they are just proving the fact that indeed they are no better than dogs.Mangani think,its not money from your wallet that you are spending,its our money.
    Awee mwandini,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Red Card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. Sometimes its really hard to understand how people like Mangani,Shikapwasha,Dora,Mulongoti,and the Loyal God kaingu live with them selves.these people are so petty such that i don’t even know how there house hold life can can a party which claims to be so popular be so scared of an individual[MC SATA]such that they are ready to go back to check the records of why he was imprisoned before ZAMBIA was even born?something that happened in the colonial[Rhodesia].MMD has got no programme of development to show people.and the politics of this same party are nt even issue based.Mangani your time to be judged is coming soon.Come 2011 kuya bebele.your president is busy flying every week because soon he is goin back to ziba zako farms in careful Mangani,P Machungwa was there too.

  35. Mr Mangani, can you be bold enough and tell the nation about the so-called investigations on your fellow corrupt easterner Dr Miti? If you think Zambians have forgotten about his case you are mistaken.

  36. 1 & 21, Have I missed something? Where in the story does it say that government is investigating Sata’s prison records with a view to bar him from contesting the next elections? I thought that it is just for public interest to lay the matter to rest. And of course to see who is telling lies, Sata or the others.
    Guys, Sata started this n.o.n.s.e.n.s.e. of telling lies and innuendos about other people, so let us finish it off. Why are you growing cold feet over what you started? You were warned to practice civilised politics and you did not take heed, now we all must pay the price of your pettyness including wasting tax payers money which should have been spent on needy areas.

  37. #43
    i totally agree with you,now these are issues we need to address.this case is almost goin to a year in next month,and so far there is nothing concrete this Mangani MMD governement is telling us.there is no progress,on this case while this Mangani wants to focus his energy on a colonial case.Malabish!MMD kuya bebele.

  38. Imwe ba fikala ninshi tamwakwata ifyakuchita nangu shani? Naiwe # 32 so called sebuloni kamutanda bushe iwe chi colour walikwata amono? These fools in mmd are worried sick and are trying by all means to supress the masses. We cant be spending our tax paying such illiterates we call leaders.What value do these dogs add to this motherland? You guys are just making sata more popular than ever because he’s making all you *****s spend sleepless nights and you dog master can’t even supervise you fools.Ba fi colour mwaya sana.A real thief FTJ is freely roaming the streets.

  39. Wat a waste of time!why go back to records of things that happened mu colonial when you dont want to appeal FTJ’s case which is very clear and happened in our time?wat eva you want to dig about Sata is rubbish and 85% of the zambian voters were not born by then!Gey a life Lameck and focus on real issues affecting us citizens not the filth you want to look for.MMD is scared of Sata and are now in panick mode!why didnt you stop him in the last 2 elections he contested?

  40. So we have people spending sleepless nights looking for documents from 50 years ago……with the current state of documents filed. I’ve never supported Sata, but this is the pinnacle of desperation by Mangani and Co. They all need tuma Drogba mwe

  41. Guys in MMD, your chance right now is to prove yourselves. Point to us what you have done since 1991. Thats 19 years in power making you rule 10 years less than your predecessor UNIP and KK. Whilst KK still have some legacy to talk about. FTJ, LPM and RB share the 19 years of nothing in office. What have they achieved?
    1 Meaningless laws
    2 TV Licence
    3 Carbon Tax which the french will be kicking out
    4 Anarchy
    5 Political crisis and Mess
    6 Fights with the Civil Society
    7 Petty politics
    8 Industrial Unrest & Disasters
    9 Nepotism
    10 Tourists in Govt the list is endless. Now this story. SHAME. ABASH MMD a group of failures

  42. So, if it turns out that Sata was in Jail for real what will they do? I mean RB and his cohorts? And, if the case was in the early 60s, presumably before independence, because 1965 upwards would not be early 60s, unless I am just confused with semantics, how do we know that the colonial cops put him in jail, as a criminal, for being in possession of a cigar?

