HOME Affairs Minister Lameck Mangani has said the current probe on Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata is meant to establish whether he lied that he has never been convicted of any criminal offence when he declared his candidature for Republican presidency on three occasions.
Mr Mangani said although the incident could have occurred a long time ago, it was important to know whether Mr Sata had told the truth when he declared that he had never been convicted of any offence when filing nominations for the presidency.
He said in an interview yesterday the matter was now of public interest because information had surfaced that Mr Sata had allegedly committed a criminal offence when he was jailed at Bwana Mkubwa Prison.
Mr Mangani said people such as those who allegedly shared jail cells with Mr Sata who were volunteering could not be ignored.
He said the investigation should not be misconstrued as victimisation but a quest to find out the truth.
Mr Mangani said the relevant authorities had intensified the probe on the allegations that Mr Sata was once jailed after he had committed a criminal offence.
He said once the relevant authorities concluded Investigations, the nation would be informed of the outcome and then the Zambians will decide on what action to be taken on the matter.
Former freedom fighters Jackson Ngoma and Dingiswayo Banda both testified that Mr Sata was once incarcerated for a criminal offence, which he committed when he was still serving as a police constable in the Northern Rhodesia Police Force.
[Times of Zambia]
Regardless of which spectacles MMD use, Serpent Cobra Satan is being victimize here. If Serpent contested three elections without the authority knowing, that mean Serpent Cobra Satan is a free Zambian. Serpent Cobra Satan is providing checks and balances to running of government by MMD kwangalaz. Let the Serpent Cobra Satan contest future elections and the Zambians will judge whether his a bad man or not. Its all foolishness to pursue Serpent Cobra Satan today.
what a share waste of time. I mean, there are culprits in the country who need to be probed for gross mismanagement of public funds. Probing Sata will not benefit the nation. Whats wrong with you Mangani??? You mean you have time and energy to intensify the probe while you ignore people’s cries to prob real criminals in the country. we are tired of this nonsence!!!!!
#1 Your post is bull! Only full of three words- Serpent Cobra Satan.
As for the truth, how about Katele Kalumba, William Banda, Titus Mpundu Kafupi Chiluba and the rest?
why wastetax payers money for that which even happen when the same mangani grandpa was not even in gov and when zambia was not born even its consititution as during this time you can even go to jail for say no to a white man. Please mangani if you reading this give us a brake.
How about Kapoko, Miti, Dora and others? How can we channel all our energy on something that won`t change the lives of Zambians?
There is a saying about setting priorities right. This government knows fu*K all about that!
Someone tell me how people in Sesheke will benefit by establishing that Sata lied?:-?
Total hogwash & nonsense really. A total waste of taxpayers money in a country whose budget is funded by donors what a shame & silly way to waste money.
Abash Mangani, concentrate on upgrading your township roads in Chipata with Sable
#6 Are you really serious or have taken leave of your senses? How can you ask such a no brainer question? I will tell you how. First you are going to let a liar into statehouse, secondly he will have access and control to resources that is supposed to develop the whole country. Third, becoz he is a liar, he will lie to the people of Shesheke that the tax collected from the people that pay tax there will be used to develop the place, but since he is a liar , what he will do is abuse that tax collected on his Kulima Tower Kaponyas..I could go on about how damaging allowing a lying demagogue in power..you can add the rest. I you are happy living with people who lie to you in your life, sorry some of us are not and lying is a serious issue my friend
# 9,surely yuo are a real bootlicker abash the hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as cops we have serious cases to handle and not this personal hatred. Spare us the politics
Mangani and RB are scared of sata and will do anything to block him from standing in the next years elections. They started with the degree close but when reminded that sata already had one they were hit in the face. And now it is a crime committed even before Zambia and its constitution existed. I agree with No.4 at that time every black was a criminal during the struggle for freedom.
Ba Mangani, is this what you are paid for? Can you consider this as work? Managani, please answer the following questions? How far has the probe on the aquisition of hearses gone? Why are roads which are worked on falling apart in months? What is the status on Kabonde’s probe? What happens to those who are mentioned in the auditor generals reports?
This is what will make us go foward not ifya bu puba ba Mangani, twanaka na imwe.
