Sunday, March 9, 2025

Pope given a 7 days ultimatum to respond to a Petition on Archbishop Mpundu


Archbishop of Lusaka Telesphore Mpundu addressing a press briefing

SOME members of the Catholic Church who petitioned Pope Benedict XVI to remove Lusaka Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu as head of the church in Zambia have given the Vatican a seven-day ultimatum to respond to their request.

Group spokesperson Edmond Zulu said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that if the Pope fails to discipline Bishop Mpundu within seven days, they will then go ahead and demonstrate at the Vatican Embassy in Lusaka.

Mr Zulu said his group is still saddened and disappointed with Bishop Mpundu’s alleged misconduct.
He said the concerned Catholic Church members will not relent until the archbishop is removed from his position as head of the Catholic Church in Zambia.

“I spoke to the Apostolic Nuncio over the weekend and he assured me that the Pope has acknowledged receipt of our petition, but we have decided to give the Vatican one-week of which to act but failure to which we will go ahead and demonstrate at the Vatican Embassy in Zambia,” he said.

Mr Zulu said the concerned Catholic Church members are waiting to hear from the Vatican before deciding on the way forward.

“This time around we have decided to go and petition the Pope through his representative Apostolic Nuncio because we want to create sanity in our Church. All the parishes in Lusaka have indicated that they will take part in the demonstrations,” he said.

Last week, some concerned Catholic Church members petitioned the Pope to remove Bishop Mpundu as head of the Church in Zambia for allegedly tarnishing its image.

In a letter of petition presented to the Vatican Ambassador to Zambia, the concerned church members from Chainda and Kamanga parishes called for the immediate removal of Bishop Mpundu for allegedly issuing alarming statements in the press.

They also called on the Pope to issue a public apology on behalf of the Catholic Church over Archbishop Mpundu’s stand towards Government.

The concerned church members asked the Vatican to restore the relationship that the Catholics and Government used to enjoy over the years to enhance development in the country.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. MMD cry all you want the Catholic Church will always speak for the masses that want you out, give us the names of the people who petitioned, please spare us. I will speak on behalf of the Pope, Telesphore Mpundu did no harm, if you want go ahead and demonstrate . The RED CARD MASSES will be waiting for you.

  2. Yaba. That is the nambala wanu time I am hearing of our government buying off Catholic priests to go and bother the Pope

  3. As a Catholic,I was really disappointed with the way Archibishop Mpundu responded to Chiluba’s allegations especially on his open hate and atttack on LPM who is dead.I support the petition,we desreve a better leader and NOT a PF cadre.

  4. Yes I suppose Chiluba is OK because in his church you can murder and steal and all you have to do is “ask Jesus into your heart” and everything will be forgiven. Perhaps we should all start with Chiluba’s religion and move our country forward

  5. These people are funny anyway, some people nobody has ever heard of giving the Pope ultimatums! It’s quite serious really, the Pope should know that RB is buying his priests and stop Catholic aid to the country

  6. Fake Catholics. True believers will respect the office of the Archbishop. The demonstrators have been bought to discredit the church. Christ at one time said “if among you no one has sinned please be the first to stone the woman who has sinned”.
    Relax guys let peace reign.

  7. #3, I am a staunch Catholic but one thing I can tell you is that the Catholic Church will always speak out if they see something wrong, they speak for the people that cannot be heard. Everyone knows that Chiluba mismanaged funds, I don’t even have to go into details about it. So guess what? you and MMD’S time is up, you’ve overstayed your welcome zwaaa RED CARD

  8. The problems in the Catholic Church are a result of not following the clear teaching in the Bible. It is not only in Zambia where the Catholic Church is being frowned upon but the world over. How can one justify the abuse of even deaf children? Instead of concerning themselves so much with worldly affairs the.Church must deal with abominations in its leadership! The recent revelations appear to suggest that the church is morally and spiritually corrupt and needs help from above!

  9. Even Jesus was deceived by Judas, so the poverty in Zambia has led these people to start making these weird requests. Why do they not use their energy to ask RB to improve the lives of their fellow Zambians who have no access to proper hospitals, schools and housing????? Mother Zambia when will the madness end????

  10. The story says “some” and not all catholics. This is a non starter but a politically motivated move. Now consider this. How many catholics are in Zed today. You want to alienate all these people. Mind you Catholics are also registered voters. All the best.

  11. All those demonstrating are utterly IGNORANT about the procedure followed by the Catholic Church to handle “concerns of its members”. The church is not a political party that acts on public outbursts. They do not understand the powers of the Apostolic Nuncio, if they did, they would understand that the Nuncio cannot say “Pope has acknowledged receipt of our petition”. I just laugh at this UTTER IGNORANCE. Poor people hired to cause confusion.

  12. Iyo nkani iyo………………………………………………..Nipa Zed………………………………….:o

  13. #7
    Iam equally a Catholic who was disappointed with his hate speech which was devoid of biblical teachings.I dont ve to remind you of the history of our church as regards your “Catholic Church will always speak out if they see something wrong, they speak for the people that cannot be heard”.Ok,they spoke for the unheard in Spain during General Franco(In support of Franco) and Basques were killed like dogs despite them crying for their help.Ask a Basque about Catholicism,you will hear venom coming from his mouth.

