Friday, March 7, 2025

Government locates Sata’s Prison Warder, as more information emerge


Home affairs Minister Lameck Mangani has revealed that government has managed to find the prisoner warder who registered Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata during the time he was imprisoned in the colonial days.

Mr Mangani said the prisoner warder will help government to establish the truth whether or not the PF leader was not imprisoned for a criminal offence.

He dismissed assertions that the Rupiah Banda administration is keen on fixing the Patriotic Front leader in order to weaken his chances in the 2011 presidential elections.

He stated that the Zambian people have the right to know who really the PF leader is, and whether he can be trusted to run the affairs of the nation.

Mr. Mangani told journalists in Lusaka this afternoon that Mr. Sata should not panic if it is not true that he has a criminal record.

He says the prisons department is keen to dig deeper to find the truth on Mr. Sata’s past. He added that the whole investigation process will take longer as the alleged criminal activity took place in the 1960s.

And lusakatimes has received information that Mr Sata was in fact arrested for activities related to the independence struggle. Mr Sata was arrested by detective constable Blackwell Barrow Chifita of Force No. 1230 which was based at Roan Antelope police station in Luanshya whose officer-in-charge was Mr. H.W. Witsher and the CIO Mr. Chaongopa. Mr. Chifita was sent for training at the Metropolitan Detective Police Training School in London. He retired as Detective Inspector on health grounds

According to the source familiar with the situation, Mr Chifita arrested Mr. Michael Sata in a mine section 5 beer hall in 1958 for the offence of ”proposing violence to an assembly.” Mr Sata was then tried by the magistrate Mr. Hannah and the case was prosecuted by a Mr. Cook, while the interpreter was Mr. Annel Silungwe, the former Chief Justice. Mr. sata was jailed for two years.

According the source, during the time of his service in the police force, Mr. Sata was identified to have been one of those who were passing vital information to the freedom fighters, while on the other hand, there were among the freedom fighters within the nationalists’ political parties people who were police informers.

[pullquote]According to the source familiar with the situation, Mr Chifita arrested Mr. Michael Sata in a mine section 5 beer hall in 1958 for the offence of ”proposing violence to an assembly.” [/pullquote]

The source further said that Mr. Sata was fighting for the freedom and independence of this country and his arrest, prosecution and imprisonment were considered political just like any other freedom fighters, for example, the father of the Zambian politics, the veteran politician, Mr. Harry Nkumbula or the first Republican President, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda.

And after the attainment of independence, all cases which were considered to be ”politically motivated” were removed and finger-prints deleted from the records. And this included the most notorious criminal at that time, the late Mr. Martin Nondo whose role in the struggle for independence was to steal police vehicles. After independence, Mr. Nondo was given the post of District Secretary in Northern Province.

In the same way, all the records of freedom fighters who were police informers were also destroyed during the days leading to independence.

Retired Detective Constable Blackwell Barrow Chifita who arrested Mr Sata


  1. Please, Mr Magani, is your office that boring really? So now we Zambians are beginning to tarnish the images of freedom fighters, we now call them criminals? Now i understand why this government doesnt care about our veterans! They committed the biggest crime for fighting for our independence, so they are criminals. Come on MMD just do your job and you wont have to worry about Sata or anyone else. Ok fine, you find out that Sata was in prison in the 1960`s for his role in the independence struggle, then what? To me his a hero, coz i wouldnt be enjoying the freedom am enjoying now without people like him, neither would you be a minister! We are tired of your empty s.tupid talk about sata, tell us what you are doing to improve the people lives period!

  2. Why is this minister wasting time and resources on these investigations? Should he be doing something else???? Hello????
    Let him fix the Home Affairs dept first.

  3. Ha! Thank you Mr Mangani for proving what we already know – that Mr Sata is a freedom fighter, unlike you dogs

  4. Yaba …elolwanya! MMD is just too scared of Sata; meanwhile you are forgeting about suprises that the PF-UPND pact has for all of you.


  5. Am not a fan of Sata but so what if he has a criminal record. 98% of politicians are thieves or con men so what’s the big deal. I mean how can a one donkey call another donkey an azz.

  6. First it was the issue of age then came the degree thing and now the prison issue.These pipo will go all the way to block Sata.Its nauseating, these politics of UNIP that have come back.

  7. Good Evening

    Sometimes watching Zambian politics is like watching sugar dissolve in water. You can see that something is happening, but you don’t know exactly how and you can’t explain exactly why.

  8. Mr. Mangani you are very stupid. How can you be wasting time to investigate the hero instead of dealing with issues of this nation.That money you used to investigate the matter you would have used in floods.

  9. Ba Red Card, that man in the picture is old. That is why we see Sata get more information, it is because he one time stole information and passed it over to UNIP, Hence we got independence, so Ba Sata balichenjala, he made sure he joined Police force with amano yakupoka ubutungwa Go Sata, Show them, Ubupuba ba MMD.