  43. #44 Katie Good
    yes you are definately missing something,maybe if you had done a bit of research from the time this story started,you wouldnt be exposing your ignorance
    Sunday March 7,2010
    GOVERNMENT has instituted investigations into reports that Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata was allegedly imprisoned for breaking the law.
    Home Affairs Minister Lameck Mangani told the Sunday Mail in an interview yesterday that if the allegations against Mr Sata turn out to be true, then he will not be eligible for future elections.

  44. This is proper wasting tax money!!! How possible is this?Thats why I always agree with HH when he say this country has money…see how our money is been spend!!!! Shame MMD

  45. So what ? How much time has passed from his imprisonment ? Doesnt it require 5 months prior to an election that a person can be denied the chance to stand. Learned guys please educate us..and Mangani

  46. #44 Katie Good Yes you are missing something. When this nonsense started with a senile Ngoma, Mangani put it plainly that if IT WAS PROVE THAT SATA HAD A CRIMINAL RECORD HE WOULD NOT BE ALLOWED STAND FOR PRESIDENT OF Ro z. This is MMD plan C because the degree thing may not work as the new consititution may not be ready for 2011.

  47. Mr Mangani said as a former police officer Mr Sata should know very well that he is not eligible to contest elections if he was convicted of a crime.
    The minister said the Zambian law does not allow a former convict to run for elections.
    “If indeed Mr Sata served a prison sentence, it means he does not qualify to stand for elections, then all these years that he has been standing, he has been doing it illegally,” Mr Mangani said.
    He said, however, that there could be no better witness to the alleged incarceration than the people who shared a prison cell with Mr Sata.
    He said although the incident happened before independence, government will get to the bottom of the matter to establish the truth.

  48. Michael Chilufya Sata. I doubt if they will find any evidence that he was ever in prison, let alone for a criminal offence. Sata has managed to erase tracks to his past in every way. There is a rumour that he went to UK where he worked as a bus conductor! There is a rumour that he holds a university degree! There is a rumour that he has sired children outside wedlock! There is a rumour that he is a cobra. There is a rumour that Sata is actually a rumour and does not really exist…!

  49. I wonder what Sata will say when details of his imprisonment by Welensky are revealed. In Zambia, you really never know these days because like the way GOD and DOG were interchangeably used by Kaingu and Muteteka last week, maybe Sata is also just drawing a metaphor by saying he was jailed for a “freedom fighting offence” and not a “criminal one.”

  50. From Degree to Criminal Record to length of surname. If you surname has 4 letters you will not stand. No no no we can’t go to age because we may end up discriminating our own.=))=))=)):))>:)=))=)):)):-??

  51. There is a rumour that he actually died but was resurrected in South Africa! There is a rumour that he is married to a senior hospital consultant doctor! There is a rumour that a Chinese chamber maid stole his passport in a London hotel! Rumour that he did not pay for certain services so, someone took his wallet, where the passport was? Mr Sata is a big rumour and the day he becomes President, Zambia will just be a rumour too! How nice!!

  52. #58 Sebuloni Kamutanda
    Every crime committed under an illegitimate colonial government was freedom fighting. You cannot steal what is yours by birth right.

  53. They will rest until SATA is nailed. =)):))>:)
    Lelo SATA
    On the other hand, I think SATA is a real threat=))=d>=d>=d>=d>=d>:)):)):-??
    He is a living nightmare. SATA do you realize your potential?? Well then cultivate it.

  54. These are signs that we have a government that is not seriousat all. Surely can a colonial era ” crime” become an issue. It is just shows that the government is scared stiff of the PF/UPND pact and wants to do anything to destroy it.

  55. All this nonsense by the MMD govt just proves that Micheal Chilufya Sata is a force to reckon with. VIVA Sata viva PACT inshimbi ninshimbi tamwakulala. Sata mwaume pa baume. He is unstopable muledabwa MMD. Just do your work ifwe we love the pact, change we need, we cannot continue to be led by retrogressive people like Mangani who want to waste state resources on a case committed in the federal republic, Sir Roy Welensky musy be weeping in his grave.