Bootlicker is that a premonition? Besides you’ve not answered my husband’s question. Your level of comprehension is really suspect. Hands up those who have never lied!
Mr. Mangani you are such a cheap politician. You and your ministry including those who put you on that position are victimizing Michael Sata. You are a bunch of useless politicians who are disparate. We cant accept your explanation as to why you want to establish the so called truth after such a long time. We are not interested in Dingiswayo Banda and Mr Ngoma’s ellegations about Mr. Sata. Where were you all these years when Mr. Sata stood for the republican president? Why is it that all your witnesses are from Eastern Province? I smell a rat here Mr. Mangani. Zambia is full of educated minds and we cannot be taken for a ride. You can’t bring issues that happened before you were born and before zambia’s independence day. Those are cheap politics. You and your boss must go come next…
An exercise in futility! How trivial can you Mangani get? You are pre-occuppied with nothing, making you such a loser! Think about development for the people. Will they eat Sata’s criminal record?, and it was way before independence, were’nt all crimes pardoned? You should grow up and get serious.
# 14 Case for Ministry of Health workers is in Court. The government is not a one man show. Why should all stop simply because we are prosecuting others who lied. As for Hon Dora Siliya, She was cleared by the courts if you have other evidence otherwise, feel free to join forces with that Chelsea supporter boy called Harrington and appeal. We have systems in the country that work. Hope that answers your question.
When filing nominations, the question is, ‘have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense in the past 5 years?’. So Mr Mangani, be truthful. If you want to expose Sata as a convict, do not hide behind the law on presidential candidates. I personally dislike this man’s politics but wasting tax payers’ money on a meaningless search is criminal. The Zambia Police have so many unsolved cases and I don’t see why precious resources should be expended on this. Or if MMD really feel that this is an issue, let the hire a PI to do their work. Spare the little resources we have
#9, You have no shame! Did RB once tell the electorate that he will only be president for the remainder of the late Mwanawasa’s term? He told us he won’t stand for re-election in 2011 but now he says he must stand! We have a liar in statehouse and bootlickers are busy licking to even notice! You have no shame!
Sata was critical of Unip’s performance that is why KK allowed him to stand as MP for Kabwata and later DG for Lusaka then DMininister of Lusaka. If indeed if Sata was a criminal KK would have used that to finish him off. Sata was cop so we are told so how could a criminal be employed as a policeman? Gentlemen lets just wait for 2011 and see who comes on top. Boot Licker @ # 9 says you cannot allow a convict to occupy no1 plot. Boot Licker dont you know that your FTJ stole K10,000 kwacha from a widow of a ZTCU employee? Dont you know that Chiluba ran from the and went to hide in Tananyika? to you it is ok since he is on your side? Levy before recociliation would have used any data to finish off Sata, but there was nothing on him. VJ’s tricks are now outdated so we see this rubbish
Mr Booty. Yet again you’ve failed to answer and suddenly you start bringing in stuff I didn’t talk about. How do you know will lie?
The whole probe is rubbish, nonsensical and a waste of time. The man was incarcerated about 5 decades ago in the then Northern Rhodesia. Just let it go and concentrate on real criminals like Chiluba, Miti, and the like.