  10. It’s no wonder people are flashing red cards everywhere. This guy looks anyway between 50-60 years old. He must have been what, 15 when he arrested Sata? :-w

  11. Oh, these DOGS! Next thing we will hear is that SATA has a small PENIS, so he shouldn’t stand! HWy waste so much time on trivial issues? Wasn’t Sata arrested for stoning a colonialist’s bicycle? Isn’t this the freedom he fought for? Awee mwe!!!

  12. Hahahah..!… As the former tennis player , John McEnroe used to say…” You cannot be serious ” .
    These are events of 50 plus years ago . Our home affairs minister is a shallow man . Definitely not befitting such high office .

  13. The world has become a fasnating Global village.There is no crime even by age convicted criminals can is wishful thinking to to flatter oneself that there is a caveat or reward for criminal conduct.This is why i sympathize with poor embattled Sata for his delusion that he could fight for his criminal life by engaging in marriages of convenience with some religious counterfeit cult leaders.The fronts and stakes are overwhelmingly too many at hand to obstruct. Zambia has not seen the disingenuity of a callous man as yet.There is phase 2, 3, 4 and final one being overbearing 5. Things are coming in style.

  14. In short, The failed reasoning of these RC religious counterfeits conspiring and preaching death and destruction to Zambians is that they are only posturating as issueless rubble-rousers. Justifiably they have exposed every evidence of being thoughtless day time monsters and night time *****s planning to gumble with human life in unchartered waters.

  15. The failed reasoning of these RC religious counterfeits conspiring and preaching death and destruction to Zambians is that they are only posturating as issueless rubble-rousers. Justifiably they have exposed every evidence of being thoughtless day time monsters and night time i-d-i-o-t-s planning to gumble with human life in unchartered waters.In their quest to make Zambia the epitome of their chaos, they have have shown no conscious, sense, patriotism, value for national peace, human life of the poor mother, baby or indeed personal safety violence brings. Fighting to dislodge a constitutional Government using extra-constitutional means is not only treasonous, but constitutionally prosecutable.

  16. This is why Zambia is a constitutional democracy that holds constitutional elections every 5 years without extension.The aggrieved and self inflated in this country have political and constitutional right to democratically rival the incumbent on the ballot. As long as they have no convicted criminal record and meet all legal benchmarks proscribed by the supreme constitution of the land, bonafide Zambians can sell their agenda to Zambians and win elections.

    Thus change in Zambia is only through the ballot. It is a myth to think that schemed extraconstitutional acts would be free or indeed the violence being conspired by these sore losers would spare out the architects themselves and their families whether using some outlawed rouble rousing proxy jerks like Mpundu and Bwalya.

  17. The truth is that none live on unaccessible mass or planet nine to be insurated from self schemed violence.

    Its a gumble to nowhere by a legion of blinded ignoramuses over consumed by fantasy and self exterminating hatred. No nation or political dream has been realized through tribalism, hatred and violence of extraconstitutionalism against a constitutional and democratically elected Government.

  18. Someone tell me, how do start a battle for a convicted criminal as if in a country of 12 millions plus, there are no credible citizens?

  19. if anything, hatred begets hatred.Whoever fooled them that all Zambians have forefeited their allegiance to the fantasy of religious counterfeitism of Mpundu-Bwalya-kabanda-Mwewa-Sata must be their clear and present enermy. Zambians are self dignifying patriots too hard to indocrinate in cult causes. Alice Lenshina tried it, she when herself and disciples to hell so shall this cult of jerks

    Smart politicians make hay before the sun shines. They entrench themselves in electoral preparations across the national constituencies for winning votes. They don’t trap themselves in tirades of editorials fantasy that evolve around insults and sensationalism for economic survival.

  20. Smart politicians who are serious with their dreams, form functional political structures on the ground that are value driven. They lock themselves with potential voters than wasting time on conspiring how to burn the people’s heads, properties, their country and appease counterfeit cult leaders who have no vote on their heads or representative constituency with a political role. The Zambian voting constituency is vast and important to overlook. In a democracy, Change comes from the ballot and not antiquated methods of flashing Red Cards.

  21. Considering that we are less than 19 months before “Decision 2011” when the casted vote will deliver a ruling mandate, i would hope sense prevails in politicians being deviated by RC campaigns which cannot turn into votes.

  22. The RC is not a vote neither is it synonymous with the ballot tallies accummulations in the Electoral Commission of Zambia boxes which every serious politicians bank on to realise real power. For cadres consumed in fantasy and hatred, ask yourself if these wishful dreams you have entrapped yourselves in bring you any value in life on short or long term.I bet you are burning in vanity and on a goose chase to nowhere because what counts is the votes and not screaming editorials and hallucination of religious counterfeit tribal legions champion.

  23. Winning Politics is about voter conversion rate and not dead-weight emotional rattles on which the Zambian opposition politics has drifted into.They are moralessly bumping from camp to to camp of fantasy as if they have no value system or manifesto to follow. Even a Whimp or jerk like Bwalya can trap them up in marriages of convenience. Instead of differentiating themselves on fundamental issues to the MMD establishment, they have drifted into bitter idealess sore losers.