  14. #8 Catholics are human beings just like you, just because some priests abused kids it doesnt mean all catholics priests are like that. Just like your president RB, Just because he is so detached from his duties doest make all the presidents in the world bad. You better watch what you say, the Catholic church will do everything in its power to liberate voiceless Zambians from the jaws of MMD.

  15. For All true Catholics blogging here, i think there are teachings of “Penance and Reconciliation”. Why not apply these humble teachings to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

  16. The petitioners are fake, small time hired cadres pretending to be Catholics. The Catholic Church has got structures where a any true member can lodge any complaint & not rushing to political offices. The best way to handle this situation is to let the ultimatum lapse & see where their small demonstration will take them. Politicians and cadres can NEVER break the Catholic Church.

  17. #14 you can say all you want MMD’s time is up, out. You might aswell join the likes of Chiluba kaili efyo mwatemwa.

  18. #16 I don’t see in the Bible where it says we need to kiss the a s s of a useless fat president, perhaps you would like to show me the passage where it says “thou shalt not criticise MMD”?

  19. Christ at one time said “if among you no one has sinned please be the first to stone the woman who has sinned”.

  20. #17 well said, what ever is done in the dark shall come to light. Watch this space-the truth will unfold.


  22. #18
    Infact my time has not yet come.I must remind you that NOTall opposed to your PACT are MMD.I ve never been MMD but liked the policies of LPM and want someone who will further add onto what the current MMD has done economically.Iam a swing voter and currently waiting for Young,Fresh,Well-educated Chipimo to unveil his manifesto.Certainly,I cant worst my vote on Sata cos he will regress our economic strides cos of his visionless populism.If HH,by chance wins,I have no problem for he understands the language of economics,I have every problem with the devil in Sata.

  23. RED CARD hold your cards close to your chest the church is involved in a lot of scandals at the moment its like the whole world has questions that need to be answer look at the other post..

  24. As a Roman Catholic, I am deeply disappointed with this Edmond Zulu who claims to represent members from Chainda and Kamanga parishes.
    The question is: Is this a representative group of the Catholic population in Zambia? Certainly not.
    This is the desperation of the MMD government and its cochroaches as we approach the 2011 elections.
    During FTJ Chiluba’s misrule, we had the two Zulus and again we only hear of Zulus, Lungus etc, because of their muzungu wanga mentality.
    Let us wait and see if the demostration will go ahead so as to give people a chance to show the “RED CARD”

  25. Zambai is a christian nation and we must uphold that. We must respect each other and what we stand for, Let us avoid politicking in the church, which is the house of the lord. I appeal to all Zambians to stand above politics and reflect on the future of our country. No partisan politics in church. No Mulamu in the church.

  26. In many other Developed countries a lot of young people where abused by the priest most are in there 70s now and they find even now there are still such things happening. I believe they choose to fogive and forget as it was preached and there strong faith in the Church.

    The funy thing is today they have changed there minds and are asking the pope to act and not just go for confession because we are Christians.

    So RED CARD and your friends just because we where declared a christian nation doesnt mean we let things happen even if they are bad…genocides happened because the church did not act on its priest even when they heard that they where getting involved in politics.

    Do not follow blindly the bible says we shall know them by the fruits of there labour… now tell me with…

  27. 28 Cont….
    blood on there hands would you say thats what God would want…When Jesus was arrested and one of his follows retiliated what did he do??? he stopped them from fihting back in a violent way….Have you heard the church condem what happened at MR Bwalya court case ??? NO So ask your self what the churchs position is??? They are not meant to force things resulting in violence take MMD out of the picture for a moment on some of these matters…I am afraid Zambia mighty be heading into destruction because its people are failing to look at things objectively because of hatred for the MMD.. Even when you are told a war might start if it came from the MMD you wouldnt believe until possibly you get shot at atase….

  28. Today is friday I suppose! This is time for prayers because it is not good to complain everyday

  29. Im not a Catholic,wont comment either,just one question though for any catholic,are’nt these petitioners supposed to follow procedure,like go through their parish head and then on to another stage,is there so much confusion in the catholic that any Jim n Jack can just petition the POPE anytime they feel agrieved.
    Donating to flood victims needs procedure according to some people,im shocked that Catholics disregard their Parish priests and go directly to the ambasador

  30. WHY SHOULD BE THE CHURCH BE FORCED TO STAND WITH GOVT WHICH IS MORALY CORRUPT? Demonstrate but come 2011 kuyabebele with your MMD without priorities for the country. Tired of these chaps for 20 years no meaningful development they can boast about.

  31. Pettitioners, haha! these people are not catholics. If they really were catholics, they should have followed the structures that allow he flow of communication. Please namipapata. Do Not Play with Church. I already see the MMD is very gittery about the situation in Zambia. People please! you must learn to see from within, not from without. You can not even see what you leader RB is doing. Travelling all over the world all the time. Uyu muntu aleya mukubika ulupiya lwachalo kufyficealo fimbi. You can never work with peolpe like Chiluba and remain a faithfull man. They are coniving with Chiluba to resteal the money. That is this time the situation is bad in the government such that the PS has to buy his own tea leaves and sugar for his office. Now they are trying to frustrate the church.

  32. A parishoner can complain to his Parish priest and the priest will go to the Bishop and the Bishop will go to the ArchBishop, I think Mr zulu is wasting his time. if their is any institution where there is order its in the Catholic church so Mr Zulu’s ways of doing things is just a way of MMD dogs.


