Sunday, March 9, 2025

I am going to stand for the presidency in 2011-RB


President Rupiah Banda

PRESIDENT Banda yesterday re-affirmed his decision to stand for the republican presidency in the 2011 general elections and has called on the people of Southern Province to work with the ruling MMD.

“I am going to stand for the presidency in 2011. I am going to fight and am going to ask the conscious of the people of Zambia to give me another mandate so that I can fulfil the development programme of the country,” he said.

Mr Banda was speaking on arrival at Mazabuka’s Munali Nickel Mine.

He said during the last presidential election, he came second from United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema while Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata was relegated to the bottom in all the constituencies in Southern Province.

Mr Banda wondered why the people of Southern Province have allowed themselves, through Mr Hichilema, to join hands with the PF in a pact when it offers nothing.

“In the last election, I was number two to UPND in the province, and I beat Mr Sata. Why should UPND go into a pact with Mr Sata, a person who was rejected?” he asked.

Mr Banda said Southern Province, like Central and Eastern provinces, should also one day work towards producing a president instead of being duped.

“You are being duped by Mr Sata to participate in blocking me from completing my tenure as President. Mr Sata is telling your president (Hakainde) to work with him, is that fair? No,” he said.

Mr Banda said it is unfortunate to see hatred and insults being introduced in the political arena.

The President took a swipe at Change Life Zambia executive director Frank Bwalya, whom he accused of abusing Radio Icengelo and advocating a red card to be flashed against him.

Mr Banda advised Fr Bwalya to flash the red card against people who have broken rules of politics and those who are fond of abusive language.

He said every game has rules to be followed, and anyone who breaks them should be shown a red card.

Mr Banda said he has not done anything wrong to warrant the raising of a red card against him.

The President said he understands the anger and frustration that is being exhibited by the two opposition leaders as it comes from their experience of having lost previous elections.

Mr Sata has lost elections in three previous presidential elections while Mr Hakainde has lost in two.

Mr Banda called on Zambians to reject any leader and politics of individual ambitions and bitterness as they are not productive to the nation.

He assured the people of Southern Province that from his recent trip to China, and the discussions he had with his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao, he is hopeful that Zambia will also develop.


“This province has as many rich minerals as any other provinces in the country. My government will not rest until we re-open the Maamba Coal mine also.

I will come to commission it. Please, give us a chance; no-one can be a magician that they can do everything at once. They are busy telling lies that when they come to power they would bring development in 100 days, it is not true,” he said.


President Banda said there is need to explore the rich minerals in Southern Province to develop the industry for the benefit of the people.

Mr Banda said the re-opening of the Munali Nickle mine will provide employment for the people in the province, who had to travel all the way to the Copperbelt Province in search of employment.

“This province has as many rich minerals as any other provinces in the country. My government will not rest until we re-open the Maamba Coal mine also.

I will come to commission it. Please, give us a chance; no-one can be a magician that they can do everything at once. They are busy telling lies that when they come to power they would bring development in 100 days, it is not true,” he said.

He urged Zambians to commit themselves to hard work and emulate the Chinese.

“Please, work well with the Chinese investors. Welcome them with both hands. I know their dedication towards work. I was there recently and saw how serious they are at work,” he said.

Mr Banda criticised opposition political leaders who are fond of claiming that the Chinese are not good investors, saying great nations like Britain and the United States of America are all rushing to China to attract investment.

He said he attached great importance to national development, and urged the people to rally behind his administration.

“I am the kind of President who focuses on national development,” he said.

And Southern Province Minister Daniel Munkombwe called on President Banda to speed up elections at all MMD party levels before the convention.

“You, as chairman of the MMD national executive committee, please, quicken the process of elections in the party because some people are scandalising others for nothing,” Mr Munkombwe said.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Kuya bebele, 2011 MMD zwaaaa! We are sick and tired. Enjoy the rest flyer miles at the expense of the Zambian Citizens while you still have the chance.

  2. Wenkoko we. What a President, fake and with no direction. What an old fool. You belong more to the Archieves that State House. Kuya bebele mwana

  3. What’s all the talk about southern province working to produce it’s own president ?..What do you mean Sir ? Does it matter where a president comes from? It’s fitness for the job that matters . Not what tribe you are.
    …And also Sir , you are striving too much to revive mining . That’s not real development .