  24. Take it from this repetition that “no nation or political dream has been realized through tribalism, hatred and violence of turning to extraconstitutional acts”. Do these tribal criminals think all law abiding and peace loving citizens have gone to sleep or indeed the invokable constitutional powers and instruments of peace vested in the Presidency has turned subservient to their fantasy? Do they really think people share their monsterous minds? do they think they have appealed to the 12 million plus citizens’s heart to blaze their own country, women and kids the Rwanda and Kenyan way for the sake of tribal thugs?

    Untill we cross our paths, its Godspeed!

  25. Go ahead and dig into Sata’s past. You are just bumping up his popularity. We ain’t as stupid as you think we are. Wina azalila 2011!

  26. Buti ifwe fwe ama Zambians we have a big problem. What kind of reasoning is this? how do we continue to tolerate such nonsense from chaps in government run by the MMD. I have never seen such S.T.U.P.I.D.T.Y. in my entire life. Whats the whole point of this investigation? what are they aiming to achieve?

  27. Ba Senior Citizen muli bapuba pamo naba Manganani katwishi nga ni ba Magani, I don’t know. What criminal offence did Michael commit? just wasting resources IWE CHI CHITECHI MAGANI GO AND SIT DOWN SOMEWHERE, TWANAKA NAIMWE.

  28. The constitution does not allow a convicted criminal to stand in Presidential elections. The Chief Justice who is the retaining officer cannot take nomination papers from a convicted criminal because its unconstitutional unless the constitution is altered in parliament by enactment. Also the ECZ cannot put a convicted criminal’s name on the government administered national election ballot papers. The Army and all defense chiefs cannott salute a convicted criminal. The best PF kaponyas need to do now to avoid an internal party crisis, settle for the partner in the alliance Ichilema if not found wanting also. desolve PF and rally around UPND because coalition Government is unconstitutional in Zambia.Option two is court ex-Priest Frank Bwalya for President or even give it to brother-in law.

  29. (e) that person’s freedom of movement is restricted, or that person is detained under the authority of the law; or
    (f) that person, within a period of five years before his nomination for election, has served a sentence of imprisonment for a criminal offence.
    (2) A person who holds, or is a validly nominated candidate in an election for, the office of the President shall not be qualified for election s a member of the National Assembly.”

    It appears to me that Mr Lameck Mangani has not got a lot to do as minister. The Constitution is very clear on this matter as quoted above.

  30. Sata was arrested over five decades ago Mr Lameck Mangani. Read the constitution. Sata or anybody can obly be barred if they were convicted in the last five years preceding an election. Anyway, Mr Managani is a former primary school teacher, icimpompo tacaba refined umukaamba. For all those interested, the Constitution is available on the National Assembly website.

  31. You chi Senior Citizen I think you deserve to be arrested. Why are you bent on destorting the truth. It is you planting the seeds of hatred and violence by your constant reference to it . Zambia will never be Rwanda you tosser. You spill a lot of bullshit. Cut it out before you are charged with treason. I will report you to the FBI as terrorist if you dont stop your crap.

  32. The MMD is collecting NRCs from former ZCCM retirees particularly those belonging to deceased miners promising them that ZCCM will top up their terminal benefits. This is what kaChiluba told them when he visited the Copperbelt and “accepted” to be patron of a former miners association. BUFI, It is just the beginning of the rigging process. Katumbi will ferry a lot of Congolais to Luapula and the Copperbelt who will then use cloned NRCs. Isukeni imitwe bane mwe maZambians.

  33. Senior Citizen is paid by MMD, and he works for Zambian Gov, we know you. kuya bebele mukaamba.
    Sorry, you have to start packing.

  34. Chifita arrested the chap in 1958, but the offence of interest took place in the early 60s. I like the idea of…’bla bla chifita was trained in LONDON bla bla’……

  35. Mr Chifita, well done. He has such a very good memory to remember all these details so clearly. I cannot even remember the names of all my classmates 20 years ago, but this man remembers details of a prisoner 50 years ago. Either the man was notorious or …

  36. #32 “senior citizen”, in reference to PF Leader you say, the constitution does not allow a convicted criminal to stand as a candidate, and that the Chief justice cannot receive nomination from from such a person, then kindly explain to me how the PF Leader managed to stand as a candidate twice here in zambia. Waiting for your response “senior citizen”

  37. This investigation is waste of tax payers money. What happened 52 years ago is irrelevant because its such a long time for someone to change,and if Sata is still the same man he supposedly was(a criminal,which I dought), wouldn’t he have re-offended again?
    Am fade up with Zambian politics. Here in the UK some politician have come clean about their weed smoking habits in their adolescent years but no one holds it against them ’cause we are all careless one way or another in our teens.
    Senior Citizen you might as well have LT to yourself at the rate you are going,or better still,start your own website.