  33. Mwebantu I think this Catholic church has a number of scandals to deal with at the moment and now this? Can it get worse than this? Kaya…

  34. ati “Pope given seven days ultimatum” hahaha! It even feels funny to read. Who the eff do these tuma effers think they are? when right here in zed any tuma useless ultimatums given to our very own local m.o.r.o.n.s are never respected, they actually picture the pope sweating bullets and worrying about the consequences of his not responding? Please basa, lets not go deeper down the degenerate route as a country, its flippin boring now

  35. @34 RED CARD
    The procedure you have put up is what has been followed for years of children being abused…it never solved anything unless you are so blinded that you dont realise that there is something wrong in the way the Church (or just some Church) in there communities …
    Take some time to have a read on the internet on different issues affecting other people like i said before put MMD aside for once

  36. Chainda? Kamanga? Ataa!! Ghetto people. These are just hired by MMD. Ninjala iyi ilenga vonse ivi. You think the Pope can be pressurized by one ghetto man? Ataa. What about the Copperbelt Diocese Lusaka diocese? Excommunicate that thug called Admond Zulu please he is a nonsense. He has never even been to Rome and he has never even talked to the Pope face to face. Ask the people who understand theology and Politics will tell you. Father Pete Henry should give lecture to Zulu. Ankhumba kulya aba a Zulu. Leave the Bishop alone.

  37. # 31. Iam a Catholic & I can assure you these petitioners are not Catholics but mere cadres. They claim to come from Chainda & Kamanga Parishes, how come the leadership at the two churches do not know them. People, we should not play with our christian religion, there’s always a heavy price to pay when one messes with the servants of God.

  38. 7 days then what? Form another church if you want. MMD is just afraid of Sata, if not why all this nonsense? I urge all Catholics to stand together. What misconduct has the Bishop commited?

  39. In which capacity are these individuals petitioning? Surely, there must be some internal procedures in Zambia to deal with such grievances. The pope should ignore such nonsensical behaviours from this group or person.

  40. Bloggers l can assure you those chaps are wasting their time. If you understand the Catholic organisation,those aint Catholics. My advise to them is to just eat the money they were given and find another way of pleasing FAT A.S.S. RB. I doubt if the Pope will even have time to look at such useless petitions.

  41. The ignorance displayed by a few people here makes me come back,maybe they can learn one or two things,after all some of them are children of the DOGS,very loyal,like their fathers,so bring it on

    All i know is that the catholic are big, even richer than Zambia,so once the Pope gets round this and consults,it will only be bad for anyone against them,surely,would the Pope punish Mpundu because of a parish memeber in Chainda and Kamanga,OH please! they are all over the world,they have bigger issues to sort out,more over they have a lot of members and when a priest says something to his flock,they take it as gospel trueth,so mmd is playing a loosing battle,catholics are fanatics,they believe and trust their leaders

  42. Just for information, if Bishop Mpundu’s relative was being done by Mr Sata, what do you expect the good Bishop to do? Cane the relative? No. To start with Catholic priests are just men like us and just as our sisters can be done by other men can priests sisters be done. Nothing strange. MMD have lost it. Why should one individual be the menu for the ntire government to spend sleepless night over.

  43. Gentlemen The catholics have pedophile scandals to deal with at the moment! Let’s no divert attention from that…

  44. Let there be peace…….and peace there will be in Zambia. This evil campaign, which is sitting at the edge of civil strife/war, will not prosper, for peace will over come all evil, My Zambia, will not be reduced to Rwanda, Angola, or Congo. No one tribe will forcefully rule all others. It is ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION. And peace will surely prevail. Zambia has been given to him who watches over us above, and no amount of evil campaigns, will change the status quo. Like he brought RB from the village, he will provide us with another leader in 2011, to ensure that peace prevails, we will have peace, and we will if it is his wish, change governments peacefully, forget about this evil campaign, its has no blessings from him that protects my country Zambia. Let there be peace in Zambia.

  45. The MMD are fighting battles they can not win. These, really, are kicks of a dying horse.
    One question these so-called petitioners should ask themselves is whether the remoal of one man (Bishop Mpundu) will prevent the entire catholic church speaking for the poor and weak in our society. The answer is a resounding NO, so they should just shut up

  46. As a Catholic and ex Seminarian (I was in the seminary for 8 years and left on my own accord) I am very disappointed by the conduct of Bishop Mpundu. As a leader on catholics he should have condemned the conduct of Sata and set the record straight. How then can he advise people in polygamous marriages on the church’s teaching if he cannot advise his sisters and Sata? Hypocrisy and double standars heee?

  47. Of course it had to be a Mr Zulu to be the appointed spokesman for such a useless mouth piece. These are the same people who are asking Mpombo to quit the MMD for having differences with Bwezani, why can’t they also just quit the Catholic Church and join or form their own Jehovah Spiritualized Redemption GOD Hizbollah fimo fimo church? And one thing about these Nyasa people, we all know Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda was fully senile in his last 5 years of power but chaps like Kazamire Mbumba Tembo and others kept him as head of state. They want to do the same here with their tourist president.

  48. Quacks!Do they think the Vatican has time to waste on MMD cadres who want to mmake RB look good?Wat has the Bishop said that is wrong?The Church shall continue fighting injustices be it in RB’s time or anyone’s else’s time!Am disgusted with all these funny MMD hired political Hooligans!shame on you all including your sponsors!