  56. # 39. You are very right. Wer need clean people at plot 1 not those who have tested dirty life in prison. All presidential candidates have to be scanned and only after proving their ntegrity and their high calibar shall we allow them to plot 1. We do not want candidates whose dirty files were burried under the carpets. This is no joking matter and we cannot afford to experiment with the highest office!

  57. Chino chiligwa! Like rock – RB and co. njenjenjenje!!!! Fumbi kobo!!! Hot seat hot seat!!!! Satan is breathing fire!! HH is running the wings!!! Mulongoti and Mangani are wetting their pants!! Kaingu is running like a guide dog and the Animal farm is slowly catching fire. RB, is asking where is the boat!!! Approaching state house but I am heading for Chipata.Where is your farm Chiluba -oh, Sata knows it!!! Fumbi kobo!! Ah, Kazanitundila aka kantu ka, Mulongoti my dog, please guard us, the Children are scared of the Cobra. Ah,bwana , I am also scared, may be Chiluba -Iyo bamudaala – naibipa bola take it easy just dissolve Cabinet and hand over to Kavindele. Ha ha ha!!!

  58. they will find that date towards the elections next year! and then they will discOver that we(PACT) are really made of steel!
    Bring it on! we are ready to go to war! YES, WE WILL!

  59. yaya says:
    March 25, 2010 at 11:42 am


    everyone agrees with that and are working day and night to remove him in 2011.

  60. Ba LT, why not also put an alternative where someone supports someones comment rather than always complaining about comments?

  61. I just like how HH is making political progress while the MMD and Mr PF/Sata MC are battling it out.

    Hats off Minister Mangani so that the Nation can know the truth about Mr Sata MC’s past.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Matt 6:33 But see ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  62. One Zambia! One Nation! I was going through the Constitution and nowhere do i see that a criminal record is reason to bar someone from standing as president While all the fuss is on SATA, HH is slowly inching into the Presidential seat. Watch that Cartoon on MUVI TV>

  63. UNIP last days at play. Brace your selves these foolish *****s, scared big men will stop at nothing to destabilize the opposition and remain in power. Feel for them. Losing all the glamour that comes with political office and sensin that they will soon be on the streets? Very scaring. Funny that the laws they are putting in place will suddenly be against them.

  64. Actually my crystal ball says the same simple majority will haunt MMD. They will lose by a handfull of votes.

  65. Iye elo bafika ala pa point Ba MMd you can call as desperation point.This all points to how lacking our government is in terms of priorities.Lets wait and see what comes out of this:-?

  66. Am putting on a dog martins shirt, snoppy doggy style is the one I like, diamond gold chains are what I like, dog food can also be feed on pets, Bank of Hollywood refused to pay for a house for the dog, fluffy dogs are the in thing now, people forget to give dogs food – happy dogs day!

  67. Ba Mangani bakalamba is this all you can come up with? This definitely says something about the calibre of ministers in this country or is it a matter of proving that one is a DOG by barking senselessly…! Do not forget that the final arbiters are the people!

  68. What has taken the government so long to scrutinise this man. Now I know that my tax is being rightly used. Please speed up the process so that we know the truth. We do not want to hand this beauthiful country over to criminals.

  69. Some dogs which are poorly fed by the MASTERS can easily be fed by passer’s by. A small piece of Chifu and the dog easily poisoned. Now these RaBid dogs have been spoilt. Nangu u pose Steak awe sure. They worry about their comfortably lodgings.

  70. #62 – With this modern world of computers, you do not need money to search. You simply click the button, type the name then all is displayed for you!

  71. Ishimbwa shaya sana we need to put them on chains. is the master around i wonder and if he is,can’t he tie them so that the burking is reduced.

    This Big Bull Dog in the ministry of Home Affairs has a very big voice why as if its not a Dog for the Master.

    No matter what Sata will be in State house come 2011.