  38. I am surprised again as always by you “senior citizen”. You are just like your fellow grade 7 Mangani who exhibits his sincere ignorance about the constitutional clause on requirements for Presidential candidates.

  39. Politics in Zambia has entered a silly season.We certainly have issues of national importance that need to be tackled.Zambia needs quality leadership that can summon the nation to a common cause.At a time when unemployment has reached alarming levels,healthcare in shambles,poor road network,corruption at record high,RB and his demagogues seem to be focused on petty issues.The nation deserves better than this mediocre MMD leadership.

  40. Sata himself and his Kaponyas here have repetedly propagated that umulandu taubola. i challenge any sober PF kaponya to point me to any constitutional democratic country where the constitution has wittingly allowed a convicted criminal to run for office. A convicted criminal cannot preside over the national constitution nor take oath of constitutional office. A convict cannot not give oath to defense Chiefs nor take their allegiance.Constitutionally, a convicted criminal is source of constitutional crisis which no custodian of constitutional Governance cannot treasonously plunge their country.If Chief Justice is not allowed by th constitution to take nominations of a convicted criminal and he cannot be sown in, then what constitutional clause would be invoked to indorse illegal acts?

  41. convicted Criminal record sticks for life. In the US convicted criminals or someone with a felony cannot take a healthcare license such that of a Physician, Nurse, Physician Assistant, MT, Pathologist or indeed land a high screening security clearance job. out of 12 million plus Zambians why endanger the country with a certified convicted criminal? Democracy does not trive on criminals only.The so called fragile PACT is a two headed “ilomba”. Where convicted criminal Sata is constititutionally found wanting, let his concubine Ichilema or outcasted ex-priest Frank Bwalya step in and prove their value on the ballot. Even his brother in-law telesphore Mpundu could take over PF.Otherwise, the Zambian constitution will never curve in to convicted criminals.Doing so is treasonous.

  42. Let these supporters of a criminal presidency take the battle in parliamentt and alter the constitution to accomomdate convicts. I bet PF kaponyas here daily burningg in vanity for no gain, some progressive UPND about to kick Ichilema for his political immorality will never cast a single vote in support of criminalizing the Zambian constitution with a convicted criminal President.Which foreign nation not even in SADC would host a convicted criminal who cannot constitutional give oath to Defense Chiefs or appoint constitutional office holders. There are 12million plus Zambian.If its the issue of a tribal leader you want, PF has Chishimba Kambwili, Willie Nsanda, Father Mwewa, Kabanda, Bwalya, Mpundu, Mumbi Phiri, Geoffrey Mwamba (GBM) and Jean Kapata to tap in for PF Presidency.

  43. Well well well i would like to know how much the costs are for this research for the Goverment that does not have money to continue with Chiluba’s already public case/ Please let us try to use the resources wisely as we have so many areas we can channel this money like hospitals, schools, homeless ETC

  44. Truelly, of WHAT VALUE and TO WHO is this information and time wasted. Yes, you Zambians have the right to show this Rupiah banda and hiis old timers a RED CARD. Shall we help you and in return you also help us show a RED Card to old Bob?

  45. Fellow bloggers… this senior citizen is not a Zambian and don’t waste time responding to his posts. He’s a prophet of doom… no Zambian has such a spirit ……all we can do is the five of us to click on the complaint button and his vernom goes. He has such an evil heart.

  46. I think Hon Mangani is very dull.. Sata is quiet about this issue why? He’s waiting for you to trap youself and waste our painful taxes through lawsuites can’t you read between the lines dull Hon. Mnister? Honestly speaking do you think if Sata was a criminal convict Kaunda was going to allow him serve as Governor? FTJ was going to appoint him minister? Mwanawasa looked for all possible ways to get to Sata but failed… Please address crime, suffering prisoners who are HIV positive and have poor diet, police officers who are paid risk allowance of K50,000 per month, bomb experts who get K1,500 per month, cops who have turned their ablutions into homes….. and the list is endles. Give us a break. RED CARD RED CARD RED CARD RED CARD RED CARD RED CARD RED CARD or is it CARD RED CARD RED…

  47. I just looked up “Lameck Mangani” on the National Assembly web site and found out that he has the following educational qualifications: Form V, Certificate in Primary School Teaching, Diploma in Public Relations. I do not think he understands the Articles and clauses in the Republican constitution regarding presidential candidates.

  48. Senior citizen please change your name, you are an embarrassment, regardless of how deep your vocabulary goes you are still not making any sense. In the same way Mandela was arrested fighting for freedom, Sata was arrested for fighting for freedom. Don’t be ignorant you can do better. What you are expressing is just pure hatred for the opposition. Have you ever heard of the Orange Revolution in Ukraine? We have the same Red card revolution in Zambia. Stop preaching hatred and you are right, people in a democracy are supposed to express themselves, even religious leaders have the same right, if they don’t then its not democracy anymore. WE ARE JUST EXPRESSING OURSELVES…. VIVA RED CARD!!!!

