Anti Voter Apathy Project (AVAP) Executive Director, Bonnie Tembo has predicted high levels of voter inducement and bribery once campaigns officially kick off in the forthcoming Milanzi and Mufumbwe Parliamentary by- elections set for April 29th.
Mr.Tembo accused government of allegedly using public resources to induce women voters in Milanzi by promising women’s clubs in the constituency K5million each through the community development and social services ministry.
Mr. Tembo told Qfm in an interview from Milanzi that some women’s groups leaders who could not disclose their names for fear of losing the promised money, claim that they have already started renewing their membership cards and opening up new bank accounts in readiness for the promised money from the ministry of community development minister.
Mr. Tembo stated that the villagers have highlighted a number of sugar coating promises that have been promised to them ahead of the official campaigns.
Mr Tembo has since appealed to the electorate in the various villages and wards visited during the AVAP education tours to carefully assess their candidates and not vote on the basis of sympathy or bribery.
My advise to you women is to accept these moneys from MMD/GRZ and use it to pay for your childrens’ school fees as well as buying some agricultural inputs for next farming season. No one in MMD/GRZ will know that you did not vote for them. Get the money and use it on the family. Take it as some sort of tax refund from GRZ.
And when it comes to vote , vote for PF-and UNDP, JUST GET THAT MONEY AND USE IT AT YOUR HOMES PLEASE
Desperate acts from MMD “dogs”.
We shall eat with them, drink with them, dance for then and when all that is done, vote against them. The beauty of a secret ballot