  4. RB, by telling the Southerners that a president should come from Central, Eastern or Southern Provinces is tantamount to tribalism. What’s wrong with you Mr President?

  5. whats wrong with this guy RB, in his speach you can even tell the desperation the hour has come as its time for you to pack your bags and leave state the pres. of no direction and las time you was second in southern this time you will be last. viva pact

  6. What has happened to the ‘Visit Zambia’ campaign to boost tourism industry? What is happening to Agricultural sector in Zambia, has the distribution of farm inputs improved? What about Education especially the vulnerable ‘girl child’. Are more schools being constructed? What about Health Mr President, are hospitals staffed with qualified Zambian Doctors, Nurses and other para medical staff? Road network Mr President, can Zambians access for example Kalabo or Shangombo by road/waterways? What about misuse of GRZ properties for example GRZ pool vehicles, are there now controls? What about carbon emission protocals you signed, are you environmentally friendly? What has happened to my beautiful mother Zambia, has it gone to d.o.g.s?

  7. Zambia is a constitutional participatory democracy that ushers Governments through elections organized, supervized and presided by the ElectoralComminion of Zambia. The people’s national wide-ie from corner to corner, province to province, district to district and ward to ward’s vote cast in the ballot box a President is elected.Power does not come from insults in blogs of far flung armchair critics, editorials of tabloids or tribal collusions of miserable professional ballot rejects. It neither comes from the electoral arrangement of hate tribal groups but what the ECZ announces.Zambia is bigger than the noise in Lusaka and the blog entries. She is bigger than two tribal warlords putting up fragile constitutionally none binding marriage.Zambia has no running mate or coalision Govt…

  8. Its not amusing that even levy woken from deep slimber could beat these losers hands down.Worse and revealing is being defeated even when levy spent his campaign year hospitalized as a none campaigning patient with a stroke and without speach yet with all their venon, insults, hatred and tribal crusade, the patient historically humiliated them.Now what of an able bodied active seasoned politicians? Once a professional ballot reject, always a reject.

  9. Standing for election for Presidency is every Zambian’s right. RB can stand but the electorate will have the final say. We have seen a President with no plan for his future or for the nation over the past 2 yrs. Kuno ku Ndola ni RED CARD shikulu!!

  10. #8 PATRIOT
    Bwana Patriot what time is it in USA? You dont have other things to do in life, do you? probably you dont even know what morning glory is. While the all of USA – except for those who do night shift- is asleep you’re already up to lick the a*** s i.d.o.t.s in power. What is your conscience telling you about this blatant tribalism RB is spewing in broad daylight? or is that asking to much from you since you dont have brains between your eyes since its all drained to your stomach and large intestines. Being a party cadre does not mean chucking ones sense of reasoning mumuganda NO PLEASE! Grow up and start to use your effing head Mr cretin.

  11. Yes, you can stand as president in 2011. But for the period you have been in office there is nothing you have done. You are always out of the country. Looking at other countries you hadly hear their president out the country. If you love zambian people you need to think about the poverty they are going through as MMD programmes have not worked for any one except those that get travel allowances. I think you should get someone younger to head the 2011 as you have failed us.

  12. Is it RB that has lined up kabanda, ex priest Bwalya, Mwewa, brother in-law Mpundu to be his wafflers for a self appointed party leadership that is 95% tribally saturated? Is it RB that told late Mwanawasa that ifitundu yo mu 2006? Is it RB who vowed never to step into north Western Province for votes a people he called banyamazai he was to expell to Angola’s Mexico province to join the Vimbunda? Is it RB who expelled late Mazoka and called him a tonga tribalist when he founded UPND after unceremonious expulsion from MMD is readiness for the Sata’s championed third term? Is it RB who announced on TVZ that FJT was merely being humiliated because he was a bemba and the Saturday after the defeat of Mwanawasa in 2006, FJT and all accused would have been released???? We its all Sata’s…

