President RUPIAH BANDA has pledged to intensify government’s efforts towards attracting more investment from CANADA.
President BANDA says increased investment flows will accelerate economic growth and national development.
Mr. BANDA was speaking when he received credentials from CANADIAN High Commissioner to ZAMBIA, ROBERT ORR, at State House in LUSAKA this morning.
The President said increasing investment is the best way to promote growth, create jobs and boost the health and education sectors.
President BANDA also said there is need for the two countries to re-focus their relationship towards using the CANADIAN Development Assistance to withstand unexpected global economic shocks.
Mr. BANDA further NOTED that interventions by the CANADIAN government in the health sector have resulted in reduced incidences of diseases and improvement in the procurement of medical supplies.
And President BANDA says the country will NOT achieve its set targets in various economic and social sectors if regional peace and stability is NOT guaranteed.
He said this is why his government’s foreign policy focuses on promoting peace, security and stability on the continent and beyond.
And High Commissioner ORR observed that the ZAMBIAN government is making strong and pragmatic efforts in promoting good governance.
He said his country looks up to ZAMBIA to provide leadership within the SADC region in the implementation of the Global Political Agreement in ZIMBABWE.
Breaking news – the PRESIDENT OPENS his MOUTH |-)
RB needs to have a serious overhaul of his Zambian high commission in Canada. We cant have diplomats living large like that, sending advance party`s to a distance of 400 kilometers while they fly, why not choose one mode of transportation and save money! This is ridiculous and all this money is our tax payers money! You are travelling from Ndola to Lusaka, then you send a driver from Ndola to pick you up at Lusaka airport while you fly above him??? thats nonesense! thats why we never develop as a country too much abuse of resources!
Canada is a good choice for FDI. On this one, you have my 100% support Mr. President.
#3 We know you always have support for your president, for a second I feared he was going to say he is flying to Canada, phew!
#4 I bet he is going just now
it was just a miss understanding
Rupiya is flying to Canada :-h
in fact he was suppose to fly to Brazil
“#3 We know you always have support for your president”
So what’s your point?
#8 The point is just that! ” you always have support for YOUR president”
We are always talking about OUR problems whenever we meet foreigners.What’s wrong with us kanshi? It is like you have a visitor in your house and as soon as he sits down, you start telling him, ‘The toilet is broken, the kitchen has cockroaches and last month my salary was only 10 pin. Can you lend me your we some money to paint the house? Oh! And the children need shoes. It would be nice if you could ask your wife to send us cooking oil!’ We should talk about BI-lateral issues, i.e. issues that affect BOTH countries. Sorry Your Excellency… I just get embarrassed when I hear us moaning.
Increased investment will NOT improve anything in Zambia unless the infrastructure and education system are improved as well in addition to the rule of law…please these “investment = development” theories have been disproved from the 1980’s….
RB is a f.ool who is incapable of distinguishing his role as Republican president. Promtion of foreign investment is supported to be the role of Mutati, ZDA and foreign missions. Zambia cannot afford to have RB as president beyond 2011. A good leader achieves results through his or her subordinates, not by doing their work.
Just read the story of uncompleted buildings and you know that we have a lot to learn. Stop the witch-hunting about each other, just trust and believe in each other Zambia will be good. I advise you to read that article.
Dose this mean this fool is on his way to Canada now? He’s the most dumbest President ever ruled a Nation. Screw his asssss.
Me too, when I read the headline I thought my god there goes Bwezani again, now off to Canada. Yes, I also heard how ka Nevers “Spoiler Kapenda Sekwila” Mumba is abusing our resources in Canada. He should never have been appointed to any government post after all, the man is a christian fundamentalist zealot.
With that inferior infrastructure, the only invest you can attract is an unscrupulous Chinese or Indian! Stay home and drink all the flood waters of the townships while you’re at it!!!!
Won`t be long before you hear the president is flying to Canada. Watch this space. Mulelapila na ba president abashikala pang`anda.:d
Its unfair to expect the President always to say what we think. There is nothing wrong in him telling the nation the direction of FDI inflows. Even if we hate or dislike him in preference for someone else, I would prefer we respect him on behalf of the Zambian people. Zambia being a Christian nation subscribes to the fact that, God gives a leader at a time (I mean one President at a time). If we have more than one we surely shall lose direction. Japan has gotten this far in terms of development partly due to respect for authority among Japanese people.
Why do Africans assume all people are christians? Infact this is very “racist”.:d
Ee ine ndimwina kristu! Elyo kabili naiwe pamo ngomu kristiani tuleumfwana. You will lose your job in certain countries of this world.
Usually a God chosen Leader is never wanted by the people,why is it like this. The Jews CHOSE Barnabas OVER Jesus!!!
people I know what this mans intentions are.I bet his about to board a plane to go meet investors in Canada…lol
Another trip, sorry holiday to Canada!!! We await another visit to Zambia Mr. RB. We appreciate the time you visit this poor country.
Mundia-Yeta and others, do not bring a curse on yourself by an un-called for insult on a leader of the people and an older man than you are. Remember that he may be in politics but he is still a human being who deserves to be respected as a person. You may criticise his policies but to call him a fool is not right, because if you stick to it, it reflects on YOUR character and not on HIS>
as zambians lets critic rb at home but when he is abroad he is representing us so lets support him and embrace him. To all those who think they have an economics degree but actually don’t. Read paul collier and our very own dambisa moyo foreign investment is what poor countries such as zambia need as it creates jobs and it can also lead to diversification in a small market like zambias . Our president did his homework. Don’t hate blindly as many of you could not even organize a piss up in a brewery. At the end of the day ur from one of the poorest countries in the world. Even if sata came to power it would take years for our economy to grow. The chinese have been at it since 1970
Silly misleading headline.. He was just swearing in a High Commissioner and was looking for something to say.. Every president in the world swears in an abossador or something.. not thing new. did mean that those ambassadors came with lacka business deals .. all this cheap talk and propaganda to make things look like he’s actually done something is seriously nausiating..Well at least he’s in Zambia.. Thats a start. His In-tray must be like two rooms.. were it the rest of us.. we’d be fired with all that stuff pedning on his desk , drawers, his assistants drawers.
//19 Kindly accept that Zambia is a declared and constitutionally enshrined Christian Nation. I am sorry that, you seem to ignorant about this fact. Secondly, Zambia and Africa are totally different for you to make wild generalizations. There absolute absolutely no racism in stating constitutionally backed facts.
//19 Kindly accept that, Zambia is a declared and constitutionally enshrined Christian Nation. I am sorry that, you seem to be ignorant about this fact. Secondly, Zambia and Africa are totally different for you to make wild generalizations. There is absolutely no racism in stating constitutionally backed facts.