FDD Chief bootlicker, you make me sick. Please try to lose some weight or you risk having a stroke. Try to eat 5-7 portions of Vegies and fruits everyday. Eat only starchy foods high in fibre, drink 8 glasses of water daily, exercise for about 40 mins 6 times a week, bla bla bla
MMD Chief Bootlicker answer the question you have been asked iwe? What about Katele,Dora,Chiluba, Chalwe, Inspector General, Miti, why havent you sorted them out? You behave as if you dont think when you have all the capacities to be a sharp individual but because you dont want to think you come out very ordinary like a charcoal burner(no disrespect to charcoal burners. but you cant think outside what you believ in. Whenever you make a statement please think,think and think again and see if what is happening will ever benefit your children and your grandchildren. If your answer is yes then continue behaving the way you do because believe me, the generation to follow ours is really going to have problems with this kind of thinking
My wife just leave this man alone. He has to survive. 😉
Mr. Mangani and #9 on the block are the desparate MMD chaps who think by probing Mr.Sata they are helping this country. Let me tell you, no matter what you do to Sata and to this country your days are numbered. There is a handwriting on the wall. Just eat now because tomorrow is not your day. Don’t think you can cheat God, He knows your motives- selfishness and personal gain are driving you to hell. Can both of you tell me if you have never lied.Can you tell me if KK, Chiluba and Mwanawasa never lied. The Man you are vitimizing has done things we can point at. What have you done Mr. Mangani and Mr. # 9 for this country? This shows how simple minded you are. You are just afraid of Sata because he can deliver. We love him so much. If you want to sort him out of the race , we will sort you…
#17 Bootlicker
you didnt answer the question about the Inpsector General of police who is working and still getting paid
meanwhile he is being probed,what about the first lady getting paid as a teacher,isnt that lying also
What question do you want me to answer. I have told you Miti’s case investigation to conclude soon, Kapoko case in court, Dora was cleared , Chalwe case in police’s court, Inspector General case still under investigation, Katele, judgement date has already been set. Chiluba..which case? One he was acquitted the other still in court.
You just can’t be punishing people based on rumour, you need due process to conclude. Even Sata nobody is saying he lied, we just investigating. What is wrong with that?
Anyway am out to work. My blogging time is up
#27 Bootlicker. You got your knickers twisted here mate. I thought you already found Sata guilty of lying. Go through your posts again:d
Ah well! Never mind, because chances are you won`t even understnad your own posts.:d
20 Deja Vu, You the people of Zambia overwhelmingly voted for FJT in 1991 for reasons that we all know. With time the people of Zambia have learnt to scrutinise those who aspire to be president, thanks to checks and balances by the vibrant Zambian opposition (I am being honest about this). So why shouldn’t we know about Sata? Simply put, if you Deja Vu want to lead Zambia we your potential voters need to know your character thoroughly. And do not wait to be investigated, tell us the truth about yourself before others ask unpleasant questions.
Mangani, pray that i go to heaven, else hell will be double hell for you!
#26 Don`t worry. These cases will be tried again when the pact win. Law is law when you are in power let alone Africa.
Why probe and search for truths for things that happened 50yeras ago when we cant deal and establish the truths for very fresh wounds and injustices?Lets take FTJ back to court, how about Dora and the RP Capital deal? The investigators have better things to do than going thru old files that have gathered dust.Investigate the floods and matters that are of national importance
Iam just sick and tired of MMD.
The MMD is full of doing silly things. The two gentlemen Ngoma and Dingi (Bush Meat) Banda are full UNIPIST’s. What do u expect with Foolish William Banda in MMD. This issue wont divert our attention on the Red Card Campaign. What a useless way to spend tax payers money. Zambia sometimes sucks.
Ok Mangani establish the truth as well, why did NyamaSoya marry a small young girl Thandiwe, he stole her innocence. Thandiwe is so very young yourger twice than RB’s childrens wives. Investigate him for child abuse. Dont say there are no complainanats cause I Mpangula Mputyu has complained.
you wanted a degree from him and now what. whay can’t you see that he is too good for you to bring down.dream on. Go pact.
# 32 Sum Guy, thats the way to Go. Mangani after investigating my Complaint in 35 also attend to No. 32’s issue. I second it. So now that makes two people compalining or complainants.
I smoked weedin one of government office 30 years ago and am a politician vying for a poistion MP let mangani establish the truth. My friewnd was VJ and his contrabands
Unless RB’s government is suggesting that KK and Chiluba had been fools to have had appointed Sata in government. Is this what you are saying RB?
#36 HAMONDA ALICE, the MMD full of doing SILLY things cause they are Silly pipo. They are really silly willys.
They started with age clause, After it caught RB they changed to a Degree clause. After realizing he has two, they have now started talking about ciminal cases that only exist in their Silly Willy’s. They are talking about things that exist in their own minds before the country called Zambia was born. So in which country are those alleged crimes committed???? We are a silly laughing stock country.
What do other pople say.