  72. First is was Rupiah Banda making all kinds of accusations against Sata. And then it was William Banda saying all sorts of things. And then Lameck Mangani saying all sorts of things. And then it’s a self-proclaimed freedom fighter, Jackson Ngoma. Today we have Dingiswayo Banda. OK, I guess it’s all a coincidence. They all just happen to be UNIP members or something…

  73. 84
    #84 Assistant MMD Chief Boot Leaker- Not here in Zambia. Records of 1960 are not in the data base. You will find names of people who died in 1965 are appearing as if they are alive.The Record concerning this issue can only be manufatured by MMD. Not to worry we shall subject to carbon testing for its age.

  74. Umfweniko ilyashi mu Chibemba, ba minister ba Kaingu, balisumina ati chilifye bwino ukapalanya icumfwila bakwatila ba Rupiah Banda kuli chilya imbwa yakwatila shikulu waiko. Ii empela yelyashimuno kasuba

  75. The comments on this sight lucky maturity. See you in twenty eleven PF cadres with your criminal president, MMD will do it again in 2011, chop my head off if am cheating. this time, no rigging it will be a clean game, trust me. call any refferee if you wish.

  76. #87- Documents can be scanned and computerised. If UK can go as back as 5 AB and able to show you what used to happen, what can refuse our simple technology to go back 50 years ago! Lame excuse

  77. Sata the criminal, It will be the waste embarrancement to Zambia in the eyes of the international community. A former convict for president sure even if its your tribesmate. Shame to red carders.

  78. whether sata was jailed or not it doesnt matter,. the constitution should guide people are just scared of the old man.

  79. What ever Sata did that time, I am prepared to accept coz he lived at the crucial time in the history of the then Northern Rhodesia. If he stole a loaf of bread – I will pay back 100 times. If he stole fish – I will buy 5000. If he slapped somebody in the face -there was no assault then. If he defiled somebody – he was still a minor.

  80. What ever Sata did that time, I am prepared to accept coz he lived at the crucial time in the history of the then Northern Rhodesia. If he stole a loaf of bread – I will pay back 100 times. If he stole fish – I will buy 5000. If he slapped somebody in the face -there was no assault then. If he defiled somebody – he was still a minor.

  81. # 44 Katie Good, please be advised that the whole idea is to BAR the people’s choice who is no other than SATA.

    But leadership is all God given. Let then face him at the polls period. What is MMD scared of?

    # 91 dont insult millions of SATA’s followers. Whether you like it or not SATA is the most popular Political Leader at present. Even the so called international community acknowledge this fact and refer to him as MAVERICK POPULIST LEADER.

  82. A bunch of I D I O T S with nothing sensible to do following cases which happened half a century ago….. zambia being led by D O G S ……….

  83. How will Sata’s case of 1960 help build Zambia. I wish MMD can spend time helping the poor and creating jobs than wasting time on useless things. This is leadership at it’s lowest level.

  84. Good Afternoon

    How long does it take to verify a criminal offence that someone committed 50 years ago? What forensic evidence or corpus delicti is still available? These people are really entertaining us with their version of Sherlock Holmes in trying to find the corpse in a murder case that was never there. The sequel continues…



  87. If we can forgive SATA then let us also forgive CHILUBA, One thing in common CRIMINALS and unfortunately they are Bembas.

  88. The current Zambian constitution states:
    34 (3) A person shall be qualified to be a candidate for election as
    President if-
    (e) he is qualified to be elected as a member of the National
    65. (1) A person shall not be qualified to be elected as a member of the
    National Assembly if-
    (f) that person, within a period of five years before his nomination
    for election, has served a sentence of imprisonment for a
    criminal offence.

  89. 103 Saint, have you read my posting at 44? I repeat “…….1 & 21, Have I missed something? Where in the story does it say that government is investigating Sata’s prison records with a view to bar him from contesting the next elections? I thought that it is just for public interest to lay the matter to rest. And of course to see who is telling lies, Sata or the others……” Mangani is not a f.o.o.l., obviously he knows the electral laws of Zambia and he has the full (and free) legal advice of the Attorney General and Solicitor General.

  90. And the government owes it to those of us who are interested in more information about Mr Sata. Now that we know his marital affairs with Telesphore’s sisters, we are keen to know more about this man called Sata, especially that he wants to be the president of Zambia. He opened the pandoras box after all. Those who do not want to read the report when it comes you can shut your eyes as usual, that is your freedom of choice, my choice is to go all the way on Mr Sata!