  49. At the height of the 3rd tern rubbish a parishoner reported a priest to the OP that the priest was preaching against the 3rd term. Instead of harrassing the priest the officers just went to the priest and told him that Mr Edmond Zulu had reported him to the OP. So the next Sunday the priest continued to hammer on the same subject and called on Mr Zulu without mentioning his name that since the OP were not impressed with Mr Zulu’s report Mr Zulu should now try the Pope. It is a true story.

  50. The mare fact that this country was declared a christian nation, it then means that from that day on wards this country has been under pesecution by the devil to prove otherwise. Bloggers this fact is so clear that the opposite has been manifested in the behaviour of the very person who declared this country as a christian nation. He behaves like a preacher of gospel when in church but does the opposite out side church. He is one typical example referred to when jesus was answering a question from his deciples regarding his coming back and how his followers would be able to identify true preachers of gospel. Jesus said true preachers would be known by their deeds and not by their message. My fellow bloggers this country has been cased and we should do something to remove the case.

  51. # 56, If I wanted marriage counselling, a Catholic priest is the last person I will go to. I mean, these chaps are sworn to the catholic holy doctrine of celibacy and most of them do not even know how the terrain of the feminine genetalia looks like and to expect such a lot to provide counselling on marriage or anything to do with relationships between adult men and women is to me crazy. So chief Mungule please even if you were in there for 8 years or 800 years, you do not seem to have learnt a lesson about what these catholics know and dont know. What you are suggesting is like going to Chiluba to ask for a lesson in democrazy, marriage or indeed financial prudence, waste of time.

  52. These chaps are SO BUSY fighting political battles that they have left the flock to be raped at will…the pope is busy with sexual scandals attributed to him to even bother about Sata’s inlaw. Mpundu and his team are PF cadres whose major task is to fight corruption in MMD not turn sinners to CHRIST…they think God will ask them how many kaponyas they managed to lead to PF and not how many sinners they managed to deliver to Christ…!! Frank Bwalya busy with red cards instead of flashing the bible ,as PRIESTS your calling is to lead people to God and not to the PF.

  53. And all you who are defending the Church are just making the church look so small and Godless…You cant defend God,he is the one we run to for shelter. If you truly believed that what these priests are doing is from Christ then why even defend it…..You think you cadres here are more powerful than God’s angels?……You are saying all this because you know its OF MAN.

  54. #48RED CARD-Smoothcriminal
    You are right. The fanaticism goes so far as offering their ‘back and front passages’ to priests without questioning.

  55. Iwe Zulu chitole chobe…….find something better to do in life. Osati njala ikakuchita then wayamba kusabaila. Living in a ghetto where there are no proper roads,no piped water,communal toilet or ka pit latrine and the list is endless. Just who the hell do you think you are and mind you whoever is sponsoring is just using you for his personal goal. This catholic church you are trying to engage is just so powerful and can bring this government down. How many catholics are in Zambia and mind you we vote. So put your stinky A.S.S down and reflect on your crap behaviour.

  56. This is the Worst of ALL SILLY ACTIONs that the people from Chainda And kamanga can undertake … to Demonstrate Against The catholics????????????? God forbid!!!! Why Did You not Demonstrate Against the Govt Or Local Authorities, When There were the Floods, food going missing At the Independence Stadium, Why Not????? Remember Whether you like it or not The Archbishop is Anointed of God, and not The Pope!!!! ” TOUCH NOT MY ANOINTED” ………. ILILISHAMO!!!!

  57. # 56 No wonder you left the seminary,you are one damn dull chap. The the bishop said that matter happned a long time ago. Do we know what they discussed as family/private? Do you expect a priest/bishop to bring his family matters in public? He is human and has family so you dont expect him to tell all about ill happenings in his family. # 56 You have got alot to learn about the Catholics.Catholic Priests DO NOT normally do marriage councelling like your PASTORS. We have structures in Parishes who are in charge of such things. We appoint couples to counsel people with marital problems. AND NO WERE IS IT WRITTEN THAT CATHOLIC PRIESTS ARE PERFECT.THEY ARE HUMAN AND NEED OUR SUPPORT AND PRAYERS.

  58. #56 Mungule- I doubt if you are what you say you are. There is no way a Catholic will attack or condemn a congregant in public. If Sata had repented and got absolution there was no way this was going to go public. That you know very well unless you want to pretend. In the position of the Bishop personal relationships do not count but spiritual counts. Wila bepa ubufi.

  59. The nazi dress wearing pope is busy dealing with child abuse claims he doesn’ t have time to deal with such. The catholics shouldn’t even interfere with politics because their track record with the nazi’s , spanish inquisitors shows they are not to be taken seriously

  60. So…are we seeing another ‘break away’… in the making? Doesn’t the Pope have enough problems, altar boys problems? Have a heart please…;))

  61. ‘ All the parishes in lusaka have indicated that they will take part in the demonstrations ‘ , he said.
    It will be interesting to see if they are granted a permit by the police . Then we’ll see the real strength of feeling amongst the parishes .
    ……# 33 Kadoli…, i miss the picture , it used to bring a smile to my face all the time , every time.!

  62. Ignore Catholic antics at nation’s own peril

    By A Correspondent

    ZAMBIA risks going the way of the United States of America (USA), if the nation downplays the belligerent manoeuvres of the Roman Catholic-sponsored institutions, over the Constitution-making process and other issues of governance.

