Sunday, March 9, 2025

Pictures of the Week



South African national defence force Chief Godfrey Ngwenya with Zambia Army Commander Isaac Chisuzi at Arackan Barracks in Lusaka


An unideitified man carrying his furniture from a flooded house in Kanyama area



Women in business... Two women selling cooked and raw cassava along Kalambo road in Lusaka


Local government deputy minister Moses Muteteka participates in the destruction of pirated DVDs in Lusaka.


An unidentified man inspects a set of pirated DVDs in Lusaka.


A fake fanta drink packaged in a bottle of Coca-cola was seized in Lusaka .


AN unidentified job seeker displaying a placard along Church road in Lusaka


Kitwe Town centre before independence


Some residents of Kasama marching during World Tuberculosis Day commemoration at Mulanshi area in Kasama.


KASAMA District Commissioner Felix (r) donates second hand clothes to Benard Mulenga (l) who received the bag on behalf of other Leprosy patients Kawama resettlement center


Some residents of Kasama marching during World Tuberculosis Day commemoration at Mulanshi area in Kasama.


Orphans at Luyando orphanage look into the camera inside the 'kitchen' at the transit home.


  1. Pic #8. As artistic as it is, still brings a tear to my eye. The guy must be educated as well. It’s sad.

  2. #9 Kitwe post office I’m sure still has the same coat of paint as in that picture and the very same letters spelling post office! I love Kitwe though and the good old days at Mpelembe secondary School.Anybody remember Mr.Kabemba? Hope he’s still around.

  3. pic# 8 but do the guy need qualifications to be a gardener for him to have that ka file thing in his hand? shame RB look at how desperate your men are in searching, you will be answerable to our God almighty

  4. Pic#13 – Orphanages should be avoided as much as possible. Let these children stay with extended family and support them that way instead of institutionalizing them.

  5. Pic 1 South African national defence force Chief awe sure. Pic 5 Ba Local government deputy minister you even leave office to go and destroy pirated DVDs with your feet….mama. Pic 8 I pray for that gentleman to get more than what he wishes for. Bloogers happy weekend!!!!:-h

  6. Pic 3 – Thats a good depiction of RB. I hope he sees how we all view him – As an old man in “end life crisis” – younger woman, extensive travel, irrational behavior. I hope his life insurance is in order.

  7. Picture No. 8. Please have some dignity of yourself. You advertise like that in the middle of the road. I would rather sale something not sell labour like that. Even a mad person will hire you!

  8. Pic#1, this guy is South African national defence force Chief, he looks office material and not battle front material. Can such a guy perforrn any duties in Kandahar, Afganistan or Dafur.

  9. hahaha, I so love the RB stance, he gat swagger! And the satire is excellent! As for the man looking for the job, this aren’t the first time an seeing him on LT pics of the week, or he still hasn’t found a job since the last time you photographed him, months and months ago, that is??

  10. Pic 1, our Army Commander loos really fit compared to that South African Elephant who looks like his elder brother from the village. At last something to be proud of fellow Zedians!

  11. 50 years down the line and no new development in kitwe city. we’re still relying on colonialist buildings.Wat a shame. Makes me wonder ‘what are we doing’?

  12. #1 Needs to be put on diet #2 Flooded house to Independence Stadium #3 Jelita and Mulenga’s father #4 Poverty #5 Over dramatising from a dog #6 Give him to watch #7 Urine #8 Curriculum Vitae #9 Still the Same #10 Unproductive Walks #11 A bag without contents #12 Unproductive #13 Sad times

  13. Pic 13, I feel so sorry for the kids, what kind of orphanage is this mwebantu? The kitchen is not even fit for preparing any meals in such an organisation. Most of the people incharge of orphanages are fond of filling their tummies without realising there calling from God.

    Awe mudala pa nambala one ni DUGUDE

  14. Some of you guys do you sleep on LT or what? You even recognise old pics.! Someone give the jobless man a job apparently he’s been making rounds on LT.Senior citizen speak to your MMD bosses.

  15. Leave the pirate bootleggers alone , why the hypocrisy in selective destruction of peoples goods. If you want destroy pirate goods why not start with the pirate cars and pirate clothes that are flooded in zambia. It’s veryy strange to see people destroying pirate dvd’s when they are wearing pirate gucci and pirate rolexes

  16. # 21, someone does not sleep on LT, it is just that we read the paper every day -lol try that you will see, just get used to LT.
    Good stuff and bad stuff

  17. #21 What sort of Phone you you have – Me I check even the upcoming stories at 02.00hrs when I have nothing more to do than studying!

  18. #1, The Zambian army commander looks healthier and fitter than that South African fast foods consumer.
    #3, That’s our president doing what he knows best, living in luxury, unending holiday across the globe and unconcerned about the deteriorating state of the nation as highlighted in #8 and #13.
    #7, The colour of the drink says it all.
    LT, the choice of these pictures is very good.

  19. NDOLA should have been the Capital City of Zambia – You look at the wide roads, spacious parks, nice and clean buildings. Kitwe just the noise from Chisokone makes the town fake to be a City!!

  20. daisy, #15, howzit, missed u like woooo!! Pic # 8 is heartbreaking, pic 3 is now a proud member of the ‘My Pictures’ folder on my laptop, ready to be emailed to millions of mates.

  21. #26 upcoming stories at 02.00hrs lol, perhaps I should upgrade my phone to the type you have!
    # 25 yeh LT can be addictive

  22. Zed as usual, sad pics especially the guy looking for a job. Thats how pathetic the job situation has become in Zed, you can even tell that the dude has some kind of qualifications but he still has to feed himself so he lowers himself to a house boy.
    #3 CECE, i remember Mr (Stance LOL) he got his name from his funny walk. Good old days at Mpelembe.

  23. Those from Kitwe, is charcoal pillar(sp) still kicking? Please, I need to know, downed a number of Mosi bottles in there.:((

  24. Otopak (#9), do you think the man in pic #8 is doing that for fun? When you have to feed yourself and a family, you have to swallow your pride and do whatever it takes to survive! And I thought I was judgemental…wow I’ve got nothing on you! Pic #3 is a good depiction of the president and his lady! How this man sleeps at night knowing he does next to nothing for his people, I’ll never know.

  25. yeah he has really broken the record of travelling more than Obama himself…….pliz Bwezani put those bums of yours down b4 we tie them in

  26. My heart goes out to the Dude soliciting for a job,,,He who Feels it Knows it

    Despite the surroundings in which the orphans find themselves in,they look happy with those beautiful smiles

  27. Pic #3 The cartoon depicting Thandie and RB’s luxury shopping habits is HILARIOUS! Ndipo ya nsekesha! Love that Thandie is with her beloved super expensive designer Louis Vuitton hand bag! PRICELESS! =))

  28. pic 13 who allows such orphanages in our nation just to abuse our children. such so called orphanages must be closed and children be given to the govt for social care

  29. Pic # 1 – Soouth African army commander with a pot-belly: very unfit. Zambia army commander looking vey fit and trim!

  30. # 3 Do rules for Child pervets exist in some countries? What should be the best age difference between couples? 50 years? 30yrs? or 5 years? Plse advise

  31. Compare the cleanliness that was was in Kitwe in the colonial era with the filth there now. What is wrong with us Zambians? Do we enjoy filth? The scenario is the same in all the major cities.

  32. Picture no. 5. pirated products are a cancer in all the major city. The government has no teeth to fight this scourge. Just visit the town centre in Chingola after 18:00 hrs and see how many vendors are selling these products.

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