  49. Does anyone read Senior Citizens comments? He is so predictable. I usually scroll through without even reading a word.

    The most important statement in the article is “…And after the attainment of independence, all cases which were considered to be ”politically motivated” were removed and finger-prints deleted from the records. And this included the most notorious criminal at that time…” In other words the Attorney General ought to know that Sata has no case to answer and they should leave alone. These i.diots will plunge our country into anarchy and violence.

  50. Zim Watcher. We would like the card revolution to be one of the best orchestrated campaign on the African continent. Lets us know how we can help Zimbabwe to get rid of Bob.

    For the rest of you, please show your support for the RED CARD BY ADDING RED CARD TO YOU USER NAME. I have asked my brother in Zambia to send me some of the original Red cards so I can make copies to send to as many people as possible. I would like the Western media to pickup on this.

  51. Mangani u are the waste minister zambia has ever produced. why are you wasting pipo’s time on Sata over his 53 years ago prison allegations? besides you cant even match with Sata on political scene and his archievements.

  52. Too much information can lead to mis-information and mis-application. The question is, what information do Zambians need now? How much and of what quality is provided? Can our ministers learn from each other as regards “information consumption”. In my opinion Honourable Mutati, Dr.Situmbeko and others seem to be good at giving information that meets consumer expectations. Secondly, As a nation I feel we started the campaigns too early. This may slow down economic progress, as we push government into the defence corner. Of course MMD is reacting to opposition but if they can make more statements on achievements. Tell the truth to shame the devil.

  53. Africans never stop amusing. Instead of asking Chiluba to bring back what he stole, this government is busy persecuting a citizen who helped the country gain independence.

  54. At least his offence was to fight for our freedom, the same freedom the kafupis are abusing to plunder the public resources. Please leave the old man alone. You might be making him more popular.

  55. I’m saving this article for all the S.T.U.P.I.D I.D.I.O.T.S like Managani so that I get angry each time I read it. This shows abuse of office. UPND/PF Pact as I have said B4, the MMD fears for their silly willy’s ever since the PACT came intothe fore. Even Old Man KK is busy supporting the PACT.

    MMD should know that in the colonial days, it was heroic to Kill White Settlers, heroic to steal from the White Settlers, Brave to Rape a white lady, Heroic to Burn down a white settler not only for fighting for Independence but just to commite these crimes and being a social misfit was heroism. There was no case called Assult or was never enforced.You can not go to another section say Chamboli when you stay in Wusakile, a fight will break out.That was then this is NOW. I wanted to insult…

  56. Aba kalamba ba senior citizen is proof ati ‘those with the least sensible to say use the greatest amount of words’. Your non-original writing lacks in simple reasoning. Allow me to remind you that the U.S. OWNS its history. The founding fathers will not be called criminals in any ‘American’ History book, and I am certain a few of them were not too far removed from slavery.
    The British arrested Zambians prior to 64 in order to secure their own interests and this was done unfairly. You want to rewrite that history today so that RB can retain power. Show some pride, own your history and more importantly use it appropriately, not to serve your interests only. All you have done is moved from acceptng British colonialists as your masters to calling Zambian MMD leaders ‘masters’…

  57. I think Mangani has Joined the PACT. He is always bringing out things that are making Mr. SATA a hero. MMD stiff silly willy scared. They know the PACT is solid. They thought it will disintergrate but alas the opposite is true, the PACT is solid. This has spelled doom for them. I for one would not mind HH or SATA leading as long as they boot out MMD (which they will do) and do the right things to improve further the living standard of the people. The PACT has my Vote.

  58. I think this man is undermining his job criteria.How on Earth can you stop a person who helped Zambia attern its independence on such unfounded grounds.If he doesnt have anything better to offer then he must consider retirng on National Intrest

  59. Leave Serpent Cobra Satan alone and its upto the Zambians to judge him through the ballot. Moreover, going by the NCC recommendations, Serpent Cobra Satan does not even qualify to stand as a ward councillor because of his eduaction background which is dismal. The Serpent Cobra is already disadvantaged if the Revied Constitution currently at NCC come into force before 2011 elections. Serve the Serpent Cobra further embarrassment.

  60. Can I please borrow your Student’s Companion Senior Citizen? Just your book and nothing else! I want to improve my tongue! Oh, I thought Sata has held public office before and stood for elections, meaning he made submissions to the Chief Justice! I happy that you agree in your posting that if one has a criminal record, one can not stand for election to public office. The whole episode is an exercise in futility as you are targeting at preventing Sata from contesting! Good luck and all the best in you endeavour!

  61. for the upteenth time be warned Mangani. you are ABUSING YOUR OFFICE, wasting public resources on a futile and self serving expedition. in the process you are raising Sata’s profile even though he does not deserve it. the only threat from Sata is that, with your help, God forbid the riff-ruff might end up our president and I wont forgive you for that.

  62. How many have had criminal records and have gone to be heroes after leaving prisona nd later on go to become Presidents? Quite no! Mandela nad Kaunda are one of them! So is Sata too!