  13. People with a vote and conscious are attesting that the country is on the road map to prosperity and sustainable democracy. They are attesting that there is just no alternative to MMD and RB for the 2011 race.The country has seen that perfecting in insults is not synonymous with the statesmanship a country need to be harmonized. We have seen how haptonized insulting machines have lamentably failed to add value to their so called parties. HH has ruined UPND from a strong Mazoka party of 49 legislatures to 22, Nawakwi with her insults has destroyed General Tembo’s FDD from a strong legislative strength to a 1 MP while Sata’s insulting skills have only polarized and trapped PF into a typical Zanu-PF authoritarian regime to nowhere. PF has only gained in tribalism with Mpundu inlaw and…

    I asked you a question you muppet, what time is it that side of the pond? Does your wife consent to you leaving her in bed during happy hours? Granted Sata is not an angel himself when it comes to tribalism but that does absorb RB’s tribalism in any way. Thats why i really doubt your sanity because a a normal person would never say ‘ Sata called certain people namazais so its fine for RB to practice tribalism’. What sort of reasoning is that. UNBELIEVABLE.

  15. Fellow bloggers, is there anyone who has data on how many airmiles our president has accumulated? Maybe we ask Patriot!

  16. #15 PATRIOT
    ‘….the country on the road to prosperity and sustained democracy’ you say. are you having a laugh mate? what sort of pills are you on? have been home lately or you’re holed up in states due to overstaying your visa? Let me give you a picture of whats obtaining on the ground.
    1. Mealie mea pricesl has gone up meaning people are eating once per day if lucky
    2.Secondary school fees are all in excess of k500,000 – while the minimum wage is less than 500 pin
    3. Mothers carry their placentas to go and chuck them in pit at their homes
    4. Minimum deaths at UTH 85/day 365/yr
    5. White card campainers will be granted permit to demostrate while the reds will never see a day on cairo road and you shamelessly talking about sustained democracy

  17. #17
    GALLIS my bro. asking such a question to a senseless out out cadre like Patriot or his civil partner Capitalist is wasting ones precious time. Do you remember last year when Prince William of England made a small detour in the RAF helicopter to go and mesmerize is missus, it brought out a mother of all uproar in the British papers for a week and if i remember very well they were suggesting he had wasted £15,000 of tax payers on that particular tiny detour. Now imagine how many £15,000s equivalent has RB wasted on useless trips to nowhere, imagine how many schools would be decorated if he had cancelled only one of his many useless trips, loads.

  18. yangu mayo aba bakateka i believe now there is no wisdom, you have just finished your self by telling the people of southern that don’t you want a president to come from here no leader in his right mind can carelessly talk like that
    zambia is a one nation there fore a leader can come from any province in zambia as long as he’s wise. YOU HAVE JUST shown HOW YOU ARE MR PRESIDENT NO DIRECTION.

  19. Chimoneni pamenso kwati chilenya. This guy has no brains. Come on zambians let’s reject this kind of mediocre thinking. Why should we give HH or Sata a ready when they re not in power? This guy is thinking like a kid. No wonder he’s married a kid.

  20. yuoare right #20, how can you tell people like that and yet is not even from southern so who does he think they can vote between him and HH or the pact, let him ans this and to my supprise is even the one who is championing trible

  21. Even MC Wabwino has released a song called P.H.D (pull him/her down), if you are in Zambia, you should listen to it on the radio and if you are in the diaspora, search for it on youtube, it explains why #1 and #2 with their jealousy can say what they have said.

  22. msana wanzili
    You are a drugged tribal savage like Sata and your frank bwalya. Your insults on this blogg stem from the fact RB is not bemba. Look at your self in the mirror and you will see your self standing behind frank bwalya who is leading the tribal hate mob all fomring at the mouth because a non bemba is in plot # 1.
    RB has been in office fror less than 3 yrs yet thousands of jobs have been created.
    Those suffering points you mention, even in countries like brasil and india, they exist. But ofcourse your mind is so full of tribal bigotry nothing matters.

  23. I come from Eastern Province but I hate the MMD and its leaders. If anything, it is just UNIP reincarnated. Katele Kalumba, Michael Mabenga and even Fred Chiluba, you have sold the MMD out.

  24. Dream on Boss, if you stand, the MMD will be guaranteed a defeat. I hope your ministers know that the ship is sinking, I cant wait to see the likes of Dora, Mulongoti, Shikapwasha and Gearge Kunda conceding defeat!