    The main catch on the Zambian scene is and shall be the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation by the Second Republican president Dr Fredrick Chiluba 18 years ago.

    This, according to Pope Benedict, is tantamount to increased religious fundamentalism that is prying Africa.

    The Pope, opening a three-week synod of African bishops in Rome on October 4, 2009, warned of a neo-colonialism blighting Africa, when the developed world continued to export materialism he called “toxic…

  63. toxic spiritual rubbish” to the continent. And he gave a carte blanche edict to the bishops to fight this evil.

    As this article appears, non-governmental organisations (ngos) under the tutelage and leadership of the Catholic institutions are planning protest rallies, distribution of red cards to see the downfall of this government. The recent arrest of the Catholic priest Fr Frank Bwalya at the Youth Day celebration in Kitwe, was a booster to their campaign if the response from the partner organisations can be taken into account.

    A similar fight was perpetuated in the 1860s by agents of the Vatican in United States Congress, led by Thaddeus Stevens after the Civil War, which literally invalidated the first Constitution. By his influence, they manipulated the Reconstruction…

  64. Reconstruction Amendment which instead of providing freedom and equality for the slaves, rather attacked the very rationale of the Bill of Rights.

    In Zambia, the Catholic Church refused to participate in the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) and further boycotted the sitting of the National Constitutional Commission (NCC) but continue to be critical over the process. Cadres from the Church traverse the nation to disseminate civil disobedience on their community radio stations and selected private media.

    Who is Stevens and why is he such a villain and a pariah among Protestants in the United States? And why should Zambians draw similarities to what happened centuries ago in America? Can the same ruse succeed here also?

    Bill Hughes in his book The Enemy Unmasked gives the…

  65. Bill Hughes in his book The Enemy Unmasked gives the picture of Thaddeus Stevens as being very poor in his early life. As a result, he always held a manifest contempt for the aristocrats and the wealthy. He always held that they were rich because they had exploited the poor with whom he sided.

    Based on such background, how did he change to embrace aristocratic concepts? The contradictions emerged when he became involved with a Catholic priest in Lancaster. He could have linked him to the Jesuits Order and then to the Jesuits/ Rothschilds who set him on the path to undermine the Protestant Constitution.

    Stevens had no religious convictions and attended no church, wrote Claude Bowers.
    History records that after the Civil War, America was in a shambles. The South had to start all over…

  66. The South had to start all over again. Over three million slaves, who had only known cotton fields and hard labour, were now free while carpetbaggers pillaged an already depleted region.

    Amid this chaos, Abraham Lincoln, the man who guided America through the Civil War, was dead from a Jesuit assassin’s bullet while great struggles faced the war-torn nation. In Congress there surfaced a new group called the Radical Red Republicans sponsored by the Jesuits Order and Illuminati which objected to any moves to allow the seceded Southern states back into the Union.

    Claude Bowers, The Tragic Era, AMS Press, says of Thaddeus Stevens, that any one who saw Congress of the 1860s would declare that the man was undeniably in charge.

    “He was a dictator who handed down his decrees and woe…

  67. Is this what the Roman Catholics in Zambia want? To bring back the dependence syndrome where the State must provide all and sundry to its citizens? Putting money in the pockets of the people without specifying how this could be down. Stevens killed the middle class in America just as socialism did the same in Zambia.

    On his deathbed this old communist ‘commoner’ was baptized into the Roman Catholic Institution for a job well done in obedience to the Papal Caesar’s tyrannical Holy Alliance and the Black Pope’s evil Council of Trent, wrote Eric Phelps, Vatican Assassins.

    It is therefore not surprising that the Catholic Church has unleashed its adherents to champion the cause albeit for the poor. From the narratives, taking into account Stevens’ actions, would it be misplaced…

  68. To be honest the Church is a congregation of diverse minds, social dispositions, political belonging, a combination of the rich and the poor, etc.

    I feel it was wrong for the Priest to come out that way.

    I think it’s important to perceive this from a neutral sphere (ignoring politics), and only then will we see the real issue

  69. In all fairness, Mr. Kabanda has been involved in the non-governmental organization (NGO) activities for many years but at no single time has he ever faced elections. He merely hops from one NGO to another. Yet, he has become the authority even to chide the brains sitting in the NCC to formulate the next Constitution.

    Observers say if America had been established as a pure democracy, it would have long since ceased to exist. The world knows the founder of Communism was a Catholic Canon law lecturer at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Germany, Dr. Adam Weishaupt. The Jesuits sponsored the French and Russian revolutions based on principles developed by the Illuminati 70 years before Karl Marx was discovered.

  70. The French Revolution was a source for communist, anarchist, and socialist conceptions; conceptions that, when carried to conclusion, resulted in the necessity of installing drainage systems to carry away the torrents of blood that flowed from French guillotines. These same ‘conceptions’ applied during the twentieth century have resulted in the murder of well over one hundred million human beings.

    There is a lot to learn from the Great Revolution, warns Dee Zahner. Zambia has no drainages per se to contain that blood but can stem the flow through an effective storm drain, put in check the machinations of crises mongers hiding behind a distant master.

  71. I am not a catholic but I must say the so called spokesman, Edmond Zulu and his group are a hired lot and their motives are suspect.

  72. Ni zee, since am not a Katolica. But national issues affect us all, so we will not tolerate corruption and brainless governance.

