Sunday, March 9, 2025

Parley adjourns sine die


PARLIAMENT yesterday adjourned sine die after sitting for 19 days.

Moving the motion for the House to adjourn sine die, Vice President George Kunda said during the 19-day sitting, Parliament considered 215 questions, three private members motions, and one motion to adopt the Public Accounts Committee’s report on the outturn and appropriation accounts for the year ending December 31, 2007.

Mr Kunda said the House further considered two motions to adopt reports on Presidential appointments.
He said Parliament also considered 37 reports from government and quasi-government institutions.

“The House also passed 21 bills. The House has performed diligently and it is time to take a break,” Mr Kunda said.

He said the break will allow MPs to attend to other national duties outside Parliament.

The Vice President called on fellow MPs to go back and work with their electorates and monitor ongoing projects.

Mr Kunda said floods have affected some constituencies, thereby making it difficult for government to distribute relief food and drugs to flood victims.

“Some bridges have been washed away, some of our people have been rendered homeless, and it is important for MPs to assess the damage and help government work out with mitigating measures,” he said.

Contributing to debate, Bangweulu MP Joseph Kasongo appealed to all MPs to carry the message of peace to their electorate and not that of instability.

Mr Kasongo said Zambians can only address problems facing the nation in an atmosphere of peace and stability.

He observed that some politicians are desperate for power and can do anything just to get to State House.
“But they should wait because we only have 15 months to go…,” he said.

Mr Kasongo challenged clergymen who have political ambitions to come forward because doors of the National Assembly are open to anyone.

On the NCC, Mr Kasongo said some government critics should not dictate the pace of the constitution-making process because they refused to participate when the government invited them.

Mr Kasongo further castigated those accusing the government of paying lip service to the fight against corruption.

“The government is ahead and has presented bills that are aimed at enhancing the fight against corruption,” Mr Kasongo aid.

He said Zambia needs peace to prosper politically and economically.

“Economic development can only be there if there is peace. We won’t allow those who want to use shortcuts to go to State House,” he said.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Kasongo ulinshimbi and calla a spade by its name especially on “Mr Kasongo challenged clergymen who have political ambitions to come forward because doors of the National Assembly are open to anyone.” Spot on.If they are tired of preaching,they have to be brave enough and say we want to legislate.

  2. Hon.kasongo is saying everybody who disagrees with the establishment should join politics!!!!what shallow thinking!

  3. grz fights corruption ??!! LOL

    Enough talking, now it’s time to act !!
    100 million $(!!) stolen from former ZCCM !!!
    grz knows who play dirty trick, and where is money !! but nothing was done…

    in the same time majors companies like glencore, Vedanta, FQM give only crumbs to zccm-ih (investments are completed but for exemple Kansanshi has paid only 3 m$ in 2009 whereas the amount of minority interest is overtaking 300m$ !!)
    Interests of these companies is to leave ZCCM-IH in agony, no money for developing zambia BY ZAMBIANS
    Unfortunately money is kept in the mines and used by the majority shareholders for new projects in all in the world for which ZCCM-IH is not a shareholder
    They try to prevent MPs from denouncing their idleness
    Liars and incompetents…

    Truth will…

  4. I know that Mikete since 2007

    it’s distressing

    Words on your search engine => zccm + valayden + Mauritius + kateke

    We need make a clean sweep !!

  5. We are all not happy with our calibre of our MPs. Look at shikapwasha’s photo and the level of debate in Parliament. This adjournment is only meant for these perpetual liars to go and campaign in Mufumbwe where they will camp like greedy wolves. Anyway, for the progressives, this is the time they will use to bleend with their constituents particularly in those areas where there have been floods. But, the only problem is ‘ubuhule bama honourables’ yaba bwalichilamo sana.

  6. Fortunately, there are still few MPs who feel responsible not only for their beloved constituency but also general interest 🙂

    MP Simuusa (Nchanga)

    Read questions W29-W30-W31

    To summarize, Zambian people are finally going to get crumbs of huge profits of mines thanks to ZCCM-IH and its stakes ?

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