  25. Tribal war. What tribe is ka KC can anyone tell us? Do you support the speech of your master? Is he not trying to divde the Nation? Cadres Why do you support any word from your masters?

  26. So apart from the insults that we have been subjected to by the opposition, what else do they have to offer. What vision do they have? At least with the incumbent, people (I mean the voters) are seeing tangible things, but no one can touch insults or feed their children.

  27. Didn’t this man say he only had 3 and a half years to prove his legacy in 2008? Do people forget so easily? This amn was a care taker President but in Africa, give a man an inch he will take a mile. If he successfuly rigs elections next year using Mugabe’s machinery, then we are in trouble – Chiluba will be his Vice President. And you what that means – more killings of the Paul Tembo type. Bwafya with poverty.


  29. #26 KC
    Are you for real mate? what makes think am Bemba or PF supporter? Who told you that disagreeing with tribalism is being PF or a Bemba. Please read my comment #16, i’ll repeat for your sake ‘ SATA IS NOT AN ANGEL HIMSELF WHEN IT COMES TO TRIBALISM’ thats what i said. Now tell me whos a bigot between you and me? Unlike yourself, Patriot and his civil partner Capitalist i’ll never lose my mind supporting a politician unreservadly while turning a blind eye to their mistakes. Some of have brains you know.


  31. #26, KC,
    Some weeks ago you claimed you were returning to Zambia soon to invest what you have earned from your ‘4-figure’ salary because you got information from the embassy that Zambians were returning home in large numbers, can you give us the actual numbers. By the way do you work at the embassy? Reading your blogs one can tell that you are a staunch Rupiah Banda supporter (well and good) and you get irritated when he is criticised for his tribalism, wasteful and meaningless travels and incompetence. Those who point out the mediocrity of this administration do so for the love and concern of their country and no amount of intimidation will succeed.

  32. #33 NOM DE PLUME
    Ask KC or Patriot and his civil partner to put their dirty fingers at any positive thing that RB has done thus far. If they will be able to point at even one thing i will eat my hair and i will never post a comment on LT

  33. Just for starters, how would you have survived the world economic crunch if RB’s government had not decided to stabilise the economy first by subsidising fuel prices? When you are born kaponya you think only the kaponya way, behave kaponya, and you have no capacity to understand complex issues or even how food gets to your table.

  34. #38 KATIE GOOD
    Am ready to eat provided you point at even one positive thing that RB has done, please dont get me started on credit crunch ins and outs if you dont have a clue of what it even means the first place. You dont get out of or avoid recession by reducing fuel prices or subsidising , please stay clear of this topic or you risk embarrasing yourself.
    Just curious my sister, are you one of the hip girating empty heads that welcome RB at the airport everytime he decides show up in Zambia?

  35. #39 KATIE
    Just a word of advice you only call your husband or your father a Kaponya and not people you dont know.

  36. It’s not good to pretend that everything is fine in Zambia (this includes some of you rural officers pretending to somebody else on this thread). If you are in Zambia right now, just look around yourselves. If anyone of you is going to say all as well, can only mean that what is around you might have been sourced through other means. But most of you will notice that you are living in poverty. When you get on a bus, just look closely at the people around you and i am sure each face will tell a sad story. No one was born to suffer. Honestly, there must be a better life. As for some of us, this is the reason(s) why we left Zambia. But it is not too late. To all Zambians, ‘Zambia, YES We Can’.

  37. # 35 Nom de Plume Dot Com
    i am an engineer by trade and soon will be blogging from our beloved zambia, not because of increased exodus as you can witnesse at zed missions abroad, but because i have seen how the standard of living has improved and how qualified persons are needed for the ongoing development which i want to proudly and patriotically take part in.

    # 33 msana wanzili
    some time back i asked you to dispute the improved economic figures as approved by economists, instead of insulting. Every country has poverty. You were even insinuating that it was RBs fault we have floods, forgetting the underinvestment for the past 30 yrs. This man has been presido for less than 3yrs. Infarstructal improvments come after good economic perfomances, not the other way round.