  73. Some of these bloggers are ungrateful. How many hospitals and schools were built by the Catholic Church? Did they not stand up for the poor by actually making a difference? How many schools and hospitals did Chiluba build? Now tell me where were these members when Chiluba was stealing and set free ….Don’t forget this was started by Kafupi’s his little finger poking speech. Leave our blessed Catholic church alone. We love and cherish the Catholic Church. We are tired of Chiluba rallies. In any religious organization there maybe problems but who is perfect. That is why Jesus came…and guess what I first learnt about God from a Catholic school.

  74. #83 yaya – YOU MUST SPILL SOME BLOOD TO GET FREEDOM. mY FATHER DIAPPEARED DURING THE CHACAH DAYS, BUT AM GLAD HE PARTICIPATED IN THE DECLONIZATION OF MY COUNTRY. Without the French Revolution that country would not have achieved what it has and neither would USA been freed from Britain and neither would the Brirish Monarch reformed. Fear to spill blood and you will be in perpertual servitude.

  75. yaya another 1 kwacha per blog MMD kaponya – keep it up, you’ll be rich in a million years

  76. #9 Jesus was not deceived by Judas, if you read your Bible you will discover that Jesus knew all along that Judas would betray him (not deceive Him). It was God’s plan that worked, and Jesus went to the cross to die for us sinners – that’s how salvation of man was completed. Anyway, I think it’s ludicrous that people give a pope 7 days to do something… they have no idea who they are messing with. I am not roman catholic, but I know that the pope has more authority in this world than most people realize. Abash ignorance! **==

  77. This issue is really not about the catholic priest but about whoever speaks or acts againest MMD and RB……I honestly fear for our Nation**==

  78. The question is, are they ready to grant permit to those who would also want to go to vatican embassy to show their support to the embattled bishop? In principle we’re back to one party system whether you like it or not. Now is the time for lumpens like the i.d.i.o.t in the article to make money off this useless government on autopilot, anyone with no intergrity nor dignity to guard and has no problem licking s.h.i.t from their bosses’ bottoms now is the time to put your feet on the gas peddle and go for it ascending every available anthill on the way dancing and singing for the almighty nyama soya and in the afternoon do the easier bit, give William Banda a call to ask if the blown envelope is ready for collection

  79. OK, just one little correction: Archbishop Mpundu is not the leader of the Catholic Church in Zambia. He is head of the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Lusaka, which is much smaller than Zambia. The Catholic Church is organized in regions that are known as dioceses, each of which is headed by a bishop.

    That aside, the petitioners might as well forget what they are advocating. Edmond Zulu might as well take a hike, because I do not think we are going to have a Bishop Phiri, or Banda, or Tembo, or Zulu, or Mwale, in Lusaka anytime soon.

    While we are at it, how about advocating for the removal of Fr Augustin Mwewa as Ndola Diocese procurator. He too could be replaced by Fr Phiri, or Banda, or Tembo, or Zulu.

  80. @Yaya very interesting article you share the unfortunate thing on this blog is that every discuss is political when you desagree you are probably MMD even when your views are general it means to some that you on the other side
    Some matters have to be discussed with politics aside like my ealier post put MMD aside and discuss the issue as you understand it not your political affiliation views

  81. A true catholic will not support these ignorant chaps. The Police should not grant them a permit to demonstrate at the Vatican embassy cause they’ll only be wasting their time

  82. This is fake planned by the MMD, Zambians are we still blind? This is one party type of ba KK. accusing people who speak the truth againest thier selfish dealings. Please lets think of the poor Zambians, your mother in that remote village. Ahhhhh am tired of this country, if I was reading a Book i can easily close and throw it away. RB wansekete

  83. These MMD cardres do they really know how powerful the Pope is for them to give him 7 days ultimatum I’m sure the world is just wondering whats happening to this country. MMD what they are doing now is just decamping themselves. What a shame!

  84. Iam appealing to the President to bring sanity in the Country, Yes we may differ with the Bishop as a human being but we must remember that to be a Bishop is not an easy calling!

  85. This is funny. I wonder what effect this ultimatum will have . Well lets wait and see!! Is this the democracy we all crave for ?

  86. #99 Which President are you appealing to? If you mean the Zambian one, he is probably on a trip to somewhere or he is busy planning another trip for himself. My appeal is to all Zambians to leave the church issues out of your daily politics. There is nothing to be won down this road. The catholic church has been around for over 2,000 years. Has survived very serious persecutions by very powerful forces of this world. Yours is just a scratch in comparison. There are more serious issues nearer our homes than to bother about Rome.

  87. Archbishop Mpundu wanted out, interesting! Will wait for the outcome. This is again a food for thought to the Pope. Apart from the petition worldover on sex abuse scandals by catholic bishops, fathers and reverands to now political utterances by ba Bishop Mpundu.