  91. Why only Sata? you guys are just dammm scared of him. When he dies, i tell you in zambia will never have a person like Sata. I really gets facts and he digs deeper for informations.
    So, guys, give us a break and do something important for the country. Let him be refused by zambian people and not you boot likers of MMD or whatever you call yourselves.

  92. 104,105 Katie Good
    Thanks for your help. I am not against the truth coming out, but Mangani DID say that Mr Sata would not qualify to be a candidate, notwithstanding not on this article. Mr Ngoma his cell mate has also said that he would petition Sata’s candidature. This is what I am responding to.


  94. It is really foolish for the MMD government to behave in this manner over an individual! Sata must not be an issue, Zambia has more problems bigger and more important that need urgency consideration not trying to find a fault in one man. So what if they find the file, if that file really exists, am sure Sata was cleared hence he can walk freely today. He has contested the presidential elections before and we never heard of these cases. But what has changed today for these chaps to start behaving like this. Soon they will pass a law that says you can only contest the presidential elections twice and not more than that just to bar Sata from the political arena. I would wish this govt would focus their energy on real issues that can benefit the country. Mangani wake up or go back to Alliance…

  95. **== Card Mwanawakwitu says: To everyone on this blog and the sellouts and I mean sellout in every term possible. Is not a person that got jailed for the struggle for independence supposed to be termed a hero? Uncle Tom muzungu ani konde are a waste of beautiful bronze king Solomon king skin.

  96. nail the chap…he thinks hes above all..threating everyone as if hes a small god…no degree,, now crinimal record..corruption…add on to list..satana sata wil never be president for zambia

  97. All those who were in jail before independence were jailed for criminal activities according to the laws of Northern Rhodesia. No one was jailed for ‘political activities’. If you threw stones at the police or stoning a white woman to death or setting fire to a white owned shop, that was a criminal activity at that time NOT political. Stop this B.U.L.L. S.H.I.T and give zambians a better quality of life. Hospitals are crumbling and you waste money globe trotting. IDIO.TS.

  98. I wonder those who were there like KK and his old Madala should tell the nation why Mr MS was in Jail instead of searching records. What an exercise knowing hoe government keeps records it will be a miracle to find the record..[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x:-@

  99. Wow! Look at Botswana and how they conduct their elections. We can learn alot from the never colonized Bechuanaland. Desert living enviromental but rolling and balling like kings in an oasis. Word is bond.

  100. Magani is just confirming Kaingu’s Dog / Master game. Sata is ours no matter what these confused MMD politicians think! Investigating Sata is a clear indication of fear to lose power next year which is 100% likely.

  101. I just like the Times of Zambia’s ““He was merely detained pending investigations and this was at Fort Jameson and not at Mukobeko Maximum Prison. If Mr Sata was not detained at Fort Jameson, then it is not Peterson he was with in the cells,” he [Mr Basil Ngoma] said“.

    The truth about ex-convict Mr PF/ Sata MC’s prison activitity cause must be told to the Nation and GRZ has a responsibility to warn the Nation about a former criminal who claims he has been leading a criminal record free life when in fact not.

    Have a good day all and vote wisely in the 2011 elections.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  102. Yes MMD keep doing it,even more, so that you make my President even more popular like you have done with Fr. Bwalya.

  103. Tthe definition of politics is not clear cut.But I can loosely define it as “a struggle,verbal or physical,for the control of resources of an area .” Verbal struggle here will mean using logic to convince people that you are capable of managing things.Whereas physical politics is simply war.Here it simply means you will govern because you are strong. If you guys who do not see sense in digging up Sata’s past then you do not know what you are getting involved in.the issue is to bring him down.any reasonable person will not associate oneself with a thief unless one is a thief too…the birds of the same feathers eeh!…So if you do not know what politics is stay dumn.let us expose Sata and tell people why they should not vote for him or we will be rulled by a thief.