  38. # 42 Ichalo Lifupa
    i have seen sadder faces in India, i have seen sadder faces in china. We are a 3rd world country, what do you expect ?. if only we could spend time on developing our country instead of wasting manee and time on campaining we would be getting somewere. We get rid of Rb then the next 5 yrs we talk and campain to get rid of who ever is leading. Some, even despite an improving economy, still want change. Just becasue zambia is not looking like were ever they live. this is when one wounders if this all to do with tribalisim.

  39. 41 Thank you for your advice, but kaponya is meant to describe the reasoning of the likes of you, I have no problem with my husband or father. You can rest assured that neither of these two is called Sata. So tell me one single thing that Sata has done or could have done. Is the 90 days promise or more money in your pockets the kind of achievement that you expect if you were to form government? Come on, be serious my good friend, we are talking about 12million plus Zambian lives.

  40. Zambia our MMD bloggers from USA your comments are not worth at all. You talk about people you saw in India and china suffering so what?????? Foolish people. What is the population of china or India compared to Zambia.12 million population of Zambia is less than the population of Indian sodiers. What do you mean you fools. If economic indicators show that Zambia is improving significatly then why doesn’t GRZ offer a minimum wage that is equal to the food busket which is about 2.5million. I believe as a country we can do it better. If grz can do this then people will have enough to spend and boost industries like retail and agriculture because then people will be able to afford.

  41. I thought that MMD will be for a convention soon to decide the way forward. To decide who will be party president and who will stand for presindency in 2011? I did not know that RB can declare himself a winner before our party convention. Can the Party Secretary tell me plaese I am lost!



  44. Kuya bebele.
    Zwaaa.Moving all over the world just talking about Chiluba,Sata,HH and the like.No solid development.What a Loss Zambia has in State House.We are all geared to prove to you that shika-shika,antenae and all your cric don’t really show you what is really on the ground.
    You will lose to the point of embarrassment

  45. 41 kaponya is a word I use to describe those who believe in the “90 days and more money in your pockets” utopian alternatives. My father and my husband do not believe in either.

  46. 48 If the convention does not elect RB, then another formidable candidate will be put forward. But if the RB’s challengers at the convention are the likes of Mpombo then the statistical probability of retaining RB as MMD candidate is almost 100%. Mpombo as you know with his rantings against his own party has ruled himself out of contention, not forgetting his other “strong attributes”.

  47. KATIE
    Seeing that you woke up so early on a Sunday to dabate against yourself i feel very sorry for your husband, did you even offer him the morning glory i wonder? thats why you’re always at the airport wiggling those hips of yours like mad for Thandiwe’s husband. Development in Zambia is only taking place in the minds of MMD’s empty heads while the truth on the ground is stagnation if not deterioration. I have said too much for your small head, off you go to your husband.

  48. Fine words… but little acts


    a great traveller

    well placed friends (eg his personal lawyer, Christopher Mundia, also CEO of Barotse Petroleum Co)

    Surely a great president and a future one !!! :d :d

  49. 54, Ba msana, ifyakusabaila bushe mwalilwala umusana? Kanshi nipesa apalebaba shikulu, just lay on the table what you will do for the people of Zambia and if they are attainable you may get the votes. Voters are not so unreasonable as to change government just because you say so. If you guys cannot present a viable programme the people of Zambia will give the mandate to RB again in 2011, and when his term expires in 2016 make him Vice President.

  50. #49 Sadist, Yes, you can never trust what this president says and whoever brought this tired old man from his Chipata farm made a grave mistake. We are being taken back to those dark UNIP days of umozi ku mawa, is it any wonder that somebody even feels Zambians should suffer and be sad because Chinese and Indians are suffering.
    You can’t expect things to go right when Zambia is run like a free-for-all salaula, you don’t know who is in charge, is it RB or the other Banda, William? The ministers as we were told by one of them are just loyal dogs or puppets on a string.

  51. #56 KATIE
    I knew it, you dont have respect for your husband and unfortunately not even for others’ husbands. Even if i had apalebaba i would never ask you nor any other woman to scratch me apart from my wife. The trouble with empty heads is they assume that anyone who refuses to be a dog is PF which is very unfortunate, we cannot all be politicians in a small country like Zambia some of us have to retain their brains and only comment when its necessary to do so. so my sister if your husband approves of you being at the airport ukufena amasha 24/7 for ‘Mr holiday is forever’ good for you. In short l cant put any programmes on the table because am not contesting any seat nor supporting anyone but i’ll ridicule your government if they dont stop pranks, people are dying.