The only useless person on this block is Mr. MMD Chief Bootliker. Can you answer all the questions on this block? People have raised quite a good number of questions for you to ponder. I think if you are smart enough you can’t belong to a political party that is full of thugs. We are going to round you up and cage you for misusing this country’s resources.If Sata commited an offense in 1962 obviously it was under the British rule when every African was considered a criminal. Injustice prevailed during that time and we didn’t want that, this was the reason we faught for freedom. Now Mr. Mangani, what is so special with the colonial rule of 48 year ago? Is this the “Animal Farm” experience?. This shows me how cheap and short sighted you are. Where did you go for your Grade Seven…
#29 Katie G- Under different circumstances, I would have agrred with you. But these are no ordinary circumstances. Follow these.
1) MMD proposes that age limit for presidency is below 70years- Sata is over 70. This law disappears because Rupia Banda is older than Sata.
2)MMD include a Degree cluase for presidence, because they presume Sata is a mere Std 4-Sata says he is got a degree which they now want to scrutinize-Sata says you will see it on nomination day. So MMD panics.
3) MMD use Kafupi to dicredit Sata- Ploy back fires.
4) MMD now want to use some case that could have happened in the 20th Centuary under colonial rule to stop him.
5) Even touchin the head of another person becomes an issue.
Open your eyes. I dot support Sata, but the MMD is going about makes me sick
You guys dont be fools. Why waste your time and energy on vicitimizing Sata for a lie he told. If you don’t tell lies be the first to condenm him otherwise Sata has changed.
This is a good clarification so that PF cadres can be relieved.
While many world Citizens (including Zambians) especially I know that Mr PF unelected self-appointed leader Michael Chilufya Sata a liar, this investigation about his lying behaviour is cardinal so that all voters can consciously choose to have a liar as their President of Zambia in case they misvote in any coming elections that Mr MC Sata will participate in.
Following “… Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata is meant to establish whether he lied that he has never been convicted of any criminal offence when he declared his candidature for Republican presidency on three occasions,” I hope the mighty UPND through its president HH will reconsider their being in a PACT to possibly help a LIAR lead us…
Here comes Maestro wan ker hehehehe!
Why is it that only people from the Eastern Province are comming out with the “truth”? Something fishy is going on here.
chief Bootwhat ever
Thanks for saying the truth that if you dont convict Sata then he will be President, so the only way to stop him is to find his criminal recored. withou this he will be President of Zambia, now know how dull you are.
#44 Maestro
you are not making sense,im mmd but your hate for Sata will one day make you jump off a cliff,even if Sata lied,does that disqualify him from contesting,i dont think so,are the voters going to change their stance on him,i doubt,mmd as a party are only making him more popular,im mmd i know what im talking about.Sata is a force to reckon with,HH is not thats why they are not even talking about him
Mangani, you are a typical loyal dog. Did your master appoint you solely to deal with Sata, quite honestly I can’t see anything else you do apart from that. You say your ‘quest is to find out the truth about Sata’, What about Miti for his part in the plunder and theft of billions, the Inspector general of police regarding the purchase of police equipment from SA, the threats of violence (gang rape) by Chalwe, oh sorry, by the way threatening violence is not a crime in Zambia. What are these loyal dogs up to?
Bootlicker, I need your comment on Thandiwe getting a salary she never worked, is that right in your eyes?
Can Mangani tell us his findings on Thatndiwe’s continued appearance on the pay roll?
okay fair enough but should be equally dedicated to indicting the people involves in Ministry of health scum which is even beneficial to zed because then maybe donors will have a bit more confidence in us againg
Fake Senior Citizen, just relax and wait for the truth to come out. Mr PF is destined for losing 2011 elections with or without UPND’s help. On the otherhand, president and 2011 presidential candidate [would-be Incoming Zambian President] HH is set to win 2011 presidential elections with or without PF’s support.
This is evident from the UPND Team’s party structures across Zambia that are making in-roads in garnering support from all well-meaning Zambians. Otherwise, why is PF trying to sponsor a UPND member to be its candidate in the Milanzi By-elections following reports that are reaching me?
