Sunday, March 9, 2025

Remain neutral, Church urged


Vatican Ambassador to Zambia NICOLA GIRASOLI has urged the clergy in the country not to involve themselvs in Politics.

Ambassador GIRASOLI says men involved directly in pastoral ministries should always act in a non partisan way.

Ambassodor GIRASSOLI who is the Pope’s representative in Zambia observed that the clergy who speak on behalf of the poor should not speak in their personnal view but according to God’s perception.

He said as christians they should be the defender and promoter of peace in the country.

In his Easter message GIRASSOLI urged christians to put aside their different views for the greater benefits of peace and reconciliation in the country



  1. Problem it is you church guys who are full of corruption in the name of God. Politicians have helped you build churches and houses and you are rich, hence you keep talking on behave of them. If you guys can keep ziiiii and do God’s work help the poor help to creat jobs preach peace, all will be fine.

  2. Foolish hypoctrites !!!!!!!!After abusing innocent children, Peoples’ wives, condoning prostitution as in a case of Sata and Bishop Mpundu’s sisters.
    Now you ve allowed So called FR Bwalya to deliberately get involved in politics so that you cause anarchy in our beloved country. What speaking for the poor when you are enjoying on three meal but you are getting offering which in turn you enjoy while the poor remain poorer. You ve exposed your selves and you will be fought to the better end. Hiding your family’s short comings in the Church. We shall now delive ourselves as you have let us down

  3. This is contrary to POST headline 2 days ago. Is this Girasoli chap contradicting himself or the post sugarcoated his earlier statement…..shame on them if they did.

  4. Do not believe him ,they just finally realised that they can not deceive Zambian pipo using the so called poor peoples’ excuse ,Zambia in many instances is far better off than most African countries .The poor if hard working they can sustain and they do sustain themselves through working on the land,so of them make more money than reporters from post paper get .The GRZ fertilizer support programme has really helped but government has no money to dish out to PF lunatics for them to buy chibuku.You bishops go and say some the things you say in South Africa for example ,you will be kicked out at once.So what are you talking about you katolikas.

  5. You guys, I think you must be insane. There is nothing wrong in Girazoli’s words.He is not talking about himself but about peace that Zambia needs. What is wrong with that? Many of you talking on this block havent experienced war and the truma that comes with it. For God’s sake, let us promote peace and not war period. The Bible says, “Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called sons of God” Matthew 5:9
    Girazoli is not saying Clergy should not talk about what is going on in the country, he is saying and I quote, “Men involved directly in pastoral ministries should always act in non partisan way”.If you are a Christian nation as you profess to be, learn to give respect to pastors. Pastors, dont rest and give up your calling and for speaking on behalf of the poor who cannot…

  6. Yes, we are talking about pastors and other church priests, look at Namakando, look at Nevers Mumba, look at Pule to mention a few, do they speak for poor? insala mudala, lesa akesa bocha amatako

  7. Vatcan must revise thier laws as milingo advised them, these so called Priests are nuisance to the spiritual world. They need deliverance from God. This church is leading to hell with full works of the devil inside it.

  8. The petition by Edmund Zulu had afterall reached him and is now reactingto it.Tell Mpundu to be neutral and NOT PF cadre.

  9. The Problem in Zambia is that everyone talks like they know it all. A street adult, no house or fixed aboard like Willie Nsanda or Kadobi, becomes DC tomorrow and starts talking as if he was the most successful person on earth. A well known adulterer like Chiluba goes to Church and starts talking about fonication as if he is holier than holy. There is no honestly consistent behaviour as most people talk to suit a situation. Just where are your principles and values? In such a society HOW do you expect the real church people to behave? I am a strong believer myself BUT i feel the best form of prayer in Zambia is private prayer and that my personal deeds towards others should be the way I understand the commandment. Mixing with people who use the church in vain just annoys me and I avoid it

  10. the level of verbal attacks being directed at the catholic church by some quarters of the zambian society is quite extraordinary. What is wrong really with the Nuncio calling for neutrality among the clergy on political matters? Now i have come to realise that most of these attacks are driven by inferiority complex, followed by unfounded hatred, along with an overdose of ignorance. go through your history notes; it will not take long before you realise that men of character and substance have attempted it (fighting the church) before but have always failed. darkness can never triumph over light.

  11. Today is good Friday,to all Christians and all those who believe in resurrection,let us think about ourselvs,how much we have caused pain to others eg our family members,neighbours,to those we meet on the way,at the station,in school and at the place of work.
    As we await to celebrate Easter,may the mercful father,The God of justice,God of peace,God of true love remain the reason for all our daily activities and may He continue to bless Mother Zambia a Land given to us out of His love.**== @};-

  12. This is sensible from the Catholic man though I would have loved to read a direct quote of his own words.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  13. Pathetic reporting! What happened to answering the W’s & H? LT don’t post any articles until you have all the facts!

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