  63. the mmd govt is indeed in a panic button the people talk about the challenges facing the people the govt is busy trying to fix an opposition leader .this is the biggest challenge we have in zambia and africa in general .politicians must be made to understand that the whole purpose of those positions you fight to keep is for the purpose of developing zambia thru the arms of govt.we need to cry as a people when we see human beings like senior citizen defend the mmd govt with such should make us realise how difficult it is to help someone see the common needs we aspire for,because as far as he is concerned,it is about economic benefit and not the common good.

  64. Well! if these stories are true.. then we as Zambians have to be very proud of our freedom fighters, I did’t know He fought for our freedoms, just like MANDELA did for SA.
    Wow! Sata is a legend! true zambian!

  65. Unfortunately the MMD’s dullness is dumbfounding. Even if Sata is what they say he is, HH can still stand. And as long as even KK and MANDELA were convicted, they are one of the greatest leaders. RB you are finished indeed. What is the bigger crime? Marrying your daughters friend or Fighting for the freedom of the country?

  66. As much as we would want to please our superiors,Hon Mangani is beyond that.Politics as everyone would agree with me ,be it in America and other developed countries,Politics also goes with Generations,it is not proper to say we should have New Politicians at ago.Sata was in UNIP,MMD and now PF,VJ , Aka,the winas etc were the same.This applies to Mangani if PF or UPND were to be in Power,I don’t think he would want to remain in Opposition and what would happen to him.
    Pliz these Politics should be done away with.

  67. Is this Mangani guy ok? Can someone tell me what this guy was before he became MP/ Minister.
    The guy is really a worst of time and the guy does not seem to understand his job. Its a pity for Zambia to have such a person in a key ministry.

  68. Senior citizen,stop misleading some bloggers here.You state that removal of office from the presidency in Zambia is only through the ballot after five years,that’s a blue lie.An elected Zambian president can also be removed without a national election.Abuse of office say by a sitting president is an impeachable offence.Remember Nixon in the US,even Clinton was almost getting impeached for bringing the office of president into disrepute.Also,the article above is in two parts,the first is Mangani and his nonsense whereas,the second exernorates Sata,the article clearly states that Mr.sata was jailed as a political prisoner.Am a kaponya,yet educated and highly exposed,so i don’t see why you keep demeaning and insulting us kaponyas.For a senior citizen,you sound separatist and intolerant of…

  69. The SATA saga takes a new twist, Now SATA was a freedom fighter, The question is,why has SATA not sued Mr J Ngoma as he always does with others?. Why is goverment focussing only on those oppossing them and targeting them for investigations?. My free advice is that let us stop this character assasination and demeaning ourselves, MMD should concetrate on giving the Zambian poeple the basic necesities of life. Then poeple will vote for MMD,Iam not a fun of SATA but we should not reduce our politics to this level, though i know SATA would do worse than this dirty. GOD HELP MOTHER ZAMBIA

  70. Even if Sata is barred from standing we will vote for the next best from the pact. MMD doesn’t have the quality.

  71. Let us stop this embarassing and demeaning investgation, Why should we do this kind of cheap politicking. Let the poeple gudge for themselves who is caring for them. Though we need to know the background of our leaders, but let us not be trevial at the expense of national development. MMD let us wake up and deliver poeple are waiting. You are capable because you are on course, just drop the dirty politics and be smart.

  72. This futile exercise by government is so sickening. There are serious issues to be addressed in the country such as floods, poor road infrastructure, health services but there we have a minister talking about something that happened in the colonial era.

  73. You can do whatever you want to Sata but the pact has options, if not Sata we have HH to free Zambia from this cancer called MMD. Even during the struggle for independence it took Northerners working together with Southerners to defeat the British colonialists whilsts easterners were busy doing muzungu anikonde to their colonial masters, no wonder nyanja was used by police of the time because easterners could be trusted to do the white man’s dirty job of oppressing fellow Africans. This Chifita is a traitor as he arrested a true son of the soil Sata for fighting for the freedom of his people, the Zambians.

  74. #84 great stuff. That is why am am about to report this chi Senior Citizen to the FBI. He is nothing but a blood.y terrorist.

  75. This is for Senior Citizen. Ben Gurrion and Menechem Begin were both labelled Criminals by the British Govnt during the latter’s mandate of Palestine.Infact for Begin, he was on the no 1 list of most wanted “criminals.” After Palestine became Israel, the two became heros and are revered even today. But you Mr. Citizenless, because of the miserable job that Rupiah has given you, you start insulting a person whose contribution to the fight has made that job possible for you. Am not surprised because you did the same to Levy, just to ensure Rupiah kept you in employment. You never said Levy was corrupt when he was alive. But soon as Rupiah took another path you started peddling lies that Levy’s was the most corrupt Govnt Zambia ever had in its HISTORY. Shame on you and burn in hell.