In light of above, Im waiting for UPND take over of PF across Zambia.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added…
Auditor Generals’s report has revealed alot of financial irregularities and please spend our tax on such matters. When are we going to be spared from this MMD B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T kanshi imwe mwe bantu?The fact of the matter is that these guys are spending sleepless nights and they know that their time is now up. Dream on and we shall sort your out next year.Fi colour fwenu bonse mwachilamo ubupuba. We can’t be fed on your S.H.I.T. eevryday and thieves like FTJ,Dr Mitti,Kapoko,Katele Kalumba,Kabonde and by the way what has happened to the investigations at Zanbian Airways?
Just a wsate of tax payers money! Probe Sata now? How foolish! Those who live in glass houses, should not throw stones. There is some interesting bio on Mangani in Chipata. Bafye bwino mangani. Such tactics will take you nowhere. Its too late. Its over. Its bye bye. Its PACT time!!
the issue is that mangani is using public resources to deal with a political opponent. that is abuse of office and we will prosecute him in his personal capacity for that. otherwise we need neither Sata or MMD in power in Zambia.
Good Afternoon
Could it be that the Ministry of Home Affairs has conspired with some political forces to insinously fight Mr. Sata in the name of “truth” and end his political career? As one Blogger has already questioned: why single out one man out of so many in the race and become so extravagantly concerned with his past political and personal record? I suspect a bad card… The drama continues in the Zambian series of “Sherlock Holmes “
If he lied under oath, he must be taught a lesson he will never forget. We should not just stop him from running for president but jail him too, this is now animal farm kwa Nabwalya style where even low life forms like him think they can have their day wielding power in the corridors of state. I do not like Mangani but this is a good point he has made and I wonder what Roger Chongwe has to say about this because it would appear he is now cozy cozy with the cobra after Bwezani stopped his payments which in my opinion he should seek from Chiluba and Godfrey Miyanda who ordered his assasination.
correction: “insidous” is the right word, and not “insinous” as erroneously spelled in my posting on #58.
umutende bane:)>-
Do people really believe that Sata has two degrees without any evidence? Are Zambians that gullible? I guess they must be if they believe in the 90 days miracle and have forgotten Sata’s role in trying to get a third-term for Chiluba.
#44 Maestro Hhehhehhe, I have followed your numerous contribution. You are a supporter of HH. Respect HH as is cleaver. He has gone into a PACT with PF because on his own he can not beat MMD or PF. So instead of accepting what HH & UPND think is right, u keep discrediting Mr. Sata, which in turn is discrediting UPND. I have inside info, the PACT top Brass has already settled on a candidate thats why they are not attacking each other but supporting each other. Who ever is picked of the two will need the other to l surely beat RB as a PACT. If HH or Sata goes it alone, will be dribbled.
Hounding dogs living upto their name. Competing against each other so that the master can see which one of them has a loudest bark. Last week rabid chihuahua FTJ not to be out done did a little barking weaking his fragile dirty heart in the process. Today it was toothless mistiff mangani barking instructions at senseless bulldog Kabonde to bark like mad everytime he smells Sata. Tomorrow without doubt the towering great dane Shikapwasha will take over the sentry having hard a through check up on his vocal cords at top top veterinary in Soweto RSA.
Menstruation hehehehehehe is the sum total of tribalism i dont pay attention to his comments because i know they’re coming from a very sick and sad person, if i was still single i would have tracked down his daughters and sisters to dilute the tribalism gene he carries which he probably has passed on to his off springs. If he were British he would been BNP president, enough said.
Witch hunting!
You idi@#$%ts,you will never manage!
62 Mpangula Mputyu greetings. While I understand your “If HH or Sata goes it alone, will be dribbled,” I hope PF cadres will understand that UPND has the capability of going it alone while PF can not due its lack of a National Appeal and party structures across Zambia.
In view of the above, it is just honourable for PF and FDD to be swallowed up by the mighty UPND in a BUY-OUT manner of Business Management/Administration, which I believe president and 2011 presidential candidate HH is implementing in the UPND-PF PACT since he is an MBA and BA Economics graduate.
If the Buy-Out of PF doesn’t work, the UPND must be ready to go it alone since they enjoy mch support across Zambia except for Luapula, Northern and Copperbelt Provinces.
Be blest all.