  52. You guys affiliated with fr bwalyas group have empty arguments. I did not say because pipo in india and china suffer so should Zambians, someone said they see sad faces in zambia and i said i have seen sadder faces in india and china. That is why you have no argument for improved GDP figuers. What have you got to say about the improved job prospects and improved inflation and GDP numbers ???. Instead of misqouting and spitting hairs, pleas respond to what renowed economists are saying about Zambias economy.

  53. Patriot, Mrs Capitalist,Kc and Katie Good bonse imwe muli mpombo…i cant believe this rubbish you’re saying. MMD RB Govt kuya bebele…Ba Kc what improved job prospects are you talking about? Do you know how many degree holders are waling the streets right now why you are shitting in the toilet and posting rubbish? What GDP numbers you cant even state are you talking about? do you know what the food bascket is?The overall cost of food in Lusaka for the month of July 2009 was recorded at K784,500 and the cost of essential non-food items in Lusaka was K1, 442,330 bringing the total BNB to K2, 226,830. these figures reveal the extent of the challenge poor households are facing in meeting their basic needs you ignorant RB’s dogs and disciples. 2010 its even worse, what economists?say?

  54. @Patriot, Mrs Capitalist,Kc and Katie Good
    3weeks ago a baby died at a clinic because they didn’t have an ambulance at the clinic to rush the baby to the General Hospital. At UTH if you are very sick and need an urgent operation, you still have to book for the operation and you are given a month or more for you to have it. Load shedding is an everyday thing, they’ve failed to improve our power utility company and one can’t even begin to talk about housing units and water problems. And this, RB just keeps flying around to enter the gunnies book of records for the most touristic president since the garden of eden.please stop talking nonsense just because you are loyal dogs. feel for us who are suffering while you’ve run away washing old ladies abroad with their filth.

  55. # 61 Chief Moderator
    Zambias GDP is stands at 6% for 2009, estimated for 2010 to 4.5%. inflation was 21% in 2004 when you were cheering your uncle FJT, now it is at 12.40%. You get your information with sata from call boys at the bus stops. 2010 every country is facing economic hardships and those kaponyas you listen to are not intrested in real jobs, have they not heared about the increased empoyments ?. Just the other day munali nickel opened with 350 jobs. Avoid congrigating at bus stops and listening to kaponyas. Go to BOZ and ask for a audience with economists and you might be enlighted.

  56. #^63 Kc
    The problem is that you want to be good with numbers and ignore that fact that those numbers to do not translate in real economic empowerment and benefit to any average zambian. i just gave you the Food Basket figure of K2, 226,830 where the minimum wage for a working person is K500.000. yoy talk of Munali nickel mine which was just a some week or so ago but forget about 100s and 100s of miners who lost jobs in the copperbelt. you forget that the cost of living keeps raising up while workers get peanuts of salary increaments. Electricity tariffs where recently increased as well as fuel plus the introduction of more taxes to kill the little earned’re really shallow minded. Have figures improved the living standards of zambians?i understand these issues very well…

  57. # 63 Chief Moderator

    You are thick. when you understand the global economy of which Zambia is a part, come back and blog some sense. 100s of jobs were lost on the CB but the mines were reopened and reemployment went ahead. When you stop congrigating at bus stops with an audeance of kaponyas with your sata, you might see sense and realise that were the world is in an economic slump and economic improvment does not imeadetly translate to individual wellbeing. I was in zambia 2 months ago, in case you think am talking from without.

  58. #65 Kc
    im sure you think mechanical as an engineer,thats why you can’t be here in 1st place. You say the world is in economic slump while you have a president traveling around and around when you dont have facilities in hospitals and schools, our women giving birth inthe streets and buses and children dying because there isn’t an ambulance available, your roads are bad and so many floods, when you have ministries plundering K445Bn imprest while you can’t establish a proper settlement alternative for the Mazyopa people.what nonsense are you talking about?Where have you seen relocating monkeys spending about $50,000 and having a 6 man delegation to deliver a cow and spending K68M in per diem in an economically challenged nation and you say you have a sane leader.Iv done Ds Silly.