  88. You know what is funny these guys are given the pope an ultimatum…its really making me laugh my lungs out. First of all The pope is not only the head of the Church but also head of state. And out of the Billions of people in the world these people think he has time to even listen to them. Look at it this way Milingo was famous in Zambia he was called to Rome to say he meets the pope he stayed for a long while before he could even see him it took years. Till his scandal. He wrote letters to the pope which just reached the secretary a cardinal, all the secretary did is after reading threw it in the bin. Now these guys poverty stricken people in a poor nation expect the pope to hear. someone else will deal with it not him in fact just the Nuncio and nothing will happen to Archbsp T.G Mpundu

  89. This story is a shame to a government that doesn’t know what it is doing. Please, don’t hide those MMD cadres behind the name Catholic! Those cadres have got it wrong because Archbishop Mpundu is not even the head of the Catholic Church in Zambia! There is no such thing as head of the Catholic Church in Zambia! Archbishop Mpundu is head of the Catholic Church in Lusaka Archdiocese. Those disgruntled MMD cadres who have been sent by Rupiah should be arrested immediately because they are impersonating Catholics and according to our law, that is crime.
    Let the MMD cadres talk about poverty which their boss has failed to solve. Let them protest against his endless trips that are robbing this country of taxpayers money. VIVA TO THE RED CARD. The MMD government is not fit to rule Zambia!

  90. I am exceedingly dismayed at such immernse ignorance, there is totally nothing wrong the bishop has done i am a catholic a believer we uphold moral uprightness that is not to say we are all pure. The mmd are scheming to silence every voice that is divergent to theirs does not mean we are atagonising them, most of you should look at what the church has been doing in zambia even the govt is very much aware of their noble works. By the way we as true catholics inpired by the true and pure teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ we will not relent to speak out for the voiceless becouse we cannot just sit back with hands folded ignoring corruption by govt officials, marginalisation of the poor, pls we must speak for the voiceless and the poor in our society Jesus reminds us to protect the defenceless

  91. Bishop Mpundu must go and rest where retired Bishops live.He is a shame.He must leave Bishophood and start campaingns for his brother in law Sata.He wants his sister to be the first lady.

  92. The Pope is exhausted from having to give defensive answers for his priests worldwide, i think he will just ‘fire’ Mpundu to get this case closed. He has more serious charges to defend like allegations about his priests sekxing the flock…..

  93. I support anyone that rises up to defend good and sane behaviour because that is our Zambian culture. These concerned Catholics are just exercising their god-given right to voice an observation over the months they know has gone to the dogs! I would expect an archbishop to moderate the prevailing situation in Zambia rather than confrotational. His pastoral calling should see him pick up a phone and ask to meet with the president and voice out his misgivings rather than go to the Post for example! It reduces his credibility as an overseer of the flock! He doesn’t need the newspaper to voice out his concerns he needs a one-on-one meeting for a person of his stature!

  94. So a few people from a small impoverished country no one has ever heard of have given the pope a seven day ultimatum. Don’t make me laugh!

  95. I saw the clip on tv of the ‘concerned Catholics’ that went to present their petion to the vatican ambassador. To me they looked like a bunch of marketeers who were hired to promote the mmd agenda. Therefore, they may be a bunch of poverty stricken illiterates who do not understand a thing about how diplomacy works. True they came from mu komboni of chainda and kamanga. The catholic church is far much bigger than two kombonis. therefore, their petition lucks representation and the pope will not intertain it. Even if their reason may be justifiable, a few hitches I mentioned, are visible to dismerit their case.

  96. I wish I hailed from Barotseland because a free parliamentary seat has become available. I mean, who can lose against Kaingu Popy the canine species masquerading as a human being but since self exposed? As for Edmond Zulu, the great Nkhosi yama Nkhosi must be turning in his grave to see a man carrying his name belch such stinking stoogery verbature. Had he been here today, he would have given Edmond three benchmarks to achieve (1) grow some bollocks (2) If you can’t, change your name to Bwezani and (3) Assegai the lumpen!

  97. Guys you have been sent by Merciless MMD head of thugs Rupiah Banda! Please if you have been paid to remove MPUNDU you will not succeed! he is a Man of GOD and is speaking on behalf of the masses and population of Zambia. Lawyers are corrupt and have failed Zambia in many cases. There is alot of Rubbish MMD is inciting and we cannot condon such a thing to escalate the levels of Rwanda or Nigeria. PLEASE SPARE MPUNDU HE IS A GENUINE CHARACTER and MAN OF GOD. Zulu and your small Group Shut UP!!!

  98. This is proper marubbish, can’t you see? Tumizimai from Kamanga can’t even tell the name of the Pope!

  99. Mpundu is PF, power corrupts even bishop wants the kwacha hahahaha. For the pertition, stop wasting time, this is all the “Malawian’s ” gimmicks so called MMD Lusaka province chairman. Qusetion for bloggers. why is it that all PF supporters cant not debate or offer opinions without insulting others?

  100. Jealous and malice are the biggest problems Zambians face. Most Zambians are NOT very good people because they show you their teeth but their hearts believe otherwise. Criticism is healthy and encourages deep thoughts before one acts or says anything BUT Zambians won’t tell you when you are wrong but laugh at you when something goes wrong. Some of them would even malicious say ‘I knew it’. This is the mentality that has killed our country. Most Zambians laugh at neighbours poverty and are not willing to help them get out of poverty. The spirit of co-operation as a basis for meaningful development is not there amongst Zambians. Most Zambians are interested in positions in organisations and don’t care about their ability to deliver as long as it benefits them. Mpundu is a victim of this.