Matt 6:33
Maestro Hhehhehhe – Inspite of your education your reasoning is below my grannies’ It is not the provinces that count its the populations that count. HH is nothing in that area.Sata got +680k in the areas you have mentioned, while your HH got 350k votes. Sata lost to RB by an eqivalent of Chimwemwe Consitituency of Kitwe. You are one of those primitive Tongas I once met at ZIT(CBU) who thought every Bemba was a thief. Yes even when Tonga and Lozi juveniles were sent to Katombora for theft you still thought they were Bembas. Wanya.
The wan ker called Maestro Hehehe is MMD. We know all these tricks are to divide people. Why he quotes the bible no one knows!
67 Deja Vu greetings. While your “You are one of those primitive Tongas I once met at ZIT(CBU) who thought every Bemba was a thief. Yes even when Tonga and Lozi juveniles were sent to Katombora for theft you still thought they were Bembas. Wanya” are terrible emotional outbursts, I will leave such bad language to you who has shown that your mind is retarded in looking at your “It is not the provinces that count its the populations that count“.
Matt 6:33
Only a tribalist can overlook National appeal and count on past glory in light of your “You are one of those primitive Tongas I once met at ZIT(CBU) who thought every Bemba was a thief. Yes even when Tonga and Lozi juveniles were sent to Katombora for theft you still thought they were Bembas. Wanya</
Please stop this ! this country is for all us and not to think that one tribe is superior than others,Im Tonga but I cannot allow a Bemba being insulted and I’m just wacthing FOR YOUR OWN INFOR , Icilema & Satana have already decided who will stand period.For now just keep on guesing it could be Icilema or Chi satana, so my advice is let support them remember some of these Tongas & Bembas have married women from others tribes and THEY EVEN COOK FOR THEM,and at night they even say come closser honey! Mwefupuba stop this and grow up
The MMD are trying by all means to stop Sata from contesting the 2011 elections cos last time they won by 35,000 votes and they are scared Sata will beat them. As for maestro, you are plain jealousy of Sata’s popurality.You are just like that MMD. How many times has HH come third and by how many votes compared to Sata? Both HH and Sata have said countless times that the pact is not about them but the pipo of Zambia.
#Trouble maker
Just by reading your comment am able to picture how you look like and what type of local brew your folks drink. Incredible how you’ve managed to mix good advice with insults on people probably fit to be your father or grand father.
#70 Trouble maker
Just by reading your comment am able to picture how you look like and what type of local brew your folks drink. Incredible how you’ve managed to mix good advice with insults on people probably fit to be your father or grand father.
Can someone please tell the nation what crime King Cobra committed? If not, can this ‘case’ be closed? How can a whole govt be involved in a non-defined case that may/ may not have even happened at all? The answer is: ‘to divert people’s attention from real issues dogging this country’.
This shamless bootlicker is nothing but a ****ing plunderer how can you speak for a govement that doesn’t take care of the poor. You guys are just evil twats.
WHAT IS MANGANI SCARED OF? LET SATA STAND PLEASE. 50 YEARS NONSENSE MUST BE BURIED. Why cant you investigate REPORTS OF THEFTS as per Auditor General’s findings which are most recent? Leave SATA alone.
Mangani u are SICK!!!!! everything that comes out of that ugly mouth stinks. What kind of leaders are these sure???
Where is Mike Mulongoti, can someone fish him out so that he comments on this issue.
Don’t worry about Mulongoti. He is stable:-w:-
The case shall not surface up because cases of 50 years ago when we had the whites running Zambias business is lost and never applied as the whites where just after silencing black majority
NALABILAKO TYALA you are a let down with your “As for maestro …” what was the perfomance in Mr PF/Sata MC in the 2011 elections and then later? Does the improvement of Mr MC Sata’s perfomance over the years give you an eye opener on how president will performed better in 2011 elections should he stand?
Be serious and stop dreaming about the ex-convict PF leader MC Sata.
Be blessed all
Matt 6: 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
#79 you cracked me up… this word “stable” is very dangerous when quoted in the same breath as “he’s in hospital… but he is stable”**==
i have said it before people like maestro make all tongas to look like there are tribalist.even if hh became president he will still appoint bembas among others to work with .so where is your common destiny for zambia .power gravitates to people and not places .though iam tonga i can tell u that one day a tonga will be president but remember at its own time.dont be an ***** .