  76. Come to think of it, this Magani chap might just be on our side ( campaigning against MMD). What has been brought out through his efforts has just increased Sata’s ratings. Am sure he is one of the ministers that William Banda was talking about, Eating with Rupiah, but stabbing him in the back.

  77. please stop insulting zambians.just what are u upto amidst so many national problems to be solved by mmd.please get to chocked by trivial issues

  78. #9 you are a dwanzy chap. you dont realise that an 18 year old constable can arrest a 29 year old suspect for example. Viva PF, Viva Pact, Viva Sata

  79. Senior Citizen is paid to write that nonsense so bloggers dont mind him! now this Bwezi’s Pitbull is wasting national time by issuing such embarassing statements to the nation.If they are popular as they claim,battle it out in 2011 on a level playing field~X(~X(~X(~X(~X(~X(

  80. You see,that is why i say that Zambia needs a complete overhaul of all systems.So what if Sata has a criminal record,how long ago did he commit the offence and what offence was it? Does Zambia have a criminal records system and for how long can one legally be required to be on the criminal records files,These are the questions the nincompoops need to ask themselves before wasting national resources on trivial escapades such as this one infact it should be the MMD party that shud be digging up old crap for their own use not the govt.I am no fan of Sata but i am not happy with all the systems in Zambia,we cannot progress as a country if systems remain unchanged.

  81. This government are a bunch of twats. They will stop at nothing to intimidate their opposition. Does’nt Mangani have anything better to spend his time on? Its amazing that all this is happening and we are all spectators – simply writing into Lusaka times. Kaunda was right, we are ‘peaceful’ loving ( cowards in my opinion)

    Isn’t it funny that they needed an interpreter in that case in the form of Annul Silungwe. Does that mean Sata could not speak english at the time?

  82. As for senior citizen or whoever the bleep your real name is – eat a Dickson! You are a disgrace. If it were upto you we’d still be in the stone ages. You seem to be satisfied with 4 meals a day and cannot see the value of Democracy and rule of law. You appear to have been bought ofo to spread propaganda, whatever sh*t you are selling, no ones buying. During this easter period invest some time in some self introspection and consider whether you are a person you kids should be proud of.


  84. Honourable Mangani it’s like your office has nothing to do! Why watse time investigating something that happened 50 years ago??? Do you want to politically eliminate Sata which you wont manage to do…Come 2011, the PACT is winning..VIVA THE PACT!

  85. These are cheap politics and the dishonorable minister has sunk so low. In his common sense tank, he believes Zambians are so base to be subjected to such bullish behaviour. Power given is power taken, let him not think he is serving Banda, when time comes and he is all used up, he will join the back line. Ma politikis a njala and out dated. The britons are giggling about the stupidity of our leaders.

  86. This Government is not serious. They have been investigating Fred mmembe and the Zambian airways but on results yet. And without same they have gone to harass another citizen in the name of sata. Are there no important matters these fuls we have in government can attend to. Certainly they are many.Over mr sata I m ready to take weapons and fight if they do anything stiupeedy.And i can i suer you i m not alone. We shall fight.

  87. Mr.Mangani had several Girls friends when he was working for Sable Transport in Chipata.Though he use to kill nyerere.Im sure management at Sable will tell us alot of what he did interms of criminalogy.Also,when he was a Deputy Head at St.Monicas Girls sch,we might expose him of abusing the young Girls at the schoool

  88. Senior Citizen, i have noticed that you write about so many issues and you lack objectivity as you do so. My humble advice is that try to be as sober as a church mouse and analyse issues on the basis of national interest and not your desired outcome and hatred that seem to permeat most of your comments. You will do better to restrict your comments to issues and not personal attacks, besides you tend to focus on matters that are not the subject of discussion at times. You are not going to convince the electrorate by trying to push your unqualified thoughts down their throats. We live in a democratic state as you always to say but you don’t seem to practice this aspect in your dealings with others members of the fora.

  89. Mangani does not deserve to be in that office, just like his fellow…. whatever they call themselves now? Offences committed in Northern Rhodesia should not arise now! They are busy harassing PF/UPND, NGOs, and PF led councils when plunders in government ministries continue flaunting their ill-gotten wealth with impunity! The half backed investigations at MOH were just to please donors. Why doesn’t Managani manga the real criminals in Zed? What about the police scandal investigations, ZEPIU and other GRZ departments? The auditor general has revealed lots of scandals but no action is being taken! Zambia twafweni, twachula pafulu!

  90. We have more pressing and recent issues in the MMD era that need investigation and attending to, not stuff that happened in the 1950s!Deal with FTJ, Dora and RP Capital issues that involve us.You fools are just making Sata more popular and he is even getting the sympathy vote coz of your continued victimisation of the man!Grow up Lameck

  91. No ex-prisoner will be allowed to enter plot 1. We need clean people like RB to go back into plot 1. His record is clean and he is a hard working man!

  92. Senior Citizen……You are the worst fool i hv to come to read about n knw. You are such a cheap……………………………………… u can finish the rest.