  104. SATA 2011 WE CANT WAIT

    Sata has really made pipo busy to an extent that they can not sleep.Its seems MMD is under pressure,there is no need to be under presure this is a clear game the PACT is leading come 2011. No matter how much you try to pull him down he is oredy there.No human being is perfect .Sata’s strengths over weigh his weaknesses and thats what makes him a good leader.SATA 4 2011.

  105. GO SATA GO

    There mn who is been called every you go.To all those who need EMPLOYMENT,FREE EDUCATION,LOW TAX,FREE HOSPITAL SERVICES above all DEVELOPMENT.SATA is the man.God help us we really want change.

  106. This what the say let the poeple know that something is wrong somewhere searching for document What for!…………………………Mother Zambia if people the wasn’t change the attitude you will remain poor……………………… leave him alone he has worked for everyone it’s chance now to Rule i don’t know if the international organs are see this happening………………please we need help………

  107. Actually chief Nalubamba himself is a dog .He thinks that Bembes will allow HH to be the president of the pact far from it.Zambia is now a tribal country.Bembas want their president.Tongas want their president.Ngonis want their president.Lozis want their president.etc.Let us wait and see bt RB looks neutral.


    2. DEGREE (Fails)
    3. STOLE GRZ VEHICLE (Fails)
    5. A KAPONYA (Fails)
    6. AGE (Not attempted-RB is OLD)
    7. CRIMINAL RECORD (In Process)
    9. NON SMOKER (Next to come)
    10. NO PARTY CARDS (Next to come)


  110. This is proves that Mr. Sata is really popular country wide for the mmd to be so gittery of the man. In the 1960’s Zambians were not even independent.Mmd you have lost it all. We didn’t put you in power for all this nonsense you are bringing up.Ask yourselves why the man is so popular as if he were the president?The answer is simple. He is popular because he can deliver.In plural politics you don’t witch hunt but look for solutions to govern.Ask God for wisdom.Mmd is in power and have money ,sugar etc to dish out but people don’t want you to lead them.Accept leave the man compaign in peace like any other.Show politcal maturity instaed of hooliganism.This is what happens when you get people for granted.See how you are paniking like you are in opposition.Too much of double standards.

  111. Mangani why are you wasting our time by going to the archives to dig out charges that happened in the 1960’s and disregard the registering of Chiluba’s judgement. This is what has made mmd unpopular. Sata is your next president Mangani what will happen to you?

  112. But what is the problem with you kaponyas? Sata started all this and you had no problem with it. Now he has lost it all and you have an issue with those of us who have dared challenge you? Take it from me, God weighs the people that he puts in power. They may be good, bad, or worse or creeps but they should be no worse than Sata.

  113. Look at the cheap politics and politcians in Zambia. Mangani you are the cheapest politician I have ever known. This is the reason why your ministry is operating in such un civilized way. What are you up to? digging for Mr.Sata’s court files of 1960, way before you were born? This is foolishness. Who is Dingiswayo banda? Ndimwe bamuzungu wanga. We don’t want those cheap politics.Your days are numbered and we will sort you out.

  114. I had to wait for a few days to think of what to say about Sata’s arrest issue. RB is said to be educated and serously he is playing stupid games with the Zambians. First was the degree issue and now its the colonial jail, I guess people around RB who are there for stealing are laughing at the guy and waiting to run to Sata by the end of the yr. The best thing MMD can do now is to find another player for the presidenccy of 2011, Pantu things will look bad for RB and his group. We will arrest Kafupi, Banda’s children, RB, Shikapwashya, Chituwo and all the noise makers around RB. We have recorded all the crimes these guys have been commiting, starting with the health to telecommunication and other Bid deals they do behind closed doors.:((:(( we are crying now nad we will be smiling in…

  115. If Mr Sata has a criminal record on his resume, he will be vetted. He will be vetted and, you, his supporters just prepare for this. Regardless of whether the criminal act was performed before he was born – he will be vetted and there is nothing you chaps are you going to do. A few of you will end up in jail for engaging in acts inimical to the peace and stability of the country. Do not say you were not warned.

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