  59. #63Kc
    and dont be talking and quoting from things you research from the internet and BBC or CNN and then try to prove your rubbish of knowing what is happening on the ground. Dont take people’s patience with this corrupt govt for granted. and its not from without that you are seeing the RED CARD campaign getting stronger. all this is an indication that people are fade up.we can’t see average zambians benefiting because we have patronage politics and not the misguided reasons you are giving. the main challenge to our development is corruption by these same RBs of today and not the economic slump. get you facts right and i’d advise you to listen to what our professors and independent economists are saying..not appointed BOZ governors and minister who’ll support RB in everything.Grow up…

  60. See fulls, instead of blogging wise they now put up a battle of words. Never engage into a battle of words with FEMALE huule


  62. I have my reservations about people on this site who instead of debating issues objectively will talk about being engineers by trade, the other week it was Zodie Dube who claimed to be a mining engineer. Who cares about your ‘degrees’ and those statistics provided by economists appointed by politicians? Zambians are crying for affordable essential foodstuffs and services NOT cooked-up GDP figures!

    Thank you for trying to show some of these kaponyas who want to blame the current GRZ for everything including floods. GRZ can not distribute free things to every one. We all need to contribute. Now these vigilantees who only know how to incite call boys do not know that in every country you have pipo suffering, this phenomena is not unique to zambia.

  64. 68 Chief Moderator, assuming that you have correctly identified Zambia’s problems do you think that the solution is Sata and his Utopian theorems, if I may call them that?

  65. Tali they are yet to go for the convention to determine the candidate. It will be interesting to see what will remain of MMD after the convention.

  66. So only a sitting President is free to announce he will be standing? Those who want to challenge him cannot! How fair is this? Isn’t he campaigning before others have declared their interest in the post?

  67. RBB will stand and win. Why?

    1. Because the pact will crumble when HH takes the lead,
    2. Because Sata will not be eligible to stand in 2011,
    3. Because God has not agreed that the pact should lead.


  68. If Sata was destined to lead, God would have given him the position in 2006 & 2008. Destiny comes to you. You dont go looking for it and failing to find it.

    Therefore, it is not Sata’s destiny to rule Zambia. This is why he keeps failing to win.

    I think we should leave God to decide on this one instead of forcing matters.

  69. The last party convention in Africa where a sitting president lost, saw that party diminish. This is Malawi we are talking about. Mutharika formed a new party and silenced Muluzi like Columbia exploding in mid air flight. RBB knows that he has no opposition at the convention because MMD need him more than he needs them. If they mess him around, he can always start a new party or just stand as the UNIP presidential candidate. RBB is not desperate for a party to lead.

  70. Thats true! Lets assume Magande won at the convention. Then what? How will MMD ferry this guy to all 150 constituencies and assure he wins? How will they sell this new candidate?

    Will RBB just sit buy and say “Bye Bye” to his career or make another plan?

    MMD will not pick anyone else besides RBB to lead it because it makes logical sense and is a safer bet.

  71. Its sad to see PF take the UNIP route where the constitution is concerned. In 1996, UNIP idolozed KK and made him a God. When MMD (FTJ & Sata) barred him by amending the constitution, UNIP resisted to adopt someone else other than KK. Had they picked Wezi, UNIP would have bounced back to power. Unfortunately, KK was barred and UNIP lost all credibility as it was forced to boycott the election. It appears that history is repeating itself once again. Instead of picking a successor to Sata, PF have resorted to idolising the poor man and making him into their messiah. Any talk of succession ends up in violence or even death. Oh Lord. What have we done now!

  72. #73 Katie
    When you have corrupt leaders and a non-listening govt in power which fails to deliver to its people, its incumbent upon all true well-meaning zambians to take responsibility and remove such leadership. we have experimented enough with the MMD govt which seems to be getting worse with time and we cannot turn to any other alternative solution than what we have in the name of the PACT. This is history repeating itself with the events of 1991. my dear, We gave chiluba chance when UNIP failed us. MMD has failed us today, change is inevitable. In not saying Sata will bring a perfect Socio-politico system as you referred to your utopian kind of society,that would be living out of this world. Its time for RB and his minions, bootlickers, disciples and dogs to pack up and go.

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