MMD collects NRCs of deceased, former miners in Mufulira
THE MMD in Mufulira has allegedly embarked on an exercise of collecting National Registration Cards (NRCs) of deceased and former miners on grounds that it wants to assist their surviving families collect monies that ZCCM allegedly owes them.
According to a son of one of the deceased miners, the exercise was suspicious because as far as he was concerned, his late father had been given his benefits in full by ZCCM.
Rainford Musonda explained that as an administrator to his late father’s estate, he was not aware of any underpayment.
He complained that the MMD was trying to take advantage of his mother’s ignorance and naivety to use the family for their alleged mischievous activities.
MMD collects NRCs of deceased, former miners in Mufulira …continued
“My dad died in 2004 but he retired in 1997. ZCCM paid him all his money but I was surprised to hear my mom telling me that she had taken my late dad’s NRC to the MMD district offices in Mufulira because dad was underpaid. I immediately told her to have that NRC withdrawn because we do not know what details they are getting from that NRC,” he narrated.
“In fact, we are told that there are a lot of NRCs that they have collected from unsuspecting surviving spouses of deceased miners on grounds that they want to help them fight for their money. Which money are they talking about?” he asked.
MMD collects NRCs of deceased, former miners in Mufulira …continued
Musonda further said that his uncle was also an ex-miner and that the information obtaining was that former president Frederick Chiluba had left word that ex-miners should leave their NRCs at the MMD office.
“My uncle told me that when Chiluba came to the Copperbelt, he had left instructions that ex-miners should leave their NRCs at the MMD offices so that those who were underpaid could be given their full benefits. If Chiluba knew that the ex-miners were underpaid, why did he not sort it out before he left office? He is not the president and we wonder why he should deceive people that he will solve their problems,” he said.
“These gimmicks by the MMD should be investigated.”
MMD collects NRCs of deceased, former miners in Mufulira …continued
And another affected son of a deceased miner, Samuel Sakanya, urged the opposition to be alert claiming that elections were rigged in such ways.
Sakanya added that even if there was any underpayment of deceased miners, the issue should have been handled by ZCCM-IH and not MMD.
When contacted, MMD provincial youth chairman Evans Chibanda said he was not aware of the exercise.
Efforts to get a comment from Mufulira MMD acting district chairman Rodgers Mweetwa failed as his phone went unanswered by press time.
This guy who is a lier should not be allowed to contest presidential elections. We have to establish why he was imprisoned and why he supported the third term and if at all he did not lie during the during the third term compaign. RB is the worst lier who should not contest for presidential elections again. If we we continue voting for liers like RB and Sata, this country will never develop. We have to vote for people who have clean records when it comes to voting for the republican presidents. As for me, i dont vote for a tribe or a political party. I vote the person whom i think can do a good work. PLEASE DONT VOTE FOR THESE THIEVES.
What happened at NAMBOARD when RB was General Manager? Data please? Can’t Zambians read thru the line that this man is corrupt? Let us go back to the sale of ZAMTEL, one of the only Zambian surviving parastatal corporations, is this not corruption when tender procedures have not been followed? Why should investigating wings wait until someone leaves office to be investigated?. As already highlighted by someone, why is Miti’s investigation kept quiet? What about ba buju re motor vehicles, how does GRZ/RB expect a junior officer to investigate ba boss whilst ba boss is in his position? How about RB’s recent association with Moses (Chani Fisheries), someone who was associated with the plunder, what do you Zambians think? Can you trust RB if he was your father, worse still President?
Maestro Hhehhehhe = I like HH but your hatred for Bembas make me think twice about putting a Tonga at Plot No1. If am retarded then you are more of it.
maestro hehehe hohoho am sure you have developed hbp cos of your intense hatred for Sata, chill.what did Sata ever do to you? You are saying he is unelected what abt your precious hh who was imposed on upnd cos of his tribe One day you will burst a blood vessel cos of your immense hatred for Sata. Please stop quoting the Bible cos you don’t understand it.
Did The Master Find Magani At the Bin kaili they said ati Ministers shuld be as loya as Dogs