  101. Mr Zulu to begin with you are not a Catholic, if you are you would have known the structure of the CATHOLIC CHURCH, let me educate you, Right Rev Archbishop Telephore Mpundu is not the head of the catholic church in Zambia. He is the Archbishop of metropolitan Archdiocese of lusaka. Let me remind you, the time reckoning for you is coming. You are not going to continue receiving ZMK 150,000.00 so that you continue parading your ignorance in the streets of Lusaka. Lusaka which has got a quite a good number of catholic cannot be compared to your group which was full of hunagry and starving women and un empolyed youths. Which parishes will demostrate at the Vatican embassy. The Catholic church is founded on strong foundation and you are just a Rat you cannot give his Holiness the ultimatum.

  102. According to znbc news of 1900, the Vatican ambassador says first of all, the petition handed given to the police/security men at the gate and not to him. Secondly, the proceedure used was not in accordance with canon law. Thirdly, the people that purported to be concerned Catholics are actually non-Catholics, the names do not appear in the registers of the parishes they puport to come from. This exposes the desperate tactics of the MMD in breaking diplomatic etiqutte and more so involving servants of God in their quest to stay in power.

  103. The Pope is just a human being like anybody else. The Catholic Church in Zambia is behaving like a political party and you people here are behaving like the Pope is in charge of the whole world. Other denominations are quiet – is it only the Catholics who care about the suffering Zambians? The head of the church in Zambia can even insult a late ex-President and you people want to brush that as a non-issue – how sad. It is scary how a people can lend themselves so easily to external interference. Actually, the MMD needs to harness nationalism and bury this crap once and for all.

  104. A Zulu mwalakwa ndithu. The Vatican Embassy and all Catholic Bishops in Zambia have expressed complete solidarity and support to Lusaka Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu. In other words, the Pope has spoken through his representatives in Zambia, he says go shove you stinking petition in the backside where it never shines.

  105. #123
    Ba Adviser if you belong to one man’s brief case church just shut up. You dont even know the structure of the catholic church, how could you refer to his lordship the bishop as the head of the catholic church in zambia. The catholic cuhrch has got the social teaching, by the way may you for once brag which institution your brief case church is managing. Mwaonekera na Zulu wanu.

  106. Fake church members trying to tarnish the image of the church in Zambia. There many so-called Roman Catholic members who are trying to sell the Church for 30 pieces of silver for speaking out. Your love of money will land you in trouble. Archbishop Mpundu is right for speaking out. You Zambians you are suffering a lot partly due to blind leadership in the MMD. #123 you don’t know what you are talking about. The church is not only there to talk about Jesus, but to talk about injustice and other issues affecting humanity. John the baptist was killed for the same thing the Roman Catholic Archbishop is talking about. I wish all the churches in Zambia can stand up for the people and speak like Archbishop Mpundu. If the Roman catholic stops speaking out, you Zambians will be reduced to nothing.

  107. Congratulations Archbishop Mpundu for speaking out. I am not a Roman Catholic but I have respect for the church and what it stands for. Those fake church members abalebosa like dogs must be converted. If the MMD government gives you money and you think you can remove the church. Don’t you know that the Church is stronger than any earthly government? The church has got power. It was because of the church that UNIP government and all the abuse of power came to an end. Archbishop Elias Mutale was killed for the same thing Archbishop Mpundu is fighting for. He is confortable where he is but his soul will not rest to see how Zambians including so so-called petitioners are suffering. Don’t sell the church for 30 pieces of silver. Don’t die like Judas

  108. Even when – decades later – the archbishop here did send a letter to the Vatican informing senior clergy about Fr Murphy, nothing was done.

    Arthur Budzinski is one of some 200 boys said to have been abused
    The Vatican department tasked with looking into such abuses was headed by the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger – now, Pope Benedict XVI.

    The Vatican insists there was no cover-up. It has accused the media and others of an “ignoble attack” on the Pope.

    Yet what of the “ignoble attack” on Arthur Budzinski?

    His daughter Gigi sits by his side as he goes through the black and white photos of his days back at St John’s. She translates Arthur’s sign language.

    “It goes all the way up to him,” she says. “The Pope knew for many, many years. He knew.”

    It is an…

  109. 128 Telesphore is not in the same league as Archbishop Elias Mutale. The former is dirty and misusing the chruch to fight personal and family battles, it is disrespectful to compare the two in any way. Read between the lines, I am sure that the Vatican will take some form of action on telesphore and his gang, check the Pronuncio’s words of reconciliation, “….the Vatican embassy called on the Zambian Catholics in union with their bishops to pray more in order to strengthen the unity through diversity and the mutual respect and dialogue with all different beliefs, culture and opinions….”. I am sure telesphore and his fellow truant priests are not lost on this subtle caution cum advice.

  110. I cant imagine SATA president of ZAMBIA what an emberrassment, Some one with a criminal back ground as if that wasnt enough he cant write.even in his own native language, he spleeps around with young women and has un protected sex with them, he produces children out of wedlock at his age

  111. I bet this complaint, shall be filed and sent to ***** affairs unit. The pope will be saying to himself, who are these niggers giving me ultimatums? dull chaps. I shall send 32 child molestors to zambia as punishment. Sata-n is for the people. all he did was shag my arch bishops sister? he already said 3 hail mary’s in 90 days, so the chap can drink wine and bread all he wants.
    PF= POPE’S FRIEND. lol.
    blogging makes me so happy..

  112. You people stop attacking priests. Children get abused in their own homes by their fathers.
    all these cases go undetected. And some of these abused people just make up things
    so they get financial help from the church. All churches have people who abuse children

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