  93. I am sure today being the day it is, Mangani will finally say “I was building this story up to tickle you”! If not then he has missed the chance to extricate himself from such an embarassing tangle of lies and waste of time! APRIL 1 is the deadline for this story.

  94. It is gud u want the Zambian pipo to know the truth plz inform us also why RB was fired by KK if u will NOT than RED CARD 4 MMD

  95. Interesting debate bloggers…but honestly there is no need to ‘insult’ people whose views you differ with e.g. ‘Senior Citizen’ etc. Remember that each one of you is entitled to express your understanding of whats obtaining in Zambian Politics freely.
    NB Can I ask all those who live in the diaspora to start putting pressure on our Govt home to allow us to vote electronically too?

  96. You can never catch a cobra dozing. The truth shall set you free. Bear your fangs at them in glee !

  97. Why can’t Mr PF/Sata MC’s mouthpiece organise an interview with Mr Sata MC so that he tells us Zambians and other world citizens the whole truth about his activities that led to his being sent to prison especially Mukobeko Maximum prison?

    Such wil get us the truth from the horse’s mouth instead of relaying on speculation from the characters such as the one LT is quoting.

    Have a blessed day as I await Minister Mangani’s final words on this after investigations have been concluded.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  98. please concerned citizen of zambia, do not allow these mmd thieves to give refugees permanent residence. they want them to vote for them (mmd) in 2005 radio phoenix 06:45 hours news 31/03/2010

  99. #124 you are right….I heard this on radio phoenix news as well yesterday.This scheme is meant to boost RB’s chances of winning next years’s elections.As for Senior Citizen,man ***** chobe na chakwa Lameck Mumangeni. You two should find something better to do than waste our money on crap stuuf

  100. #124

  101. Why does the writing on Mr. Sata appear to be partisan. while the article acknowledges the fact that Mr. Sata was arrested, it does not dispute the fact that he could have been arrested for a criminal offense. it also does not prove that Mr. Sata was arrested on a political grounds. Nowhere in the article does it clear Mr. Sata of the allegations leveled against him. So why too many words, too much history that does not clear the issue? There is too much fraud Pa Zed. And this might just be one of them. Equally Mr. Mangani is safer selling their candidate than talking about a political fellow who is already on his way into the political achieves of Zambia. Okay, gents, lets talk issues!

  102. 128, You are right about Sata’s path to the archives. But you can see from LT that some people are so gullible that if you do not guide them they will vote for anything or just stay away from the polls. That is what happened when Sata came second in past elections and gave a false impression that he was popular. Hence the need for right thinking people not to remain silent but be vocal and guide others this tiem around.

  103. I never cease to get amazed at the things that excite especially PF kaponyas. The words Red card for example, senseless slogan that will take them nowhere, and they cannot even understand what fellow kaponya cum Catholic priest bwalya’s real objectives are. Anyway, I am glad that Archbishop Mpundu seems to have come to his senses and realised his folly. I hope he has also learnt to keep away from the Post which has patronised him so much that they have made his once respected name synonymous with PF kaponya cadres.

  104. Politics of exclusion. Do you remember how the late Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula and Kapwepwe were blocked and prevented from filing their nomination papers until time ran out? Then shameless, some one was paraded as the sole candidate. Sorry, he was given a frog to compete with and ofcourse he triumphed.

  105. Is it true that at teh ministry of home affairs there are no jobs to do except digging some old files at the achieves? Shame on Mangani!!!!!

  106. If that minister was so pure and his government was corruption free, we could not have been living in a poor and corrupt country. Politicians are the most corrupt and big time thieves. If we have to scrutinize everyone of them, from ruling MMD to all opposition political parties non will qualify for presidential candidate

  107. irrelevant stuff to bring about chi machende kaya ni makandi… LT naiwe do some filtering with whatever info you get..Nama galuu barking carbons & cavity…. ..not this BSHT![-x:-@

  108. You are even saying colonial days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! chi color chobe Mangani, find something tangible to do. I know very well that you were a mere civics teacher and that does not mean that you shud keep thing along those lines. Takwali abantu bakusala sure only to pick on you f.u.c.k. you

  109. Its so dumb mudala you are chasing up the wrong things… spend your resources in making sure the Chinese do what they said they would do. It seems like Bull S*#t that this guy is still at it and some how thinks that being colonized was the perfect thing and we should have all obeyed law and ask for our country back. It frustrates me… I see this guy as one of those peeps that would have been proud to be the chief house boy in his Masters house.

    @ Katie Good 130/131
    Your argument if flawed – how can you guide people by wasting tax payers money,you seem to think that peeps from the streets are dumb & have no intellect, but the streets will teach you what you won’t learn as an academic. You seem to live in a world so void of realism.

  110. Mangani’s argument does not make sense. How many freedom fighters were arrested but later on went on to occupy high office in Zambia including KK. This is a clear sign that they want to block Sata.

  111. please can someone explain why they r making it a big deal if sata was arrested or not and so what if he was? i missed the first part.

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